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2009~2011年从北方发病鸡群和鸭群中分离出3株新城疫病毒(Newcastle disease virus,NDV)。通过致病性指数测定及交叉血凝抑制试验初步分析了3个毒株的毒力和相互之间的同源性。选取鸡源分离株SDLY01与新城疫疫苗株(LaSota)进行了交叉保护试验,选取鸭源毒株SD03对樱桃谷鸭进行攻毒实验,同时设计引物对3个毒株进行了全基因组测序,并与36株NDV参考株进行了分子进化分析。结果表明3个分离株F蛋白裂解位点的氨基酸序列均为112R-R-Q-K-R-F117符合强毒株的序列特征,并与致病性指数测定结果相符。交叉血凝抑制试验发现3个分离株与疫苗株LaSota 的抗原同源性较低为82.5%~89.4%,两个鸡源分离株间的抗原同源性为90%,而鸭源毒株SD03与鸡源毒株SDSG01同源性为100%。交叉保护试验和攻毒实验结果显示传统的LaSota疫苗能对SDLY01流行株提供100%免疫保护,但第5天仍检测到排毒;鸭源毒株SD03对樱桃谷鸭不致病,但能检出排毒,排毒期最长为5d。全基因组测序与分析表明3个毒株基因组长度均为15192bp,属于基因Ⅶd型毒株,与同期流行的鹅源及鸭源NDV毒株之间全基因组核苷酸序列具有高度的同源性,揭示鸭源、鹅源NDV与鸡源NDV在遗传学和流行病学上密切相关。  相似文献   


Genomic selection (GS) in forestry can substantially reduce the length of breeding cycle and increase gain per unit time through early selection and greater selection intensity, particularly for traits of low heritability and late expression. Affordable next-generation sequencing technologies made it possible to genotype large numbers of trees at a reasonable cost.


Genotyping-by-sequencing was used to genotype 1,126 Interior spruce trees representing 25 open-pollinated families planted over three sites in British Columbia, Canada. Four imputation algorithms were compared (mean value (MI), singular value decomposition (SVD), expectation maximization (EM), and a newly derived, family-based k-nearest neighbor (kNN-Fam)). Trees were phenotyped for several yield and wood attributes. Single- and multi-site GS prediction models were developed using the Ridge Regression Best Linear Unbiased Predictor (RR-BLUP) and the Generalized Ridge Regression (GRR) to test different assumption about trait architecture. Finally, using PCA, multi-trait GS prediction models were developed. The EM and kNN-Fam imputation methods were superior for 30 and 60% missing data, respectively. The RR-BLUP GS prediction model produced better accuracies than the GRR indicating that the genetic architecture for these traits is complex. GS prediction accuracies for multi-site were high and better than those of single-sites while multi-site predictability produced the lowest accuracies reflecting type-b genetic correlations and deemed unreliable. The incorporation of genomic information in quantitative genetics analyses produced more realistic heritability estimates as half-sib pedigree tended to inflate the additive genetic variance and subsequently both heritability and gain estimates. Principle component scores as representatives of multi-trait GS prediction models produced surprising results where negatively correlated traits could be concurrently selected for using PCA2 and PCA3.


The application of GS to open-pollinated family testing, the simplest form of tree improvement evaluation methods, was proven to be effective. Prediction accuracies obtained for all traits greatly support the integration of GS in tree breeding. While the within-site GS prediction accuracies were high, the results clearly indicate that single-site GS models ability to predict other sites are unreliable supporting the utilization of multi-site approach. Principle component scores provided an opportunity for the concurrent selection of traits with different phenotypic optima.

