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Janzen's seasonality hypothesis predicts that organisms inhabiting environments with limited climatic variability will evolve a reduced thermal tolerance breadth compared with organisms experiencing greater climatic variability. In turn, narrow tolerance breadth may select against dispersal across strong temperature gradients, such as those found across elevation. This can result in narrow elevational ranges and generate a pattern of isolation by environment or neutral genetic differentiation correlated with environmental variables that are independent of geographic distance. We tested for signatures of isolation by environment across elevation using genome‐wide SNP data from five species of Andean dung beetles (subfamily Scarabaeinae) with well‐characterized, narrow thermal physiologies, and narrow elevational distributions. Contrary to our expectations, we found no evidence of population genetic structure associated with elevation and little signal of isolation by environment. Further, elevational ranges for four of five species appear to be at equilibrium and show no decay of genetic diversity at range limits. Taken together, these results suggest physiological constraints on dispersal may primarily operate outside of a stable realized niche and point to a lower bound on the spatial scale of local adaptation.  相似文献   
The weevil Pagiophloeus tsushimanus Morimoto (Coleoptera: Curculionidae), native to Eastern Asia, is a wood-boring pest that causes severe damage to camphor trees (Cinnamomum sp.) in Shanghai, China. Other Lauraceae tree species that grew sympatrically with this pest in close proximity could face a potential threat. To assess the potential risks of host shift, we explored the phenotypic associations between preference and performance in P. tsushimanus reared on three Lauraceae tree species. In a no-choice experiment offering branches of each plant as diet material and oviposition sites, we found that individuals reared on Cinnamomum camphora (L.) Presl (Laurales: Lauraceae) exhibited the strongest performance with shorter development time, higher survival and growth rate in the immature stage, longer longevity and greater fecundity in adults. In contrast, those on novel Lauraceae tree species (Cinnamomum chekiangensis Nakai and Phoebe chekiangensis Shang) had difficulty completing their whole life cycle due to significantly lower survival and reproduction. In a multiple-choice experiment, C. camphora was established as the preferred host. However, we found that the larval experiences on the non-preferred host plants contributed to an increased preference for that plant species. These results indicated that both the preference-performance hypothesis and the Hopkins’ host selection principle are applicable in this weevil under experimental conditions. It is possible that although the weevil performed poorly on two novel Lauraceae tree species, under favourable conditions their surviving offspring could evolve into a new host-specific population. Consequently, this weevil pest needs to be monitored on these novel Lauraceae tree species.  相似文献   
The parental food compensation hypothesis suggests that parents may compensate for the negative effects of parasites on chicks by increased food provisioning. However, this ability differs widely among host species and may also depend on ecological factors such as adverse weather conditions and habitat quality. Although weed management can improve habitat quality, management measures can bring about a temporary decrease in food availability and thus may reduce parents’ ability to provide their nestlings with enough energy. In our study we investigated the interaction of parasitism and weed management, and the influence of climate on feeding rates in a Darwin’s tree finch species, which is negatively impacted by two invasive species. The larvae of the invasive parasitic fly Philornis downsi ingest the blood and body tissues of tree finch nestlings, and the invasive Blackberry Rubus niveus affects one of the main habitats of Darwin’s tree finches. We compared parental food provisioning of the Small Tree Finch Camarhynchus parvulus in parasitized and parasite‐free nests in three different areas, which differed in invasive weed management (no management, short‐term and long‐term management). In a parasite reduction experiment, we investigated whether the Small Tree Finch increases food provisioning rates to nestlings when parasitized and whether this ability depends on weed management conditions and precipitation. Our results provide no evidence that Small Tree Finches can compensate with additional food provisioning when parasitized with P. downsi. However, we found an increase in male effort in the short‐term management area, which might indicate that males compensate for lower food quality with increased provisioning effort. Furthermore, parental food provisioning was lower during rainfall, which provides an explanation for the negative influence of rain on breeding success found in earlier studies. Like other Darwin’s finches, the Small Tree Finch seems to lack the ability to compensate for the negative effects of P. downsi parasitism, which is one explanation for why this invasive parasite has such a devastating effect on this host species.  相似文献   
