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结合田间观察和室内试验,对榆木蠹蛾HolcocerusvicariusWalker的生物学特性进行了较为系统的研究。结果表明,榆木蠹蛾在宁夏3年发生1代,幼虫主要危害枝干和根颈部,幼虫在蛀道内越冬,5月下旬老熟幼虫在被害树周围5—10cm深的沙土内分散化蛹,蛹期(21±5)d。6月初成虫开始出现,有2个羽化高峰,分别为6月中旬和7月下旬,成虫羽化当晚即可交尾,交尾当天或第2天产卵,每雌蛾产卵最多达720粒,卵期(17±5)d,孵化率为72%~88%。未交尾雌雄成虫寿命为5—6d,交尾后雌雄成虫寿命缩短为3—5d。初孵幼虫于6月中旬始见,10月下旬幼虫开始越冬。幼虫孵化后,先危害韧皮部,常10多条聚集在一起,稍大一点即蛀入木质部。本研究为制定切实可行的榆木蠹蛾有效防治提供理论依据。  相似文献   
Phylogeography of five Polytrichum species within Europe   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
Using allozymes and microsatellites we have analysed the genetic structure among European populations for several Polytrichum species to infer relevant factors, such as historical events or gene flow, that have shaped their genetic structure. As we observed low levels of genetic differentiation among populations, and no decreasing levels of genetic variation with increasing latitude within most of the examined species, no genetic evidence was obtained for a step-wise recolonization of Europe from southern refugia after the latest glacial period for P. commune , P. uliginosum , P. formosum and P. piliferum . The near absence of population substructuring within these species does indicate that extensive spore dispersal is the most important factor determining the genetic structure among European Polytrichum populations. Gene flow levels have apparently been sufficient to prevent genetic differentiation among populations caused by genetic drift, and to wipe out any genetic structure caused by the postglacial recolonization process. On the other hand, increased genetic differentiation of alpine P. formosum populations suggests that mountain ranges might restrict gene flow significantly among Polytrichum populations. In contrast to most examined Polytrichum species, P. juniperinum showed high levels of genetic differentiation and a profound genetic structure. Assuming that gene flow is not more restricted in P. juniperinum , these findings suggest that this species has recolonized Europe after the latest glacial period from two different refugia, one possibly being the British Isles.  © 2003 The Linnean Society of London, Biological Journal of the Linnean Society 2003, 78, 203–213.  相似文献   
水培条件下营养元素对枳幼苗根毛发育及根生长的影响   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
以柑橘砧木枳实生苗为试材,研究水培条件下N、P、 K、Ca、Mg、Fe和Mn等7种营养元素分别缺乏对其根系主根长度、侧根数和主、侧根根毛密度、根毛长度及根毛直径等的影响.结果表明: 水培条件下,不同缺素处理枳实生幼苗的根毛均能生长,但根毛主要集中在近根基段,根尖处分布较少;侧根的根毛密度显著大于主根,而其根毛长度显著小于主根.不同缺素处理对根毛的生长发育影响较大,主根根毛密度为55.0~174.3 条·mm-2.与对照相比,缺Ca诱发主根的根毛密度、长度显著增加;缺P使主根的根基段、中段及侧根的根毛密度、长度显著增加;缺Fe使主根根尖段根毛密度显著增加,而长度显著降低;缺K使主根、侧根的根毛密度、长度及根毛直径均显著降低;缺Mg使主根根毛长度显著增加.各处理主根的生长较一致;侧根除缺N、Mg处理外,其他处理均出现脱落后再生的现象.  相似文献   
