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In a replicated field plot experiment, the population density of Meloidogyne incognita was monitored biweekly through the overwintering period (December through April) between soybean crops. The population survived as second-stage juveniles whose numbers remained stable through the winter months and did not decline until February. The yields of plots planted with a M. incognita susceptible cultivar were negatively correlated with the numbers of juveniles recovered at all preplanting sampling dates. In the mid-winter period (December through February), a regression equation describing the relationship predicted a yield reduction (slope) equivalent to 5.36 kg/ha for each juvenile in a 10-cm³ soil sample. In two subsequent field experiments, conducted in different sites and years, mid-winter (November) sampling gave yield reduction predictions of 4.65 and 6.69 kg/ha. Tests of the null hypothesis gave no evidence to indicate that the three slopes differed (P = 0.05). A regression analysis of combined data from the three experiments determined a mid-winter predictive yield reduction of 5.31 kg/ha for each juvenile in the 10-cm³ sample. As the sampling time approached the planting date, there were changes in the predictive yield reductions due to each juvenile in a sample. These are best described by the equation, γ̂ (yield loss) = 54.47 - 0.67X + 0.0023X², where X equals the days remaining between sampling and planting. Soil sampling should be performed during mid-winter (November through January) for the most reliable prediction of soybean yield loss.  相似文献   
Summary Triploids (2n=3X=60) were obtained from genetic male-sterile (ms1 ms1) soybean [Glycine max (L.) Merr.] plants. Meiosis, pollen fertility, and chromosome number of their progeny were studied. Studies of meiosis in fertile and sterile triploids revealed no distinguishable differences in chromosome associations. Male-sterile plants formed coenocytic microspores characteristic of the ms1 mutant. Restitution of some dyad and tetrad nuclei were observed in male-sterile plants. Chromosomes of the triploids tended to occur in trivalents during diakinesis and metaphase I (MI), but multivalents, bivalents, and univalents also were observed. Average types and frequencies of chromosome associations per cell in diakinesis and MI from 542 pollen mother cells were 0.004 IX + 0.06 VI + 0.002 V + 0.005 IV + 16.99 III + 1.79 II + 5.03 I. Some secondary associations, nonhomologous pairing, and aberrant nucleolar distributions occasionally were observed. Such behavior support the hypothesis of duplicated genomes and the polyploid origin of soybean. Pollen fertility in male-fertile triploid plants (Ms1 ms1 ms1) varied from 57% to 82%, with an average of about 71%. Chromosome numbers of progenies obtained from these fertile triploids varied from 2n=40 to 2n=71, and exhibited a near-random distribution, with the majority (about 60%) being between 56 and 65. Progenies of the fertile triploids gave segregation ratios for the ms1 allele, which confirmed the Ms1 ms1 ms1 genotype.Joint contribution: Agricultural Research Service, U.S. Department of Agriculture, and Journal Paper No. J-11672 of the Iowa Agriculture and Home Economics Experiment Station, Ames, IA 50011, USA, Project 2471  相似文献   
