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Natural tissues are incorporated with vasculature, which is further integrated with a cardiovascular system responsible for driving perfusion of nutrient-rich oxygenated blood through the vasculature to support cell metabolism within most cell-dense tissues. Since scaffold-free biofabricated tissues being developed into clinical implants, research models, and pharmaceutical testing platforms should similarly exhibit perfused tissue-like structures, we generated a generalizable biofabrication method resulting in self-supporting perfused (SSuPer) tissue constructs incorporated with perfusible microchannels and integrated with the modular FABRICA perfusion bioreactor. As proof of concept, we perfused an MLO-A5 osteoblast-based SSuPer tissue in the FABRICA. Although our resulting SSuPer tissue replicated vascularization and perfusion observed in situ, supported its own weight, and stained positively for mineral using Von Kossa staining, our in vitro results indicated that computational fluid dynamics (CFD) should be used to drive future construct design and flow application before further tissue biofabrication and perfusion. We built a CFD model of the SSuPer tissue integrated in the FABRICA and analyzed flow characteristics (net force, pressure distribution, shear stress, and oxygen distribution) through five SSuPer tissue microchannel patterns in two flow directions and at increasing flow rates. Important flow parameters include flow direction, fully developed flow, and tissue microchannel diameters matched and aligned with bioreactor flow channels. We observed that the SSuPer tissue platform is capable of providing direct perfusion to tissue constructs and proper culture conditions (oxygenation, with controllable shear and flow rates), indicating that our approach can be used to biofabricate tissue representing primary tissues and that we can model the system in silico.  相似文献   
Dilated cardiomyopathy (DCM) is associated with mutations in cardiomyocyte sarcomeric proteins, including α-tropomyosin. In conjunction with troponin, tropomyosin shifts to regulate actomyosin interactions. Tropomyosin molecules overlap via tropomyosin–tropomyosin head-to-tail associations, forming a continuous strand along the thin filament. These associations are critical for propagation of tropomyosin''s reconfiguration along the thin filament and key for the cooperative switching between heart muscle contraction and relaxation. Here, we tested perturbations in tropomyosin structure, biochemistry, and function caused by the DCM-linked mutation, M8R, which is located at the overlap junction. Localized and nonlocalized structural effects of the mutation were found in tropomyosin that ultimately perturb its thin filament regulatory function. Comparison of mutant and WT α-tropomyosin was carried out using in vitro motility assays, CD, actin co-sedimentation, and molecular dynamics simulations. Regulated thin filament velocity measurements showed that the presence of M8R tropomyosin decreased calcium sensitivity and thin filament cooperativity. The co-sedimentation of actin and tropomyosin showed weakening of actin-mutant tropomyosin binding. The binding of troponin T''s N terminus to the actin-mutant tropomyosin complex was also weakened. CD and molecular dynamics indicate that the M8R mutation disrupts the four-helix bundle at the head-to-tail junction, leading to weaker tropomyosin–tropomyosin binding and weaker tropomyosin–actin binding. Molecular dynamics revealed that altered end-to-end bond formation has effects extending toward the central region of the tropomyosin molecule, which alter the azimuthal position of tropomyosin, likely disrupting the mutant thin filament response to calcium. These results demonstrate that mutation-induced alterations in tropomyosin–thin filament interactions underlie the altered regulatory phenotype and ultimately the pathogenesis of DCM.  相似文献   
The kinesin-3 family contains the fastest and most processive motors of the three neuronal transport kinesin families, yet the sequence of states and rates of kinetic transitions that comprise the chemomechanical cycle and give rise to their unique properties are poorly understood. We used stopped-flow fluorescence spectroscopy and single-molecule motility assays to delineate the chemomechanical cycle of the kinesin-3, KIF1A. Our bacterially expressed KIF1A construct, dimerized via a kinesin-1 coiled-coil, exhibits fast velocity and superprocessivity behavior similar to WT KIF1A. We established that the KIF1A forward step is triggered by hydrolysis of ATP and not by ATP binding, meaning that KIF1A follows the same chemomechanical cycle as established for kinesin-1 and -2. The ATP-triggered half-site release rate of KIF1A was similar to the stepping