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ABSTRACT. The sexual behaviour of male Glossina morsitans morsitans Westwood (Diptera: Glossinidae) towards decoys dosed with sex phero-mone (15,19,23-trimethylheptatriacontane) is described quantitatively from field observations. The flies responded with a standard behavioural pattern after landing. This involved: first, the perception of pheromone; second, orientation on the decoy and genitalia engagement; and third, a lengthy quiescence corresponding to natural copulation. The probability of a fly leaving a decoy decreased during the sequence and was least in the final 'copulatory' phase, when it remained constant under constant conditions. The initial, rapid rates at which flies left decoys were affected mostly by pheromone dose: the lower the dose, the higher the rate. The final, slow rate of leaving was unaffected by pheromone dose, being most affected by environmental stimuli, especially interference from other flies: at high fly densities, final rates of leaving were high. The results are discussed in the context of improving the potential for using pheromone and chemo-sterilant-dosed decoys for tsetse autosterilization.  相似文献   
ABSTRACT. The potencies of seventeen analogues of ATP as gorging inducers for Glossina palpalis palpalis were evaluated. The ranking for effective dose that induced half the flies to gorge (ED50) was: A tetra P 5 ATP=2'd ATP ADP=2'd ADP > AMP-PNP > 3'd ATP 2'3'dd ATP > AMP-PCP > adenosine 5' triphosphate 2',3'dialdehyde AMP-CPP >> AMP. Females detect ATP and its analogues better than males. The ED50 of ATP was 5 × 10-7 M for teneral females and 1.5 × 10-6 M for males. According to the potency order of the ATP analogues, the G.p.palpalis gustatory receptors recognizing ATP can be classified as P2y purinoceptors.  相似文献   
Abstract .Studies on the daily activity of Glossina longipennis at Galana Ranch using a black odour-baited electrocuting target confirmed its crepuscular activity profile. Activity started at 05.00–05.30 hours and peaked at 06.00–06.30 hours, stopped by 09.00 hours, then started again at 17.00–17.30 hours with a peak at 18.30–19.00 hours, ceasing by 19.30 hours. Females made up 60% of the overall catch, and tended to arrive later than males. Other stationary sampling methods (trap, stationary ox) gave similar results. With the stationary methods, very few flies were caught outside the periods of peak activity (only 1.5% of the total between 09.00 and 17.00 hours); the ox was the only stationary bait to catch any flies between 10.00 and 16.00 hours. More flies were caught throughout the day at mobile baits (8.3% of the male and 2.3% of the female catch was taken between 09.00 and 17.00 hours). Mobile baits caught considerably more males than females (females were 17% of the catch). These males had on average higher fat and haematin reserves. Similar nutritional differences were not observed for females. There were fewer older females (ovarian category 3 or more) in mobile compared to stationary baits, and a lower proportion of the youngest males (wing fray category 1) at natural compared with artificial baits.  相似文献   
Abstract A comparison was made of the EAG responses of males and females of Glossina morsitans morsitans Westwood, G.austeni Newstead and G.tachinoides , Westwood to various doses of compounds known to be components of ox and buffalo urine fractions which are attractive to tsetse in the field (phenol, 3- and 4-methylphenol, 3- and 4-ethylphenol, 4-n-propylphenol, dimethylsulfone). All three species did not respond to dimethylsulfone. The overall responses to the phenolic substances were higher in females than in males in G.m.morsitans and higher in males than in females in G.austeni and G.tachinoides. Response spectra of the species for the phenolic substances suggested that G.m.morsitans and G. austeni were most responsive to 3- and 4-methylphenol and 3-ethylphenol, whereas G. tachinoides was most sensitive to 3-ethylphenol and 3-methylphenol, and only moderately sensitive to 4-methylphenol.
Cross-adaptation experiments, in which l-octen-3-ol, acetone, 4-heptanone and 3-nonanone were also included, revealed that all phenolic compounds stimulated one and the same class of receptors, which differed from the class of receptors activated by l-octen-3-ol. The ketones also had their own receptors. Hence, the flies can obtain information about the presence of attractants by at least three different receptor classes. It was concluded that phenol and any individual alkylphenol found in ox and buffalo urine should be attractive to tsetse flies, provided that stimulus intensity is above threshold and not beyond optimum. One class of receptors may respond more strongly in males than in females, whereas another class is more responsive in females than in males. This may result in a change in sex ratios in catches depending on the odour bait used.  相似文献   
A simple grass-thatched hut was used to rear Glossina pallidipes Austen. Constructed to allow free flow of air, the temperature and humidity inside correspond to that of the outside environment. Pupae used to start the colony were obtained from pregnant females from Lambwe Valley, Western Kenya. Nine day-old females were paired with 12 day-old males for 7 days after which they were separated.Colony performance was evaluated on the basis of female survival, number and weight of puparia produced, and mortality rates. The emergence rate of puparia weighing more than 30 mg was above 80%. Data on the performance of the colony between June 1985 and June 1986 are presented. We suggest that the simple nature of the rearing facility and its direct contact with the outside environment have facilitated the colonization of the flies.
