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Summary The temperature-sensitive mutation shibire (shi) in Drosophila melanogaster is thought to disrupt membrane recycling processes, including endocytotic vesicle pinch-off. This mutation can perturb the development of nerves and muscles of the adult escape response. After exposure to a heat pulse (6 h at 30° C) at 20 h of pupal development, adults have abnormal flight muscles. Wing depressor muscles (DLM) are reduced in number from the normal six to one or two fibers, and are composed of enlarged fibers that appear to represent fiber fusion; large spaces devoid of muscle fibers suggested fiber deletion. The normal five motor axons are present in the peripheral nerve PDMN near the ganglion. However, while some motor axons pass dorsally to the extant fibers, other motor axons lacking end targets pass into an abnormal posterior branch and terminate in a neuroma, i.e., a tangle of axons and glia without muscle target tissue. Hemisynapses are common in axons of the proximal PDMN and within the neuroma, but they are rarely seen in control (no heat pulse) shi or wild-type flies. All surviving muscle fibers are innervated; no muscle tissue exists without innervation. Fibrillar fine structure and neuromuscular synapses appear normal. Fused fibers have dual innervation, suggesting correct and specific matching of target tissue and motor axons. Motor axons lacking target fibers do not innervate erroneous targets but instead terminate in the neuroma. These results suggest developmental constraints and rules, which may contribute to the orderly, stereotyped development in the normal flight system. The nature of the anomalies inducible in the flight motor system in shi flies implies that membrane recycling events at about 20 h of pupal development are critical to the formation of the normal adult nerve-muscle pattern for DLM flight muscles.  相似文献   
One of the largest of antelopes, Derby eland (Taurotragus derbianus), is an important ecosystem component of African savannah. While the western subspecies is Critically Endangered, the eastern subspecies is classified as least concern. Our study presents the first investigation of population dynamics of the Derby eland in the Chinko/Mbari Drainage Basin, Central African Republic, and assesses the conservation role of this population. We analysed data from 63 camera traps installed in 2012. The number of individuals captured within a single camera event ranged from one to 41. Herds were mostly mixed by age and sex, mean group size was 5.61, larger during the dry season. Adult (AD) males constituted only 20% of solitary individuals. The overall sex ratio (M:F) was 1:1.33, while the AD sex ratio shifted to 1:1.52, reflecting selective hunting pressure. Mean density ranged from 0.04 to 0.16 individuals/km2, giving an estimated population size of 445–1,760 individuals. Chinko harbours one of the largest documented populations of Derby eland in Central Africa, making Chinko one of its potential conservation hotspots.  相似文献   


The fluorescent dye 10-N-nonyl acridine orange (NAO) is widely used as a mitochondrial marker. NAO was reported to have cytotoxic effects in cultured eukaryotic cells when incubated at high concentrations. Although the biochemical response of NAO-induced toxicity has been well identified, the underlying molecular mechanism has not yet been explored in detail.


We use optical techniques, including fluorescence confocal microscopy and lifetime imaging microscopy (FLIM) both in model membranes built up as giant unilamellar vesicles (GUVs) and cultured cells. These experiments are complemented with computational studies to unravel the molecular mechanism that makes NAO cytotoxic.


We have obtained direct evidence that NAO promotes strong membrane adhesion of negatively charged vesicles. The attractive forces are derived from van der Waals interactions between anti-parallel H-dimers of NAO molecules from opposing bilayers. Semi-empirical calculations have confirmed the supramolecular scenario by which anti-parallel NAO molecules form a zipper of bonds at the contact region. The membrane remodeling effect of NAO, as well as the formation of H-dimers, was also confirmed in cultured fibroblasts, as shown by the ultrastructure alteration of the mitochondrial cristae.


We conclude that membrane adhesion induced by NAO stacking accounts for the supramolecular basis of its cytotoxicity.

