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We present a new method, secondary structure prediction by deviation parameter (SSPDP) for predicting the secondary structure of proteins from amino acid sequence. Deviation parameters (DP) for amino acid singlets, doublets and triplets were computed with respect to secondary structural elements of proteins based on the dictionary of secondary structure prediction (DSSP)-generated secondary structure for 408 selected nonhomologous proteins. To the amino acid triplets which are not found in the selected dataset, a DP value of zero is assigned with respect to the secondary structural elements of proteins. The total number of parameters generated is 15,432, in the possible parameters of 25,260. Deviation parameter is complete with respect to amino acid singlets, doublets, and partially complete with respect to amino acid triplets. These generated parameters were used to predict secondary structural elements from amino acid sequence. The secondary structure predicted by our method (SSPDP) was compared with that of single sequence (NNPREDICT) and multiple sequence (PHD) methods. The average value of the percentage of prediction accuracy for αhelix by SSPDP, NNPREDICT and PHD methods was found to be 57%, 44% and 69% respectively for the proteins in the selected dataset. For Β-strand the prediction accuracy is found to be 69%, 21% and 53% respectively by SSPDP, NNPREDICT and PHD methods. This clearly indicates that the secondary structure prediction by our method is as good as PHD method but much better than NNPREDICT method.  相似文献   
The voltammetric assay of Helicobacter pylori DNA was investigated using a bismuth-immobilized carbon nanotube electrode (BCNE). The analytical cyclic voltammetry (CV) peak potential was obtained at a 0.4 V reduction scan, where the diagnostic optimum square-wave (SW) stripping working range was achieved at 0.72-7.92 μg/mL H. pylori DNA (11 points). A relative standard deviation of 1.68% (RSD, n = 5) was obtained with 3.2 mg/mL H. pylori DNA using a 240 s accumulation time. Under optimum conditions, detection limit was 0.06 μg/mL. The developed sensors can be used for clinical application in the 15th doubted human gastric tissues, since the patient's peak current increased a hundred times more than the negative healthy tissue did. The sensing time obtained was only two minutes, and the process was simpler compared to common PCR amplification and electrophoresis photometric detection systems.  相似文献   
Photo physical properties of fluorescent organic compounds give an immense improved knowledge on characteristics of excited state that is beneficial to devise innovate molecules and understand their performance in particular applications. Coumarin derivatives have been extensively investigated in this regard. This article narrates steady state fluorescence quenching measurements of a coumarin derivative namely 3‐hydroxy‐3‐[2‐oxo‐2‐(3‐oxo‐3H‐benzo[f]chromen‐2‐yl)‐ethyl]‐1,3‐dihydro‐indol‐2‐one (3HBCD) in a binary mixture of acetonitrile and 1,4‐dioxane. Aniline is used as quencher. Fluorescence intensity is large in acetonitrile and decreases as the percentage of 1,4‐dioxane in the solvent mixture increases. With modest quencher concentration a deviation towards the x axis is noticed in the Stern–Volmer (S–V) plots. This downward curvature is interpreted as due to the presence of 3HBCD in different conformers in the lowest energy level. Ground state intramolecular hydrogen bonding formation is observed due to the conformational changes in the solute. Figured estimations of various quenching parameters recommend that, while dynamic quenching prompts linearity in S–V plot at lower quencher concentration, increasing quenching efficiency with increasing medium viscosity suggests that reaction is not entirely controlled by material diffusion. Stern–Volmer constant increases with decreasing medium dielectric constant.  相似文献   
Retinoblastoma-binding protein 1 (RBBP1) is involved in gene regulation, epigenetic regulation, and disease processes. RBBP1 contains five domains with DNA-binding or histone-binding activities, but how RBBP1 specifically recognizes chromatin is still unknown. An AT-rich interaction domain (ARID) in RBBP1 was proposed to be the key region for DNA-binding and gene suppression. Here, we first determined the solution structure of a tandem PWWP-ARID domain mutant of RBBP1 after deletion of a long flexible acidic loop L12 in the ARID domain. NMR titration results indicated that the ARID domain interacts with DNA with no GC- or AT-rich preference. Surprisingly, we found that the loop L12 binds to the DNA-binding region of the ARID domain as a DNA mimic and inhibits DNA binding. The loop L12 can also bind weakly to the Tudor and chromobarrel domains of RBBP1, but binds more strongly to the DNA-binding region of the histone H2A-H2B heterodimer. Furthermore, both the loop L12 and DNA can enhance the binding of the chromobarrel domain to H3K4me3 and H4K20me3. Based on these results, we propose a model of chromatin recognition by RBBP1, which highlights the unexpected multiple key roles of the disordered acidic loop L12 in the specific binding of RBBP1 to chromatin.  相似文献   
