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选择一个于1998年开始发生H9亚型禽流感的封闭式大型养鸡场,连续5年内分离到22株H9N2亚型病毒,对其中9株与1998年分离株进行HA基因序列和病毒抗原性的比较结果表明,这些分离株均与1998年的具有较高的序列同源性,且在本研究期内HA基因的这些变化尚未产生引起交叉保护性改变。初步推断这些分离株均系1998年分离株在场内循环传播变化得来,其HA基因的变异可能与频繁的疫苗免疫选择压力有关。这为进一步研究禽流感病毒变异的规律和制定正确的禽流感防治对策具有重要意义。  相似文献   
Sodium—A Functional Plant Nutrient   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
Plant scientists usually classify plant mineral nutrients based on the concept of “essentiality” defined by Arnon and Stout as those elements necessary to complete the life cycle of a plant. Certain other elements such as Na have a ubiquitous presence in soils and waters and are widely taken up and utilized by plants, but are not considered as plant nutrients because they do not meet the strict definition of “essentiality.” Sodium has a very specific function in the concentration of carbon dioxide in a limited number of C4 plants and thus is essential to these plants, but this in itself is insufficient to generalize that Na is essential for higher plants. The unique set of roles that Na can play in plant metabolism suggests that the basic concept of what comprises a plant nutrient should be reexamined. We contend that the class of plant mineral nutrients should be comprised not only of those elements necessary for completing the life cycle, but also those elements which promote maximal biomass yield and/or which reduce the requirement (critical level) of an essential element. We suggest that nutrients functioning in this latter manner should be termed “functional nutrients.” Thus plant mineral nutrients would be comprised of two major groups, “essential nutrients” and “functional nutrients.” We present an array of evidence and arguments to support the classification of Na as a “functional nutrient,” including its requirement for maximal biomass growth for many plants and its demonstrated ability to replace K in a number of ways, such as being an osmoticium for cell enlargement and as an accompanying cation for long-distance transport. Although in this paper we have only attempted to make the case for Na being a “functional nutrient,” other elements such as Si and Se may also confirm to the proposed category of “functional nutrients.”  相似文献   
广西原产和外引蚕豆种质资源鉴定评价   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
在广西南宁对242份引自 ICARDA 和我国云南、河北、江苏、广东、甘肃及广西的蚕豆种质资源进行了连续3年的农艺性状鉴定和连续2年的抗病性鉴定。从中筛选出适宜在广西试种利用的8份优良资源。鉴定结果表明,引自 ICAR-DA 和甘肃、河北、江苏的材料大部分在广西结实很少或者没有结实,来自纬度相近地区的广东、云南的材料结实基本正常,来自广西的材料最为正常,说明蚕豆的生态适应范围狭窄,具有很强的地域生态特点。  相似文献   
我国麻类资源的多样性及其保护利用对策   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0  
在“七五”、“八五”、“九五”研究的基础上,本文论述了我国麻类资源的种类、数量与分布以及保护利用现状等方面的问题,并提出了多样性的可持续发展和利用对策,为今后我国麻类资源的收集、保存、鉴定、创新和利用提供依据。  相似文献   
In vitro plant regeneration was achieved from leaf explants of Plumbago rosea and Plumbago zeylanica on Murashige & Skoog (1962) medium supplemented with 1.5 mg litre?1 6‐benzylaminopurine, 0.25 mg litre?1 indole‐3‐acetic acid, 50 mg litre?1 adenine sulfate and 3% (w/v) sucrose. The shoot initials developed within 2–3 wk on the leaf margin as well as from the wounds of the leaf. High frequency shoot‐bud regeneration was achieved on similar medium in subsequent subcultures. The semi‐mature leaves produced more shoot‐buds as compared to the younger leaves. Mature leaves did not show any response for shoot bud initiation. More than 85% of the semi‐mature explants produced shoot‐buds per leaf explant within 4 wk of culture. Shoots rooted easily on medium having half‐strength basal Murashige & Skoog (1962) medium supplemented with 0.25 mg litre?1 indole‐3‐butyric acid and 2% (w/v) sucrose; 84–92% of the in vitro rooted plantlets survived in the greenhouse. The regenerated plantlets appeared morphologically similar to the mother plants. No variation was detected among the regenerated plants by the use of Randomly Amplified Polymorphic DNA (RAPD) markers. This method might be useful for assessing plant improvement programmes.  相似文献   
