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We investigate the phylogeographic structure of a fossorial forest‐living snake species, the forest thread snake, Leptotyphlopssylvicolus Broadley & Wallach, 1997 by sampling specimens from the Eastern Cape and KwaZulu‐Natal provinces of South Africa. Phylogenetic results, using Bayesian inferences and maximum likelihood, from the combined mitochondrial sequence data (cyt b and ND4), along with population genetic analyses suggest the presence of phylogeographic breaks broadly congruent to those exhibited by other forest‐living taxa. Divergence‐time estimates indicate that cladogenesis within the study taxon occurred during the late Miocene climatic shifts, suggesting that cladogenesis was driven by habitat fragmentation. We further investigate the species‐level divergence within L. sylvicolus by including two partial nuclear loci (PRLR and RAG1). The three species delimitation methods (ABGD, bGMYC, and STACEY), retrieved 10–12 putative species nested within the L. sylvicolus species complex. These results were corroborated by iBPP implementing molecular and morphological data in an integrative Bayesian framework. The morphological analyses exhibit large overlap among putative species but indicate differences between grassland and forest species. Due to the narrow distributions of these putative species, the results of the present study have further implications for the conservation status of the L. sylvicolus species complex and suggest that forest and grassland habitats along the east coast of South Africa may harbor significantly higher levels of diversity than currently recognized.  相似文献   
Oscillations in intracellular free Ca2+ concentration ([Ca2+]i) have been observed in a variety of cell types. In the present study, we constructed a mathematical model to simulate the caffeine-induced [Ca2+]i oscillations based on experimental data obtained from isolated type I horizontal cell of carp retina. The results of model analysis confirm the notion that the caffeine-induced [Ca2+]i oscillations involve a number of cytoplasmic and endoplasmic Ca2+ processes that interact with each other. Using this model, we evaluated the importance of store-operated channel (SOC) in caffeine-induced [Ca2+]i oscillations. The model suggests that store-operated Ca2+ entry (SOCE) is elicited upon depletion of the endoplasmic reticulum (ER). When the SOC conductance is set to 0, caffeine-induced [Ca2+]i oscillations are abolished, which agrees with the experimental observation that [Ca2+]i oscillations were abolished when SOC was blocked pharmacologically, verifying that SOC is necessary for sustained [Ca2+]i oscillations.  相似文献   
In vitro slow fluctuations in the level of horseradish peroxidase activity were observed in long-range experiments (72–144 h). Besides random fluctuations, regular slow oscillatory patterns with period lengths ranging from 10.0 to 39.0 h were detected by statistical analysis. The possibility that these oscillations in enzyme activity could have reflected changes in the physical environment of the experimental setup has been thoroughly examined and ruled out. Periodic exposition of the enzyme solution, otherwise kept in darkness, to blue light illumination was shown to influence the period of the oscillations. The changes in enzyme activity were correlated with a modification of the Michaelis constant estimated using guaiacol as substrate. This result was confirmed by the action of chemical modifiers of the enzyme, such as ferulic acid and rutin. It is thought that the observed oscillations in horseradish peroxidase activity are due to spontaneous and specific changes in the tridimensional structure of the enzyme in the thermic reservoir.  相似文献   
Glycolytic enzymes (GEs) have been shown to exist in multienzyme complexes on the inner surface of the human erythrocyte membrane. Because no protein other than band 3 has been found to interact with GEs, and because several GEs do not bind band 3, we decided to identify the additional membrane proteins that serve as docking sites for GE on the membrane. For this purpose, a method known as “label transfer” that employs a photoactivatable trifunctional cross-linking reagent to deliver a biotin from a derivatized GE to its binding partner on the membrane was used. Mass spectrometry analysis of membrane proteins that were biotinylated following rebinding and photoactivation of labeled GAPDH, aldolase, lactate dehydrogenase, and pyruvate kinase revealed not only the anticipated binding partner, band 3, but also the association of GEs with specific peptides in α- and β-spectrin, ankyrin, actin, p55, and protein 4.2. More importantly, the labeled GEs were also found to transfer biotin to other GEs in the complex, demonstrating for the first time that GEs also associate with each other in their membrane complexes. Surprisingly, a new GE binding site was repeatedly identified near the junction of the membrane-spanning and cytoplasmic domains of band 3, and this binding site was confirmed by direct binding studies. These results not only identify new components of the membrane-associated GE complexes but also provide molecular details on the specific peptides that form the interfacial contacts within each interaction.  相似文献   
Frequently, Pleistocene climatic cycling has been found to be the diver of genetic structuring in populations, even in areas that did not have continental ice sheets, such as on the Qinghai‐Tibetan Plateau (QTP). Typically, species distributed on the plateau have been hypothesized to re‐treat to south‐eastern refugia, especially during the Last Glacial Maximum (LGM). We evaluated sequence variation in the mitochondrial DNA gene Cytb and the nuclear DNA gene RAG‐1 in Rana kukunoris, a species endemic to the QTP. Two major lineages, N and S, were identified, and lineage N was further subdivided into N1 and N2. The geographical distribution and genealogical divergences supported the hypothesis of multiple refugia. However, major lineages and sublineages diverged prior to the LGM. Demographical expansion was detected only in lineage S and sublineage N2. Sublineage N1 might have survived several glacial cycles in situ and did not expand after the LGM because of the absence of suitable habitat; it survived in river islands. Genetic analysis and environment modelling suggested that the north‐eastern edge of QTP contained a major refugium for R. kukunoris. From here, lineage S dispersed southwards after the LGM. Two microrefugia in northern Qilian Mountains greatly contributed to current level of intraspecific genetic diversity. These results were found to have important implications for the habitat conservation in Northwest China.  相似文献   
