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车八岭山地常绿阔叶林群落结构特征与微地形条件的关系   总被引:3,自引:1,他引:3  
马旭东  张苏峻  苏志尧  区余端  刘刚 《生态学报》2010,30(19):5151-5160
以车八岭国家级自然保护区南亚热带常绿阔叶林2hm2样地调查数据为基础,根据样方排列、海拔梯度变化及水分梯度理论潜在值从低到高的趋势将样地划分为5条样带,在由山脊至山谷的微地形变化范围内对群落结构进行全面分析,探讨群落内部结构变化规律及其影响因子。研究结果表明,海拔、坡位、坡向、坡度等山地微地形条件对群落结构及物种分布影响显著。从山脊至谷底变化过程中,各样带平均树高、平均胸径以及较大高度级和胸径级的物种个体比例减少,物种多样性呈现增加趋势。多响应置换过程(MRPP)分析表明各样带之间物种组成存在极显著差异(P0.0001),且样带主要物种及密度发生明显变化。通过物种与地形因子的典范对应分析(CCA)知,在同一区域内,物种随地形因子表现出不同的分布趋势,米锥(Castanopsiscarlesii)、甜锥(Castanopsis eyrei)、石栎(Lithocarpus glaber)等喜光的阳性树种在上坡位分布较多,枫香(Liquidambar formosana)、樟叶槭(Acer cinnamomifolium)等喜温暖湿润气候的物种则在下坡位样带为优势物种。揭示了山地常绿阔叶林群落特征对微地形变化的响应,对于区域生物多样性保护和植被恢复具有重要的理论和实践意义。  相似文献   
Snowy plovers (Charadrius nivosus) are a species of conservation concern throughout North America and listed as a threatened species in Kansas. Management to minimize the effects of flooding and predation were implemented at Kansas breeding sites in the 1980s to encourage reproductive success. However, the effectiveness of those strategies and the effect of other variables that may influence nest survival have not been formally assessed. We used Program MARK to model the daily survival rate (DSR) of 317 snowy plover nests with 14 habitat- and management-related covariates to identify factors that influence nest survival and examine the efficacy of current management practices. In 2005 and 2006, we monitored nests and collected habitat data at the 2 known breeding sites in Kansas, Quivira National Wildlife Refuge (NWR) and Cheyenne Bottoms Wildlife Area (WA). Overall DSR was greater at Quivira NWR in 2006 (0.954) than at Cheyenne Bottoms WA (0.917) and Quivira NWR (0.942) in 2005. We developed 88 candidate models of which 4 competing models (ΔAICc < 2) were identified. We selected the most parsimonious model (K = 14, wi = 0.23) as the remaining 3 included covariates deemed biologically uninformative. This model included the effect of study site and year on a quadratic time trend, and included covariates quantifying nest age; precipitation; the proportion of gravel, rock, and vegetation at nests; occurrence within an electric fence and within 20 m of a road; occurrence on a human-constructed nest mound; and adult capture during incubation. We found a strong positive relationship between the use of nest mounds and DSR, and a strong negative relationship between precipitation and DSR. We also found a strong positive relationship between DSR and the proportion of vegetation at nest sites, the occurrence of a nest within an electric fence, and adult capture at a nest. We noted a strong negative relationship between DSR and occurrence within 20 m of a road. However, we found that DSR was not sensitive to the proportion of vegetation at a nest, occurrence within an electric fence or within 20 m of a road, and to adult capture at a nest in light of covariates quantifying precipitation and the use of nest mounds. We found weak support for a positive relationship between DSR, nest age, and the proportion of gravel and rock at nests. Our results indicate that large rainfall events are a major source of snowy plover nest loss in Kansas that can be mitigated by the construction of nest mounds. Limited influence of environmental variables found to influence nest survival at other breeding sites suggests that threats to snowy plover nest survival are site specific and managers should assess local sources of nest loss prior to implementing management strategies to improve reproductive success. © 2012 The Wildlife Society.  相似文献   