生物为了适应环境变化,需要遗传物质发生变化来为进化提供材料,在进化过程中遗传物质的变化方式主要包括突变和基因重排。对一个种群或个体来讲,在不同的环境或一定生活周期内的不同阶段,基因组存在着基因的差次表达,这种调控在核酸分子水平上主要是通过突变的基因重排水平实现,由此使得基因组成为一个动态变化的体系,使种群或个体的遗传多样性发生相应的变化。分子生物学中最惊人的发现之一是在基因组内存在着通过DNA转录为RNA后,再经逆转录成为cDNA并插入到基因组的新位点上的因子,被称为逆转座子。按照其结构特点以及所编码反转录蛋白因子的不同,可分为反转录转位因子,反转录子,反转录病毒,能编码反转录所需蛋白的因子,不能编码反转录所需蛋白的因子。逆转座子在转位过程中须以RNA作为中间体,RNA较易变异,且RNA聚合酶和逆转录酶均无校对功能,这就使得逆转座子具有高度变异性。逆转座子可通过遗传变异,基因重排或对基因表达的影响,导致生物遗传多样性的形成。逆转座子除了能够促进基因的流动性增加遗传多样性外,它们散布在基因组中,还能够成为进化的种子。  相似文献   
本研究中 ,构建了含有编码绿色荧光蛋白的改进型基因质粒pJPM5。用基因枪法分别把pJPM5和另一带有绿色荧光蛋白基因的质粒pSBG70 0转入水稻TNG6 7愈伤组织。用South ern杂交法证实了转基因的存在 ,而且表明多数转基因植株含有 1到 8个拷贝的转基因。取 2个月的转基因植株上的叶片用于分析绿色荧光蛋白基因表达。用SLM - 80 0 0荧光分析仪定量测定绿色荧光蛋白。多数转基因植株具有很高的绿色荧光蛋白信号。虽然水稻植株有少量自发荧光 ,但是绿色荧光蛋白基因表达出的绿色荧光蛋白信号比植株的自发荧光强得多 ,其测定不会受自发荧光的太大影响。在荧光显微镜下观察到了绿色荧光蛋白基因的表达。借助观察分析绿色荧光蛋白基因的瞬时表达 ,本研究还发现基因枪法转化中 ,如果两枪的气压为90 0psi& 135 0psi,比两枪的气压都为 90 0psi或者 135 0psi更好 ,因其能使质粒进入更多的细胞。研究结果表明 ,绿色荧光蛋白基因可以作为水稻 (甚至小麦、玉米 )转基因研究中的报告基因。研究还显示 ,MAR序列能明显增强绿色荧光蛋白基因的表达能力 (这一结果在另文讨论 ) .  相似文献   
The genetic structure of populations of the Sigmodontinae rodent Calomys laucha was studied by means of allozyme electrophoresis. This highly opportunistic species is found preferably in periodically perturbed habitats of crop fields in central Argentina, where it can attain very high densities. A total of 17 enzymatic proteins assayed gave information on 25 loci; only four were monomorphic in the seven populations studied. Levels of genetic variability (Ho from 0.144 to 0.171; P95% from 44% to 56%) were higher than mean values reported for mammals and rodents. These high levels of heterozygosity could be maintained by large populations that do not experience great fluctuations in size, or by a social structure consistent in many small breeding groups that are formed and dissappear every breeding season. Genetic differentiation at a macrogeographical scale (θ=0.018) was low but statistically significant, and showed no correlation with geographic distance between pairs of populations. The pattern of population differentiation found is compatible with a relatively recent range expansion.  相似文献   
桑树二倍体及人工诱导的同源四倍体遗传差异的AFLP分析   总被引:20,自引:0,他引:20  
利用AFLP(AmplifiedFragmentLengthPolymorphism)分子标记技术 ,即扩增片段长度多态性 ,从DNA分子水平探讨二倍体桑 (2n =2X =2 8)与经秋水仙素诱变得到的同源四倍体桑 (2n =4X =5 6 )在遗传结构上的差异。根据对供试材料DNA多态性及遗传距离分析 ,认为经秋水仙素诱变得到的同源 4X与 2X相比在DNA分子遗传结构上产生一定程度的改变 ,在种内变异水平上 ,2X与同源 4X桑间的遗传差异小于种间差异。  相似文献   
Genetic distances (GDs) based on molecular markers are important parameters for identifying essentially derived varieties (EDVs). In this context information about the variability of molecular markers within maize inbred lines is essential. Our objectives were to (1) determine the variation in the size of simple sequence repeat (SSR) fragments among different accessions of maize inbreds and doubled haploid (DH) lines, (2) attribute the observed variation to genetic and marker system-specific sources, and (3) investigate the effect of SSR fragment size differences within maize lines on the GD between maize lines and their consequences for the identification of essentially derived varieties. Two to five accessions from nine inbred lines and five DH lines were taken from different sources or drawn as independent samples from the same seed lot. Each accession was genotyped with 100 SSR markers that evenly covered the whole maize genome. In total, 437 SSR fragments were identified, with a mean of 4.4 alleles per locus. The average polymorphic information content (PIC) was 0.58. GD estimates between two accessions of the same genotype ranged from 0.00 to 0.12 with an average of 0.029 for inbred lines and 0.001 for DH lines. An average of 11.1 SSRs was polymorphic between accessions of the same inbred line due to non-amplification (8.1 SSRs), heterogeneity (4.0 SSRs) or unknown alleles (2.6 SSRs). In contrast to lab errors, heterogeneity contributed considerably to the observed variation for GD. In order to decrease the probability to be suited for infringing an EDV threshold by chance, we recommend to increase the level of homogeneity of inbred lines before applying for plant variety protection.  相似文献   
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