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A replacement name, Turneriella is proposed for an Australian moth genus, the monotypic genus Amblyzancla Turner, 1939 in the family Yponomeutidae (Lepidoptera, Yponomeutoidea).  相似文献   

A replacement name, Clarkeophlebia is proposed for the genus name Acanthophlebia Clarke, 1986 in the family Cosmopterigidae (Lepidoptera).  相似文献   
Progesterone receptor A and B subunits from laying hen oviducts were highly purified and their phosphorylation by cAMP-dependent protein kinase from bovine heart was studied. Both proteins are phosphorylated by the kinase using physiological or subphysiological concentrations of the enzyme. This result indicates that the receptors are good substrates. The reaction is dependent upon exogenous enzyme; no phosphorylation is seen in the absence of protein kinase.  相似文献   
Phylogenetic definitions and taxonomic philosophy   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
An examination of the post-Darwinian history of biological taxonomy reveals an implicit assumption that the definitions of taxon names consist of lists of organismal traits. That assumption represents a failure to grant the concept of evolution a central role in taxonomy, and it causes conflicts between traditional methods of defining taxon names and evolutionary concepts of taxa. Phylogenetic definitions of taxon names (de Queiroz and Gauthier 1990) grant the concept of common ancestry a central role in the definitions of taxon names and thus constitute an important step in the development of phylogenetic taxonomy. By treating phylogenetic relationships rather than organismal traits as necessary and sufficient properties, phylogenetic definitions remove conflicts between the definitions of taxon names and evolutionary concepts of taxa. The general method of definition represented by phylogenetic definitions of clade names can be applied to the names of other kinds of composite wholes, including populations and biological species. That the names of individuals (composite wholes) can be defined in terms of necessary and sufficient properties provides the foundation for a synthesis of seemingly incompatible positions held by contemporary individualists and essentialists concerning the nature of taxa and the definitions of taxon names.  相似文献   
Oxygen consumption (VO2), ventilation (VI), respiratory exchange ratio (R), stride frequency and blood lactate concentrations were measured continuously in nine trained athletes during two continuous incremental treadmill runs to exhaustion on gradients of either 0 degree or -3 degrees. Compared to the run at 0 degree gradient, the athletes reached significantly higher maximal treadmill velocities but significantly lower VO2, VI, R and peak blood lactate concentrations (P less than 0.001) during downhill running. These lower VO2 and blood lactate concentrations at exhaustion indicated that factors other than oxygen delivery limited maximal performance during the downhill run. In contrast, stride frequencies were similar at each treadmill velocity; the higher maximal speed during the downhill run was achieved with a significantly longer stride length (P less than 0.001); maximal stride frequency was the same between tests. Equivalent maximal stride frequencies suggested that factors determining the rate of lower limb stride recovery may have limited maximal running speed during downhill running and, possibly, also during horizontal running.  相似文献   
植物学和医药在科学启蒙时期是合而不分的。东西文化相同。中国古代本草(ancient Chinese materia medica),欧洲中世纪的药物书籍(European medieval herbals),共同证明这件史实。欧洲17—18世纪经典的植物著述,是那个时代医生们业余的工作成果;19世纪亚洲美洲的植物志,以及植物地理知识,基本上是舍弃医药职业从事植物研究之先锋植物学家的成绩。现代植物学知识和方法,更是研究中草药不能缺少而且不可忽略的基础。试举三例说明,职业植物学家如何以正确鉴定和合法命名,解决国际间药物交流问题,并怎样以植物解剖知识澄清药材商品素质混乱情形。凡是能力强工作负责的药用植物学家,都是热心的环境保护者,因为他们工作的地方,既是标本馆实验室,又是野外的大自然;他们确知,自然没有任何取之不尽用之不竭的资源,更没有丰富的药物资源。加之以人们无情地挖掘,任意地采集,无数有药用价值的植物,己遭到不可挽救的毁灭,绝了种!有的也接近灭绝的危运。再看未来,植物学家除了研究植物本体之外,更加上唤起民众爱惜自然植被保护环境的重要职责,并且筛选有利于人畜保健的植物,逐一研究其生境与其成活的环境条件,和农业科学家合作引种驯化,以达成合理利用中草药植物资源的要求。  相似文献   
随着医药卫生体制改革的不断深入,公立医院党建工作面临许多新情况新问题,如何正确应对和解决这些问题、推动党建工作进一步改进创新,已成为医院改革发展需要面对的重要课题。通过总结思考北京协和医院开展党建工作的经验做法,对新时期加强公立医院党建工作提供了借鉴和启示。  相似文献   
