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Phosphoenolpyruvate (PEP) carboxylase is regulated by reversible phosphorylation in higher plants. Recently several genes encoding PEP carboxylase kinase have been cloned. The purpose of this article is to assess the contribution that information on the structure and expression of these genes is making to our understanding of the posttranslational control of PEP carboxylase activity.  相似文献   
The genomes that organisms transmit between generations contain information about different kinds of functions. The genome with the "best" mix and number of genes for these functions is the one that natural selection favours. Here I introduce a new way to model simple organisms with genes for external and internal functions, and use it to study the evolution of genome size. The external functions are exemplified by resource use and the internal functions by mutation control (repair). It is shown that even with a suitable proportion of genes for mutation control, the genomes in the organisms do not forever incorporate genes that increase resource use. Instead they evolve towards an optimal genome of limited size. The optimal proportion of genes for mutation control is shown to have an upper limit given by the ease with which transmission accuracy is improved by adding extra genes for this purpose to the genome. The model illustrates how natural selection on genomes integrates systems for the transmission of genetic information with systems relating to the external adaptation of the organism. It also opens up for other, more detailed theoretical investigations of genome functions.  相似文献   
The blood–brain barrier (BBB) is a specialized system of capillary endothelial cells that protects the brain from harmful substances in the blood stream, while supplying the brain with the required nutrients for proper function. The BBB controls transport through both tight junctions and metabolic barriers and is often a rate-limiting factor in determining permeation of therapeutic drugs into the brain. It is a significant obstacle for delivery of both small molecules and macromolecular agents. Although many drugs could be potentially used to treat brain disease, there has been no method that allows non-invasive-targeted delivery through the BBB. Recently, promising studies indicate that ultrasound can be used to locally deliver a drug or gene to a specific region of interest in the brain. If microbubbles are combined with ultrasound exposure, the effects of ultrasound can be focused upon the vasculature to reduce the acoustic intensity needed to produce BBB opening. Several avenues of transcapillary passage after ultrasound sonication have been identified including transcytosis, passage through endothelial cell cytoplasmic openings, opening of tight junctions and free passage through injured endothelium. This article reviews the topic of transient disruption of the BBB with ultrasound and microbubbles and addresses related safety issues. It also discusses possible roles of the BBB in brain disease and potential interactions with ultrasound and microbubbles in such disease states.  相似文献   
A possible epigenetic regulation of the two isoenzymes of fructose 1,6-bisphosphatase (FBPase) was studied in liver, muscle, mamma, breast cancer and in different cancer cell lines. Results obtained after bisulfite sequencing revealed a different CpG methylation of both promoters in liver, muscle and breast tissue which is putatively involved in the cell-type specific gene expression of the two enzymes. In tumor cell lines, demethylation with 5-aza-deoxycytidine activated the expression of both isoenzymes. Additional inhibition of histone deacetylase with trichostatin A further increased FBPase mRNA concentrations. Since cancers typically have an abnormal energy metabolism and exhibit a low gluconeogenic phenotype, it was studied whether promoter methylation contributes to the decreased expression of FBPase in breast cancer. When non-malignant and malignant tissue samples from the same patient were compared a correlation between an increase of FBPase promoter methylation and a decrease of FBPase mRNA levels was observed.  相似文献   
Numerous biodiversity–ecosystem functioning (BEF) experiments have shown that plant community productivity typically increases with species diversity. In these studies, diversity is generally quantified using metrics of taxonomic, phylogenetic, or functional differences among community members. Research has also shown that the relationships between species diversity and functioning depends on the spatial scale considered, primarily because larger areas may contain different ecosystem types and span gradients in environmental conditions, which result in a turnover of the species set present locally. A fact that has received little attention, however, is that ecological systems are hierarchically structured, from genes to individuals to communities to entire landscapes, and that additional biological variation occurs at levels of organization above and below those typically considered in BEF research. Here, we present cases of diversity effects at different hierarchical levels of organization and compare these to the species-diversity effects traditionally studied. We argue that when this evidence is combined across levels, a general framework emerges that allows the transfer of insights and concepts between traditionally disparate disciplines. Such a framework presents an important step towards a better understanding of the functional importance of diversity in complex, real-world systems.  相似文献   
Neonicotinoid insecticides are potent agonists of nicotinic acetylcholine receptors and are a major factor in the decline of pollinators worldwide. Several studies show that low doses of this neurotoxin influence honey bee physiology, however, little is known about how insecticides interact with other environmental variables. We studied the effects of two neonicotinoid Imidacloprid doses (IMD, 0, 2.5, and 10 ppb), and three temperatures (20, 28, and 36°C) on gene expression in the brains of worker honey bees (Apis mellifera). Using qRT-PCR we quantified the expression of eight key genes related to the nervous system, stress response, and motor and olfactory capacities. Gene expression tended to increase with the low IMD dose, which was further intensified in individuals maintained in the cold treatment (20°C). At 20°C the octopamine receptor gene (oa1) was underexpressed in bees that were not exposed to IMD, but overexpressed in individuals exposed to 2.5 ppb IMD. Also, heat shock proteins (hsp70 and hsp90) increased their expression at high temperatures (36°C), but not with IMD doses. These results suggest that despite the low insecticide concentrations used in this study (a field-realistic dose), changes in gene expression associated with honey bee physiological responses could be induced. This study contributes to the understanding of how neonicotinoid residual doses may alter honey bee physiology.  相似文献   
