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The proteins secreted by prostate cancer cells (PC3(AR)6) were separated by strong anion exchange chromatography, digested with trypsin and analyzed by unbiased liquid chromatography tandem mass spectrometry with an ion trap. The spectra were matched to peptides within proteins using a goodness of fit algorithm that showed a low false positive rate. The parent ions for MS/MS were randomly and independently sampled from a log-normal population and therefore could be analyzed by ANOVA. Normal distribution analysis confirmed that the parent and fragment ion intensity distributions were sampled over 99.9% of their range that was above the background noise. Arranging the ion intensity data with the identified peptide and protein sequences in structured query language (SQL) permitted the quantification of ion intensity across treatments, proteins and peptides. The intensity of 101,905 fragment ions from 1421 peptide precursors of 583 peptides from 233 proteins separated over 11 sample treatments were computed together in one ANOVA model using the statistical analysis system (SAS) prior to Tukey-Kramer honestly significant difference (HSD) testing. Thus complex mixtures of proteins were identified and quantified with a high degree of confidence using an ion trap without isotopic labels, multivariate analysis or comparing chromatographic retention times.  相似文献   


The potential role of scavenger receptor class BI (gene name SCARB1) in the regulation of lipoproteins metabolism and atherosclerosis has attracted considerable interest. We tested the relationship of SCARB1 polymorphisms with significant coronary stenosis (SCS) and lipid profile in a coronary Tunisian population.


Three SCARB1 polymorphisms (exon8 (C/T), exon1 (G/A), intron5 (C/T)) were studied in 316 Tunisian patients undergoing coronary angiography. SCS was defined as a luminal narrowing of ≥ 50% in at least one major coronary artery. Lipid profile was measured. Genotyping was performed using PCR–RFLP.


Individuals with TT genotypes of exon8 were associated with higher concentrations of plasma HDL-C and ApoAI in the group without SCS. Carriers of T allele of exon8 were associated with 41% lower risk of SCS. This protective effect seemed to be particularly significant in women, nondiabetics and nonsmokers. Subjects homozygous for the variant allele of intron5 were significantly associated with an increased risk of SCS, particularly in smokers. AA genotype of exon1 was associated with an increased risk of SCS in diabetics and in patients with metabolic syndrome. The (CAT) haplotype was associated with increase in the risk of SCS compared to the wild haplotype and had a 4-fold greater risk of SCS than patients with haplotype (TGC) which seems to be the most protective against SCS.