在野外样方调查的基础上研究了大青沟国家自然保护区5种不同植被类型地面生苔藓植物物种多样性及其与环境因子之间相关性。(1)共发现苔藓植物12科27属55种,以丛藓科(Pottiaceae)、青藓科(Brachytheciaceae)和真藓科(Bryaceae)等为优势科,青藓属(Brachythecium)、真藓属(Bryum)和小石藓属(Weissia)等为优势属,优势种有双色真藓(Bryum bicolor)、西伯利亚瘤冠苔(Mannia sibirica)、密叶绢藓短柄变种(Entodon compressus var.zikaiwiensis)、绒叶青藓(Brachythecium velutinum)和地钱(Marchantia polymorpha)等;(2) Alpha多样性指数中,Patrick丰富度指数6~29,Shannon-Wiener多样性指数1.439 2~2.608 0,变化规律均为:水曲柳林(Fraxinus mandschuria forest) > 蒙古栎林(Quercus mongolica forest) > 大果榆林(Ulmus macrocarpa forest) > 西伯利亚杏灌丛(Armeniaca sibirica shrub) > 羊草草地(Leymus chinensis community);Simpson优势度指数0.131 6~0.295 5,与上述两指数呈显著负相关;Pielou均匀度指数0.663 0~0.803 3,与以上指数相关性不强;(3)影响物种多样性的主要环境因子有空气湿度、土壤水分、乔木盖度和灌木盖度;(4) Bata多样性指数0~0.652 2,大果榆林与蒙古栎林之间相似度最大,羊草草地与水曲柳林之间无相似性;水曲柳林和蒙古栎林是研究区地面生苔藓植物物种多样性保护的重点。  相似文献   
王永健  陶建平  张炜银  臧润国  丁易  李媛  王微 《生态学报》2006,26(11):3525-3532
通过样带调查和TWINSPAN、DCCA分析,从植物种、植物群落及其多样性与环境关系方面,研究了岷江上游土地岭大熊猫走廊带恢复植被的干扰状况。结果表明:应用TWINSPAN分类,并结合优势种组成、干扰状况分析及DCCA排序,可将植被划分为6个群落类型,同时划分出响应型、迟钝型、中度干扰忍耐型和重度干扰忍耐型4类干扰响应的植物类型。以样方物种和以样方多样性指数的DCCA分析结果基本一致,物种及群落的空间分布呈明显的聚集格局,反映其与环境因子间的密切关系。DCCA排序图上,海拔差、坡形、与公路距离、坡度及道路条数对群落和物种分布有明显的影响,与干扰相关性最大的坡度、样地道路数目、与公路间的距离3个因子反映了植被的干扰梯度。干扰对土地岭恢复植被影响显著,干扰降低了群落的物种多样性,同时阻碍了演替进程。  相似文献   
本文以2010—2020年15只母兽带仔野化培训的大熊猫幼仔为研究对象,基于红外视频监控系统观察和音频颈圈解译获得的行为资料、GPS颈圈跟踪定位采集的粪样数据,分析了野化培训大熊猫幼仔的行为发育进程和食性转换特征。结果表明:随着野化培训大熊猫幼仔的生长发育,与觅食和警戒相关的行为得到充分发育,且具有较强的时间关联性,包括食乳、爬行、走动、玩耍物品、爬树、咬玩竹子、饮水和采食竹子等。8~10月龄的大熊猫幼仔开始取食竹子,其发育性食性转换过程划分为3个阶段:食乳期(1~7月龄)、食母乳—食竹子转换期(8~28月龄)和食竹期(29~39月龄),其中转换期细分为关键期(8~18月龄)和过渡期(19~28月龄)。从统计检验来看,不同食性阶段间差异显著;过渡期的大熊猫幼仔可离开母兽独立生活,此阶段大熊猫幼仔食物组分比例与食竹期相比无显著差异。野化培训大熊猫幼仔的季节性食性转换规律与带仔母兽和野生大熊猫具有相似的格局,即春季主要取食竹笋,夏、秋季则以嫩竹茎和竹叶为食,冬季采食竹叶与竹茎。  相似文献   
为了解浙江清凉峰国家级自然保护区内野猪(Sus scrofa)的分布及活动节律,2018年3月至2019年2月,我们利用红外相机技术对其进行了网格化监测。在千顷塘和龙塘山区域总计布设109个红外相机监测点,共计调查39 240个相机日。结果表明,在千顷塘区域,野猪倾向于在落叶阔叶林(拍摄率5.33 ±5.64)和针阔混交林(3.75 ±3.46)活动,而在龙塘山区域,则倾向于针阔混交林(4.32 ±5.21);千顷塘与龙塘山区域野猪各月间的日活动差异指数α均存在极显著差异(P < 0.01),冬季的α值高于其他季节;昼行性指数β的平均值分别为0.870和0.768,显著高于理论值13/24(P < 0.01),表明清凉峰的野猪种群具有明显的昼行性特征,且在冬季的活动时间分配较之其他季节更不均匀。通过核密度估计法分析不同季节野猪的日活动节律发现,保护区内野猪春季有晨昏两个活动高峰(08:00-10:00、17:00-19:00),冬季活动高峰出现在午后(13:00-17:00),其他季节无明显活动高峰。本研究有助于加深对野猪华南亚种生态习性的认知,为保护区的野生动物管理工作提供科学依据。  相似文献   
In China, evergreen broad leaved forests (EBLFs) is one of the most important vegetation types which was widly distributed in subtropical area, and it plays a very important role in the global biological diversity and natural environment conservation also. In order to reveal species diversity and altitudinal gradient patterns of evergreen broad leaved forest in Meihuashan National Natural Reserve, Fujian Province. Five altitude transects were set up at a vertical interval of 200m between 375m and 1300m above sea level in the EBLFs distribution areas, and twenty four quadrats(14400m2) had been surveyed. Species richness(S), species richness index (dGl), Simpson index (D), Shannon Wiener index (H′), Pielou evenness index (J) had been used for analysis of species diversity and altitudinal gradient pattern of