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Summary The Brassica napus rapeseed cultivar Topas contains an acetohydroxyacid synthase (AHAS) multigene family consisting of five members (AHAS 1–5). DNA sequence analysis indicate that AHAS1 and AHAS3 share extensive homology. They probably encode the AHAS enzymes essential for plant growth and development. AHAS2 has diverged significantly from AHAS1 and AHAS3 and has unique features in the coding region of the mature polypeptide, transit peptide and upstream non-coding DNA, which raises the possibility that it has a distinct function. AHAS4 and AHAS5 have interrupted coding regions and may be defective. The complexity of the AHAS multigene family in the allotetraploid species B. napus is much greater than reported for Arabidopsis thaliana and Nicotiana tabacum. Analysis of the presumptive progenitor diploid species B. campestris and B. oleracea indicated that AHAS2, AHAS3 and AHAS4 originate from the A genome, whereas AHAS1 and AHAS5 originate from the C genome. Further variation within each of the AHAS genes in these species was found.  相似文献   
Summary Tn21-related transposons are widespread among bacteria and carry various resistance determinants at preferential sites, hs1 and hs2. In an in vivo integrative recombination assay it was demonstrated that these hot spots direct the integration of aminoglycoside resistance genes like aadB from Klebsiella pneumoniae and aacAI from Serratia marcescens, in a recA background. The maximum required recognition sequence which must be present in both the donor and recipient plasmids is 5 CTAAAACAAAGTTA 3 (hs2). The double-site-specific recombination occurred with a frequency of 10–5–10–6. The resulting structures include not only replicon fusion products but also more complex structures carrying two copies of the donor plasmid or simply the donor gene flanked by hs elements. hs1 and hs2 are thought to act as recognition sites for a trans-acting site-specific recombinase. By the use of Tn21 deletion derivatives, it has been shown that the recombinase is not encoded by Tn21. This new integrative recombination system is involved in the acquisition of new genes by Tn21-related transposons and their spread among bacterial populations.  相似文献   
Summary A major pathogen of potato plants (Solanum tuberosum) is the potato cyst nematode (Globodera spp.), which induces localized redifferentiation of a limited number of host cells to form a specialized feeding-site termed the syncytium. A novel strategy utilizing the polymerase chain reaction (PCR) was employed to construct a cDNA library from dissected potato roots highly enriched in syncytial material. The library was differentially screened with cDNA probes derived from the infected root tissue from a compatible interaction and from healthy root tissue. Characterization of one gene identified by the library screen indicated an expression pattern that correlated with events in the immediate vicinity of the pathogen after syncytial establishment. The strategy for library construction and screening could be applicable to the study of gene expression in any plant-pathogen interaction in which the limited supply of cells at the interface of the two organisms precludes a more traditional approach.  相似文献   
A better understanding of water motion effects on nutrient uptake by marine crop plants should make it possible to farm the sea more effectively. Farms in China, Japan and the Philippines now grow plants on slack lines or nets that move with passing waves and currents. Nutrient uptake rates are increased onLaminaria farms in China by adding nitrogen-containing fertilizer. In contrast, forests of the giant kelp,Macrocystis grow in California at low nutrient levels without fertilization. The giant kelp, compared as a structure with the slack Chinese farms, has float-supported, spring-like stipes that stretch and recoil as waves pass. This motion seems likely to enhance flow over the thallus surface. In thus study we modified flow around kelp blades in a water tunnel in the laboratory by changing orifice plates, and flow around Chinese-style long-line farms in the sea by tightening them under various sea conditions. Our measurements suggest that if marine farms were designed and operated to increase water movement over the plants being grown, their rates of nutrient uptake, and growth would increase.This paper was presented at the Symposium on Applied Phycology at the Fourth International Phycological Congress, Duke University.  相似文献   
Electrotransformation of Streptococcus pyogenes with plasmid and linear DNA   总被引:6,自引:0,他引:6  
Electrotransformation was used to introduce both plasmid and linear DNA into Streptococcus pyogenes. The method was optimized using strain NZ131, for which transformation frequencies up to 10(7) per micrograms of plasmid DNA were obtained. A linear fragment of DNA, containing the streptokinase gene (ska) in which an internal fragment had been replaced with an erythromycin resistance gene (erm), was transformed into strain NZ131 with a frequency of 10(3) per micrograms DNA. The introduction of linear DNA into S. pyogenes by electrotransformation should be useful for future genetic analyses as well as targeted gene replacement.  相似文献   