Carriers of T allele of exon8 in SCARB1 seemed to increase HDL-C and ApoAI concentrations and reduce the risk of SCS. The intron5, exon1 and (CAT) haplotype seemed to have an atherogenic effect.  相似文献   
韩丽 《菌物学报》2012,31(2):292-297
阐述菌物分类学论文中新种发表的规范格式,包括拉丁学名、中文学名、地名等的规范写法,及新种发表时的一些注意事项。  相似文献   
Manganese is an essential metal for life, yet chronic exposure to this metal can cause a neurodegenerative disease named manganism, with symptoms that resemble Parkinson’s disease. Mn accumulates in the striatum and damages this brain structure that controls motor function; however, the molecular mechanisms underlying this neurodegenerative disease are poorly understood. In this short review, a summary of the current knowledge on the mechanisms involved in Mn neurotoxicity is given, with a special emphasis on the features that suggest specific protein-manganese interactions. The mechanisms of Mn uptake into the brain are discussed, displaying its similarities to Fe metabolism. Cellular trafficking of Mn is also reviewed, pointing out at its connection to Ca homeostasis, and its relevance for understanding Mn-induced neuronal death. The main purpose of this review is to provide a glimpse of an unexplored bioinorganic facet of a Mn-induced neurodegenerative disease.  相似文献   
水杉未解之谜的初探   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
通过广泛的文献考证和调研,系统而又深入地对国内外一直存在的有关水杉的争议:水杉是谁发现的,水杉的种子是如何引入美国的,水杉的英文名字用什么,水杉的第一份标本采集时间及保护现状等进行了探讨;并提出:水杉是中国植物学家集体发现的,其关键人物是王战,郑万钧,胡先Su;水杉引种美国是中美两国学者合作的,中方是胡先Su,郑万钧,及种子采集者华敬灿;美方主要是哈佛大学阿诺德树木园和E.D.Merrill;水杉的英文名字最好采用“water fir”或其拉丁文名,即Metasequoia;水杉的第一份标本是王战1943年7月21日采的,至今仍存在一个国内外均未注册且长期无人管理的“标本室”,亟待妥善保管。  相似文献   
A generic index (GI) utilizing epilithic diatom assemblages as abioindicator of water pollution in subtropical rivers in Taiwan was applied toastudy of a tropical river. Seven sites on the River Tsanwun were sampledseasonally from August 1995 to June 1998. Although there is a marked differencein water chemistry between tropical and subtropical rivers in Taiwan, thedominant genera of their diatom assemblages are quite similar. The six generaused for the calculation of GI in the subtropical rivers were also the maincomponents of diatom assemblages in the River Tsanwun. The calculated valuesdisplayed a close correlation with water quality, evaluated on the basis ofphysical and chemical variables. A strong correlation was found between this GIand other diatom-based indices of water quality.  相似文献   
海南省土壤中的暗色丝孢菌Ⅰ   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0  
从海南省不同生境中采集土壤样品48份,采用土壤平板法和稀释法,从中分离出61个暗色丝孢菌分离物,经鉴定分属于21属中的35种。其中,多变粘鞭霉Gliomastix variabilis和枝梗假葡萄孢Pseudobotrytis ramosa为新种;螺旋丝头束霉Cephalotrichum heliciforme为一新名称;疹梗孢属Ardhachandra和脊孢疹梗孢A. cristaspora及淡褐节球孢Nodulisporium hinnuleum为中国新记录。模式和所有研究过的其他标本(干制培养物)及活菌种保存在山东农业大学植物病理学标本室(HSAUP),等模式标本(干制培养物)存放在中国科学院菌物标本馆(HMAS)。  相似文献   
目的 探讨工作家庭冲突对麻醉医师工作倦怠的影响,并检验工作满意度的中介作用。方法 采用网络问卷调查法收集数据。采用描述性统计分析、Pearson相关性分析及多元阶层线性回归分析法检验变量之间的关系及中介效应。结果 工作家庭冲突对麻醉医师工作倦怠(β=0.240, P<0.01)具有显著的正向影响,对工作满意度(β=-0.282, P<0.01)具有显著的负向影响。工作满意度在二者之间扮演了完全的中介作用。结论 工作家庭冲突显著降低麻醉医师的工作满意度,进而导致他们出现工作倦怠症状。因此,工作家庭冲突对麻醉医师的工作及生活会产生不利影响。  相似文献   
在汉语拼音方案未正式推行前, 近代较早的文献书籍里对中国植物分类学者姓名的记载以威妥玛拼音为主, 同时混杂其他拼音形式, 另外存在诸多以缩写方式记录人名的情况。在进行近当代中国植物学的文献阅读、资料查询以及文献引证时, 多样化的人名拼写与缩写方式在一定程度上造成了困扰与混乱。本文简述了中国植物分类学发展初期主要用于人名地名的拼写系统, 以近当代中国植物学相关研究者的姓名索引为基础数据, 结合国内外的植物学相关网站及数据库, 整理出了较完整的早期中国植物分类学家姓名拼写的信息对照表。基于历史数据和当下应用实例, 归纳了中国植物分类学者姓名拼写多样现象的类型及其原因。过去及当代国内外在拼写中国人名上存在的问题有: (1)历史记载中写法不规范现象; (2)不同拼音形式的识别与使用混乱现象; (3)现代拼写在姓与名的顺序、拼音大小写、双名连接以及缩写上不统一现象。最后, 我们提出了关于中国植物分类学者姓名拼写与引用的建议。  相似文献   
This paper presents a list of some medicinal plants distributed in the East Anatolia region. The list was prepared during an ethnobotanical survey of the region from 1995 to 2002. East Anatolia has a rich flora due to its variable climate and its many ecological zones. This diversity in flora provides a rich source of medicinal plants that has been long utilized by Anatolian cultures; and hence, accounts for the remarkable accumulation of medicinal folk knowledge for the region. This paper provides information about 71 useful plants grown in the region, 20 of which are reported for the first time. In addition to the scientific names, vernacular names and medicinal uses are given for each plant.  相似文献   
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