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Climate change is expected to affect natural populations in many ways. One way of getting an understanding of the effects of a changing climate is to analyze time series of natural populations. Therefore, we analyzed time series of 25 and 20 years, respectively, in two populations of the citril finch (Carduelis citrinella) to understand the background of a dramatic increase in wing length in this species over this period, ranging between 1.3 and 2.9 phenotypic standard deviations. We found that the increase in wing length is closely correlated to warmer winters and in one case to rain in relation to temperature in the summer. In order to understand the process of change, we implemented seven simulation models, ranging from two nonadaptive models (drift and sampling), and five adaptive models with selection and/or phenotypic plasticity involved and tested these models against the time series of males and females from the two population separately. The nonadaptive models were rejected in each case, but the results were mixed when it comes to the adaptive models. The difference in fit of the models was sometimes not significant indicating that the models were not different enough. In conclusion, the dramatic change in mean wing length can best be explained as an adaptive response to a changing climate.  相似文献   
环青海湖地区天然草地时序光谱特征参量分析   总被引:7,自引:0,他引:7  
张风丽  尹球  匡定波  李凤霞  周秉荣 《生态学报》2005,25(12):3155-3160
获取了环青海湖地区4类主要天然草地2003年5~10月共16个时相的地面高分辨率光谱数据,并利用植被指数技术、导数光谱技术、植被光谱维特征提取模型及包络线归一化技术提取了多个光谱特征参量,通过对各参量在生育期内分布规律的分析,给出了能较好地表征草地生长发育规律时序特征参量的具体分布;最后计算了4类天然草地各时序特征参量的平均散度,结果表明黄边位置λY、红边位置λV、红边斜率SV、绿峰半高宽wλG、红谷半高宽wλR、去包络红谷净面积AR'和归一化植被指数NDV I对于天然草地分类更有效。  相似文献   
四川大头茶若干生态问题的研究   总被引:10,自引:2,他引:10       下载免费PDF全文
四川大头茶(Gordonia acumenata)是我国亚热带西南地区常绿阔叶林优势种之一,材质好,生长快而又未被人注意的一种优良树种。由于它是喜阳的常绿阔叶顶极先锋种(pioneer climax species)其幼苗耐阴,所以在针阔叶混交林中排挤了先锋树种(pioneer species)马尾松,而本身又在常绿阔叶林演替阶段,被更耐阴的顶极种(climax species)所代替,这是由于顶极种有较高的生态位重叠(niche overiap)和最大的生态位宽度(niche breadth)值。四川大头茶Pn日变化具有双峰曲线型和单峰曲线型两种模式,而年变化有明显的季节现象。光照强度和温度是决定Pn的两个主要生态因子,并具有较高的饱和净光合速率和降低暗呼吸能力使其成为喜阳速生的特性。由于速生,其生物量可达176.62t·ha-1;生产量达10.86t·ha-1。四川大头茶幼苗的蒸腾强度与大气湿度、叶温、光强、相对湿度、叶含水量等参数的变化有密切关系。干旱胁迫使光合速率明显下降,从而影响地上部分的生物生产力,但根/冠比却增加18.18%,这可能是植株对干旱胁迫的一种生态适应对策。四川大头茶各器官的营养元素分配与季节有密切关系,同时与土壤中相应的元素含量也有关。  相似文献   
Southern South America is expected to play an increasingly important role in global food production, but climate change could seriously threaten it. Here we have analysed long‐term historical data for major crops (rice, oats, barley, sunflower, soybean, sorghum, wheat, maize) at subnational scale to (a) look for common features among crop yield dynamics, evaluating their structure and implications for the persistence of that crop; (b) address complex crop responses to changes in environmental growing conditions; and (c) identify climate impact hotspots that are crucial for adaptation and mitigation. We have proposed a novel methodological approach based on dynamics systems in order to understand the processes behind annual crop yield fluctuations. We report the results of general patterns in the internal process (biophysical adjustments by rapid negative feedbacks) regulating crop production and analyse how it influences crop persistence and yield ceilings. The structure of a crop yield dynamic system defines its behaviour, but climate variations could displace it from yield equilibrium and affect its stability. Our findings suggest that weather conditions have a stronger impact on yield growth at high rather than at low yield levels (non‐additive impacts). This allows agriculture management to be refined and applied more efficiently, weakening the relationship between crop productivity and climate change and predicting the response of crop production to yield‐improvement strategies. We have identified those crops and regions which are most vulnerable to the current climate change trends in southern South American agroecosystems. Our results allow us to point to new ways to enhance self‐regulatory success, maximising the efficiency of crop production and reducing climate impacts. We have discussed important implications for crop management and climate change mitigation in an area where agriculture plays a key role in its socioeconomic and ecologic dimensions.  相似文献   
Temporal patterns of hibernation were studied by continuous monitoring of body temperature by radiotelemetry over 6 months in European hamsters, Cricetus cricetus, at constant temperature and photoperiod. Entrances into hibernation occurred mostly at the end of the night (0000–0800 hours), while arousals were randomly distributed between day and night. This is at variance with a control of bout duration by a clock with a period of 24 h. Consequently, the timing of entrances implies a phase-resetting of the circadian clock on each arousal. Persistence of circadian rhythmicity with a period different from 24 h during deep hibernation was investigated examining whether the durations of torpor bouts were integer multiples of a constant period. A non-parametric version of the classical contingency test of periodicity was developed for this purpose. Periods ranging from 21 to 29 h were tested. Nine animals out of ten showed at least one significant period in this range (P<0.01), either below 24 h (21.8±0.5 h, n=4) or above (27.3±0.5 h, n=7). However, we have found a theoretical model of bout durations for which the contingency test of periodicity sometimes gives false significant results. This indicates that the power of the test is weak. With this reservation our results suggest that a circadian oscillator controls the duration of a bout of hibernation, which would occur after an integer, but variable and possibly temperature-dependent number of cycles.Abbreviations b a contingency test (see Appendix) - SCN suprachiasmatic nuclei - period - T b body temperature  相似文献   
