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This study addresses some enduring issues of ontogenetic and evolutionary integration in the form of the hominid cranium. Our sample consists of 38 crania: 20 modern adult Homo sapiens, 14 sub-adult H. sapiens, and four archaic Homo. All specimens were CT-scanned except for two infant H. sapiens, who were imaged by MR instead. For each specimen 84 landmarks and semi-landmarks were located on the midsagittal plane and converted to Procrustes shape coordinates. Integration was quantified by the method of singular warps, a new geometric-statistical approach to visualizing correlations among regions. The two classic patterns of integration, evolutionary and ontogenetic, were jointly explored by comparing analyses of overlapping subsamples that span ranges of different hypothetical factors. Evolutionary integration is expressed in the subsample of 24 adult Homo, and ontogenetic integration in the subsample of 34 H. sapiens. In this data set, vault, cranial base, and face show striking and localized patterns of covariation over ontogeny, similar but not identical to the patterns seen over evolution. The principal differences between ontogeny and phylogeny pertain to the cranial base. There is also a component of cranial length to height ratio not reducible to either process. Our methodology allows a separation of these independent processes (and their impact on cranial shape) that conventional methods have not found.  相似文献   
There remain some difficulties in delimitation of related genera or sibling species for cantharid beetles, because the traditionally taxonomic method and morphological characters have not been updated or introduced. In the present study, we firstly use the landmark-based geometric morphometrics to analyze and compare the hind wings of nine species belonging to three genera of Cantharinae to ascertain whether this approach may be used as a reliable method in the study of the taxonomy of this group. The results show that the shape differences of the hind wings among genera seem more variable than that within each genus, and the variations for each species are different from one another, as shown in the principal component analyses. And the canonical variates analyses show that there are significant differences among the genera and the species of each genus, which demonstrates that the hind wing shape can be diagnostic for both generic and specific identification of the cantharid beetles. This study sheds new light into clarifying the taxonomic uncertainties of Cantharidae, and lays a foundation for further studies on the evolution of the cantharid hind wing shape.  相似文献   
The functional sites were predicted for Nudix enzymes from pathogenic microorganisms such as Streprococcus pneumonia (2B06) and Enterococcus faecalis (2AZW). Their structures are already determined, however, no data is reported about their functional sites, substrates and inhibitors. Therefore, we report prediction of functional sites in these Nudix enzymes via Geometric Invariant (GI) technique (Construct different geometries of peptides which remain unchanged). The GI method enumerated 2B06: RA57, EA58, EA61, EA62 and 2AZW: RA62, EA63, EA66, EA67 as putative functional sites in these Nudix enzymes. In addition, the substrate was predicted via Molecular docking (Docking of substrates against whole structure of Nudix enzymes). The substrate ADP-Ribose was docked with the Nudix enzymes, 2B06 (Docking energy -15.68 Kcal/mol) and 2AZW (Docking energy -10.86 Kcal/mol) with the higher affinity and the lower docking energy as compared to other substrates. The residues EA62 in 2B06 and RA62 in 2AZW make hydrogen bonds with the ADP-ribose. Furthermore, we screened 51 inhibitor compounds against structures of 2B06 and 2AZW. The inhibitor compounds AMPCPR and CID14258187 were docked well as compared to other compounds. The compound CID14258187 was also in agreement with Lipinski rule of 5 for drug likeness properties. Therefore, our findings of functional sites, substrates and inhibitors for these Nudix enzymes may help in structure based drug designing against Streprococcus pneumonia and Enterococcus faecalis.  相似文献   
Once people perceive what is in the hidden figure such as Dallenbach’s cow and Dalmatian, they seldom seem to come back to the previous state when they were ignorant of the answer. This special type of learning process can be accomplished in a short time, with the effect of learning lasting for a long time (visual one-shot learning). Although it is an intriguing cognitive phenomenon, the lack of the control of difficulty of stimuli presented has been a problem in research. Here we propose a novel paradigm to create new hidden figures systematically by using a morphing technique. Through gradual changes from a blurred and binarized two-tone image to a blurred grayscale image of the original photograph including objects in a natural scene, spontaneous one-shot learning can occur at a certain stage of morphing when a sufficient amount of information is restored to the degraded image. A negative correlation between confidence levels and reaction times is observed, giving support to the fluency theory of one-shot learning. The correlation between confidence ratings and correct recognition rates indicates that participants had an accurate introspective ability (metacognition). The learning effect could be tested later by verifying whether or not the target object was recognized quicker in the second exposure. The present method opens a way for a systematic production of “good” hidden figures, which can be used to demystify the nature of visual one-shot learning.  相似文献   