使用合丰25等来自13个育种单位的13份大豆(Glycinemax)品种对大豆20个连锁群上的100对SSR标记进行筛选,最终保留了扩增稳定且多态性较高的43对SSR标记,分析了黑龙江省83个主栽大豆品种的遗传多样性。结果表明,在所有供试材料中共鉴定出等位变异157个,每个位点2—7个,平均为3.65个。品种间遗传相似系数为0.216—0.937,平均为0.6384,表明黑龙江省大豆品种的遗传相似性较大,故拓宽黑龙江省大豆品种的遗传基础具有重要意义。  相似文献   
目的: 验证临床受试者所完成的心肺运动试验(CPET)为最大极限运动,进一步设计完善Max试验验证CPET结果客观定量功能评估的准确性及以某特定指标的特定数值作为停止运动的标准是否可行。方法: 选择2017年9月至2019年1月在阜外医院签署知情同意书后进行CPET和Max试验受试者216例。其中正常受试者41例,因CPET峰值呼吸交换率(RER)≤1.10,或运动中心率和血压不上升,对CPET极限运动结果存在质疑的临床患者175例进行研究。其中60例已初步报告,本研究进一步扩大研究。Max试验方法:完成CPET测试后,先蹬车≥60 r/min,再施加130%峰值功率的恒定功率,鼓励受试者运动至不能坚持的极限状态。计算分析Max试验30 s的最大心率和最大摄氧量、及其与峰值心率和峰值摄氧量之间的差值和百分差值。百分差值=(Max值-峰值值)/Max值× 100%。评测标准:①若心率和摄氧量任一指标的差值百分比≤-10%(Max测试的数值低于CPET峰值数据)则定义Max试验操作失败,否则为成功;2若心率和摄氧量的差值百分比均在-10%~10%,则Max试验操作成功,证明CPET数据为极限运动,CPET 峰值相关数据较为准确;③若心率和摄氧量差值任一指标差值百分比≥10%时,则Max试验操作成功,证明CPET结果为非极限运动。结果: 病例组峰值摄氧量(L/min、ml/(min·kg)、%pred)、无氧阈(L/min、ml/(min·kg)、%pred)、峰值氧脉搏(ml/beat、%pred)、峰值RER、峰值收缩压(mmHg)、峰值运动负荷(W/min)、峰值心率(bpm)、摄氧有效性峰值平台(OUEP)(比值、%pred)低于正常组,二氧化碳通气有效性平均90 s最低值(Lowest Ve/VCO2)(比值、%pred)、二氧化碳通气效率斜率(Ve/VCO2 Slope)(比值、%pred)高于正常组(P<0.05)。所有正常组与病例组均安全无任何事件完成CPET和Max试验。216例受试者中,Max试验成功198例(91.7%),其中证明CPET为极限运动182例,为非极限运动16例;失败18例(8.3%)。结论: 在临床检查中,若对CPET结果是否为最大极限存在质疑,利用Max试验可验证CPET是否为极限运动。Max试验方法安全可行,值得进一步深入研究和临床推广应用。  相似文献   
星星草营养器官适应盐胁迫的结构特征   总被引:8,自引:0,他引:8  
采用0.6%Na2CO3胁迫处理星星草[Puccinellia tenuiflora(Turcz.)Scribn.et Merr.]幼苗,光镜和电镜观察其根和叶的显微和超微结构。结果表明,星星草根的表皮向外突出形成密集的根毛;外皮层由1~2层细胞组成,排列较紧密;中皮层薄壁细胞排列疏松,形成发达的通气组织;内皮层呈典型的五面加厚;中柱鞘排列紧密,其壁加厚;初生木质部与初生韧皮部相间排列,初生木质部为5~7原型,中央为后生木质部导管,无髓存在。叶的表皮有表皮毛和丰富的蜡质层;叶上表皮泡状细胞数目较少,且深陷;气孔下陷,其下有较大的气室;叶脉有大、中、小3种维管束,大、中型维管束为C3型,小型维管束为C4型。星星草可能是介于C3和C4植物之间的类型,具有耐盐碱及耐干旱特征。  相似文献   
In vitro responses of embryogenic sugarcane (Saccharum officinarum L.; cv. CoC-671) calli stressed with different levels of NaCl (0.0, 42.8, 85.6, 128.3, 171.1, 213.9 or 256.7 mM) were studied. The results showed that a significant decrease in callus growth and cell viability occurred with ≥85.6 mM NaCl. Higher amounts of free proline and glycine betaine were accumulated in NaCl-stressed calli. Although the leached and retained Na+ contents increased, the retained K+ content decreased with increasing levels of NaCl. Such a mechanism implies that sugarcane can be considered as a Na+-excluder. The accumulation of salt ions and osmolytes could play an important role in osmotic adjustment in sugarcane cells under salt stress.  相似文献   
This study was conducted to determine reciprocal effects of low to high doses of nitrogenous fertilizer (N30, N40, N50, N60 and N70 — 30, 40, 50, 60 and 70 kg ha−1 respectively) and CO2 enriched environment on C and N partitioning in soybean (Glycine max (L.) Merril cv JS-335). Plants were grown from seedling emergence to maturity inside open top chambers under ambient, AC (350±50 mol mol−1) and elevated, EC (600±50 mol mol−1) CO2 and analyzed at seedling, vegetative, flowering, pod setting and maturity stages. Soybean responded to both CO2 enrichment and N supply. Leaves, stem and root reserves at different growth stages were analyzed for total C and N contents. Consistent increase in the C contents of the leaf, stem and root was observed under EC than in AC. N contents in the different plant parts were found to be decreased under EC-grown plants specially at seedling and vegetative stage despite providing N doses to the soil. Significant increase observed for C to N dry mass ratio under EC in the root, stems and leaves at seedling and vegetative stage was decreased in the middle and later growth stages possibly due to combined impact of N doses to the soil and increased N2 fixing activities due to EC conditions. Critical analysis of our findings reveals that the composition and partitioning of C and N of soybean under variable rates of N supply and CO2 enrichment alter according to need under altered metabolic process. These changes eventually may lead to alteration in uptake of not only N but other essential nutrients also under changing atmosphere.  相似文献   
