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Glossina pallidipes Austen,G. brevipalpis Newstead andG. austeni Newstead were collected from 5 sites along the south Kenyan coast over a 2 year period. They were dissected and examined for nematodes. Three of the sites yielded tsetse parasitized by juvenile mermithids identified asHexamermis glossinae Poinar et al. Glossina pallidipes andG. brevipalpis are new host records for this parasite, whileG. austeni was captured infrequently and only at a site that failed to yield other parasitized tsetse. Parasite prevalence was low (0.16–0.61 %) and did not differ between male and female hosts. More tsetse than expected by chance harboured nematodes during the long rains season (April–August) than during the short rains (September–November) or dry season (December–March). Early juvenile stages (0.5–2.5 mm long) were recovered mainly from tsetse less than 50 days old, while late juvenile stages (35–85 mm long) were only found in flies older than 30 days. Late stages occurred singly while early ones usually occurred as two or more per host.  相似文献   
In the the early 1970s the Egbe area of Nigeria was known to be one of high trypanosomiasis risk, with four Glossina species G. morsitans submorsitans Newstead, G.longipalpis Wiedemann, G.palpalis palpalis Robineau-Desvoidy and G.tachinoides Westwood present. Grazing by Fulani pastoralists used to be short-term and only in the dry season. In recent years these pastoralists have grazed their cattle in the area throughout the year and this has prompted a reappraisal of the tsetse situation. Tsetse populations were sampled for 3 years using hand-net catches from man or an ox and biconical traps. Resident livestock, slaughter cattle and some of the flies were examined for trypanosome infection. Of the four tsetse species previously reported from the area, only the riverine species, G.p.palpalis and G.tachinoides, were encountered during the investigation. None of the 152 G.p.palpalis and 52 G.tachinoides examined was infected with trypanosomes. No infection was detected in 101 slaughtered cattle, 65 live Muturu, twelve goats and two pigs by wet film examination. However, a 14.3% Trypanosoma vivax infection rate was detected by Haematocrit Centrifugation Technique (HCT) examination in twenty-one slaughtered cattle. Increased human activities over the years had destroyed much of the vegetation and depleted the wild-life population to an extent that resulted in the disappearance of G.m.submorsitans and G.longipalpis, resulting in turn in a greatly reduced trypanosomiasis risk. It is likely that a similar trend is occurring in other areas of the Derived Savanna and Forest zones of West Africa as the human population expands.(ABSTRACT TRUNCATED AT 250 WORDS)  相似文献   
Newly emerged Glossina m.morsitans Westwood tsetse flies lack a peritrophic membrane which develops to fully line the midgut after c. 80-90 h. Midgut lectins are mainly associated with the peritrophic membrane. Lectin levels in the blood-free gut of adult flies rise slowly up to 8 days and then rapidly to at least 14 days post-eclosion (when the last of our recordings was made). Despite starving flies for 4 days prior to the agglutination assay, gut lectin levels in older flies are 100-200 times more than those in newly ecloded flies. This is inconsistent with the idea that there is a simple relationship between lectins and the protection of tsetse flies against trypanosome infection. Various theories put forward to account for age-dependent variation in the ability of tsetse to become infected with trypanosomes are discussed in the light of these findings.  相似文献   
Abstract The visual acuity of two species of tsetse flies, Glossina morsitans morsitans Westw. and Glossina pallidipes Aust., was investigated. Male G. morsitans eyes have an acute zone in the forward region, with large hexagonal lenses (mean minimum diameter, D=33, SE±0.7 μm), relatively small interommatidial angle (Δ(φ=1.08o) and angular receptive field of individual ommatidia (Δp) of not less than 1.14o. A narrow band of square lenses, with intermediate diameter and Δφ, merges with smaller hexagonal lenses in the periphery (24±0.7 μm), with relatively large interommatidial angle (Δφ=3.7o) and small angular receptive field (Δp = c. 1.6o). G.pallidipes eyes are similar, except that the lenses in the acute zone are larger than those of G.morsitans , in proportion to their larger body size. Female eyes are not significantly different from male eyes, except that they have a narrower region of binocular overlap (maximum for males = 24o, for females = 18o). The eye parameter (p=DΔφ) in the acute zone of male G.morsitans = 0.62, and in the peripheral zone = 1.56. These relatively high values are consistent with fast flight, visual detection of drift due to low wind speeds, mating chases and discrimination of cryptic host animals at high light intensities. The extended region of binocular overlap in males may serve as an early warning system of the approach of potential females. From our estimates, tsetse flies ought to be able to detect small objects against the sky c. 30 min before sunrise and after sunset, and to use their peripheral vision perhaps 15 min earlier and later than this.  相似文献   
Male Glossina sexually sterilized by gamma-irradiation are as efficient vectors of trypanosomiasis as fertile males. An attempt was made, using isometamidium chloride (Samorin), to interfere with the cyclical development of trypanosomes in sterile males, destined for use in the sterile insect release (SIR) method of tsetse eradication. The infection rate with mature Trypanosoma congolense Broden was effectively reduced in sterile male Glossina morsitans centralis Machado, when the flies were fed on an infected goat 2 days after they were fed as tenerals on an in vitro bloodmeal containing 8 micrograms Samorin/ml blood. The infection rates with mature T.vivax Ziemann and T.brucei brucei Plimmer & Bradford were completely suppressed at this drug dose. Whensterile teneral males were fed on a bloodmeal containing 12 micrograms/ml Samorin and given the infected bloodmeal 10 days later, infections by mature T.vivax, T.congolense and T.b.brucei were completely suppressed. Hence in the management of a tsetse eradication programme utilizing the SIR method, it is recommended that the sterile teneral male tsetse should, prior to release, be given a bloodmeal containing Samorin at 12-15 micrograms/ml blood. This will effectively suppress future disease transmission.  相似文献   
