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A genetic linkage map for radiata pine (Pinus radiata D. Don) has been constructed using segregation data from a three-generation outbred pedigree. A total of 208 loci were analyzed including 165 restriction fragment length polymorphism (RFLP), 41 random amplified polymorphic DNA (RAPD) and 2 microsatellite markers. The markers were assembled into 22 linkage groups of 2 or more loci and covered a total distance of 1382 cM. Thirteen loci were unlinked to any other marker. Of the RFLP loci that were mapped, 93 were detected by loblolly pine (P. taeda L.) cDNA probes that had been previously mapped or evaluated in that species. The remaining 72 RFLP loci were detected by radiata pine probes from a PstI genomic DNA library. Two hundred and eighty RAPD primers were evaluated, and 41 loci which were segregating in a 11 ratio were mapped. Two microsatellite markers were also placed on the map. This map and the markers derived from it will have wide applicability to genetic studies in P. radiata and other pine species.  相似文献   
Genetic maps of the homoeologous group-6 chromosomes of bread wheat, Triticum aestivum, have been constructed spanning 103 cM on 6A, 90 cM on 6B and 124 cM on 6D. These maps were transferred to a Chinese Spring (CS) x line #31 cross to locate a dominant powdery mildew resistance gene, Pm12, introgressed into line #31 from Aegilops speltoides. Pm12 was shown to lie on the short arm of translocation chromosome 6BS-6SS.6SL in line #31, but could not be mapped more precisely due to the lack of recombination between the 6S Ae. speltoides segment and chromosome 6B. Possible strategies to reduce the size of the alien segment, which probably encompasses the complete long arm and more than 82% of the short arm of chromosome 6B, are discussed.  相似文献   
A genetic linkage map of Theobroma cacao (cocoa) has been constructed from 131 backcross trees derived from a cross between a single tree of the variety Catongo and an F1 tree from the cross of Catongo by Pound 12. The map comprises 138 markers: 104 RAPD loci, 32 RFLP loci and two morphologic loci. Ten linkage groups were found which cover 1068 centimorgans (cM). Only six (4%) molecular-marker loci show a significant deviation from the expected 11 segregation ratio.The average distance between two adjacent markers is 8.3 cM. The final genome-size estimates based on two-point linkage data ranged from 1078 to 1112 cM for the cocoa genome. This backcross progeny segregates for two apparently single gene loci controlling (1) anthocyanidin synthesis (Anth) in seeds, leaves and flowers and (2) self-compatibility (Autoc). The Anth locus was found to be 25 cM from Autoc and two molecular markers co-segregate with Anth. The genetic linkage map was used to localize QTLs for early flowering, trunk diameter, jorquette height and ovule number in the BC1 generation using both single-point ANOVA and interval mapping. A minimum number of 2–4 QTLs (P<0.01) involved in the genetic expression of the traits studied was detected. Coincident map locations of a QTL for jorquette height and trunk diameter suggests the possibility of pleiotropic effects in cocoa for these traits. The combined estimated effects of the different mapped QTLs explained between 11.2% and 25.8% of the phenotypic variance observed in the BC1 population.  相似文献   
The existence of parentally imprinted gene expression in the somatic tissues of mammals and plants can be explained by a theory of intragenomic genetic conflict, which is a logical extension of classical parent-offspring conflict theory. This theory unites conceptually the phenomena of autosomal imprinting and X-chromosome inactivation. We argue that recent experimental studies of X-chromosome inactivation and andro-genetic development address previously published predictions of the conflict theory, and we discuss possible explanations for the occurrence of random X-inactivation in the somatic tissues of eutherians. © 1995 Wiley-Liss, Inc.  相似文献   
本文提出了畜禽遗传资源系统保存的概念、基本思想及其群体遗传结构变化的数学模型。该理论是将一定时空内某一畜种所拥有的全部基因作为保存对象,既将活体保存作为基本方法,又将其有机地与高新生物技术结合在一起;既追求系统地保存控制畜种特性的基因资源,又可达到保存地方品种的目的。在假定无世代重叠,群体内存在选择、突变、迁移,且考虑漂变效应的情况下,本文所构建的两个数学模型可分别用来描述一个座位上多个主基因频率或数量性状群体均数的动态变化。  相似文献   
