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A spatial model of tsetse (Glossina palpalis ssp. and G. pallidipes) life cycle was created in FORTRAN, and four control measures [aerial spraying of non-residual insecticides, traps and targets, insecticide-treated livestock (ITL) and the sterile insect technique] were programmed into the model to assess how much of each of various combinations of these control tactics would be necessary to eradicate the population. The model included density-independent and -dependent mortality rates, temperature-dependent mortality, an age-dependent mortality, two mechanisms of dispersal and a component of aggregation. Sensitivity analyses assessed the importance of various life history features and indicated that female fertility and factors affecting survivorship had the greatest impact on the equilibrium of the female population. The female equilibrium was likewise reduced when dispersal and aggregation were acting together. Sensitivity analyses showed that basic female survivorship, age-dependent and temperature-dependent survivorship of adults, teneral-specific survivorship, daily female fertility, and mean temperature had the greatest effect on the four applied control measures. Time to eradication was reduced by initial knockdown of the population and due to the synergism of certain combinations of methods [e.g., traps-targets and sterile insect technique (SIT); ITL and SIT]. Competitive ability of the sterile males was an important parameter when sterile to wild male overflooding ratios were small. An aggregated wild population reduced the efficiency of the SIT, but increased it with increased dispersal. The model can be used interactively to facilitate decision making during the planning and implementation of operational area-wide integrated pest management programs against tsetse.  相似文献   
Recent studies of Palpalis group tsetse [Glossina fuscipes fuscipes (Diptera: Glossinidae) in Kenya] suggest that small (0.25 × 0.25 m) insecticide-treated targets will be more cost-effective than the larger (≥1.0 × 1.0 m) designs currently used to control tsetse. Studies were undertaken in Zimbabwe to assess whether small targets are also more cost-effective for the Morsitans group tsetse, Glossina morsitans morsitans and Glossina pallidipes. Numbers of tsetse contacting targets of 0.25 × 0.25 m or 1.0 × 1.0 m, respectively, were estimated using arrangements of electrocuting grids which killed or stunned tsetse as they contacted the target. Catches of G. pallidipes and G. m. morsitans at small (0.25 × 0.25 m) targets were, respectively, ~1% and ~6% of catches at large (1.0 × 1.0 m) targets. Hence, the tsetse killed per unit area of target was greater for the larger than the smaller target, suggesting that small targets are not cost-effective for use against Morsitans group species. The results suggest that there is a fundamental difference in the host-orientated behaviour of Morsitans and Palpalis group tsetse and that the former are more responsive to host odours, whereas the latter seem highly responsive to visual stimuli.  相似文献   
Ouma JO  Marquez JG  Krafsur ES 《Genetica》2007,130(2):139-151
Genetic diversity and differentiation within and among nine G. morsitans morsitans populations from East and southern Africa was assessed by examining variation at seven microsatellite loci and a mitochondrial locus, cytochrome oxidase (COI). Mean COI diversity within populations was 0.63 ± 0.33 and 0.81 taken over all populations. Diversities averaged over microsatellite loci were high (mean number of alleles/locus ≥7.4; mean H E ≥ 65%) in all populations. Diversities averaged across populations were greater in East Africa (mean number of alleles = 22 ± 2.6; mean h e = 0.773 ± 0.033) than in southern Africa (mean number of alleles = 18.7 ± 4.0; mean h e = 0.713 ± 0.072). Differentiation among all populations was highly significant (R ST = 0.25, F ST = 0.132). Nei’s G ij statistics were 0.09 and 0.19 within regions for microsatellites and mitochondria, respectively; between regions, G ij was 0.14 for microsatellites and 0.23 for mitochondria. G ST among populations was 0.23 for microsatellite loci and 0.40 for mitochondria. The F, G and R statistics indicate highly restricted gene flow among G. m. morsitans populations separated over geographic scales of 12–917 km.  相似文献   
A low-cost device for infecting adult tsetse fly, Glossina fuscipes fuscipes , with the entomopathogenic fungus Metarhizium anisopliae was designed and tested in the field. Tsetse flies that are attracted to the trap entered the contamination device and ultimately became infected with the fungus. Traps exposed to the sun attracted more flies than did the ones placed in the shade. The time spent by single flies in the contamination device varied between 5- 189 s, and the subsequent number of conidia collected varied between 1.6 ×10 5 conidia and 40.5 ×10 5 conidia per fly, and largely depended on the behavior of individual flies. Dry conidia of M. anisopliae in the device retained their viability for 31 days in the field, and efficacy against G. fuscipes was not affected.  相似文献   
Résumé Un des moyens de lutte contre les glossines est de les attirer sur des supports artificiels imprégnés d'insecticide. Jusqu'à présent, les supports utilisés étaient de simples écrans bidimentionnels de tissu bleu. Nous décrivons un nouveau modèle à écrans croisés blue-noir dont la tridimentionnalité augmente l'attractivité. Un toit de plastique protège les écrans de la pluie et augmente la rémanence de l'insecticide. Des rabats de tulle moustiquaire et de plastique créent un corps de piège interne dans lequel les glossines peuvent pénétrer et avoir un contact prolongé avec l'insecticide. Modifié pour la capture, ce modèle est au moins aussi efficace que le piège biconique. Sa grande simplicité de fabrication le rend trois fois moins coûteux que ce dernier. II a permis de réduire les populations de glossines de 98% en une semaine dans le foyer de trypanosomiase humaine de Kayes, au Congo. Avec une réimprégnation mensuelle, ces résultats sont maintenus depuis plus de 8 mois.