Five strains of gram negative bacteria, isolated from soybean (LPPA 221T, 222 and 223) and weeds (LPPA 816 and 1442), were analyzed by a polyphasic approach. The isolates showed variation in their phenotypic traits and were placed in the Pseudomonas fluorescens lineage, based on 16S rRNA gene sequence phylogeny, as a single but well separated cluster. MLSA analysis based on gyrB and rpoD sequences clustered the strains in a single branch in the Pseudomonas syringae group, and revealed P. viridiflava as closest relative. DNA–DNA hybridizations showed medium levels of DNA–DNA relatedness with the type strain of P. viridiflava (50%) and lower levels (<32%) with other type strains of the P. syringae group, supporting classification within a novel species of the genus Pseudomonas. The strains can be distinguished from species of the P. syringae group by the fatty acid C17:0 cyclo that is present in a low amount (2.5%) and from P. viridiflava by their inability to assimilate d-tartrate and d-sorbitol, and by the formation of red colonies on TTC medium. For this new species, the name Pseudomonas asturiensis sp. nov. is proposed. The type strain is LPPA 221T (=LMG 26898T = CECT 8095T).  相似文献   
以菠萝22个栽培品种的叶片为实验材料,测定其5种色泽参数(L*、a*、b*、c*和h*值)、5种色素(叶绿素、类胡萝卜素、花青苷、类黄酮和总酚)含量及3种抗氧化活性指标(ABTS、DPPH自由基和亚硝酸盐的清除能力),并进行相关性分析。研究结果显示,色泽参数a*和h*值可以作为菠萝叶片指示色泽、主要色素含量和抗氧化活性变化的重要指标;菠萝叶片主要色素组成是叶绿素、类黄酮和总酚,且含有少量的花青苷,几乎不含类胡萝卜素。相关性分析结果显示,菠萝叶片类黄酮和总酚含量均与3种抗氧化活性指标极显著正相关,而叶绿素含量与其它指标相关性未达到显著水平,类黄酮和总酚是菠萝叶片抗氧化活性的主要功效成分。  相似文献   
  • Studies on plant electrophysiology are mostly focused on specific traits of single cells. Inspired by the complexity of the signalling network in plants, and by analogy with neurons in human brains, we sought evidence of high complexity in the electrical dynamics of plant signalling and a likely relationship with environmental cues.
  • An EEG‐like standard protocol was adopted for high‐resolution measurements of the electrical signal in Glycine max seedlings. The signals were continuously recorded in the same plants before and after osmotic stimuli with a ?2 MPa mannitol solution. Non‐linear time series analyses methods were used as follows: auto‐correlation and cross‐correlation function, power spectra density function, and complexity of the time series estimated as Approximate Entropy (ApEn).
  • Using Approximate Entropy analysis we found that the level of temporal complexity of the electrical signals was affected by the environmental conditions, decreasing when the plant was subjected to a low osmotic potential. Electrical spikes observed only after stimuli followed a power law distribution, which is indicative of scale invariance.
  • Our results suggest that changes in complexity of the electrical signals could be associated with water stress conditions in plants. We hypothesised that the power law distribution of the spikes could be explained by a self‐organised critical state (SOC) after osmotic stress.
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