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As a quantitative approach to the life histories of fishes, the present paper attempted to predict a relation among reproduction, growth and mortality numerically with a technique of control theory, the discrete maximum principle. A method for predicting the relation was derived on the postulate that natural selection maximized the net reproductive rate subject to a few constraints. The derived method was applied to Atlantic cod and Atlantic herring populations in the Southern Gulf of St. Lawrence as numerical examples. The examples demonstrated that the theoretical reproductive effort and body weight were well consistent with the observed ones every age but the theoretical survival rates were slightly different from the observed ones. For the reasons mentioned below, however, it should be interpreted that the examples rather support the adopted postulate to a certain degree. First, in general, it is very difficult to obtain good estimates of the rates with traditional methods. Second, intense fishing pressure possibly changes the life history parameters to some extent in fish populations. Moreover, the examples also suggested that, to examine the postulate in further detail, similar analyses had to be made with the data of many fish populations on which intense fishing pressure had not been exerted.  相似文献   
Summary This report demonstrates that the administration of testosterone (T) or 11-ketotestosterone (11-KT) to sexually immature (8 wks old) male platyfish (Xiphophorus maculatus) of early-and late-maturing genotypes affects the synthesis and/or release of luteinizing hormone-releasing hormone (LHRH), as assessed by immunocytochemical evaluation, increases the number and activity of pituitary gonadotropes, stimulates the production of sperm and, thus, advances the age of sexual maturation over that dictated by the genome. We also show that 11-KT and T affect different LHRH-containing centers in the brain and have differential effects on rate and degree of sexual maturation, regardless of whether the hormones are administered to early or late-maturing genotypes.  相似文献   
A comparative study has been made of the mucogenic epidermis of the common carp, Cyprinus carpio var. communis, and the three Indian major carps, Catla catla, Labeo rohita and Cirrhina mrigala: on the basis of epidermis structural organization, these species are easily differentiated. The epithelial cells in the superficial layer, as in most fishes, show secretory activity, evidenced by positive histochemical reactions, which is high in C. carpio var. communis, moderate in C. catla and low in L. rohita and C. mrigala. The epithelial cells in the underlying two or three layers also give positive reactions, though their intensity is relatively weak. The mucous cells in C. carpio var. communis are distributed in large numbers arranged in several superimposed layers in the outer regions of the epidermis, whereas in C. catla they are fewer in number and are widely separated in the surface layers as well as in the deeper layers of the epidermis; in both species the mucous cells appear rounded, large, and open on the surface by wide pores. In contrast, in L. rohita and C. mrigala the mucous cells are smaller, restricted mainly to the superficial layer, close together in a single row, and open on the surface by narrow pores. The overall density of mucous cells in L. rohita and C. mrigala, as in C. catla, is much lower than in C. carpio var. communis. In the epidermis of C. carpio var. communis there are a large number of mucous cells, and the few club cells are restricted to the deeper layers. In contrast, in the epidermis of the three Indian major carp the overall density of the mucous cells is much lower and the club cells are very numerous. It is suggested that the high density of club cells compensates an overall low density of mucous cells as an adaptation for an effective defence mechanism. Increased mucus production in the epidermis of C. carpio var. communis, as evidenced by a large number of mucous cells in outer regions and high secretory activity of superficial layer epithelial cells, is associated with increased precipitation of mud held in suspension, needed as an adaptation to the species’peculiar bottom-scooping habits. The varied density of the taste buds in the epidermis of the four carp is associated with their feeding habits.  相似文献   
Synopsis The reproductive biology of the coral reef butterflyfish,Chaetodon multicinctus, was investigated by histological examination of gonads sampled over an 18 month period from a shallow inshore population on Oahu, Hawaii. Most gonads developed directly from previously undifferentiated tissue. Ovarian development (the structural formation of lamellae and primary oocytes) was observed in fish ≥44 mm and testicular development (the formation of spermatogenic crypts) in fish ≥62 mm standard length (SL). In addition, testis formation was identified within the ovarian lamellae of several differentiated but immature fish. It is hypothesized that prematurational sex change may facilitate monogamy within the highly competitive social structure of this site attached species. Oocyte development in mature females was marked by distinct phases of primary growth, the formation of yolk vesicles, and vitellogenesis. Spawning activity was histologically identified by the maturation and hydration of fully yolked oocytes, and presence of postovulatory follicles. Recently spawned females from field collections and experimental gonadotropin-treatments exhibited postovulatory follicles that were estimated to persist at least 24 h after ovulation. Atresia of yolked oocytes was classified into four stages of cell degeneration and resorption. Monthly analyses of oocyte development and atresia within the sample population show thatC. multicinctus has a protracted annual spawning season with a major peak during the early spring and evidence of spawning activity among some individuals in the fall. Histological analyses of spawning activity provide more accurate and unambiguous information than do traditional gonadosomatic assays in this and probably other coral reef fishes.  相似文献   
The brain organization of butterflyfishes   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