General significance

Mitochondria are a potential target for cancer and gene therapies. The alteration of the mitochondrial structure by membrane remodeling agents able to form supramolecular assemblies via adhesion properties could be envisaged as a new therapeutic strategy.  相似文献   
In the escape behavior of the cockroach, all six legs begin to make directed movements nearly simultaneously. The sensory stimulus that evokes these leg movements is a wind puff. Posterior wind receptors excite giant interneurons that carry a multi-cellular code for stimulus direction — and thus for turn direction-to the three thoracic ganglia, which innervate the three pairs of legs. We have attemptd to discriminate among various possible ways that the directional information in the giant interneurons could be distributed to each leg's motor circuit. Do the giant interneurons, for instance, inform separately each thoracic ganglion of wind direction? Or is there one readout system that conveys this information to all three ganglia, and if so, might the identified thoracic interneurons, which are postsynaptic to the giant interneurons, subserve this function? We made mid-sagittal lesions in one or two thoracic ganglia, thus severing the initial segments of all the known thoracic interneurons in these ganglia, and thus causing their projection axons to the other thoracic ganglia to degenerate. This lesion did not sever the giant interneurons, however (Fig. 5). Following such lesions, the legs innervated by the intact thoracic ganglia made normally directed leg movements (Figs. 4, 6, 7). Thus, the projection axons of the thoracic interneurons are not necessary for normal leg movements. Rather, the giant interneurons appear to specify to each thoracic ganglion in which direction to move the pair of legs it innervates.  相似文献   
马边大风顶自然保护区大熊猫对竹类资源的选择利用   总被引:18,自引:1,他引:17  
魏辅文  周才权 《兽类学报》1996,16(3):171-175
本文对凉山山系大熊猫对竹子资源选择利用进行了研究,发现对不同的竹类有不同程度的选择性。最喜食大叶筇竹和白背玉山竹,几乎不选择刺竹子;就大叶筇竹而言,喜食基径大于10mm的幼竹竹茎,特别喜食基径大于18mm的竹笋;就白背玉山竹而言,喜欢选择基径大于12mm的竹茎和基径大于16mm的竹笋,但对白背玉山竹的老嫩无明显选择。  相似文献   
Summary The tarsi of the modified front legs (whips) of the whip spider Heterophrynus elaphus contain two afferent giant fibers, GN1 and GN2, with diameters at the tibia-tarsus joint of ca. 21 m and 14 m, respectively. The somata of these two neurons lie in the periphery, about 25 cm away from the CNS. These two neurons are interneurons which receive mechanoreceptive inputs from approximately 750 and 1500 bristles, respectively. The receptive fields of GN1 and GN2 overlap; they extend for 40 mm (GN1) and 90 mm (GN2) along the length of the tarsus. About 90% of the synapses onto the giant fibers are axo-axonic. Mechanical stimulation of a single bristle is sufficient to elicit action potentials in one or both interneurons. The response of the interneurons adapts quickly. Average conduction time from the soma to the CNS is 45 ms for GN1 and 55 ms for GN2. Mean conduction velocities are 5.5 and 4.2 m/s, respectively. Activity in the giant fibers does not elicit a motor response; hence the giant fibers do not mediate an escape response. Possible functions of these giant fibers are discussed and compared to those of giant fiber systems in other arthropods.Abbreviations GN giant neuron - S segment  相似文献   
Based on bitter taste receptor T2R2 gene sequence of domesticated dog(AB249685), one pair of primers were designed and used to amplify an approximately 1.1 kb DNA fragment from genomic DNA sample of giant panda by using PCR. The PCR products were ligated into the pMD-18T vector, and then transformed into competent cells of E.coli DH5α. The identified positive clone was sequenced. The result showed that the T2R2 gene of giant panda was 1 008 bp in length, and contained complete exon, and 915 bp, encoding 304...  相似文献   
为探明中国大鲵(Andrias davidianus)雌雄幼体的性腺发育特征,确定适合的性别分子鉴定方法,对15尾5月龄和17尾17月龄养殖个体进行形态测量、解剖观察、性腺组织切片及PCR扩增雌性特异DNA片段。结果发现,引物adf225和adf340的扩增效果好,判定5月龄个体8雌7雄;17月龄个体8雌9雄,与依据性腺形态结构区分的结果一致。体视显微镜下5月龄幼体中肾腹侧有两条半透明细条状的原始生殖嵴;组织切片显示生殖细胞形态分化不明显。17月龄卵巢波浪状弯曲,有颗粒感,精巢呈光滑的白条状,形态分化明显;组织切片显示,卵巢分化出体积较大的卵母细胞,同时保留原始卵泡,精巢分化出生精小叶和精原细胞、支持细胞。外形测量显示,5月龄与17月龄性二型不明显,不能根据外形判断性别。本研究确定了大鲵幼体性别分子鉴定的最佳引物,可用于养殖过程中雌雄选配,以节约资源。  相似文献   
中国大鲵的活动节律及繁殖行为描记   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:1  
梁刚  吴峰 《动物学杂志》2010,45(1):77-82
采用定时定点观察法,对仿生态条件下养殖的中国大鲵(Andrias davidianus)活动节律及繁殖行为进行了观察。结果表明,大鲵活动具有明显的昼夜节律变化,白天隐藏在洞穴中不活动,每天20:30时部分大鲵开始出洞活动,21:00时至次日凌晨1:00时为活动高峰期,1:00时后部分大鲵开始陆续回到洞穴,3:00时后又全部隐藏在洞穴中;大鲵的夜间活动随季节的变化而发生周期性变化,8~9月出洞活动的大鲵数量达到一年之中的最大值。大鲵尤其是雄鲵在繁殖季节表现出明显多样的繁殖行为:①推沙行为;②求偶行为,包括聚集、露头、巡视、追随、尾阴探究、亲吻、邀请和爬跨8种行为型;③冲凉行为;④护卵行为;⑤婚配行为。  相似文献   
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