Summary The genes for four glycolytic enzymes ofTrypanosoma brucei have been analyzed. The proteins encoded by these genes show 38–57% identity with their counterparts in other organisms, whether pro- or eukaryotic. These data are consistent with a phylogenetic tree in which trypanosomes diverged very early from the main branch of the eukaryotic lineage. No definite conclusion can be drawn yet about the evolutionary origin of glycosomes, the microbodies of trypanosomes which contain most enzymes of the glycolytic pathway. A bias could be observed in the codon usage of the glycolytic genes and genes for other housekeeping proteins, indicating that trypanosomes may have selected a nucleotide sequence that enables efficient translation. However, the genes for variant surface glycoproteins (VSGs) do not show such a bias. This lack of preference for special codons is explained by the high evolutionary rate that could be observed for VSG genes.Presented at the FEBS Symposium on Genome Organization and Evolution, held in Crete, Greece, September 1–5, 1986  相似文献   
Summary Each one of at least three unlinked STA loci (STA1, STA2 and STA3), in the genome of Saccharomyces diastaticus controls starch hydrolysis by coding for an extracellular glucoamylase. Cloned STA2 sequences were used as hybridization probes to investigate the physical structure of the family of STA genes in the genomes of different Saccharomyces strains. Sta+ strains, each carrying a single genetically defined STA locus, were crossed with a Sta strain and the segregation behavior of the functional locus (i.e. Sta+) and sequences homologous to a cloned STA2 glucoamylase structural gene at that locus were analyzed. The results indicate that in all strains examined there is a multiplicity of sequences that are homologous to STA2 DNA but that only the functional STA loci contain extensive 5 and 3 homology to each other and can be identified as residing on unique fragments of DNA; that all laboratory yeast strains examined contain extensive regions of the glucoamylase gene sequences at or closely linked to the STA1 chromosomal position; that the STA1 locus contains two distinct glucoamylase gene sequences that are closely linked to each other; and that all laboratory strains examined also contain another ubiquitous sequence that is not allelic to STA1 and is nonfunctional (Sta), but has retained extensive sequence homology to the 5 end of the cloned STA2 gene. It was also determined that the DEX genes (which control dextrin hydrolysis in S. diastaticus), MAL5 (a gene once thought to control maltose metabolism in yeast) and the STA genes are allelic to each other in the following manner: STA1 and DEX2, STA1 and MAL5, and STA2 and DEX1 and STA3 and DEX3.  相似文献   
Summary The c2 locus of Zea mays, identified as one of the genes affecting anthocyanin biosynthesis, was cloned using the transposable element En (Spm) as a gene tag. The Spm element present at the c2 locus in the autonomously mutating c2-m1 line was isolated using En1 element specific probes. Sequences flanking the element were identified as c2 locus specific and were used to clone the nonautonomous c2-m2 and wild-type alleles. The cloning and analysis of a cDNA complementary to the c2 locus provided evidence that this gene encodes the enzyme chalcone synthase.  相似文献   
Summary Primary cultures of newborn mouse epidermal cells proliferate rapidly and with a high growth fraction for several months when grown in medium with low calcium (0.02 to 0.1 mM). Addition of calcium to levels generally used in culture medium (1.2 mM) was followed by rapid changes in the pattern of proliferation. By using a combination of technics (a stathmokinetic method, autoradiography, [3H]thymidine incorporation into DNA, DNA flow cytometry) it was found that cell flux was blocked for 5 to 6 h, followed by a short rise in the mitotic rate at 10 h, and a gradual fall in all growth parameters until about 32 h after the calcium switch. There was no accumulation of cells in any particular cell cycle phase. The results indicate that the calcium switch is followed by a strong reduction in cell flux from G1 whereas the majority of the cells that had left G1 at the time of the switch completed one cell division before cessation of all proliferative activity. Both before and after the switch the primary epidermal cultures consisted of one diploid and one tetraploid G1 DNA stemline that seemed to react in the same way to calcium. This work reported in this paper was undertaken during the tenure of an American Cancer Society-Eleanor Roosevelt-International Cancer Fellowship awarded by the International Union Against Cancer (K. E.). The project was supported by funds partly provided by the International Cancer Research Data Bank Program of the National Cancer Institute, National Institutes of Health, Bethesda, MD, under contract N01-C0-65341 (International Cancer Research Technology Transfer) and partly by the International Union Against Cancer (O.P.F.C.).  相似文献   
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