ABSTRACT. At dusk, tsetses fly from their day-time resting sites on tree trunks to spend the night on leaves and twigs. At the end of the day in the laboratory, they show a few minutes of heightened activity which apparently represents this behaviour. This occurs immediately after lights-out in a square-wave LD cycle, but just before the end of a 30-min artificial 'dusk' which mimics the natural change in light intensity at sunset. The activity is triggered when the declining light falls to a mean value of c. 350 mW m-2. Accurate, 24-h light measurements made in Zimbabwe show that in tsetse 'bush' this intensity occurs close to sunset. Neither the initial photophase light intensity (900 and 2500 mW m-2 were tested) nor the rate of dimming affect the critical value, which is also the same whether arrived at within c. 10 min in a 'logarithmic dusk' or within c. 20 min in a 'linear dusk'. In newly-emerged or recently fed flies, however, it is lower ( c. 50–100 mW m-2); and when a similar activity burst is induced by a 'dusk' at midday (i.e. at the flies' phase of minimum activity), the threshold is c. 200 m W m-2. It is concluded that this short behavioural programme is primarily a direct response to a specific, low light intensity, but that the threshold is modified by circadian and other physiological inputs.  相似文献   
ABSTRACT. The responses of male Glossina morsitans morsitans West-wood and Glossina pallidipes Austen to freeze-killed females were examined in the laboratory. Analyses were performed using a specially designed, automated, computer-based, recording system. G. pallidipes were more active than G. m. morsitans , interacting with the female decoys twice as often. Interactions with the decoys divided broadly into short-stay (<60 s) and long-stay, full copulatory attempts. For G. m. morsitans 90% of interactions resulted in full copulatory attempts, the mean duration of which was >1 h. For G. pallidipes only 40% of interactions resulted in full copulatory attempts, the mean duration of which was 35 min. The initiation of interactions showed a clear V-shaped activity pattern in G. m. morsitans but in G. pallidipes only a morning peak was observed. In neither species was there a tendency for full copulatory responses to be initiated in any specific period of the diurnal activity pattern. The results indicate that the two species have very different mating systems, and represent an initial step in the quantification of these differences.  相似文献   
ABSTRACT Studies were conducted in Zimbabwe of the responses of Glossina morsitans morsitans Westwood and Glossina pallidipes Austen resting in a refuge to various host stimuli. Tsetse took off in response to 100% ox odour, 0.08% carbon dioxide or a visual stimulus consisting of a 0.75 × 0.75 m black target placed c . 5 m from the refuge moving at 4o s-1, but the level of response was low with only 35%, 19% and 29% responding, respectively. Tsetse did not take off in response to any one of 25% ox odour, 0.8% carbon dioxide, acetone (3 μg 1-1) or octenol (0.03 μg 1-1). In the absence of any host stimuli, flies emerged from the refuge later on hotter days (35–37oC) than on cooler days (32–34.5oC). Male G.pallidipes emerging later in the afternoon contained significantly more haematin than those emerging relatively earlier. There were no significant differences between the responses of G.m. morsitans and G.pallidipes. It is suggested that the initial activation of resting flies is primarily mediated through endogenous, rather than host, stimuli.  相似文献   
ABSTRACT. The effects of age and hunger on the responses of male Glossina morsitans morsitans Westwood and G.pallidipes Austen to freeze-killed female decoys, were examined in the laboratory. In both species, activity, estimated as the total number of interactions between males and decoys, increased with both age and hunger. Interactions were divided into short-stay (<60 s) and long-stay, full copulatory responses. In both species, young, unfed males were significantly less likely to attempt to copulate with a decoy after encounter than were fed males. Among fed males the proportion of interactions that proceeded to full copulatory attempts did not change with increasing age, but decreased consistently with increasing hunger. At all ages and hunger levels, G.pallidipes were more active than G.m.morsitans. However, after encountering a decoy, G.pallidipes were less likely to attempt to copulate than G.m.morsitans. In both species the duration of copulatory attempts did not change with age, but declined with increasing hunger. Copulatory attempts by G.pallidipes were significantly shorter than those of G.m.morsitans. The results are discussed in relation to the behaviour of tsetse in response to control devices such as traps and targets.  相似文献   
ABSTRACT. Analyses of the ovulation, insemination and mating of female Glossina pallidipes Austen, were carried out in the field and laboratory. In unmated females, ovulation was delayed until at least the fifteenth day of adult life. The predictable pattern of growth and development of eggs was used to age nulliparous females to the nearest day in the field. Inseminated females first appeared at 5–6 days old and most females became inseminated at 8–10 days of age. There were no significant differences in the age at insemination in Zimbabwe or Kenya. Ovulation had occurred in the field by 10–11 days old. Mating therefore occurs at or just before ovulation. Females were able to mate at up to 12 days old and still produce a viable larva from their first egg. In laboratory flies originating from Uganda, factors which reduced and minimized the effects of disturbance, maximized insemination rate, so that under the best conditions the age at mating was identical to that found in the field. Nevertheless, the insemination rate of Fl generation Zimbabwe flies reared from wild-caught females was negligible. The differences in the laboratory mating behaviour of the Zimbabwe flies and the flies from the long-established colony of Uganda origin, are considered to be due to wild G. pallidipes being easily disturbed under laboratory conditions, whereas colony breeding rapidly selects for passivity. The concept of gross differences in G. pallidipes mating behaviour between geographic areas in thus rejected.  相似文献   
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