Abstract. Alternative community analyses, based on quantitative and presence/absence data, are comparable logically if the data type is the only factor responsible for differences among results. For presence/absence indices that consider mutual absences, no quantitative alternatives are known. To facilitate such comparisons, a new family of similarity coefficients is proposed for abundance data. Formally, this extension is achieved by generalizing the four cells of the usual 2 × 2 contingency table to the quantitative case. This implies an expanded meaning of absence: for a given species at a given site it is understood as the difference between the actual value and the maximum detected in the entire study. The correspondence between 10 presence/absence coefficients and their quantitative counterparts is evaluated by graphical comparisons based on artificial data. The behaviour of the new functions is also examined using field data representing post‐fire regeneration processes in grasslands and a chronosequence pertaining to forest regeneration after clear‐cut. The examples suggest that the new coefficients are most informative for data sets with low beta‐diversity and temporal background changes.  相似文献   
In this paper we identify biologically relevant families of models whose structural identifiability analysis could not be performed with available techniques directly. The models considered come from both the immunological and epidemiological literature.  相似文献   
We perform a structural analysis on an environmental Kuznets curve (EKC) for Spain by exploiting long time series (1874–2011) and by using real oil prices as an indicator of variations in fuel energy consumption. This empirical strategy allows us to both, capture the effect of the most pollutant energy on carbon dioxide (CO2) emissions and, at the same time, preclude potential endogeneity problems derived from the direct inclusion of fuel consumption in econometric specification. Knowing the extent to which oil prices affect CO2 emissions has a straightforward application for environmental policy. The dynamics estimates of the long and short-term relationships among CO2, economic growth and oil prices are built through an autoregressive distributed lag (ARDL) model. Our test results support the EKC hypothesis. Moreover, real oil prices are clearly revealed as a valuable indicator of pollutant energy consumption.  相似文献   
Many studies have assessed the effect of landscape patterns on spatial ecological processes by simulating these processes in computer‐generated landscapes with varying composition and configuration. To generate such landscapes, various neutral landscape models have been developed. However, the limited set of landscape‐level pattern variables included in these models is often inadequate to generate landscapes that reflect real landscapes. In order to achieve more flexibility and variability in the generated landscapes patterns, a more complete set of class‐ and patch‐level pattern variables should be implemented in these models. These enhancements have been implemented in Landscape Generator (LG), which is a software that uses optimization algorithms to generate landscapes that match user‐defined target values. Developed for participatory spatial planning at small scale, we enhanced the usability of LG and demonstrated how it can be used for larger scale ecological studies. First, we used LG to recreate landscape patterns from a real landscape (i.e., a mountainous region in Switzerland). Second, we generated landscape series with incrementally changing pattern variables, which could be used in ecological simulation studies. We found that LG was able to recreate landscape patterns that approximate those of real landscapes. Furthermore, we successfully generated landscape series that would not have been possible with traditional neutral landscape models. LG is a promising novel approach for generating neutral landscapes and enables testing of new hypotheses regarding the influence of landscape patterns on ecological processes. LG is freely available online.  相似文献   
Reared in cylindrical aquaria containing different depths of water (2.5 to 70 cm) the obligatory air-breathing fish Ophiocephalus striatus, belonging to different weight classes (0.1, 0.75, 10, 20 and 41 g), was forced to swim vertically a longer or shorter distance per surfacing. Surfacing frequency was a depth-dependent, activity in individuals weighing less than 20 g in all weight classes, the frequency was nearly 2 times more in the series fed ad libitum on fish muscle, than in the one where the fish were starved. Owing to the sustained surfacing activity and the consequent fatigue, the test individuals hung to the surface for a definite period. Neither frequency nor duration of hanging was depth-dependent. Mean hanging durations for the feeding series were 1.1, 3.8, 5.9, 7.9 and 8.8 hr/day in the 0.1, 0.75, 10, 20 and 41 g weight classes, respectively; the corresponding values for the starving series were 1.3, 15.0, 13.0, 12.7 and 12.8 hr/day. The distance swum by the feeding fish increased from 57 to 681 m/day and from 61 to 507 m/day in the 0.1 and 41 g individuals exposed to the minimum and maximum aquarium depths. Feeding rate, which was a depth-dependent activity, decreased from 280 to 113 g cal/g live fish/day with increasing weight. Rate and efficiency of conversion also decreased with increasing body weight; in larger fish conversion was dependent on volume rather than on depth of the aquarium. O2 uptake of feeding fish was about 6 times higher than the starving ones of the tested weight classes at different aquarium depths.This paper is part of a thesis submitted by the author (from A.P.A. College, PALNI) to Madurai University in partial fulfillment of the requirement of the Ph. D. degree. Contribution No. 12 under a research scheme granted to Dr. T. J. Pandian by the UGC (New Delhi). The author is grateful to Dr. T. J. Pandian for valuable guidance, financial support and encouragements.  相似文献   
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