目前全球变暖已经致使地球上生物群系的格局发生了显著的变化。高纬度地区的植物生长由此变得更加活跃,而热带地区植物生长的趋势仍然是一个具有争论的问题。西双版纳热带植物园地处中国西南地区,20世纪70年代以来,这里气候发生了显著的变化,其气温以每10年0.18℃的速度上升。本研究利用西双版纳热带植物园中的48种热带植物(28科)的株高生长数据(1974~2003年)来分析其对西双版纳区域气候变化的长期变化响应,通过对株高与气候因子的相关分析选出对植物株高生长影响最大的气候因子。结果表明,植物在研究期间的株高生长年间波动比较强烈,但没有表现出明显的趋势;植物的株高生长主要受到干热季(3、4月份)的日照时数(负)与月均最低气温(正)所影响,而干热季正是这些植物每年开始萌叶的时期;另外,降雨并没有对引种植物株高生长产生显著的影响;从2个关键因子的长期变化趋势来看,西双版纳气候变化将有利于保护植物的生长,进而将有利于植物园内热带植物的保护与保存。  相似文献   
Glutamate 5-kinase (G5K) makes the highly unstable product glutamyl 5-phosphate (G5P) in the initial, controlling step of proline/ornithine synthesis, being feedback-inhibited by proline or ornithine, and causing, when defective, clinical hyperammonaemia. We determined two crystal structures of G5K from Escherichia coli, at 2.9 A and 2.5 A resolution, complexed with glutamate and sulphate, or with G5P, sulphate and the proline analogue 5-oxoproline. E. coli G5K presents a novel tetrameric (dimer of dimers) architecture. Each subunit contains a 257 residue AAK domain, typical of acylphosphate-forming enzymes, with characteristic alpha(3)beta(8)alpha(4) sandwich topology. This domain is responsible for catalysis and proline inhibition, and has a crater on the beta sheet C-edge that hosts the active centre and bound 5-oxoproline. Each subunit contains a 93 residue C-terminal PUA domain, typical of RNA-modifying enzymes, which presents the characteristic beta(5)beta(4) sandwich fold and three alpha helices. The AAK and PUA domains of one subunit associate non-canonically in the dimer with the same domains of the other subunit, leaving a negatively charged hole between them that hosts two Mg ions in one crystal, in line with the G5K requirement for free Mg. The tetramer, formed by two dimers interacting exclusively through their AAK domains, is flat and elongated, and has in each face, pericentrically, two exposed active centres in alternate subunits. This would permit the close apposition of two active centres of bacterial glutamate-5-phosphate reductase (the next enzyme in the proline/ornithine-synthesising route), supporting the postulated channelling of G5P. The structures clarify substrate binding and catalysis, justify the high glutamate specificity, explain the effects of known point mutations, and support the binding of proline near glutamate. Proline binding may trigger the movement of a loop that encircles glutamate, and which participates in a hydrogen bond network connecting active centres, which is possibly involved in the cooperativity for glutamate.  相似文献   
Multi-segmental foot kinematics have been analyzed by means of optical marker-sets or by means of inertial sensors, but never by markerless dynamic 3D scanning (D3DScanning). The use of D3DScans implies a radically different approach for the construction of the multi-segment foot model: the foot anatomy is identified via the surface shape instead of distinct landmark points. We propose a 4-segment foot model consisting of the shank (Sha), calcaneus (Cal), metatarsus (Met) and hallux (Hal). These segments are manually selected on a static scan. To track the segments in the dynamic scan, the segments of the static scan are matched on each frame of the dynamic scan using the iterative closest point (ICP) fitting algorithm. Joint rotations are calculated between Sha–Cal, Cal–Met, and Met–Hal. Due to the lower quality scans at heel strike and toe off, the first and last 10% of the stance phase is excluded. The application of the method to 5 healthy subjects, 6 trials each, shows a good repeatability (intra-subject standard deviations between 1° and 2.5°) for Sha–Cal and Cal–Met joints, and inferior results for the Met–Hal joint (>3°). The repeatability seems to be subject-dependent. For the validation, a qualitative comparison with joint kinematics from a corresponding established marker-based multi-segment foot model is made. This shows very consistent patterns of rotation. The ease of subject preparation and also the effective and easy to interpret visual output, make the present technique very attractive for functional analysis of the foot, enhancing usability in clinical practice.  相似文献   