Blinks and saccades cause transient interruptions of visual input. To investigate how such effects influence our perceptual state, we analyzed the time courses of blink and saccade rates in relation to perceptual switching in the Necker cube. Both time courses of blink and saccade rates showed peaks at different moments along the switching process. A peak in blinking rate appeared 1,000 ms prior to the switching responses. Blinks occurring around this peak were associated with subsequent switching to the preferred interpretation of the Necker cube. Saccade rates showed a peak 150 ms prior to the switching response. The direction of saccades around this peak was predictive of the perceived orientation of the Necker cube afterwards. Peak blinks were followed and peak saccades were preceded by transient parietal theta band activity indicating the changing of the perceptual interpretation. Precisely-timed blinks, therefore, can initiate perceptual switching, and precisely-timed saccades can facilitate an ongoing change of interpretation.  相似文献   
魏偏偏 《人类学学报》2020,39(4):616-631
1960年,在云南省丽江市发现了三根古人类股骨,通过地层观察,仅PA108可归为更新世晚期。前人对PA108做了初步报导,为了进一步了解丽江人股骨的演化分类地位和东亚早期现代人股骨形态变异,本文对PA108的内外结构进行了详尽的分析。研究发现,PA108具有明显的早期现代人特征,即明显的股骨粗线、骨干中部后侧骨密质最厚和中部横断面轮廓形状偏椭圆。PA108标本也有一定的特殊性,体现在骨干中近端和中部骨密质厚度分布上,这可能与其股骨嵴发育较弱有关,这一特征也导致了PA108与其他东亚早期现代人之间的形态差异,这些形态变异进一步扩大了目前已知的东亚地区早期现代人变异范围。同时,在采用骨密质厚度分布模式进行分类时,建议关注股骨骨干中部骨密质最厚部位。  相似文献   
Hind wing shape variation was examined in 686 adult Diabrotica virgifera virgifera collected from maize plants in Europe and the USA Corn Belt, using geometric morphometric techniques. Sexual dimorphism at an Intercontinental scale was assessed using canonical variates analysis, a multivariate statistical method used to find the shape characters that best distinguish among groups of specimens. Our results showed that each of the populations of D. v. virgifera investigated in this study showed high levels of sex based hind wing shape dimorphism. In particular a stronger and more obvious pattern of hind wing shape variation was found in the USA than in Europe. These results support previous studies on D. v. virgifera wing shape that show that female D. v. virgifera have more elongated wings than males. These differences raise the question of whether sexual dimorphism may be modulated by natural selection.  相似文献   
It is estimated there are over 100,000 moth species (Lepidoptera) that produce sex pheromones comprising communication channels used in specific-mate-recognition systems (SMRS) involved in pre-zygotic mating isolation and speciation. About 1572 moth species have been found to use 377 pheromone components, the majority being alcohols, aldehydes or acetate esters of olefinic chains of 10-22 carbons. Since there are limited numbers of possible unsaturated (double bonded) E- and Z-configured isomers of these chains, there may be constraints on incipient species evolving new pheromone components, especially if they are utilized by existing species. Here I develop algorithms that count and name all possible structures of chains with or without a functional group. The results show that for acetate esters there are only seven or nine monounsaturated isomers of six or seven carbon chains, respectively, suggesting use of these compounds could limit the number of communication channels available for radiation of new species (no moths use these short chains). For commonly used 14-carbon chains with an acetate ester functional group, and 1-3 unsaturations, there are 1039 isomers. A total of 2,096,883 isomers were counted from all multiply unsaturated 10-22-carbon chain acetate esters. The number of possible signals quickly extends into millions when considering pheromone blends of 2-4 components used by most species. There should be little chemical constraint on evolution of new communication channels based on compounds of 10 or more carbons, even for closely related species (e.g. ermine moths, Yponomeuta).  相似文献   
The discovery of a Middle Epipaleolithic adult skeleton (F-81) at the site of Wadi Mataha in southern Jordan provides new insights into human variability in the Epipaleolithic of the Levant. This paper analyzes the skeletal morphology of Wadi Mataha F-81 in the context of other Epipaleolithic remains from Jordan and Israel to assess the current evidence for morphological variability throughout this period. The F-81 skeleton shares morphological features with earlier Epipaleolithic skeletons from Ohalo and Nahal Ein Gev, and later Natufian populations. Despite the morphological similarities, F-81 extends the range of known variability prior to the Natufian with its unusually small stature and unique combination of morphological characteristics. High levels of cranial and postcranial robusticity suggest that the F-81 individual was physically active and terrestrially mobile. Pronounced bilateral asymmetry in the upper limb suggests significant lateralization of habitual activity. In the context of Epipaleolithic remains, the F-81 skeleton provides preliminary evidence for greater morphological variability, terrestrial mobility, and lateralized habitual behavior prior to the Natufian, and skeletal gracilization between the Middle and Late Epipaleolithic in the Levant.  相似文献   
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