A set of stable simple common bird names helps non-ornithologist birders, who contribute to conservation by visiting protected areas and participating in citizen science projects. Changes in English bird names have caused discomfort in the local birding community, especially those that followed international standardisation of common bird names between 2000 and 2005. To understand the extent and nature of English bird name changes, an analysis was done of all southern African bird names through the eight editions of Roberts Birds of South/Southern Africa field guides published from 1940 to 2016. Of 813 species listed in both the first and the latest of the field guides, 453 (55.7%) had their names changed, among which 108 (13.3%) had changes in both the group name and the species epithet. The greatest single wave of changes (31.4%) occurred in the first ‘Roberts bird guide’ (the seventh field guide) in 2007, following international standardisation. Mean word and syllable counts of bird names also increased significantly in that edition. Name changes were associated with new authorships, taxonomic changes and use of geographic species epithets. There was a trend towards name stability for southern African endemic species. Further name changes should be kept to a minimum, shortening and simplifying wherever possible.  相似文献   
Five men performed an incremental exercise test following a normal, low and high carbohydrate dietary regimen over a 7-day period, to examine the influence of an altered carbohydrate energy intake on the relationship between the ventilation (VET) and lactate (LaT) thresholds. VET and LaT were determined from the ventilatory equivalents for O2 (VE.VO2(-1) and CO2 (VE.VCO2(-1) and the log-log transformation of the lactate (La) to power output relationship, respectively. The total duration of the incremental exercise test, carbon dioxide output (VCO2), respiratory exchange ratio, blood La values and arterialized venous partial pressure of CO2 (PCO2) were reduced, and VE.VCO2(-1), the slope of the VE-VCO2 relationship, blood beta-hydroxybutyrate and pH were increased during the low carbohydrate trial compared with the other conditions. Total plasma protein and Na+, K+, and Cl- were similar across conditions. LaT and VET were unaffected by the altered proportions of carbohydrate in the diets and occurred at a similar oxygen consumption (mean VO2 across trials was 1.98 L.min-1 for VET and 2.01 L.min-1 for LaT). A significant relationship (r = 0.86) was observed for the VO2 that represented individual VET and LaT values. The increased VE.VCO2(-1) and slope of the VE-VCO2 relationship could be accounted for by the lower PCO2. It is concluded that alterations in carbohydrate energy intake do not produce an uncoupling of VET and LaT as has been reported previously.  相似文献   

The Antarctic Conoidean fauna is critically reviewed based on published data and specimens in the collections of the USNM, IORAS and MNHN. Forty-two species and subspecies of the superfamily Conoidea are recorded as occurring within the Antarctic Convergence (excluding the fauna of the Kerguelen Islands) and are attributed to 14 genera and seven families. These include the new taxa: Antarctospira n. gen. (type species—Leucosyrinx badenpowelli Dell, 1990); Drilliola antarctica n. sp.; Pleurotomella (Pleutoromella) tippetti n. sp.; Pleurotomella (Anomalotomella) petiti n. sp.; Xanthodaphne pastorinoi n. sp. Aforia watsoni is introduced as a new name for Pleurotoma (Surcula) lepta Watson, 1881, non Pleurotoma lepta Edwards, 1861. A lectotype is designated for Conorbella antarctica (Strebel, 1908). New combinations are also proposed. Antarctospira badenpowelli (Dell, 1990), n. comb. (previously assigned to Leucosyrinx); Antarctospira principalis (Thiele, 1912), n. comb. (previously assigned to Typhlomangelia); Antarctospira mawsoni (Powell, 1958), n. comb. (previously assigned to Leucosyrinx); Typhlodaphne paratenoceras (Powell, 1951), n. comb. (previously assigned to Leucosyrinx); Belalora weirichi (Engl, 2008), n. comb. (previously assigned to Oenopota); Pleurotomella (Anomalotomella) innocentia (Dell, 1990), n. comb. (previously assigned to Typhlodaphne); Pleurotomella (Anomalotomella) nipri (Numanami, 1996), n. comb. (previously assigned to Typhlodaphne); Xanthodaphne raineri (Engl, 2008), n. comb. (previously assigned to Pleurotomella); Aforia hedleyi (Dell, 1990), n. comb. (previously assigned to Pontiothauma). The majority of Antarctic conoidean taxa have hypodermic marginal teeth. Although there is a similar relative abundance of conoideans in Antarctic waters to that seen in other well-studied faunas, the low number of conoideans is indicative of the general impoverishment of the gastropod fauna in the region. Fourteen percent (2 of 14) of conoidean genera that occur within the Antarctic Convergence are endemic to Antarctic waters, as are 82% (34 of 42) of the species. Most taxa have very broad bathymetric ranges, some extending from bathyal to hadal depths. The greatest species diversity was at bathyal depths.  相似文献   
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