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The experiment simulated a plant succession stage when perennial grasses (e.g. Calamagrostis epigejos) invade communities of annuals with different mycotrophy (e.g. Atriplex sagittata and Tripleurospermum inodorum) on coalmine spoil banks. Communities of these three model species were planted in 30 l microcosms either in the presence of pre-established mycelium network of three arbuscular mycorrhizal fungi (AMF) species (individually and in a mixture) or without AMF. Different AMF species had significantly different effects on individual plant species’ growth, which resulted in changes in plant community structure. While in the no-AMF treatment the non-mycotrophic plant species A. sagittata contributed nearly 70% to the total plant biomass, in the presence of the 3 AMF mixture the contribution of this species was only about 10%. Different effects of AMF on tiller formation by C. epigejos suggest that some AMF could have greater potential to promote the replacement of annuals by perennial grasses than others. It can be concluded that not merely the presence but also the identity of AMF present on spoil banks can affect the coexistence of plant dominants, the community structure and the progress of plant succession.  相似文献   
Microscopic evidence suggests that fungi forming endosymbioses with liverworts in the Marchantiales are arbuscular mycorrhizal (AM) fungi from the Glomeromycota. Polymerase chain reaction amplification of ribosomal sequences confirmed that endophytes of the New Zealand liverwort, Marchantia foliacea, were members of the genus Glomus. Endophytes from two Glomus rDNA phylotypes were repeatedly isolated from geographically separated liverwort samples. Multiple phylotypes were present in the same liverwort patch. The colonizing Glomus species exhibited substantial internal transcribed spacer sequence variation within phylotypes. This work suggests that certain liverwort species may serve as a model for studying DNA sequence variation in colonizing AM phylotypes and specificity in AM-host relationships.  相似文献   
The aim of this work was to disentangle phosphorus status-dependent and -independent effects of arbuscular mycorrhizal fungus (AMF) on leaf morphology and carbon allocation in perennial ryegrass (Lolium perenne). To this end, we assessed the P-response function of morphological components in mycorrhizal and nonmycorrhizal plants of similar size. AMF (Glomus hoi) stimulated relative P-uptake rate, decreased leaf mass per area (LMA), and increased shoot mass ratio at low P supply. Lower LMA was caused by both decreased tissue density and thickness. Variation in tissue density was almost entirely caused by variations in soluble C, while that in thickness involved structural changes. All effects of AMF were indistinguishable from those mediated by increases in relative P-uptake rate through higher P-supply rates. Thus the relationships between relative P-uptake rate, leaf morphology and C allocation were identical in mycorrhizal and nonmycorrhizal plants. No evidence was found for AMF effects not mediated by changes in plant P status.  相似文献   
A nested multiplex PCR (polymerase chain reaction) approach was used for multilocus genotyping of arbuscular mycorrhizal fungal populations. This method allowed us to amplify multiple loci from Glomus single spores in a single PCR amplification. Variable introns in the two protein coding genes GmFOX2 and GmTOR2 were applied as codominant genetic markers together with the LSU rDNA. Genetic structure of Glomus spp. populations from an organically and a conventionally cultured field were compared by hierarchical sampling of spores from four plots in each field. Multilocus genotypes were characterized by SSCP (single stranded conformation polymorphism) and sequencing. All spore genotypes were unique suggesting that no recombination was taking place in the populations. There were no overall differences in the distribution of genotypes in the two fields and identical genotypes could be sampled from both fields. Analysis of gene diversity indicated that Glomus populations are subdivided between plots within each field. There were however, no subdivision between the fields.  相似文献   
This study tested whether leaf elongation rate (LER, mm h(-1)) and its components--average relative elemental growth rate (REGRavg, mm mm(-1) h(-1)) and leaf growth zone length (L(LGZ), mm)--are related to phosphorus (P) concentration in the growth zone (P(LGZ) mg P g(-1) tissue water) of Lolium perenne L. cv. Condesa and whether such relationships are modified by the arbuscular mycorrhizal fungus (AMF) Glomus hoi. Mycorrhizal and non-mycorrhizal plants were grown at a range of P supply rates and analysed at either the same plant age or the same tiller size (defined by the length of the sheath of the youngest fully expanded leaf). Both improved P supply (up to 95%) and AMF (up to 21%) strongly increased LER. In tillers of even-aged plants, this was due to increased REGRavg and L(LGZ). In even-sized tillers, it was exclusively due to increased REGRavg. REGRavg was strictly related to P(LGZ) (r2 = 0.95) and independent of tiller size. Conversely, L(LGZ) strictly depended on tiller size (r2 = 0.88) and not on P(LGZ). Hence, P status affected leaf growth directly only through effects on relative tissue expansion rates. Symbiosis with AMF did not modify these relationships. Thus, no evidence for P status-independent effects of AMF on LER was found.  相似文献   
Bacteria associated with arbuscular mycorrhizal (AM) fungal spores may play functional roles in interactions between AM fungi, plant hosts and defence against plant pathogens. To study AM fungal spore-associated bacteria (AMB) with regard to diversity, source effects (AM fungal species, plant host) and antagonistic properties, we isolated AMB from surface-decontaminated spores of Glomus intraradices and Glomus mosseae extracted from field rhizospheres of Festuca ovina and Leucanthemum vulgare. Analysis of 385 AMB was carried out by fatty acid methyl ester (FAME) profile analysis, and some also identified using 16S rRNA gene sequence analysis. The AMB were tested for capacity to inhibit growth in vitro of Rhizoctonia solani and production of fluorescent siderophores. Half of the AMB isolates could be identified to species (similarity index 0.6) within 16 genera and 36 species. AMB were most abundant in the genera Arthrobacter and Pseudomonas and in a cluster of unidentified isolates related to Stenotrophomonas. The AMB composition was affected by AM fungal species and to some extent by plant species. The occurrence of antagonistic isolates depended on AM fungal species, but not plant host, and originated from G. intraradices spores. AM fungal spores appear to host certain sets of AMB, of which some can contribute to resistance by AM fungi against plant pathogens.  相似文献   
Our study examined the influence of elevated ozone levels on the growth and mycorrhizal colonization of two populations of Elymus glaucus L. (blue wildrye). We hypothesized that ozone would reduce carbon availability to the plants, particularly below ground, and would affect mycorrhizal colonization. Because of the wide geographic range of E. glaucus, two populations of plants were selected from areas of contrasting ozone histories to examine intraspecies variation in response to ozone. Two populations of E. glaucus (southern California versus northern California) exposed in a factorial experiment involving ozone, mycorrhizal inoculation with Glomus intraradices Schenck and Smith, and plant source population. Ozone had a subtle effect on leaf area and number of tillers but did not affect overall root:shoot ratio in either population. The impact of ozone on above-ground growth characteristics was most pronounced in the southern population that came from a high-ozone environment, while below-ground responses such as reduced arbuscular colonization was most pronounced in the northern population which originated in a low-ozone environment. Further analysis of soil characteristics from the northern population of plants revealed a significant reduction in active soil bacterial biomass and an increase in total fungi per gram dry weight soil, suggesting a possible role for ozone in altering soil processes. Whether or not population differences in response to ozone were due to genetic shifts resulting from prior ozone remains to be determined. However, these subtle but important differences in population response to ozone above- and below-ground have significant implications in any attempt to generalize plant response, even within a species. Future research efforts need to include better characterization of intraspecific variation in response to ozone as well as possible adaptive strategies that may result from chronic ozone exposure.  相似文献   
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