This paper deals with the botanical study of a family funerary enclosure located in the Porta Nocera necropolis in Pompeii (southwestern Italy). This study is part of a Franco-Italian programme investigating Roman funerary rituals. The choice of the context was due to the exceptional preservation of the archaeological features, which offered the opportunity to observe the remains of the proceedings which took place in a funerary enclosure in great detail. An adequate methodology had to be developed and a 3D recording of every single artefact or ecofact has been made. Both ground surfaces and graves provided botanical results. Those from the ground surfaces consisted mainly of fruit offering residues (especially fig and grape), while a much wider range of species was observed in the tombs, including cereals, pulses, other kinds of fruits, weeds and bread/pastry. Electronic supplementary material The online version of this article (doi:) contains supplementary material, which is available to authorized users.  相似文献   
Bearded seal (Erignathus barbatus) calls were recorded using autonomous passive acoustic recorders deployed in the northeastern Chukchi Sea between October 2007 and October 2010. Continuous acoustic data were acquired during summer (August to mid‐October), and overwinter data (mid‐October through July) were acquired on a duty cycle of 40/48 min every 4 h. We investigated the spatio‐temporal distribution and acoustic behavior of vocalizing bearded seals in this multiyear data set. Peaks in calling occurred in spring, coinciding with the mating period, and calls stopped abruptly in late June/early July. Fewer calls were detected in summer, and the vocal presence of seals increased with the formation of pack ice in winter. Vocal activity was higher at night than during the day, with a peak around 0400 (AKST). Monthly patterns in proportional use of each call type and call duration were examined for the first time. The proportion and duration of AL1(T) and AL2(T) call types increased during the mating period, suggesting that males advertise their breeding condition by producing those specific longer trills. The observed seasonal and diel trends were consistent between years. These results improve our understanding of occurrence and acoustic behavior of bearded seals across the northeastern Chukchi Sea.  相似文献   
目的:分析生物合成胰岛素注射液启封后有效期内细菌污染情况,并总结其合理的使用方法及时间。方法:收集我院各个科室使用的胰岛素注射液96瓶,启封后分别在不同使用时间和保存温度下采集样本进行细菌学检测。结果:本实验中96瓶启封后有效期内的生物胰岛素注射液中,共有10瓶细菌培养呈阳性,阳性率为10.41%。其中7d之内启封的胰岛素注射液细菌培养全部呈阴性,其余各组的胰岛素注射液细菌培养均呈阳性及存在菌落,随着启封时间的延长,细菌培养阳性率及菌落数上升,且各组之间的差异均具有统计学意义(P0.05)。研究中保存温度2~4℃的细菌培养全部呈阴性,其余各组的胰岛素注射液细菌培养均呈阳性及存在菌落,随着保存温度的升高,细菌培养阳性率及菌落数上升,且各组之间的差异均具有统计学意义(P0.05)。结论:胰岛素注射液启封后有效期内随着时间的延长以及保存温度的升高,细菌培养的阳性率及菌落数量上升,临床使用时要应尽量在7d内使用完,并且尽量保存在低于25℃环境中。  相似文献   
通过假设捕食系统中疾病只在食饵种群中传播,被传染的易惑者经过一段潜伏期后才具有传染性,潜伏者与染病者均具有垂直传播能力,染病者恢复后对该病不具有终身免疫力,建立了一类具有垂直传播的SEIRS捕食传染病模型,运用极限系统理论,分两种情形讨论了系统平衡点的存在性及局部稳定性,利用Lyapunov函数和二次复合矩阵等方法,得到了平衡点全局渐近稳定的条件.  相似文献   
1. Macroinvertebrate assemblages of five non‐glacial intermittent high altitude headwater streams (above 1400 m – Serra da Estrela, Portugal), with dry periods of different lengths (0–3 months), were investigated in nearly undisturbed conditions to (i) examine spatial differences and identify environmental variables responsible for the observed invertebrate patterns, (ii) assess the association of dry period length with invertebrate community structure and (iii) determine the influence of using different taxonomic identification levels (order, family and genus) to assess invertebrate community patterns. 