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Summary A full diallel cross among four diverse homozygous strains of dry edible beans (Phaseolus vulgaris L.) was evaluated for yield, protein content, and culinary quality traits in the F2 and F3 generations in two locations. Interpretation of diallel effects [Method 1 Model I] using a fixed-effect genetic model made it possible to combine data from two generations into a single analysis and quantify the relative contributions of additive and dominance genetic effects to general (GCA) and specific (SCA) combining abilities. GCA was found to arise from three potential sources: additive effects, dominance interactions at homozygous loci, and average dominance interactions in hybrids involving the parent in question. SCA was found to be a function solely of dominance. Additive effects were the primary determinant of GCA and were highly significant. Specific dominance interactions were significant for seed yield, cooked bean moisture content, and texture but not for protein content. Texture was the only trait for which the additive-dominance model failed to provide an adequate fit to the data, suggesting that texture is significantly affected by epistatic interaction. One cross (Brazil-2 × Sanilac) was identified that exhibited a large heterotic effect for seed yield although the parents' additive effects were nonsignificant. Such a nicking effect was attributed to complementation between the two parents.Cooperative investigations of the Agricultural Research Service, U.S. Department of Agriculture and Michigan State University, East Lansing, MI 48824. Part of a thesis submitted by the senior author in partial fulfillment of the requirements for the Ph.D. degree at Michigan State University. Approved for publication by the Michigan Agricultural Experiment Station as Journal Article No. 11791. Research supported by USAID under a Title XII Bean/Cowpea CRSP and cooperative with Washington State University, Pullman, WA99164  相似文献   
As part of a multidisciplinary survey of populations in the Banks and Torres Islands of Vanuatu and the Southern and Central Districts of the Solomon Islands, nearly 2,400 persons have been tested for ABO blood groups and a number of serum protein and red cell enzyme genetic marker systems. For the ABO system, the populations are characterized in general by high gene O and low gene B frequencies except in two of the Polynesian Outlier Islands, Rennell and Bellona, which have high frequencies of B. Among the serum proteins, several alleles have distributions indicating significant movement of people between islands. These include Albumin New Guinea and the transferrin alleles Tf, and Tf, and Tf. Similar specific alleles for red cell enzymes also show distributions reflecting interisland population movement as well as contact with persons from outside the southern Pacific region. Examples are ACP in the acid phosphatase system, PGM and PGM, PGM and PGM, PGK4 and also HbJTongariki. The data available for 11 polymorphic systems were used to generate genetic distances. Of the four Polynesian Outlier Islands, Anuta is most remote genetically, with Rennell and Bellona also relatively isolated. The fourth Polynesian Outlier, Tikopia, occupies a position genetically close to the Melanesian populations of the Banks and Torres Islands and the southern Solomons. The history of early European contact and voyaging in the Pacific, as well as archaeological and linguistic evidence and local legends, indicate that significant movements of people occurred between islands and provided opportunities for genes to be introduced from Europeans, Africans, and Asians. The genetic marker studies give evidence for genes from all these sources, though at a low level. Despite this admixture, the Polynesian Outlier and Melanesian populations have preserved their own distinctive genetic patterns.  相似文献   
Summary The computation, assumptions, and properties of DNA-hybrid stability and reassociation indexes were reviewed. Different methods of computing the same index typically yielded similar values. However, because dissociation curves change from asymmetric to symmetric as increasingly divergent DNAs are compared, adequate determination of mode required fitting a complex function. Delta Tm, delta mode, and delta T50H correlated well up to ca. 12, and all were found to be useful indexes of genomic similarity in that range. They also exhibited similar levels of error, even though T50H comprises a percent reassociation component with relatively large variance. At greater distances, the delta Tm scale became markedly compressed because of the boundary imposed by the temperature of hybrid formation (incubation temperature). Though not compressed or technically limited by it, delta mode and delta T50H could not be extrapolated with certainty below the incubation temperature. Among theoretical problems discussed: Tm and mode index an increasingly small percentage of the genome as the extent of reassociation decreases, and they may compare different genomic segments as DNAs become highly diverged. T50H relies upon the assumptions that all sequences evolve at a constant rate and that reassociation behavior is the same among all sequences regardless of their extent of divergence. Tm and T50H may be biased by selfhybridization of repetitive elements or cross-hybridization of paralogous sequences. Delta mode is free of such biases as long as the genomes under comparison are not too diverged. No index was found to be best in all circumstances.  相似文献   