Isolated somatic embryos from petiole-derived callus cultures ofVitis rupestris Scheele have been employed in experiments on genetic transformation. Co-cultivation of somatic embryos during embryogenesis induction withAgrobacterium tumefaciens strain LBA4404, which contains the plasmid pBI121 carrying the neomycin phosphotranspherase and the-glucuronidase genes, produced transformed cellular lines capable of recurrent somatic embryogenesis. Precocious selection for high levels of kanamycin (100 mgl-1) was an important part of our transformation protocol. Transformed lines still have strong-glucuronidase expression as well as stable insertion of the marker genes after 3 years of in-vitro culture, during which they have maintained their capacity to organize secondary embryos and to regenerate transgenic plants with an agreeable efficiency (13%).  相似文献   
A total of 225 new genetic loci [151 restriction fragment length polymorphisms (RFLP) and 74 random amplified polymorphic DNAs (RAPD)] in coastal Douglas-fir [Pseudotsuga menziesii (Mirb.) Franco var. menziesii] have been identified using a three-generation outbred pedigree. The Mendelian inheritance of 16 RFLP loci and 29 RAPD loci was demonstrated based on single-locus segregation in a sample of F2 progeny. One RFLP locus, PtIFG2025, showed segregation distortion. Probe pPtIFG2025 is a loblolly pine cDNA probe encoding for rbcS. The 16 RFLP loci and 23 allozyme loci were also assayed in a sample of 16 Douglas-fir seed-orchard clones. Allelism was determined at 11 of the 16 RFLP loci. RFLPs were able to detect slightly more variation (4.0 alleles per locus) than allozymes (3.1 alleles per locus). The inheritance of an additional 80 RAPD loci was determined based on haploid segregation analysis of megagametophytes from parent tree 013-1. Once 200–300 markers are identified and placed on a genetic map, quantitative trait loci affecting bud phenology will be mapped.  相似文献   
Magnaporthe grisea causes rice blast, the most important fungal disease of rice. The segregation of genes controlling virulence of M. grisea on rice was studied to establish the genetic basis of cultivar specificity in this host-parasite interaction. Full-sib progeny and parent isolates Guy11 and 2539 of M. grisea were inoculated onto rice (Oryza sativa) cultivar CO39 and five near-isogenic lines (NILs) of CO39. Each NIL contained a different single gene affecting resistance to specific isolates of M. grisea. No differential interactions between NILs and progeny or parents were observed; parents and progeny pathogenic on CO39 were pathogenic on all five NILs. Segregation ratios of 101 full-sib progeny, 117 progeny from full-sib parents, and 109 backcross progeny, indicated a common single gene affecting pathogenicity on CO39 and the five NILs. A subset of the above 327 isolates (43 fullsib progeny, 37 progeny from full-sib parents, and 32 backcross progeny) were inoculated onto rice cultivar 51583; all were pathogenic, indicating that cultivar specificity to CO39 was segregating in this population of isolates. The locus controlling cultivar specificity, named avrCO39, was mapped to chromosome 1 using a subset of the progeny previously used to construct an RFLP map of M. grisea. The closest reported RFLP markers were 11.8 (estimated 260 kb) and 17.2 cM (estimated 380 kb) away and provide starting points on either side of the locus for a chromosome walk to clone the locus.  相似文献   
We determined the nine-locus isozyme genotype of 267 landrace accessions of Avena sativa from 31 provinces of Spain. Our results establish that level of genetic variability is usually high both within and among accessions of this heavily self-fertilizing hexaploid grass and that multilocus genetic structure differs in various ecogeographical regions of Spain. We concluded that selection favoring different multilocus genotypes in different environments was the main integrating force that shaped the internal genetic structure of local populations as well as the overall adaptive landscape of A. sativa in Spain. Implications in genetic resource conservation and utilization are discussed.  相似文献   
As tested progeny have never been obtained, breeding studies on African yams (Dioscorea cayenensisrotundata) are scarce. We report here the first progenies checked by isoenzyme markers. This was made possible by the choice of well-known genitors [one male (cv Zrezrou) and three females (cvs Sopéré, Dahomey and C 20)] and special hybridization conditions. Six enzymatic systems [esterase (EST), isocitrate dehydrogenase (ICD), malate dehydrogenase (MDH), 6-phosphogluconate dehydrogenase (6PGD), shikimate dehydrogenase (SDH), and phosphoglucoisomerase (PGI)] were used to check the progenies and detect outbreeding. Despite the small number of progeny, it was possible to provide information on the genetics of the isoenzymatic systems.  相似文献   
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