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Cellular ornithine biosynthesis could be expected to play a significant role in putrescine formation and hence in growth. Two enzymes are involved in ornithine biosynthesis: arginase and transamidinase. These enzyme activities were studied in two human melanoma cell lines differing in their Km of diamine oxidase for putrescine and in their tumorigenicity in nude mice. Arginase activity accounts for the majority of ornithine formed in the highly tumorigenic cell line, while the majority of ornithine is derived from transamidinase action in the poorly tumorigenic cell line, with concomitant formation of methyl guanidine, a potent inhibitor of diamine oxidase.  相似文献   
Elongation factor EF-Tu from Escherichia coli was labelled with N-[14C]tosyl-L-phenylalanylchloromethane, digested with trypsin and the peptides obtained separated by HPLC. The only radioactive peak recovered corresponded to tryptic peptide containing residues 75–98. Sequencing of the peptide by automated Edman degradation identified cysteine 81 as the site of N-tosyl-L-phenylalanylchloromethane modification. These results confirm the importance of this residue for the interaction with aminoacyl-tRNAs.  相似文献   
The rapid DNA sequencing system based on the single-stranded bacteriophage M13 and the chain-terminator method has been used to look directly for mutational alterations. A small DNA fragment that primes DNA synthesis through the N-terminal 200 base pairs of the beta-galactosidase gene was prepared, and used to detect changes in base sequence among phages that give white plaques after treatment of the host cells with bleomycin. Bleomycin treatment of E. coli in which M13 mp2 was growing gave an increase in white plaque frequency. DNA sequence analysis of phage from 7 independent mutant plaques showed them all to have a frameshift mutation.  相似文献   
Temperature, selected chemical constituents and plankton were analysed from three depths, fortnightly, by day and occasionally by night, in two flooded brickpits, between May 1930 and August 1931.Br was 3.3 m deep, with clear water and little weed; III was only 1.8 m deep, with thick submerged weed, more sheltered than Br and becoming eutrophic. Neither had direct inflow nor outlet. Both conformed to the second order for dimictic lakes, with summer and winter stratification, leading, for varying periods, to stagnation marked by pH between 6.6 and 7.2 and O2 much depleted or absent at the bottom.During stagnation, release of SiO2, soluble inorganic phosphate-P, ammonium ions and bases from the bottom was shown by sampling water close to the mud. This finding preceded the definition of redox potential by others.Thermistor temperature measurements, used for the first time, showed comparable summer gradients in both ponds: on windy days these were usually sigmoid, with discontinuity at various depths, or else nearly isothermal; on calm days, they were exponential, when transmission of heat, from surface to bottom, was apparently due to radiation alone, without water circulation. Stability was then high.Diatoms were abundant in both ponds; but planktonic Rotifera and Crustacea differed in the two, apart fromDiaptomus gracilis, which was dominant in both.  相似文献   
We describe an assay for the quantification of reverse mutations at the hypoxanthine-guanine phosphoribosyltransferase (hgprt) locus in Chinese hamster ovary cells utilizing the selective agent L-azaserine (AS). Conditions are defined in terms of optimal AS concentration, cell density, and phenotypic expression time. After treatment, replicate cultures of 106 cells are allowed a 48-h phenotypic expression time in 100-mm plates. AS (10 μM) is then added directly to the growing culture and AS-resistant (ASr) cells form visible colonies. This assay is used to quantify ICR-191-, ICR-170-, and N-ethyl-N-nitrosourea-induced reversion of independently isolated HGPRT? clones. The ASr phenotype is characterized both physiologically and biochemically. All ASr clones isolated are stably resistant to AS and aminopterin but sensitive to 6-thioguanine. They also have re-expressed HGPRT enzyme. In addition, several revertants are shown to contain altered HGPRT. The data provide further evidence that ICR-191 and ICR-170 cause structural gene mutations in mammalian cells and also suggest that ICR-191, ICR-170, and N-ethyl-N-nitrosourea induce similar types of mutations in Chinese hamster ovary cells.  相似文献   
