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We used a breeding design involving 18 sires and 108 dams tostudy the heritabilities of male ornaments in red jungle fowl(Gallus gallus). Ornaments used by females to choose mates showedlow heritabilities, with the exception of comb and wattle measures.The general absence of heritability suggests that a geneticcovariance did not exist at the time of this study between mostmale ornaments and female preferences for those ornaments. Thisresult is contrary to a key prediction of the arbitrary or Fisherianhypothesis of sexual selection. Comb size and color are condition-dependenttraits that reflect short-term changes in health, and comb sizeof males was positively correlated with offspring weight. Ourresults are consistent with the expectation of good-genes hypothesesthat male ornaments reflect the ability of males to withstandenvironmental stresses.  相似文献   
Sexual selection is considered one of the key processes that contribute to the emergence of new species. While the connection between sexual selection and speciation has been supported by comparative studies, the mechanisms that mediate this connection remain unresolved, especially in plants. Similarly, it is not clear how speciation processes within plant populations translate into large-scale speciation dynamics. Here, we review the mechanisms through which sexual selection, pollination, and mate choice unfold and interact, and how they may ultimately produce reproductive isolation in plants. We also overview reproductive strategies that might influence sexual selection in plants and illustrate how functional traits might connect speciation at the population level (population differentiation, evolution of reproductive barriers; i.e. microevolution) with evolution above the species level (macroevolution). We also identify outstanding questions in the field, and suitable data and tools for their resolution. Altogether, this effort motivates further research focused on plants, which might potentially broaden our general understanding of speciation by sexual selection, a major concept in evolutionary biology.  相似文献   
The use of sexual versus asexual wasps in biological control   总被引:11,自引:0,他引:11  
The release of the C11-hydrocarbon spermatozoid attractant hormosirene by eggs of the Australian fucoid Hormosira banksii has been determined quantitatively using a closed-loop extraction technique. The eggs secrete erotactin for more than 2 weeks with an exponentially decreasing rate. The initial secretion rate was estimated to be 75 fmol h?1 egg?1 and the total amount of hormosirene produced per egg to be 2.35 pmol (0.35 ng). The results were used to calculate the threshold range for spermatozoid chemotaxis in the pheromone gradient around eggs.  相似文献   
Sexually selected traits, such as male weapons, are highly variable in shape and size across species. However, little is known about the mechanisms that may govern this variation. Because males with greater investment in weapon size tend to win more fights, but also pay higher costs related to weapon development and maintenance, larger weapons should be expected only in species in which victory in male–male fights generate reproductive benefits that outweigh investment costs. Here, we hypothesized that the reproductive characteristics that increase the chances of winners to access females or to fertilize eggs will favor the evolution of larger weapons. To evaluate this hypothesis, we conducted a meta-analysis using arthropods as model organisms. To measure investment in weapon size, we gathered both Pearson correlation coefficient and the standardized (but non centralized) slope values for the relationship between weapon size and body size. We found that none of the reproductive characteristics we investigated was related to male weapon size. Thus, it seems that greater certainty of accessing a female or fertilizing female eggs with a victory does not modulate the investment in male weapon size. Perhaps the cost–benefit ratio between weapon size investment and reproductive success is not the main factor driving the variation in weapon size.  相似文献   
In polygynous birds, bright plumage is typically more extensive in the sexually competitive males and develops at or after sexual maturity. These patterns, coupled with the importance of male plumage in sexual displays, fostered the traditional hypothesis that bright plumages and sexual dichromatism develop through the actions of sexual selection on males. This view remains problematic for hummingbirds, all of which are polygynous, because their bright iridescent plumages are also important non-sexual signals associated with dominance at floral nectar sources. Here I show that female amethyst-throated sunangels [ Heliangelus amethysticollis (d'Orbigny & Lafresnaye)], moult from an immature plumage with an iridescent gorget to an adult plumage with a non-iridescent gorget. This 'reversed' ontogeny contradicts the notion that iridescent plumage has a sexual function because sexual selection in polygynous birds should be lowest among non-reproductive immature females. Moreover, loss of iridescent plumage in adult females indicates that adult sexual dichromatism in H. amethysticollis is due in large part to changes in female ontogeny. I suggest that both the ontogeny and sexual dichromatism evolved in response to competition for nectar.  相似文献   
Isolates of the centric diatom, Thalassiosira weissflogii Grun., were maintained in exponential growth under constant, favorable conditions for nearly 2 years. During this interval, each culture underwent periodic increases and decreases in mean cell size, a behavior predicted for diatom populations alternating between sexual and asexual reproduction, respectively. The overall patterns of cell size change displayed by each culture, however, were unique. The maximum size of newly enlarged cells varied among isolates and within a given isolate over time. Consequently, both the timing and rate of increase in mean cell size also varied despite the fact that the minimum average cell size obtained by the various cultures was relatively constant. The most consistent feature among the isolates was the rate of decrease in mean cell size, a value determined by the physical constraints of the diatom frustule during mitotic divisions. We hypothesize that the extent of the variability exhibited by these cultures results from the fact that an inherent feature of diatom populations is a constantly changing genetic composition.  相似文献   
Studies of the life cycle of a centric diatom, tentatively identified as Stephanodiscus neoastraea Håkansson & Hickel, showed that sexual reproduction occurred every year in a freshwater lake (Lough Neagh, Northern Ireland). Male and female gametes were produced in cells below 55% of the maximum diameter during a 3–4-week period in late summer, following the return of nitrate concentrations above 10 μM NO3-N. The frequency of sexual reproduction was linked to the cycle of diameter size reduction and regeneration. The times of largest decreases in cell diameter were during nutrient stress in summer and low light conditions in late autumn, rather than during the main spring growth period. So, environmental conditions (combined with the limited life-spans of individual cells) affected the rate of diameter reduction and, therefore, the length of the life cycle (3–4 years).  相似文献   
Hybrid cells were obtained from somatic cell fusion among male, female, and tetrasporangial plants in Griffithsia japonica Okamura by a wound-healing process. Isolated fusion cells regenerated new mature plants with mixed reproductive structures. The plants regenerated from hybrid cells between male and female plants developed into 1) spermatangiate, 2) carpogonial, 3) bisexual with spermatangia and carpogonial branches, 4) mixed-phase with spermatangia and tetrasporangia, or 5) bisexual/mixed-phase plants with spermatangia, carpogonial branches, and tetrasporangia. About 70% of the plants regenerated from hybrid cells between male and female plants produced tetrasporangia that were always formed with spermatangia on a single cell. Some of those tetrasporangia released tetraspores, six of which gave rise to mature plants. The plants regenerated from hybrid cells between male and tetrasporangial plants developed into spermatangiate, tetrasporangiate, or mixed-phase plants with spermatangia and tetrasporangia. The plants regenerated from hybrid cells between female and tetrasporangial plants developed into carpogonial, tetrasporangiate, or mixed-phase plants with carpogonial branches and tetrasporangia. All types of reproductive structures we re functional.  相似文献   
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