EBLFs. The average value of S, dGl, H′,J and D were 64.42, 10.75, 5.75, 3.50, 0.58 respectively. The difference of community species diversity index(S, dGl, D, H′, and J) was extremely significant between transects, and the altitudinal gradient patterns of species diversity presented the unimodal variable trend, with a peak in the mid altitude(700m-900m). The species richness and Shannon Wiener index of different layer were ranked as shrub layer (include young tree and the plants between layers)>arbor layer>herb layer. The species richness of tree and shrub layer, and Shannon Wiener index of tree layer were significantly different between at transects, and trends of altitude gradient was similar to community. The Shannon Wiener index of shrub layer and herb layer, and the species richness of herb layer did not change significantly along elevation gradient. Therefore, plant species diversity distribution pattern presented a unimodal variable trend along an elevation gradient, and supported “mid domain model” in EBLFs of Meihuashan National Nature Reserve.  相似文献   
The effects of fire on soil‐surface carbon dioxide (CO2) efflux, FS, and microbial biomass carbon, Cmic, were studied in a wildland setting by examining 13‐year‐old postfire stands of lodgepole pine differing in tree density (< 500 to > 500 000 trees ha?1) in Yellowstone National Park (YNP). In addition, young stands were compared to mature lodgepole pine stands (~110‐year‐old) in order to estimate ecosystem recovery 13 years after a stand replacing fire. Growing season FS increased with tree density in young stands (1.0 µmol CO2 m?2 s?1 in low‐density stands, 1.8 µmol CO2 m?2 s?1 in moderate‐density stands and 2.1 µmol CO2 m?2 s?1 in high‐density stands) and with stand age (2.7 µmol CO2 m?2 s?1 in mature stands). Microbial biomass carbon in young stands did not differ with tree density and ranged from 0.2 to 0.5 mg C g?1 dry soil over the growing season; Cmic was significantly greater in mature stands (0.5–0.8 mg C g?1 dry soil). Soil‐surface CO2 efflux in young stands was correlated with biotic variables (above‐ground, below‐ground and microbial biomass), but not with abiotic variables (litter and mineral soil C and N content, bulk density and soil texture). Microbial biomass carbon was correlated with below‐ground plant biomass and not with soil carbon and nitrogen, indicating that plant activity controls not only root respiration, but Cmic pools and overall FS rates as well. These findings support recent studies that have demonstrated the prevailing importance of plants in controlling rates of FS and suggest that decomposition of older, recalcitrant soil C pools in this ecosystem is relatively unimportant 13 years after a stand replacing fire. Our results also indicate that realistic predictions and modeling of terrestrial C cycling must account for the variability in tree density and stand age that exists across the landscape as a result of natural disturbances.  相似文献   
大熊猫颅骨、下颌骨及牙齿特征在进化上的意义   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
本文对大熊猫颅骨形态及牙齿结构进行了研究,认为大熊猫与始熊猫的裔征不同于熊科成员,应单列一大熊猫科(Ailuropodidae)。在大熊猫种系进化中,它们的形态与机能是统一的。不同种类的形态特征,又是在适应环境中逐渐产生的。根据这个认识,我们把大熊猫的进化历程可划分为始发期、成长期、鼎盛期和衰败期。  相似文献   
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