Breast cancer cells that have undergone partial epithelial–mesenchymal transition (EMT) are believed to be more invasive than cells that have completed EMT. To study metabolic reprogramming in different mesenchymal states, we analyzed protein expression following EMT in the breast epithelial cell model D492 with single-shot LFQ supported by a SILAC proteomics approach. The D492 EMT cell model contains three cell lines: the epithelial D492 cells, the mesenchymal D492M cells, and a partial mesenchymal, tumorigenic variant of D492 that overexpresses the oncogene HER2. The analysis classified the D492 and D492M cells as basal-like and D492HER2 as claudin-low. Comparative analysis of D492 and D492M to tumorigenic D492HER2 differentiated metabolic markers of migration from those of invasion. Glutamine-fructose-6-phosphate transaminase 2 (GFPT2) was one of the top dysregulated enzymes in D492HER2. Gene expression analysis of the cancer genome atlas showed that GFPT2 expression was a characteristic of claudin-low breast cancer. siRNA-mediated knockdown of GFPT2 influenced the EMT marker vimentin and both cell growth and invasion in vitro and was accompanied by lowered metabolic flux through the hexosamine biosynthesis pathway (HBP). Knockdown of GFPT2 decreased cystathionine and sulfide:quinone oxidoreductase (SQOR) in the transsulfuration pathway that regulates H2S production and mitochondrial homeostasis. Moreover, GFPT2 was within the regulation network of insulin and EGF, and its expression was regulated by reduced glutathione (GSH) and suppressed by the oxidative stress regulator GSK3-β. Our results demonstrate that GFPT2 controls growth and invasion in the D492 EMT model, is a marker for oxidative stress, and associated with poor prognosis in claudin-low breast cancer.  相似文献   
Striated muscle responds to mechanical overload by rapidly up-regulating the expression of the cardiac ankyrin repeat protein, CARP, which then targets the sarcomere by binding to titin N2A in the I-band region. To date, the role of this interaction in the stress response of muscle remains poorly understood. Here, we characterise the molecular structure of the CARP-receptor site in titin (UN2A) and its binding of CARP. We find that titin UN2A contains a central three-helix bundle fold (ca 45 residues in length) that is joined to N- and C-terminal flanking immunoglobulin domains by long, flexible linkers with partial helical content. CARP binds titin by engaging an α-hairpin in the three-helix fold of UN2A, the C-terminal linker sequence, and the BC loop in Ig81, which jointly form a broad binding interface. Mutagenesis showed that the CARP/N2A association withstands sequence variations in titin N2A and we use this information to evaluate 85 human single nucleotide variants. In addition, actin co-sedimentation, co-transfection in C2C12 cells, proteomics on heart lysates, and the mechanical response of CARP-soaked myofibrils imply that CARP induces the cross-linking of titin and actin myofilaments, thereby increasing myofibril stiffness. We conclude that CARP acts as a regulator of force output in the sarcomere that preserves muscle mechanical performance upon overload stress.  相似文献   
Stromal interaction molecule 1 (STIM1) is an endo/sarcoplasmic reticulum (ER/SR) calcium (Ca2+) sensing protein that regulates store-operated calcium entry (SOCE). In SOCE, STIM1 activates Orai1-composed Ca2+ channels in the plasma membrane (PM) after ER stored Ca2+ depletion. S-Glutathionylation of STIM1 at Cys56 evokes constitutive SOCE in DT40 cells; however, the structural and biophysical mechanisms underlying the regulation of STIM1 by this modification are poorly defined. By establishing a protocol for site-specific STIM1 S-glutathionylation using reduced glutathione and diamide, we have revealed that modification of STIM1 at either Cys49 or Cys56 induces thermodynamic destabilization and conformational changes that result in increased solvent-exposed hydrophobicity. Further, S-glutathionylation or point-mutation of Cys56 reduces Ca2+ binding affinity, as measured by intrinsic fluorescence and far-UV circular dichroism spectroscopies. Solution NMR showed S-glutathionylated-induced perturbations in STIM1 are localized to the α1 helix of the canonical EF-hand, the α3 and α4 helices of the non-canonical EF-hand and α6 and α8 helices of the SAM domain. Finally, we designed an S-glutathiomimetic mutation that strongly recapitulates the structural, biophysical and functional effects within the STIM1 luminal domain and we envision to be another tool for understanding the effects of protein S-glutathionylation in vitro, in cellulo and in vivo.  相似文献   
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