Abstract: A frozen mixture of solubilized brain proteolipid proteins in chloroform-methanol is not sublimable in a vacuum. However, when 7 to 10 volumes of benzene were added to a chloroform-methanol solution containing 5 mg of proteolipid protein per ml, the proteolipid proteins remained in solution for a while and the frozen mixture was easily sublimated at 2 mm Hg. Before the addition of benzene, higher concentrations of protein required the acidification of the medium to avoid precipitation of proteolipid proteins. In contrast to what happens when proteolipid proteins are obtained by the evaporation of the organic mixture at room temperature, the protein obtained by lyophilization was soluble in aqueous solutions of ionic and nonionic detergents. Sodium dodecyl sulfate at 0.6 to 0.7% concentration completely solubilized the proteolipid protein obtained by lyophilization. With the nonionic detergents Lubrol WX and Triton X-100, a solubilization between 50 and 65% was achieved. Sodium deoxycholate was practically ineffective. Triton X-100 showed selectivity in solubilizing certain proteins. The role of lipids in the solubilization of proteolipid proteins with detergents is discussed.  相似文献   
The effects of naltrexone, a specific opiate antagonist, on stimulation by estradiol benzoate (EB) of prolactin (PRL) release and anterior pituitary (AP) weight, were studied in gonadectomized female and male Sprague-Dawley rats. One week after castration, rats were injected for 10 days once daily with 2 μg EB alone, or together with twice daily injections of 2 mg naltrexone/kg body weight (BW). Blood was collected for radioimmunoassay of PRL by orbital sinus puncture on days 0 and 6, and by decapitation on day 11, at which time the AP was quickly removed, weighed and assayed for PRL.Serum PRL concentrations and AP weights were significantly increased by EB administration. These effects of EB were partially but significantly inhibited by naltrexone. These results suggest that endegenous opiates may be involved in the estrogen-induced rise in serum PRL and increase in pituatary weight.  相似文献   
S.G. Shirsat  P.M. Nair 《Phytochemistry》1981,20(10):2315-2318
Induction of phenylalanine ammonia-lyase (PAL) in excised potato parenchyma tissue in the presence of light displayed a rigid requirement for oxygen. A  相似文献   
: Guanidino compounds in the cobalt-induced epileptogenic cerebral cortex of cats were fluorometrically analysed by a JASCO G-520 guanidino compounds analyser, and an unknown high peak was observed in the chromatogram that was identical to the peak of authentic α-guanidinoglutaric acid. In another experiment, the substance was extracted from the cobalt focus tissue, converted into dimethylpyrimidyl derivative-butylester, and analysed by a GC/MS technique. The mass spectrum of the substance was identical to the dimethylpyrimidyl derivative of α-guanidinoglutaric acid butylester (M+= 365).  相似文献   
Mouse neuroblastoma clone N1E-115 has muscarinic acetylcholine receptors that mediate cyclic GMP synthesis. This receptor-mediated response is not significantly higher than background until the cells have been maintained in the stationary phase for at least 1 week. The basis of the influence of time in culture on the cyclic GMP response was investigated. The relative amount of cyclic GMP synthesized by intact cells was measured by radioactively labeling the GTP pool with [3H]guanine, incubating cells with agonists, and then chromatographically isolating [3H]cyclic GMP. Carbamylcholine-, ionophore X-537A-, and sodium azide-induced cyclic GMP formation increased with time in culture to a maximum of 13-, 9-, and 2.5-fold above basal, respectively. There was no change in the number or the apparent affinity of the muscarinic receptors as measured by [3H]quinuclidinyl benzylate ([3H]QNB) binding. In addition, there was no change in the apparent affinity of the receptors for agonist as measured by the ability of carbamylcholine to displace the specific binding of [3H]QNB. Guanylate cyclase activity per milligram protein and per cell in-creased six- and sevenfold, respectively, from day 0 to day 22. However, this increase in guanylate cyclase appeared to precede the marked increase in sensitivity of the cells to agonists. These data suggest that, in addition to guanylate cyclase and muscarinic receptors, there is another factor which is responsible for the development of this muscarinic receptor-mediated response.  相似文献   
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