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The tassel-eared squirrel, Sciurus aberti , includes six subspecies which occupy restrictive and apparently identical habitats in Ponderosa pine forests in the south-western United States and Mexico; the strict habitat requirement of this species is based on dietary requirements which are only fulfilled in these forests. To examine evolutionary relationships among certain subspecies of S. aberti , we obtained estimates of nucleotide diversity within subspecies as well as nucleotide divergence between subspecies using mitochondrial DNA (mtDNA) analysis. Restriction site polymorphisms were identified in samples of the four US subspecies: S. a. aberti (Abert), S. a. kaibabensis (Kaibab), S. a. ferreus (Ferreus), and S. a. chuscensis (Chuska) Fourteen mtDNA clones were resolved that were, with one exception, uniquely subspecific. Dendrograms constructed by neighbour-joining and maximum parsimony methods revealed two major assemblages: (1) an Abert/Kaibab group; and (2) a Ferreus/Chuska group. The Abert vs. Ferreus clones exhibited the greatest net nucleotide divergence, with a lineage separation estimate approximating 572 000 years ago assuming a nucleotide substitution rate of 7.15 × 10-9/year/site. Five out of ten Chuska squirrels shared a clone with one Abert sample; the relative sizes of these two populations and their respective ranges as well as their close proximity support the proposal for relatively recent intermixing of Abert and Chuska populations resulting in what appears to be Abert → Chuska migration. Nucleotide diversity within subspecies ranked as Kaibab < Ferreus < Abert < Chuska; the relatively high diversity for the Chuska sample is based on the apparent introgression of Abert mtDNA. The relative diversity exhibited by Kaibab, Ferreus and Aberti samples corresponds to the range size of the respective subspecies.  相似文献   
Tamarins are small New World monkeys that have been described as "squirrellike." Squirrels, along with bats and birds, are the taxa most likely to utilize resources similar to those used by primates in the tropical forest canopy. In this paper we compare differences in ecology, diet, locomotion, and habitat utilization between sympatric populations of tamarins (Saguinus oedipus) and tree squirrels (Sciurus granatensis) in Panama. Data presented indicate that although there is some degree of resource overlap, patterns of habitat utilization differ significantly. Rather than being "squirrellike," the Panamanian tamarin exhibits a pattern of locomotor and feeding behavior consistent with that found in other arboreal primates.  相似文献   
By comparison with the major modern plant communities of southern Patagonia, the changing post-glacial vegetation of the region is reconstructed from macrofossils derived from deposits in the Cueva del Mylodon, Ultima Esperanza, S. Chile. The oldest deposits, carbon-dated as c. 12,400 B.P., comprise dung of the extinct ground sloth Mylodon darwinii and show the animal to have fed entirely on Cyperaceae, Gramineae and species associated with these in the modern cool, wet sedge-grasslands of western Patagonia, communities which would be expected after the retreat of the ice. Overlying deposits of well-preserved, wind-blown leaf-litter permitted some quantitative analyses which show a rise of evergreen forest dominated by Nothofagus betuloides that reached its maximum c. 7000 B.P. and then declined as