Microorganisms that survive in natural environments form organized multicellular communities, biofilms and colonies with specific properties. During stress and nutrient limitation, slow growing and senescent cells in such communities retain vital processes by maintaining plasma membrane integrity and retaining the ability to generate transmembrane electrochemical gradients. We report the use of a Saccharomyces cerevisiae colonial model to show that population growth in a multicellular community depends on nutrient diffusion and that resting cells start to accumulate from the beginning of the second acidic phase of colony development. Despite differentiation of colony members, synchronous transmembrane potential oscillation was detected in the organized colony. The electrochemical membrane potential periodically oscillated at frequencies between those for circadian to infradian rhythms during colony aging and transiently decreased at time points previously linked with rebuilding of yeast metabolism. Despite extensive decreases in the intracellular ATP concentration and in the amount and activity of the plasma membrane proton pump during nutrient limited growth and colony aging, the transmembrane electrochemical potential appeared to be maintained above a level critical for population survival.  相似文献   
To reveal the role of climate oscillations of the Quaternary in forming the contemporary plant diversity in the temperate Sino‐Japanese Floristic Region of mainland China, we assess the phylogeographical patterns of four Sagittaria species in the region using sequence data from plastid DNA non‐coding regions (psbA‐trnH, the rpl16 intron and trnC‐ycf6) and the internal transcribed spacers of nuclear ribosomal DNA (nrITS). Based on both datasets, the divergence time among the four studied species was estimated to fall in the Late Tertiary (plastid DNA: 7.1–13.7 Mya; ITS: 11.1–16.1 Mya). The ancestral distribution analyses revealed that regions with a great diversity in topography, climate and ecological conditions, e.g. the Hengduan Mountains, Central China and East China, were the areas where the endemics originated. Mismatch distribution analyses revealed that each species had experienced a range expansion in response to Quaternary climatic oscillations. Our findings contradict the hypothesis of Quaternary origins of the endemic Sagittaria spp.; we support the view that modern species in the Northern Hemisphere originated mostly during the Tertiary. Range expansion may have profoundly modified the current distribution ranges of Sagittaria species in the Sino‐Japanese Floristic Region. © 2015 The Linnean Society of London, Botanical Journal of the Linnean Society, 2016, 180 , 6–20.  相似文献   
The Pleistocene climatic oscillations had profound effects on the demographic history and genetic diversification of plants in arid north-west China where some glacial refugia have been recognized. The genus Ixiolirion comprises three species, of which two, I. tataricum and I. songaricum (endemic), occur in China. In some locations they are sympatric. We investigated their population structure and population history in response to past climatic change using a sample of 619 individuals in 34 populations with nITS and ptDNA sequences. A significant genetic divergence between the two species was supported by a high level of pairwise genetic differentiation, very low gene flow, and phylogenetic analysis showing that I. songaricum haplotypes were monophyletic, whereas those of I. tataricum were polyphyletic. We found significant differentiation and phylogeographic structure in both species. The split of the two species was dated to the late Miocene (~7?Ma), but deep divergence occurred in the mid-late Quaternary. A similar haplotype distribution pattern was found in both species: one to two dominant haplotypes across most populations, with unique haplotypes in a few populations or a geographic group. The genetic diversity, haplotype number, and haplotype diversity decreased from the Yili Valley to the central Tianshan and Barluk Mountains. Additionally, ptDNA analysis showed that I. tataricum diversified in the eastern Tianshan and Barluk Mountains, which might be due to physical barriers to long distance seed dispersal such as desert. In conclusion, our results indicated that the Yili Valley was likely a glacial refuge for Ixiolirion in China, with postglacial dispersal from the Yili Valley eastward to the eastern Tianshan Mountains, and northward to the Barluk Mountains. The climatic changes in the Miocene and Pleistocene and geographic barriers are important factors driving species divergence and differentiation of Ixiolirion and other taxa.  相似文献   
The dynamic light scattering methods are widely used in biomedical diagnostics involving evaluation of blood flow. However, there exist some difficulties in quantitative interpretation of backscattered light signals from the viewpoint of diagnostic information. This study considers the application of the high‐speed videocapillaroscopy (VCS) method that provides the direct measurement of the red blood cells (RBCs) velocity into a capillary. The VCS signal presents true oscillation nature of backscattered light caused by moving RBCs. Thus, the VCS signal can be assigned as a reference one with respect to more complicated signals like in laser Doppler flowmetry (LDF). An essential correlation between blood flow velocity oscillations in a separate human capillary and the integral perfusion estimate obtained by the LDF method has been found. The observation of blood flow by the VCS method during upper arm occlusion has shown emergence of the reverse blood flow effect in capillaries that corresponds to the biological zero signal in the LDF. The reverse blood flow effect has to be taken into account in interpretation of LDF signals.   相似文献   
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