Summary One method for control of tsetse flies is to attract them to artificial structures impregnated with insecticide. Up to now the structures used have been simple two dimensional screens of blue fabric. This paper reports a new model with two intersecting blue and black screens in which the three dimensional nature of the trap increases its attractiveness. A plastic roof protects the screens from rain and increases the residual life of the insecticide. Mosquito net and plastic flaps create partially enclosed spaces which the tsetse can enter and in which they have prolonged insecticidal contact.A design modified to capture the flies was at least as efficient as a bi-conical trap. The extreme simplicity of construction makes the cost of the new trap only a third of the bi-conical. In one week the new trap achieved a 98% reduction in the tsetse population in the Kayes focus of human trypanosomiasis in the People's Republic of the Congo. With monthly re-impregnation this level of control was maintained for more than 8 months.
  • 1 Foraging for bloodmeals is the most frequently recurrent and probably the most targetable of all activities that render tsetse vulnerable to interception with static trapping devices.
  • 2 Surgical monitoring of the rnidgut every 24 h during three successive days of food deprivation, showed that a full bloodmeal, irrespective of its size or source, vacated the rnidgut of both sexes of Glossina pallidipes Austen in eight progressive stages.
  • 3 Probing responsiveness in both sexes increased exponentially during the first four stages of their midgut evacuation, reaching a peak between stages 3 and 5. Thereafter it decreased, also exponentially.
  • 4 Most G.pallidipes caught by NG2G traps baited with cow urine and acetone had midguts in the last three stages (6–8) of bloodmeal evacuation. The same was true of the majority of those that failed to feed on a calf shortly after entrapment.
  • 5 The implications of the foregoing for tsetse foraging activity and trappability as well as for the potency of cattle urine and acetone as odour-bait for tsetse are discussed.
Glossina brevipalpis Newstead, G.longipennis Corti, and G.pallidipes Austen maintained at ILRAD, Nairobi, Kenya, were examined for genetic variation of fourteen enzyme loci, using polyacrylamide gel electrophoresis. G.brevipalpis had six polymorphic loci, an average of 1.46 effective alleles per locus and a mean heterozygosity per locus of 20.0 +/- 7.1%. The figures for the same parameters in G.longipennis were 3, 1.16 and 8.2 +/- 4.9%, and for G.pallidipes the figures were 7, 1.40 and 22.3 +/- 6.3%. Seven rare alleles were lost from the G.brevipalpis colony during a 1-year period, but no statistically significant changes were observed in the genetics of the colony during this period. Using allele frequency data for ten of the enzymes studied, and frequencies for these enzymes in other taxa, a phenogram was constructed that indicated that the subgenus Austenina (i.e. the fusca group) is the oldest of the three subgenera within the genus Glossina, and that the subgenus Glossina s.str. (i.e. the morsitans group) may be paraphyletic.  相似文献   
Abstract The effects of age on electroantennogram (EAG) responses were investigated in male and female Glossina morsitans morsitans and comparative studies on the effects of starvation and sex on the EAG in G.m. morsitans, G.austeni, G.tachinoides and G.fuscipes fuscipes were made. Stimuli were the vapours of l-octen-3-ol, 4-heptanone, 3-nonanone and acetone. EAG decreased with age in both sexes of G.m.morsitans , responses in 5-day-old flies already being significantly lower than those in 1-day-old flies. In G.m.morsitans and G.tachinoides , EAG responses of males were higher than those of females. In G.austeni and G.f.fuscipes , however, the reverse was found. With increasing starvation EAG sensitivity increased in both sexes of G.m.morsitans and G.tachinoides. In G.austeni and in G.f.fuscipes no clear effects of starvation were observed. Response spectra of the individual species to the four odour substances did not change with increasing hunger. It is concluded that receptor sensitivity may be modulated depending on the insect's needs. Possible mechanisms of regulation and significance of this modulation are discussed.  相似文献   
Although fluctuating asymmetry has become popular as a measure of developmental instability, few studies have examined its developmental basis. We propose an approach to investigate the role of development for morphological asymmetry by means of morphometric methods. Our approach combines geometric morphometrics with the two-way ANOVA customary for conventional analyses of fluctuating asymmetry and can discover localized features of shape variation by examining the patterns of covariance among landmarks. This approach extends the notion of form used in studies of fluctuating asymmetry from collections of distances between morphological landmarks to an explicitly geometric concept of shape characterized by the configuration of landmarks. We demonstrate this approach with a study of asymmetry in the wings of tsetse flies (Glossina palpalis gambiensis). The analysis revealed significant fluctuating and directional asymmetry for shape as well as ample shape variation among individuals and between the offspring of young and old females. The morphological landmarks differed markedly in their degree of variability but multivariate patterns of landmark covariation identified by principal component analysis were generally similar between fluctuating asymmetry (within-individual variability) and variation among individuals. Therefore there is no evidence that special developmental processes control fluctuating asymmetry. We relate some of the morphometric patterns to processes known to be involved in the development of fly wings.  相似文献   
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