it was replaced by deciduous N. pumilio forest. A break in the fossil plant record, covering the human occupation about 5643 B.P. and the subsequent final appearance of Mylodon remains, is followed by evidence of mixed evergreen/deciduous forest in which Nothofagus pumilio gradually increases in importance to give deciduous forest some 2500 years ago similar to that found in the environs of the cave in historical times. Comparison with pollen diagrams shows that the modern climatic and vegetation difference between E. Fudgia and Ultima Eeperanza has persisted throughout the post-glacial period.  相似文献   
Summary Monthly observations of the Gomori-positive hypothalamo-hypophysial neurosecretory system (HHNS) of the ground squirrel, Citellus erythrogenys Brandt, were carried out light microscopically using several quantitative methods. From the beginning of hibernation, formation of neurosecretory material (NSM) in the neurosecretory cells (NSC) progressively decreases and release of neurohormones from the HHNS is almost fully inhibited. A maximal accumulation of NSM in the perikarya of the NSC and in the posterior pituitary (PP) is found in December. By this time the volume of the cell nuclei and nucleoli is at a minimum. Signs of activation of the HHNS appear and become more conspicuous as the time of arousal from torpor approaches. The amount of NSM in the NSC and the PP decreases simultaneously with the increase in volume of the NSC. Hyperemia and activation of glial elements is visible throughout the HHNS. The morphological signs of activation reach their peak in March. After reproduction is completed (April to beginning of May), the NSC and the PP are almost devoid of NSM. Beginning with June and during the summer and autumn months a progressive accumulation of NSM in the NSC and the PP parallels gradual diminution in the volume of the NSC structures and the glial cells. Mechanisms and effector pathways by which the HHNS influences seasonal adaptation of the organism and reproduction are discussed.  相似文献   
Delayed fluorescence from Rhodopseudomonas viridis membrane fragments has been studied using a phosphoroscope employing single, short actinic flashes, under conditions of controlled redox potential and temperature. The emission spectrum shows that delayed fluorescence is emitted by the bulk, antenna bacteriochlorophyll. The energy for delayed fluorescence, however, must be stored in a reaction-center complex including the photooxidized form (P+) of the primary electron-donor (P) and the photoreduced form (X?) of the primary electron-acceptor. This is shown by the following observations: (1) Delayed luminescence is quenched (a) at low redox potentials which allow cytochromes to reduce P+ rapidly after the flash, (b) at higher redox potentials which, by oxidizing P chemically, prevent the photochemical formation of P+X?, and (c) upon transfer of an electron from X? to a secondary acceptor, Y. (2) Under conditions that prevent the reduction of P+ by cytochromes and the oxidation of X? by Y, the decay kinetics of delayed fluorescence are identical with those of P+X?, as measured from optical absorbance changes.The main decay route for P+X? under these conditions has a rate-constant of approximately 103 s?1. In contrast, a comparison of the intensities of delayed and prompt fluorescence indicates that the process in which P+X? returns energy to the bulk bacteriochlorophyll has a rate-constant of 3.7 s?1, at 295 °K and pH 7.8. The decay kinetics of P+X? and delayed fluorescence change little with temperature, whereas the intensity of delayed fluorescence increases with increasing temperature, having an activation energy of 12.5 kcal · mol?1. We conclude that the main decay route involves tunneling of an electron from X? to P+, without the promotion of P to an excited state. Delayed fluorescence requires such a promotion, followed by transfer of energy to the bulk bacteriochlorophyll, and this combination of events is rare. The activation energy, taken with potentiometric data, indicates that the photochemical conversion of PX to P+X? results in increases of both the energy and the entropy of the system, by 16.6 kcal · mol?1 and 8.8 cal · mol?1 · deg?1. The intensity of delayed fluorescence depends strongly on the pH; the origin of this effect remains unclear.  相似文献   
阿拉善黄鼠的生命表及繁殖   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:1  
陈敬先 《兽类学报》1991,11(2):138-142
将采自野生种群的阿拉善黄鼠(Spermophilus dauricus alaschanicus Buechner)( 下称黄鼠)样本划分为8个年龄间隔,然后编制生命表。结果表明,黄鼠的平均死亡率(qx)为0.7512(♂)和0.6222(♀),平均寿命为1.3311年(♂)和1.1073年(♀)。0-l岁龄黄鼠的期望寿命(ex)为0.8311年(♂)和1.1073年(♀)。世代净增殖率(Ro)每代为l.7327。种群内禀增长率(瞬时)(rm)为0.1433,世代平均时间(T)为3.8346年,周限增长率(r)为1.1541/年。  相似文献   
凉水自然保护区松鼠的越冬行为策略   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
在2006 年冬季预观察的基础上,于2007 年10 月31 日至2008 年3 月25 日在40 hm2 范围内使用无线电颈圈和彩色塑料颈圈标记8 只松鼠。结合无线电追踪技术和雪地痕迹技术,采用目标取样法对凉水自然保护区冬季松鼠行为进行了连续21 周的定位观察,以研究松鼠行为节律、空间行为和重取行为对冬季低温条件的响应。结果表明,松鼠冬季的活动节律为单峰型,随着气温的下降显著延后出巢时间(Kendall τ test;n = 21,r =- 0.92,τ = - 0.86,P < 0. 0001), 缩短活动时长(Kendall τ test; n = 21,r =0.80,τ = 0.68,P <0.0001)。松鼠冬季家域近似椭圆形(面积2.46 ±0.09 hm2 ), 未见个体间家域重叠。秋季松鼠将红松种子分散贮藏于整个家域范围内,但重取行为相对集中于几个主要区域(重取区)。依据巢和重取区的位置特征及其利用率可将家域划分为3 个部分:主区位于家域的中段,辅区靠近红松母树林,次辅区位于家域远离红松母树林一侧。贮藏的红松种子是松鼠冬季唯一的食物来源。在冬季的不同阶段,松鼠对不同重取区的利用率显著不同(初冬,Kruskal-
Wallis test;df = 2, x2 = 5.65, P = 0.0594; 隆冬,Kruskal-Wallis test;df = 2,x2 = 14.24, P = 0.0008; 晚冬,One-Way ANOVA Test,df = 2,18, F = 7.00,P = 0.0056), 位于主区(初冬利用率37.8 ± 7.7% ,隆冬利用率80.5 ±9.2% ,晚冬利用率40.5 ±2.7% )和辅区(初冬利用率41.8 ± 5.9% ,隆冬利用率14.8 ± 9.2% ,晚冬利用率37.8 ± 4.9% )的重取区是松鼠的主要重取区。随着时间推移空取率显著提高(Kruskal-Wallis test;df = 2,x2 = 16.60,P = 0.0002)的现象提示松鼠很可能依靠空间记忆取回贮藏的食物。轮换利用多个巢(6 ± 1)有助于降低松鼠被天敌捕食的风险。这些巢都分布在重取区附近,巢的利用与重取区的利用显著相关(Kendall τ test;主区:n = 217,r = 0.79,τ = 0.6256,P = 0.0003;辅区:n = 171,r = 0.67,τ = 0.6186,P = 0.0006;次辅区:n = 88,r = 0.74,τ = 0.6565,P = 0.0006),松鼠通常取食后即直接进入就近的巢过夜,有助于松鼠减少
能量损耗。多域集中重取及相应的巢轮换策略是松鼠对冬季低温环境及天敌捕食压力的综合响应。  相似文献   
The ground polluted with oil products was analyzed at a depth of 0.5–7.8 m (loamy soil), 11.5–13.0 m (gravelstone), 13.0–15.0 m (siltstone). It was shown that the distribution of oil products and microorganisms in the ground over the profile depends on the hydrogeological properties of the rock (porosity, hydraulic conductivity). The number of aerobic heterotrophic microorganisms varied from 106–107 CFU/g, the fraction of hydrocarbon-oxidizing ones increased with depth from 30 to 85%. The number of anaerobic microorganisms was comparable to the number of aerobic ones. The number of psychrotrophs and psychrophiles increases with depth; in the lower horizon these organisms prevail over the number of mesophiles.  相似文献   
根据鄂霍茨克公海区狭鳕资源声学评估调查资料,研究了狭鳕分布状况及渔场环境特征,并分析了狭鳕行动分布与环境的关系.结果表明,8月公海区狭鳕密集群位于55°N以北、水深小于500m的海域,其主要分布水层在150~300m之间;调查期间狭鳕只为索饵群体,主要摄食太平洋磷虾,狭鳕密集区一般也为太平洋磷虾高密度分布区;8月公海区水温跃层大致在0~50m之间,强度为0.25℃  相似文献   
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