Synopsis The encephalization indices of angelfishes (Pomacanthidae) and butterflyfishes (Chaetodontidae) are typical of advanced perciform fishes: both families lie in the upper part of the polygon of teleost indices. The chaetodontids seem to be a little more encephalized than pomacanthids. The general morphology of the brains in both families is very similar: small olfactory bulbs, large optic tectum and a cerebellum which covers the brain structures in front of it like a cap. This morphology is shared by another family of the coral reef biotope, the Acanthuridae. The histological architecture is also typical of advanced teleosts, with a cortex-like pallium, a laminated nucleus geniculatus (= pretectalis superficialis), a complex valvula cerebelli and a corpus glomerulosum with a clear neuropile centre. The quantitative analysis of the main subdivisions of the brain, either from relative volumes or from indices, shows small olfactory bulbs (microsmy) but important telencephalic and diencephalic centres, large tectal centres (vision) and large cerebellum (precise locomotion). Many of these peculiarities are shared by other fishes inhabiting coral reefs. The differences between the two families seem to be primarily correlated with food habits: the angelfishes, which are sponge-feeders and may have an overweight due to the ballast of the sponge-skeleton in their digestive tract, and which do not need either such good vision or such precise locomotion to pick up their prey, could be a little less encephalized than the butterflyfishes.  相似文献   
Paget's disease has been ascribed several times to specimens of archeological bone but, in the absence of microscopic examination, the evidence remains insubstantial. Suspected metabolic bone disease is described here in the archeological remains of a skeleton from a 16th century burial ground at Wells Cathedral, England and from a single medieval sacrum recovered from a large deposit of disarticulated bones from a churchyard at Barton-on-Humber, England. Radiographs showed apparent structural abnormality in one femoral shaft and calcaneus and in the isolated sacrum. Histomorphometry on undecalcified bone cores confirmed the regions of abnormality and showed not only increased trabecular width but also areas of "mosaic" woven bone together with extensive resorption cavities; these features contrasted with the normal structure and organized lamellar bone from sites elsewhere. Despite post-interment changes in surrounding tissues, the morphological stability of some of the osteocytes was remarkable. Preservation of the histology was sufficient to permit the assignment of a metabolic bone disorder and the nature of the sclerosis was consistent with Paget's disease.  相似文献   
The sea urchin Heliocidaris tuberculata is typical of most echinoids in having a small egg and a feeding larva, while H. erythrogramma has a large egg and modified development through a non-feeding larvae. The carotenoids in the gonads of these two species were investigated from the comparative biochemical points of view. The carotenoid content of the buoyant eggs of H. erythrogramma was approximately 60 times that of the negatively-buoyant eggs of H. tuberculata. With respect to cytoplasmic volume, however, the carotenoid concentration in the eggs of H. tuberculata was approximately twice that in the eggs of H. erythrogramma. In both species β-echinenone was the principal carotenoid found and their carotenoid patterns were similar. It is very interesting from a functional point of view that carotenoid levels per cytoplasmic volume are conserved across most of the species we have examined irrespective of phylogeny and egg size. In light of this result we suggest that carotenoids may play an important role in developing stage in all echinoids including indirect and direct developers.  相似文献   
Plant regeneration via somatic embryogenesis in ginger   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
Embryogenic callus cultures of ginger were induced from young leaf segments taken from in vitro shoot cultures. Among the four auxins tested in Murashige & Skoog medium, dicamba at 2.7 M was most effective in inducing and maintaining embryogenic cultures. Efficient plant regeneration was achieved when embryogenic cultures were transferred to Murashige & Skoog medium containing 8.9 M benzyladenine. Histological studies revealed various stages of somatic embryogenesis characteristic of the monocot system. The in vitro-raised plants have been established in soil.Abbreviations BA benzyladenine - 2,4-d 2,4-dichlorophenoxyacetic acid - IAA indole-3-acetic acid - MS Murashige and Skoog - NAA naphthaleneacetic acid  相似文献   
Livers of juvenile cabrilla sea basses ( Serranus cabrilla ) were subjected to light and electron transmission microscopy following different periods of maintenance in an aquarium. Since this fish is easy to feed in captivity and the hepatic structure was found to be comparable at the four periods tested (0, 5, 10 and 20 days), both at the histological and ultrastructural level, the liver of S. cabrilla could be an available model for marine contamination experimental studies. As in other fish species, it is not possible to distinguish the portal lobules and the triads. The Melano-Macrophage Centres contain tipofuscins, ceroids and haemosiderin, but they do not contain any melanin. The hepatocytes are arranged in cords (two cells thick), and, at the ultrastructural level, they show numerous microvilli in the perisinusoidal and canalicular areas. The hyaloplasm includes a considerable amount of glycogen and some lipid droplets are occasionally observed. Mitochondria, rough endoplasmic reticulum and the Golgi apparatus are relatively scarce.  相似文献   
A retrospective study of 22 cases of phyllodes tumour (PT) was undertaken to evaluate the potential value of fine needle aspiration (FNA) cytology in the diagnosis of benign and borderline PT. Histological material was available from 12 patients with typical benign PT (group 1), six patients with less typical changes (group 2) and four cases of borderline PT (group 3). Cytological presentation of PT in these cases was similar to that described by other cytologists, although abundant cellular material was obtained in only eight FNAs, naked nuclei were present in nine cases only, and atypical or suspicious cytological features were found in seven cases. Comparative analysis of p53 was made in nine patients with PT, five cases with other benign breast lesions and five with malignant lesions. p53 reaction was positive in five of nine patients with PT (all cases from groups 2 and 3), compared with two of five cases of carcinoma. p53 was negative in all patients with PT from group 1 and the five other benign cases. We suggest that cytopathologists should be careful when a myxoid stromal component is present in cytological smears.  相似文献   
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