2. More than 100 macroinvertebrate genera were identified. Insects clearly dominated these communities with more than 95% of total captures and around 95% of the total richness. Diptera were the most rich and abundant group with chironomid occurrences comprising over 70% of macroinvertebrate captures. 3. The highest taxon richness, diversity, EPT (Ephemeroptera + Plecoptera + Trichoptera) and OCH (Odonata + Coleoptera + Heteroptera) genus richness, the greatest number of exclusive and characteristic taxa identified by the Indicator Value (IndVal), and a distinct community structure shown by Canonical Correspondence Analyses (CCA), were found in the only stream that was never totally dry, with pools lasting over summer. Environmental gradients that spatially structured the macroinvertebrate communities were always related to flow variations. 4. Over time, the highest abundances found in these systems were also related to flow variations and maximum genus richness occurred in the connected pools or in isolated pools. Streams with longer dry periods presented a distinct recolonization phase, with higher abundance of the stonefly larvae Nemoura sp. and the presence of the chironomid larvae Krenosmittia sp., possibly arriving from the hyporheos. 5. Taxonomic level of invertebrate identification was vital for recognizing the characteristic taxa (IndVal) of streams yet was not critical for identifying streams with the highest macroinvertebrate richness/diversity or structuring environmental gradients. 6. Overall, this study emphasizes the variability of high altitude intermittent streams macroinvertebrate communities, despite spatial proximity. This variability was probably related to flow intermittency and hydrologic permanence, different vegetation covers and riverbed substrata. Consequently, the establishment of reference conditions should involve long‐term data collections and more detailed physical characterization. Also, these findings have significant implications for accurately predicting the ecological consequences of future climate change in high altitude scenarios.  相似文献   
白头鹤孵卵后期的行为节律观察   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
作者于2003~2004年连续2年的4月末至5月初在黑龙江大沾河湿地自然保护区,对3对野生白头鹤(Grus monacha)的孵卵过程进行了定点观察,结果表明,白头鹤的卧巢行为(t=-4.92,P=0.00)和护巢行为(t=3.09,P=0.007)在雌、雄个体间存在极显著差异;不同孵卵阶段的卧巢行为(t=2.95,P<0.01)、护巢行为(t=4.29,P<0.01)和育雏行为(t=-6.79,P<0.01)表现出不同的节律性。天气状况是影响白头鹤孵卵期各行为的重要因素,晴天时的凉卵行为(t=1.55,P<0.01)和育雏行为(t=4.06,P>0.01)时间明显多于阴雨天。对雌、雄个体行为同时进行观察的结果表明,雌(雄)鹤卧巢行为的时间与雄(雌)鹤护巢行为的时间呈显著正相关(相关系数分别为R=0.94和R=0.86)。  相似文献   
北京地区黑鹳越冬期的取食行为   总被引:6,自引:0,他引:6  
2004年12月至2005年3月在北京十渡地区的二渡和涞水县野三坡两地采用目标取样法对越冬期黑鹳(Ciconia nigra)的取食行为进行了观察。每星期观察一次,累计观察246 h。黑鹳觅食处水深5~40 cm左右,以鱼类和螺类为食,其中鱼类占90%以上;平均每小时进食20次左右,黑鹳在两个研究地点取食的食物没有差别(P=0.439>0.05)。黑鹳取食长度小于4 cm的鱼类最多,占取食总次数的65.0%。成体和亚成体对不同大小鱼类的取食比例无差异(小于4 cm的鱼类,P=0.513>0.05;5~8 cm,P=0.979>0.05;≥9 cm,P=0.657>0.05)。在成体与亚成体对不同体型鱼类的搜寻时间中,成体搜寻较小食物的时间短于亚成体(P=0.008<0.05)。对食物的处理时间随着鱼类大小递增而延长,亚成体在处理较小食物上花费的时间相对较长(小于4 cm的鱼P=0.002<0.05;5~8cm的鱼P=0.001<0.05),表明亚成体的取食经验不足。保护越冬期黑鹳的最佳对策是减少对其取食活动和取食地的人为干扰。  相似文献   
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