This study aimed to investigate whether exogenous application of carnitine stimulates transportation of fatty acids into mitochondria, which is an important part of fatty acid trafficking in cells, and mitochondrial respiration in the leaves of maize seedlings grown under normal and cold conditions. Cold stress led to significant increases in lipase activity, which is responsible for the breakdown of triacylglycerols, and carnitine acyltransferase (carnitine acyltransferase I and II) activities, which are responsible for the transport of activated long-chain fatty acids into mitochondria. While exogenous application of carnitine has a similar promoting effect with cold stress on lipase activity, it resulted in further increases in the activity of carnitine acyltransferases compared to cold stress. The highest activity levels for these enzymes were recorded in the seedlings treated with cold plus carnitine. In addition, these increases were correlated with positive increases in the contents of free- and long-chain acylcarnitines (decanoyl-l-carnitine, lauroyl-l-carnitine, myristoyl-l-carnitine, and stearoyl-l-carnitine), and with decreases in the total lipid content. The highest values for free- and long-chain acylcarnitines and the lowest value for total lipid content were recorded in the seedlings treated with cold plus carnitine. On the other hand, carnitine with and without cold stress significantly upregulated the expression level of citrate synthase, which is responsible for catalysing the first reaction of the citric acid cycle, and cytochrome oxidase, which is the membrane-bound terminal enzyme in the electron transfer chain, as well as lipase. All these results revealed that on the one hand, carnitine enhanced transport of fatty acids into mitochondria by increasing the activities of lipase and carnitine acyltransferases, and, on the other hand, stimulated mitochondrial respiration in the leaves of maize seedlings grown under normal and cold conditions.  相似文献   
Forest canopy water use and carbon cycling traits (WCT) can vary substantially and in spatially organized patterns, with significant impacts on watershed ecohydrology. In many watersheds, WCT may vary systematically along and between hydrologic flowpaths as an adaptation to available soil water, nutrients, and microclimate‐mediated atmospheric water demand. We hypothesize that the emerging patterns of WCT at the hillslope to catchment scale provide a more resistant ecohydrological system, particularly with respect to drought stress, and the maintenance of high levels of productivity. Rather than attempting to address this hypothesis with species‐specific patterns, we outline broader functional WCT groups and explore the sensitivity of water and carbon balances to the representation of canopy WCT functional organization through a modelling approach. We use a well‐studied experimental watershed in North Carolina where detailed mapping of forest community patterns are sufficient to describe WCT functional organization. Ecohydrological models typically use broad‐scale characterizations of forest canopy composition based on remotely sensed information (e.g., evergreen vs. deciduous), which may not adequately represent the range or spatial pattern of functional group WCT at hillslope to watershed scales. We use three different representations of WCT functional organizations: (1) restricting WCT to deciduous/conifer differentiation, (2) utilizing more detailed, but aspatial, information on local forest community composition, and (3) spatially distributed representation of local forest WCT. Accounting for WCT functional organization information improves model performance not only in terms of capturing observed flow regimes (especially watershed‐scale seasonal flow dynamics) but also in terms of representing more detailed canopy ecohydrologic behaviour (e.g., root zone soil moisture, evapotranspiration, and net canopy photosynthesis), especially under dry condition. Results suggest that the well‐known zonation of forest communities over hydrologic gradients is not just a local adaptation but also provides a property that regulates hillslope to catchment‐scale behaviour of water use and drought resistance.  相似文献   
Human pancreatic stellate cells (HPSCs) are an essential stromal component and mediators of pancreatic ductal adenocarcinoma (PDAC) progression. Small extracellular vesicles (sEVs) are membrane-enclosed nanoparticles involved in cell-to-cell communications and are released from stromal cells within PDAC. A detailed comparison of sEVs from normal pancreatic stellate cells (HPaStec) and from PDAC-associated stellate cells (HPSCs) remains a gap in our current knowledge regarding stellate cells and PDAC. We hypothesized there would be differences in sEVs secretion and protein expression that might contribute to PDAC biology. To test this hypothesis, we isolated sEVs using ultracentrifugation followed by characterization by electron microscopy and Nanoparticle Tracking Analysis. We report here our initial observations. First, HPSC cells derived from PDAC tumors secrete a higher volume of sEVs when compared to normal pancreatic stellate cells (HPaStec). Although our data revealed that both normal and tumor-derived sEVs demonstrated no significant biological effect on cancer cells, we observed efficient uptake of sEVs by both normal and cancer epithelial cells. Additionally, intact membrane-associated proteins on sEVs were essential for efficient uptake. We then compared sEV proteins isolated from HPSCs and HPaStecs cells using liquid chromatography–tandem mass spectrometry. Most of the 1481 protein groups identified were shared with the exosome database, ExoCarta. Eighty-seven protein groups were differentially expressed (selected by 2-fold difference and adjusted p value ≤0.05) between HPSC and HPaStec sEVs. Of note, HPSC sEVs contained dramatically more CSE1L (chromosome segregation 1–like protein), a described marker of poor prognosis in patients with pancreatic cancer. Based on our results, we have demonstrated unique populations of sEVs originating from stromal cells with PDAC and suggest that these are significant to cancer biology. Further studies should be undertaken to gain a deeper understanding that could drive novel therapy.  相似文献   
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