Electronic supplementary material

The online version of this article (doi:10.1186/s12864-015-1597-y) contains supplementary material, which is available to authorized users.  相似文献   
桂西壮族人群乙肝病毒基因型研究   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
为了解广西西部壮族人群乙型肝炎病毒(Hepatitic B virus, HBV)基因型分布特点,本文运用PCR微板核酸杂交-ELISA技术对30例壮族慢性乙型肝炎病人进行了HBV基因型检测,现初步报告如下.  相似文献   
This paper concerns processing of genomes of artificial (computer-simulated) organisms. Of special interest is the process of translation of genotypes into phenotypes, and utilizing the mapping information obtained during such translation. If there exists more than one genetic encoding in a single artificial life model, then the translation may also occur between different encodings. The obtained mapping information allows to present genes-phenes relationships visually and interactively to a person, in order to increase understanding of the genotype-tophenotype translation process and genetic encoding properties. As the mapping associates parts of the source sequence with the translated destination, it may be also used to trace genes, phenes, and their relationships during simulated evolution. A mappings composition procedure is formally described, and a simple method of visual mapping presentation is established. Finally, advanced visualizations of gene-phene relationships are demonstrated as practical examples of introduced techniques. These visualizations concern genotypes expressed in various encodings, including an encoding which exhibits polygenic and pleiotropic properties.  相似文献   
在大田不施氮素及高氮两个处理下,以叶片的SPAD值作为评价水稻氮素利用能力的参数,对146个不同基因型水稻进行了叶色深浅及对氮素敏感性不同的种质资源鉴定。通过测定抽穗前不同生育时期不同基因型水稻叶片的SPAD值,筛选出对氮素反应迟钝且叶色较浅的基因型19个、对氮素反应迟钝且叶色较深的基因型20个和对氮素敏感且叶色较浅的基因型20个、对氮素敏感且叶色较深的基因型11个。  相似文献   
基因型和胚龄对小麦未成熟胚离体培养反应的影响   总被引:22,自引:0,他引:22  
本文对34种基因型的小麦未成熟胚在离体培养中的反应进行了比较。结果表明,94%的供试基因型愈伤组织诱导率都可达到80%以上,若排除供体植株环境条件的不同和接种过程中的人为因素可能造成的影响,不同基因型的愈伤组织诱导率看来没有根本的差异。愈伤组织分化率因基因型的不同变动在0—60%之间,平均为32.7%。虽然同一基因型的盾片愈伤组织分化率在不同年份中有所不同,但是愈伤组织是否具有再生能力?看来是个稳定的遗传性状。因此小麦未成熟胚对愈伤组织诱导的反应和愈伤组织的再生能力可能具有不同的遗传基础。本文的结果还表明,虽然最适于培养的未成熟胚的大小为1毫米左右,伹小至0.3毫米的未成熱胚仍能以几乎100%的频率形成愈伤组织,60%左右的愈伤组织能分化出再生檀株,只是所需的时间比1毫米左右的胚较长。  相似文献   
Cytopathic proteins are assumed to contribute to the pathogenicity of Acanthamoeba spp. due to their degrading capacity that is required for tissue invasion. In this study, a serine proteinase gene was demonstrated in a highly virulent Acanthamoeba keratitis causing strain with genotype T6. This gene was detected in both, the genomic DNA and the cDNA by PCR and subsequent sequencing. The gene fragment comprises about 500 bp and exhibits high sequence similarity to the serine proteinases of Acanthamoeba strains with genotype T4 and T12. The detection of a serine proteinase in this Acanthamoeba T6 strain is significant, because while T4 is the most common genotype among pathogenic Acanthamoeba strains and also T12 is known to be associated with disease, this is the only virulent Acanthamoeba T6 strain known to date. Obviously, this serine proteinase represents a common tool in pathogenic processes during Acanthamoeba infection.  相似文献   
柯萨奇病毒B组3型(Coxsackievirus B3,CVB3)是肠道病毒中流行较为广泛的血清型之一,在全球多个国家和地区曾报道儿童急性心肌炎、无菌性脑膜炎、手足口病等的暴发流行,严重威胁儿童健康和公共卫生安全。本研究对广东省2020年手足口病患者标本中分离到的8株CVB3进行基因特征和进化分析,结果显示分离到的8株CVB3 VP1区核苷酸序列相似性为98.2%~99.5%,与原型株Nancy的核苷酸序列相似性在77.9%~78.5%之间,与其他CVB3中国大陆流行株的核苷酸序列相似性为79.6%~82.2%。8株CVB3均为E基因型,为广东省首次报道。8株CVB3分离株在进化树上聚集,提示病毒发生了局部传播。全基因组序列分析提示2株广东CVB3分离株在非结构蛋白区有重组现象的发生。本研究为E基因型CVB3在我国的流行传播和疾病防控提供基础资料。  相似文献   
NAD(P)H:quinone oxidoreductase (NQO1) has been proposed to play a protective role against the toxic effects of benzo[a]pyrene quinones. The C609T base change in the NQO1 gene, resulting in a Pro187Ser amino acid change in the protein, has been associated with deficient enzyme activity. We examined whether this polymorphism modified the risks of smoking-related cancers in a case-control study involving patients with lung cancer (n = 150), laryngeal cancer (n = 129), oral/pharyngeal cancer (n = 121) and control individuals (n = 172), all Caucasian smokers. No statistically significant associations were observed between the NQO1 genotypes and smoking-related cancers, although the Ser/Ser genotype was associated with a tendency towards increased risk for lung cancer (odds ratio [OR] = 2.2, 95% confidence interval [CI] 0.7-6.7) and for oral/pharyngeal cancer (OR = 2.3, 95% CI 0.6-8.2). No significant interaction between the NQO1 genotype and either smoking exposure or GSTM1 genotype was found. Our results are consistent with the hypothesis that lack of NQO1 activity may be involved in some smoking-related cancers. However, they were based on small numbers of individuals with the putative atrisk genotype, and the associations did not reach statistical significance. Moreover, these results contrast with those observed in some other ethnic populations, where a protective effect of the NQO1 Ser allele was found. Further studies are therefore clearly needed for a better understanding of the potential role of NQO1 activity in tobacco-related cancers.  相似文献   
产β-内酰胺酶鲍曼不动杆菌基因型研究   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
目的了解临床科室分离的鲍曼不动杆菌耐药状况并分析多重耐药株产β-内酰胺酶基因型,为有效的临床治疗和医院感染控制提供实验室依据。方法采用纸片扩散(K-B)法测定临床分离的312株鲍曼不动杆菌对13种抗菌药物的敏感性,对其中120株多重耐药株用聚合酶链反应(PCR)扩增β-内酰胺酶基因,并对其扩增产物进行基因测序。结果鲍曼不动杆菌对美洛培南、亚胺培南、头孢哌酮/舒巴坦和替卡西林/克拉维酸的耐药率分别为0.0%、1.0%、30.8%和31.4%,其余抗菌药物耐药率在38.5%-80.1%;120株多重耐药菌株中,β-内酰胺酶基因分布AmpC型基因阳性率为66.7%(80/120)、SHV-12型基因阳性率为14.2%(17/120),PER-1型基因阳性率为16.7%(20/120),CTX-M-9型基因阳性率为8.2%(10/120),TEM-1型基因阳性率为9.2%(11/120);VER-1,CTX-M-1,CTX-M-2,OXA型均阴性。同时携带2种基因型有16株,携带3种基因型有14株。结论临床分离的鲍曼不动杆菌流行株主要是产AmpC酶,且呈多重耐药。  相似文献   
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