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The construction and use of two novel transposon(Tn)-delivery vectors is described. These vectors carry Inc.W or Inc.N broad-host-range transfer functions cloned next to the narrow-host-range replicon of pBR329. The host specificities of pSLX10 and pSLX23 both complement and extend the host specificities of existing Tn delivery vectors. Plasmids pSLX10 and pSLX23 were shown to transfer at high frequency in intergeneric matings. The lux genes which are present on each vector permit the visual monitoring of transconjugants which have retained a Tn element, but are devoid of plasmid molecules. pSLX10 and pLSX23 were efficiently used to generate a range of auxotrophic mutants in various strains of Pseudomonas as well as to clone genes from Serratia liquefaciens. These vectors may have general applicability to identify and clone genes in a wide range of Gram-negative bacteria.  相似文献   
ABSTRACT. Three species of Entamoeba have been grown in axenic culture for the first time. In two cases, novel methods for adapting the organisms to growth without bacteria were employed. While E. ranarum was axenized by the classic technique of Diamond, from a monoxenic culture with Trypanosoma cruzi as the associate, both E. dispar and E. insolita were first grown in axenic culture medium supplemented with lethally irradiated bacteria. From there, E. insolita was axenized directly, but E. dispar initially required the presence of fixed bacteria. After prolonged culture under this technically axenic but unwieldy culture system, E. dispar was eventually adapted to growth in the absence of added bacteria.  相似文献   
Glutamine synthetase (GS), an essential enzyme in ammonia assimilation and glutamine biosynthesis, has three distinctive types: GSI, GSII and GSIII. Genes for GSI have been found only in bacteria (eubacteria) and archaea (archaebacteria), while GSII genes only occur in eukaryotes and a few soil-dwelling bacteria. GSIII genes have been found in only a few bacterial species. Recently, it has been suggested that several lateral gene transfers of archaeal GSI genes to bacteria may have occurred. In order to study the evolution of GS, we cloned and sequenced GSI genes from two divergent archaeal species: the extreme thermophile Pyrococcus furiosus and the extreme halophile Haloferax volcanii. Our phylogenetic analysis, which included most available GS sequences, revealed two significant prokaryotic GSI subdivisions: GSI-a and GSI-. GSIa-genes are found in the thermophilic bacterium, Thermotoga maritima, the low G+C Gram-positive bacteria, and the Euryarchaeota (includes methanogens, halophiles, and some thermophiles). GSI--type genes occur in all other bacteria. GSI-- and GSI--type genes also differ with respect to a specific 25-amino-acid insertion and adenylylation control of GS enzyme activity, both absent in the former but present in the latter. Cyanobacterial genes lack adenylylation regulation of GS and may have secondarily lost it. The GSI gene of Sulfolobus solfataricus, a member of the Crenarchaeota (extreme thermophiles), is exceptional and could not be definitely placed in either subdivision. The S. solfataricus GSI gene has a shorter GSI--type insertion, but like GSI-a-type genes, lacks conserved sequences about the adenylylation site. We suspect that the similarity of GSI- genes from Euryarchaeota and several bacterial species does not reflect a common phylogeny but rather lateral transmission between archaea and bacteria.Correspondence to: J.R. Brown 1073  相似文献   
Because of its low solubility it is unlikely that elemental sulfur serves as the direct substrate for sulfur-reducing bacteria. To test the hypothesis that polysulfide may represent a soluble intermediate of sulfur reduction, the maximal polysulfide concentrations formed from elemental sulfur in aqueous sulfide solutions were measured at near neutral pH and at temperatures up to 90°C. The saturation concentrations decreased by two orders of magnitude when the pH was lowered from 7 to 6 at a given temperature, and increased about tenfold when the temperature was raised from 37°C to 90°C at a given pH. The dissolution of 0.1 mM zerovalent sulfur in 1 mM sulfide (H2S+HS) required a pH of 7.5 at 20°C and of only 6.1 at 100°C. A comparison with the growth optima of sulfur-reducers suggests that polysulfide is present at sufficient concentration at the growth conditions of the Bacteria and the moderately acidophilic Archaea. Polysulfide is apparently not available at the growth conditions of the extremely acidophilic Archaea. Alternative mechanisms for the sulfur utilization under these conditions are discussed.Abbreviations MOPS Morpholinopropanesulfonate - PIPES 1,4 piperazine-N,N-bis(2-ethanesulfonate) - HEPES N-2-hydroxy-ethylpiperazine-N-ethanesulfonate  相似文献   
Subgrouping of bacterial populations by cellular fatty acid composition   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
