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秦岭雄性羚牛的发情行为与其社会状态的关系   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
2004年5月31日至8月31日在陕西省佛坪县国家级自然保护区,对羚牛秦岭亚种(Budorcas taxicolor bedfordi)的繁殖行为及雄牛的社会状态进行了研究。研究期间每天在比较容易见到羚牛的区域内沿固定路线寻找羚牛,在不惊扰羚牛正常活动的情况下,记录牛群大小、群内个体的性别、年龄、雄性的社会状态,即是单独活动还是在繁殖群中;社会状态的变动,即每只是进入还是离开繁殖群;羚牛群中个体之间的相互关系,包括入群的独牛与群内其它雄牛之间的行为、与群内雌牛之间的行为。同时用摄像机辅助记录羚牛在群内的行为,并根据图像资料对记录的数据进行校正。研究期间累计对277 头次雄性羚牛的繁殖行为进行了观察,记录到241次繁殖行为。虽然6月初至8月下旬都可以见到羚牛的繁殖活动,但80% 以上的繁殖行为发生在6月20日至7月10日期间,其中以6月21 ~ 30日间的繁殖活动最多(105 次)。繁殖季节中雄性羚牛有两种社会状态,即在繁殖群中和单独活动(即独牛)。研究期间累计的独牛比例占成年雄性的30. 32%,其中72. 62%的独牛出现在6月10 日至7 月10 日。6 月21 ~ 30 日间独牛比例最高,占成年雄性个体的50. 67%。雄牛进出繁殖群的现象比较常见,独牛的比例与繁殖行为正相关。繁殖高峰期后,单独活动的雄牛数量迅速减少。雄牛的社会状态会随着繁殖期的不同阶段发生改变,独牛在不同繁殖群之间移动寻求更多的交配机会。我们的研究结果不支持以往认为独牛是繁殖争斗失败者的观点。  相似文献   
Although apparent competition mediated via shared parasites is potentially an important force influencing community structure, there is limited evidence to demonstrate its occurrence in the field. Here we show that the intensity of infection by the caecal nematode Heterakis gallinarum picked up by naive grey partridges, both maintained in pens and released on six gamebird estates in the UK, is significantly correlated with the intensity of infection recorded in the previous year from pheasants on those estates. Furthermore, the worm burdens picked up appeared to be sufficient to negatively influence host condition. These results provide evidence that infection from pheasants determines the worm burdens of partridges in the field, supporting the hypothesis that parasite-mediated apparent competition with the pheasant may be a factor influencing the decline and subsequent recovery of wild grey partridges.  相似文献   
褐马鸡雏鸟的换羽研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
对我国特产珍禽——褐马鸡雏鸟的羽毛生长及脱换即“稚后换羽”进行了观察研究。褐马鸡有小翼羽4枚,初级飞羽10枚,次级飞羽13枚,三级飞羽4枚,尾羽22枚。稚后换羽是飞羽和尾羽全部脱换,仅第一枚初级飞羽当年保留。 褐马鸡羽毛的脱换规律是:飞羽是先生长者先脱换;尾羽是由外向内的“向心型”。  相似文献   
金黄仓鼠早卵裂期胚胎发育的研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
研究结果证明:(1)本研究制备和采用的金黄仓鼠(Mesocricetus aurilus)血清是体外培养金黄仓鼠胚胎的有效成分;(2)丙酮酸钠和乳酸钠加入TC-199液中可显著提高金黄仓鼠胚胎的发育率;(3)TC-199(Ⅱ)、台氏液和杜氏液加适量FCS或PHS都是培养金黄仓鼠胚胎的有效培养液;(4)本研究中已观察到4-细胞期胚胎在体外培养时的进一步发育;(5)金黄仓鼠2-细胞期胚胎移植至雌金黄仓鼠受体的输卵管中可继续发育,培养子兔输卵管中可存活44小时以上。  相似文献   
李贵真 《动物学研究》1985,6(3):243-248
中国科学院昆明动物研究所王应祥同志于1979年11—12月间从云南德钦的甲午雪山采到一批跳蚤。其中从滇金丝猴(RhinoPithecus bieti Mime-Edwards)体上采到的一种鉴定为蠕形蚤属Vermipsyall Schimkewitsch,1885平行蠕形蚤V.parallela Liu,Wu et Wu,1965下一新亚种,依其宿主命名为平行蠕形蚤金丝猴亚种V.parallela rhinopitheca新亚种。现记述如下。  相似文献   
灵长类(除猕猴属外)在中国的分布   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
本文从动态动物地理学观点对中国灵长类(不包括猕猴)的分布进行了分析,提出:(1)中国灵长类自更新世时的分布呈现向南退缩的总趋势,并随气候的变迁而波动,晚更新世向南退缩最为明显;(2)根据Jablonski等认为,我国特有种金丝猴的不连续分布,是由于青藏高原抬升的影响。作者总结了迄今所知的金丝猴生态地理分化特点,对此假说未提出异议,(3)由于除猕猴以外的我国灵长类生态上与森林环境有密切联系,而森林被破坏直接对灵长类在我国分布区的缩小与岛状断裂影响最大,近期可能绝灭的地点甚多。  相似文献   
Summary An ultrastructural and tracer study was undertaken to determine normal outflow pathways of cerebrospinal fluid (CSF) at the terminal subarachnoid space (SAS) of the optic nerve. In the morphological studies, the optic nerve dura and arachnoid were found to be continuous with the sclera of the eye beyond the optic nerve SAS. The pia mater is continuous with the inner sciera and the lamina fusca of the eye. Montages and serial sections demonstrated that the distal SAS is divided into numerous tortuous channels to form an arachnoidal trabecular meshwork. Spaces of this meshwork continue into microcanals which bypass the outer arachnoid barrier layers of the optic nerve meninges to reach the sclera and posterior intraorbital connective tissue. Ferritin infused into the cisterna magna entered the optic nerve SAS within 1 min and reached arachnoidal trabecular meshwork channels and the microcanals within 8 min. It then passed into intraorbital connective tissue spaces at the posterior pole of the eye. Ferritin appeared to be blocked by the lamina fusca and a newly discovered posterior compact zone which together prevented its entrance into the choroidal interstitium. These observations suggest that a subarachnoidal-scleral-orbital outflow pathway provides a route for CSF drainage from the optic nerve SAS to intraorbital connective tissue. The previously described posterior uveal compartment in the hamster eye (Kelly et al. 1983) appears to be relatively isolated from this subarachnoidal-scleral-orbital CSF outflow.Parts of this work have been presented at the 1984 meetings of the American Association of Anatomists (Shen 1984).  相似文献   
本文介绍了黑木耳(Anriculariaanricula)和金针菇(Flammulinavelutipes)氨基酸组成方面的研究,查明它们体内氨基酸的种类和变化规律,对培育高产、优质新品种的食用菌具有深远意义。  相似文献   
A close topographical association between neuroepithelial bodies and immune cells is occasionally observed in the lungs of various neonatal mammalian species. The immune cells concerned are mast cells and neutrophil or eosinophil granulocytes. In the lungs of newborn puppies having undergone left lung autotransplantation, mast cells are particularly numerous in the airway mucosa of both right and left lungs and their association with neuroepithelial bodies is highly significant. Several of the substances known to be synthesized by the neuroepithelial bodies have a chemoattractive effect on immune cells. Thus, our observations indicate that intrapulmonary neuroepithelial bodies contribute to the local immune response.This investigation was supported by a grant from the Fonds voor Geneeskundig Wetenschappelijk Onderzoek (FGWO-NFWO), Belgium  相似文献   
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