Résumé Une cage très simple, conçue pour assurer l'arrivé d'air, et le maintien de l'humidité et de loa température extérieure, a été employée pour conserver et élever G. pallidipes. Les pupes utilisées pour constituer la souche provenaient de Lambwe valley (ouest du Kénya). Des couples de femelles vieilles de 9 jours et de mâles de 12 jours ont été consitués, les sexes ont ensiute été séparés. La performance de la souche a été estimée en fonction de la survie des femelles et du nombre et du poids des pupes produites, et des taux de mortalité. Plus de 80% des pupes ont pesé 30 mg et plus, et le taux d'émergence a été de 80%. Les résultats fournis concernent les performances observées entre juin 1985 et juin 1986. Nous estimons que la simplicité du dispositif d'élevage et le contact direct avec les conditions écologiques externes ont facilité l'éstablissement de la souche.
Abstract .In a single generation of selection, two lines of Glossina morsitans centralis were established that differed significantly in susceptibility to Trypanosoma congolense clone IL 1180. Reciprocal crosses demonstrated that susceptibility was a maternally inherited trait. Differences between the lines, to all phases of the trypanosome infection, were maintained for eight generations, whereas differences in susceptibility to midgut infections were maintained for twenty-eight generations. Thereafter, the lines did not differ in susceptibility to Trypanosoma congolense IL 1180. Susceptibility to infections with Trypanosoma congolense IL 1180 was only a weak predictor of susceptibility to T. congolense clones IL 13-E3 and K60/1, as well as clone T. brucei brucei STIB 247-L. However, the susceptible and refractory lines displayed these phenotypes when tested with Trypanosoma vivax, indicating that the factors that affect susceptibility to trypanosomes are expressed both within and outside the midgut.  相似文献   
Abstract. Fat and haematin levels of mature male Glossina morsitans morsitans Westwood were estimated at different times after feeding at temperatures between 15 and 30°C. Flies were kept (largely inactive) in 7.5 × 2.5 cm tubes, or in actograph cages, where flight activity increased with time after feeding. Haematin excretion was modelled as a series of three first order reactions, all with the same rate parameter. The model accounted for > 98% of the variance in mean haematin in each of seven experiments; the rate parameter increased linearly with temperature and activity level. A similar approach was adopted for modelling fat metabolism. The rate coefficients of lipogenesis increased with temperature, and that for lipolysis with temperature, activity level and their interaction. All experiments were analysed simultaneously to provide equations predicting haematin or fat levels for all times, for active or inactive flies, and for temperatures between 15 and 30°C. Haematin exhibited large variations between individuals, but for active flies the expected haematin content at a given time varied little between flies kept at 25 and at 30°C. In inactive flies kept at 25°C, lipogenesis peaked at ≈ 24 h and lipolysis at ≈ 48 h. For active flies the times were 12 and 24 h, respectively; both rates were about twice as high as in inactive flies. Active flies produced (up to 1 mg) more fat out of a given size of blood meal than inactive flies. Curves of fat content against logarithm of haematin content differed little with temperature, and can therefore be useful for comparative studies of field populations of tsetse.  相似文献   
Recently, a new virus family (Hytrosaviridae) was proposed for double-stranded DNA viruses that cause salivary gland hypertrophy in their dipteran hosts. The two type species, MdSGHV and GpSGHV, induce similar gross pathology and share several morphological, biological, and molecular characteristics. This histological study revealed profound differences in the cytopathology of these viruses supporting their previously proposed placement in different genera.  相似文献   
Tsetse exhibit a U-shaped age-mortality curve, with high losses after eclosion and a well-marked ageing process, which is particularly dramatic in males. A three-parameter (k(1) -k(3) ) model for age-dependent adult instantaneous mortality rates was constructed using mark-recapture data for the tsetse fly Glossina morsitans morsitans Westwood (Diptera: Glossinidae). Mortality changed linearly with k(1) over all ages; k(2) affected only losses in roughly the first week of adult life, and k(3) controlled the ageing rate. Mortality pooled over age was twice as sensitive to changes in k(3) as in k(1) . Population growth rate was, however, similarly affected by these two parameters, reflecting the disproportionate effect of k(3) on mortality in the oldest flies that contribute least to the growth rate. Pooled-age mortality and growth rate were insensitive to changes in k(2) . The same model also provided good fits to data for laboratory colonies of female G. m. morsitans and Glossina austeni Newstead and should be applicable to all tsetse of both sexes. The new model for tsetse mortality should be incorporated into models of tsetse and trypanosome population dynamics; it will also inform the estimation of adult female mortality from ovarian dissection data.  相似文献   
The behaviour of tsetse (mainly Glossina pallidipes Austen) around odour-baited targets, with or without a coating of ox sebum, was recorded in the field using video. The addition of sebum increased the total time a fly was in contact with the target, as well as the time spent flying around and landing on it. When carbon dioxide was released as part of the attractant odour plume, the presence of sebum on the target increased the number of landings made by each fly, but did not significantly affect the duration of each contact. When carbon dioxide was absent from the odour plume, sebum did not affect the number of landings made by flies but the duration of each contact with the target did increase. Evidence for an interactive effect of sebum and carbon dioxide was obtained. In addition, the presence of sebum on the target increased the percentage of landed flies which walked on its surface; such behaviour may represent an 'inspection' of the artificial host. The potential tsetse control application of the current findings are discussed.  相似文献   
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