Abstract The cellular fatty acid composition of six bacterial species isolated from the seeds and leaves of sugar beet ( Beta vulgaris ) and from soil were analysed. The quantitative data from the fatty acid methyl ester (FAME) profiles were highly reproducible. Numerical analysis of Xanthomonas maltophilia . FAME profiles sub-grouped strains according to when they were isolated in the growing season. The analytical method used was sensitive enough to differentiate strains of Klebsiella terrigena isolated from either soil or leaves. The results from this study confirm reports that analyses of bacterial FAME composition were rapid to perform, specific and allowed differentiation of strains within the same species.  相似文献   
Several genera of N2-fixing bacteria establish symbiotic associations with plants. Among these, the genus Rhizobium has the most significant contribution, in terms of yield, in many important crop plants. The establishment of the Rhizobium-legume symbiosis is a very complex process involving many genes which need to be co-ordinately regulated. In the first instance, plant signal molecules, known to be flavonoids, trigger the expression of host-specific genes in the bacterial partner through the action of the regulatory NodD protein. In response to these signals, Rhizobium bacteria synthesize lipo-oligosaccharide molecules which in turn cause cell differentiation and nodule development. Once the nodule has formed, Rhizobium cells differentiate into bacteroids and another set of genes is activated. These genes, designated nif and fix, are responsible for N2 fixation. In this system, several regulatory proteins are involved in a complex manner, the most important being NifA and a two component (FixK and FixL) regulatory system. Our knowledge about the establishment of these symbioses has advanced recently, although there are many questions yet to be solved.  相似文献   
本文以临床体征,胸片和连续二次以上细菌培养阳性为诊断标准,报告革兰阴性杆菌肺炎23例,并就其临床表现,并发症及预后进行分析,提出8种情况应考虑革兰阴性杆菌肺炎,对临床诊断和治疗有指导意义.  相似文献   
Toxin A, one of several virulence factors secreted by the gram-negative bacterium Pseudomonas aeruginosa, is synthesized as a 71 kDa precursor with a typical prokaryotic leader peptide (LP), and is secreted as a 68 kDa mature protein. Evidence from a previous study suggested that a signal required for toxin A secretion in P. aeruginosa may reside within the region defined by the toxin A LP and the first 30 amino acids (aa) of mature toxin A. In the present study, we have used exonuclease Ba131 deletion analysis to examine the specific role of the first 30 as in toxin A secretion. Four toxA subclones, which encode products containing the toxin A LP and different segments of the 30-residue region fused to a toxin A carboxy-terminal region, were identified. In addition, a gene fusion encoding a hybrid protein consisting of the LP of P. aeruginosa elastase and the final 305 residues of toxin A, was generated. The cellular location of the toxA subclone products in P. aeruginosa was determined by immunoblotting analysis. Toxin A CRMs (cross-reacting material) encoded by different subclones were detected in different fractions of P. aeruginosa including the periplasm and the supernatant. Results from these studies suggest that (1) mature toxin A contains two separate secretion signals one within the N-terminal region and one within the C-terminal region; and (2) the first 30 residues of the mature toxin A form part of the N-terminal secretion signal.  相似文献   
A coalescence model for predicting the fate of neutral divergence among closely related taxa distinguishable as separate DNA sequence clusters is presented here. The model simulates iteratively the positive feedback between sequence divergence and sexual isolation among taxa, where increases in sequence divergence result in reduced recombination, and reduced recombination results in increased sequence divergence. Iteration of this feedback is continued until sequence divergence either converges on a steady state or reaches a runaway process. The eventual outcome of sequence divergence was shown to depend on four estimable population-genetic parameters: the expected intrataxon sequence diversity, the baseline rate of intertaxon recombination, the sensitivity of the recombination rate to sequence divergence, and the neutral mutation rate. The model can be used to determine whether neutral divergence among actual taxa is destined to stop at an equilibrium level, or whether neutral divergence will reach a runaway process. Application of the model to the group of taxa containing Bacillus subtilis and its closest relatives showed these taxa to be on a trajectory of unbounded neutral divergence from one another.  相似文献   
Summary Inoculation effect ofA. chroococcum, P. striata andA. awamorii on yield and nutrients uptake in rice was studied under green house conditions. The organisms appreciably increased the yield and uptake of nutrients with or without chemical fertilizers. Phosphorussolubilizing microorganisms and a mixture of the three showed better response than the rest of the treatments among single and mixed culture inoculations respectively. Chemical fertilizers further improved the yield and nutrients uptake. The yield response remained unaffected by replacing superphosphate with rock phosphate and microbial inoculations.  相似文献   
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