Summary TheDrosophila nasuta group consists of about 12 closely related species distributed throughout the Indo-Pacific region. They are of great interest because of their evolutionary idiosyncrasies including little morphological differentiation, the ability to intercross in the laboratory often producing fertile offspring, and substantial chromosomal evolution. Studies of metric traits, reproductive isolation, and chromosomal and enzyme polymorphisms have failed to resolve the phylogeny of the species. We report the results of a survey of the mitochondrial DNA (mtDNA) restriction patterns of the species. The phylogeny obtained is consistent with other available information and suggests thatD. albomicans may represent the ancestral lineage of the group. The amount of polymorphism in local populations (=1.0% per site) is within the typical range observed in other animals, includingDrosophila. The degree of differentiation between species is, however, low: the origin of the group is tentatively dated about 6–8 million years ago. This study confirms the usefulness of mtDNA restriction patterns for ascertaining the phylogeny of closely related species.  相似文献   
Abstract A shuttle vector containing the replication region of a resident plasmid of B. thuringiensis , was used to determine the conditions allowing efficient transformation of B. thuringiensis by electroporation. Using this plasmid a δ-endotoxin gene was cloned and expressed both in Escherichia coli and B. thuringiensis . It was shown that this gene was poorly expressed in the wild type situation whereas after cloning in acrystalliferous strains of B. thuringiensis large amounts of crystal protein were obtained.  相似文献   
Summary A backcross population (NZS1) of maize (Zea mays L.) was produced by crossing a highland Mexican population with the elite Corn Belt Dent synthetic AS3, and then by backcrossing to AS3. S1 lines, S2 lines, and S2 testcrosses with an elite tester were used to compare the means, correlations, genetic variances, and predicted gains from selection of NZS1 and AS3 for grain yield, grain moisture at harvest, root and stalk lodging in a cool, temperate environment in New Zealand. The S1 and S2 lines from NZS1 had lower mean grain yields, higher levels of root lodging and higher mean grain moistures than the S1 and S2 lines from AS3. Mean grain yields of testcrosses of NZS1 and AS3 were similar, but NZS1 testcrosses had higher levels of root lodging. Genotypic variances estimated from S1 and S2 lines were larger for grain yield and root lodging for NZS1, smaller for grain moisture, and similar for stalk lodging. Predicted gains from selection for grain yield using intrapopulation methods based on the additive-genetic variance were larger for NZS1, but predicted gains for testcross selection were similar for the two populations. Lines with high combining ability for grain yield and acceptable grain moisture in combination with the tester occurred in NZS1. Because of the higher additive-genetic variance and the occurrence of lines with high combining ability for grain yield, we concluded that populations including highland Mexican germ plasm should be valuable for recurrent selection programs in New Zealand and in other cool, temperate regions.  相似文献   
Provvidenti,R.(1980)和Green,S.K.(1985)先后用同一套鉴别寄主谱,研究了美国和我国台湾省的TuMV株系分化情况。本文用Green的方法,对由十省(市)7,982份病样中筛选出的19个TuMV主流分离物,在同一条件下进行了鉴定。结果表明,属于C_1株系的有黑_3分离物;属于C_4株系的有京_2、京_3、冀_2、宁_1(南京)、粤_1和川_1共6个分离物;属于C_5株系的有黑_1、辽_1、京_1、冀_1、沪_1、鲁_1、鲁_2共7个分离物。未检出C_2和C_3株系。黑_2、沪_2、宁_2和秦_1(陕西)共4个性状相近的分离物和冀_3分离物尚不能按Green的标准归类,暂分别定为C_(3-2)和C_6株系。此外,对Green氏方法应用于我国十字花科蔬菜TuMV株系分化研究中存在的问题作了讨论。  相似文献   
Codon CUG is used for serine instead of for leucine, its usual assignment, in several yeasts of the genusCandida. We propose a series of steps for the reassignment, including disappearance of leucine CUG and its anticodon CAG, formation of a new serine tRNA, with anticodon CAG, from a duplication of the gene for serine tRNA (IGA), and then production of CUG codons by mutation at sites that are mostly nonessential.  相似文献   
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