In his Commentary (Manger PR. 2009. Subglacial cetaceans and other mathematical mysteries: a Commentary on “A quantitative test of the thermogenesis hypothesis of cetacean brain evolution, using phylogenetic comparative methods” by C. Maximino. Mar Fresh Behav Physiol. 42: 359–362) on my paper (Maximino C. 2009. A quantitative test of the thermogenesis hypothesis of cetacean brain evolution, using phylogenetic comparative methods. Mar Freshwater Behav Physiol. 42:1–17), Dr Paul Manger noted four errors in the quantitative analysis of the relationship between cetacean encephalization quotients (EQs) and water temperatures, which I suggested was a test of his thermogenesis hypothesis (Manger PR. 2006 Manger, PR. 2006. An examination of cetacean brain structure with a novel hypothesis correlating thermogenesis to the evolution of a big brain. Biol Rev Camb Philos Soc, 81: 293338.  [Google Scholar]. An examination of cetacean brain structure with a novel hypothesis correlating thermogenesis to the evolution of a big brain. Biol Rev Camb Philos Soc. 81:293–338). These referred to incorrect raw data on water temperatures for two species, odd use of midpoint temperatures as independent variable, lack of inclusion of data on Mysticeti and the use of a differently derived EQ and midpoints instead of the EQs proposed by Manger and temperature ranges; Dr Manger proposed that these errors invalidate the analysis, with special emphasis in an observation that, since my paper did not address the relationship between EQs and temperature range, it did not actually test the thermogenesis hypothesis. In this Reply, I apologize for the mistakes which were made, and show that re-analysis using all the proposed alterations do not qualitatively or quantitatively alter the final result. I also argue that the relationship between phylogenetically correct EQs and midpoint temperatures is a better test of the thermogenesis hypothesis than the relationship between non-phylogenetic EQs and temperature ranges.  相似文献   
An exact analytical solution of equations describing slow axonal transport of cytoskeletal elements (CEs) injected in an axon is presented. The equations modelling slow axonal transport are based on the stop-and-go hypothesis. The simplest model implementing this hypothesis postulates that CEs switch between pausing and running kinetic states, and that the probabilities of CE transition between these two states are described by first-order rate constants. It is assumed that initially CEs are injected such that they form a uniform pulse of a given width. All injected CEs are initially attributed to the pausing state. It is shown that within 30 s kinetic processes redistribute CEs between pausing and running states; after that the process occurs under quasi-equilibrium conditions. The parameter accessible to experiments is the total concentration of CEs (pausing plus running). As the initial rectangular-shaped pulse moves, it changes its shape to become a bell-shaped wave that spreads out as it propagates. The wave's amplitude is decreasing during the wave's propagation. It is also shown that the system forgets its initial condition, meaning that if one starts with pulses of different widths, after sometime they converge to the same bell-shaped wave.  相似文献   
Recent genome-wide association studies showed that serum uric acid (SUA) levels relate to ABCG2/BCRP gene, which locates in a gout-susceptibility locus revealed by a genome-wide linkage study. Together with the ABCG2 characteristics, we hypothesized that ABCG2 transports urate and its dysfunction causes hyperuricemia and gout. Transport assays showed ATP-dependent transport of urate via ABCG2. Kinetic analysis revealed that ABCG2 mediates high-capacity transport of urate (Km: 8.24 ± 1.44 mM) even under high-urate conditions. Mutation analysis of ABCG2 in 90 Japanese hyperuricemia patients detected six nonsynonymous mutations, including five dysfunctional variants. Two relatively frequent dysfunctional variants, Q126X and Q141K, were then examined. Quantitative trait locus analysis of 739 Japanese individuals showed that Q141K increased SUA as the number of minor alleles of Q141K increased (p = 6.60 × 10?5). Haplotype frequency analysis revealed that there is no simultaneous presence of Q126X and Q141K in one haplotype. Becuase Q126X and Q141K are assigned to nonfunctional and half-functional haplotypes, respectively, their genotype combinations are divided into four functional groups. The association study with 161 male gout patients and 865 male controls showed that all of those with dysfunctional ABCG2 increased the gout risk, especially those with ≤1/4 function (OR, 25.8; 95% CI, 10.3–64.6; p = 3.39 × 10?21). These genotypes were found in 10.1% of gout patients, but in only 0.9% of control. Our function-based clinicogenetic (FBCG) analysis showed that combinations of the two dysfunctional variants are major causes of gout, thereby providing a new approach for prevention and treatment of the gout high-risk population.  相似文献   
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