rate, indicating that during stepping, rear-head detachment is an order of magnitude faster than in kinesin-1 and kinesin-2. Thus, KIF1A spends the majority of its hydrolysis cycle in a one-head-bound state. Both the ADP off-rate and the ATP on-rate at physiological ATP concentration were fast, eliminating these steps as possible rate-limiting transitions. Based on the measured run length and the relatively slow off-rate in ADP, we conclude that attachment of the tethered head is the rate-limiting transition in the KIF1A stepping cycle. Thus, KIF1A''s activity can be explained by a fast rear-head detachment rate, a rate-limiting step of tethered-head attachment that follows ATP hydrolysis, and a relatively strong electrostatic interaction with the microtubule in the weakly bound post-hydrolysis state.  相似文献   
Climate change is forecast to increase climatic variability, in particular the occurrence of extreme events. Consequently, it is imperative to understand how climatic variation influences the dynamics of communities. We investigated synchronicity in survival in response to climatic variation among bird communities occupying habitats that differed in climatic seasonality: a more seasonal wetland and a less seasonal fynbos shrubland in South Africa. We predicted higher synchronicity at the wetland than at the shrubland because there was more potential for weather to induce variation in survival at this climatically more variable site. We estimated survival from ringing data for four wetland species and three fynbos species in hierarchical models with an asynchronous (species-specific) variance component and a synchronous (common) variance component. Comparing models including and excluding a climatic covariate enabled us to estimate the effect of climatic variation as a synchronizing and desynchronizing agent on survival. As hypothesized, synchronicity in survival was substantially greater at the more seasonal wetland than at the climatically more stable fynbos site: 0.50 (95% credible interval 0.01–1.92 on the logit scale) and 0.03 (0.00001–0.19), respectively. Similarly, asynchronicity in survival was greater for wetland species than for fynbos species. However, we found no clear evidence that weather affected survival. We provide the first survival estimates of several African endemic birds and the first estimates of synchronicity and asynchronicity in survival of communities outside the strongly seasonal northern temperate zone. Our results suggest that the relative magnitude of synchronicity and asynchronicity varies among communities and support the idea that environmental variability induces synchronicity.  相似文献   
CD81 plays a central role in a variety of physiological and pathological processes. Recent structural analysis of CD81 indicates that it contains an intramembrane cholesterol-binding pocket and that interaction with cholesterol may regulate a conformational switch in the large extracellular domain of CD81. Therefore, CD81 possesses a potential cholesterol-sensing mechanism; however, its relevance for protein function is thus far unknown. In this study we investigate CD81 cholesterol sensing in the context of its activity as a receptor for hepatitis C virus (HCV). Structure-led mutagenesis of the cholesterol-binding pocket reduced CD81–cholesterol association but had disparate effects on HCV entry, both reducing and enhancing CD81 receptor activity. We reasoned that this could be explained by alterations in the consequences of cholesterol binding. To investigate this further we performed molecular dynamic simulations of CD81 with and without cholesterol; this identified a potential allosteric mechanism by which cholesterol binding regulates the conformation of CD81. To test this, we designed further mutations to force CD81 into either the open (cholesterol-unbound) or closed (cholesterol-bound) conformation. The open mutant of CD81 exhibited reduced HCV receptor activity, whereas the closed mutant enhanced activity. These data are consistent with cholesterol sensing switching CD81 between a receptor active and inactive state. CD81 interactome analysis also suggests that conformational switching may modulate the assembly of CD81–partner protein networks. This work furthers our understanding of the molecular mechanism of CD81 cholesterol sensing, how this relates to HCV entry, and CD81''s function as a molecular scaffold; these insights are relevant to CD81''s varied roles in both health and disease.  相似文献   
The photosynthetic CO2 fixing enzyme ribulose 1,5-bisphosphate carboxylase/oxygenase (Rubisco) forms dead-end inhibited complexes while binding multiple sugar phosphates, including its substrate ribulose 1,5-bisphosphate. Rubisco can be rescued from this inhibited form by molecular chaperones belonging to the ATPases associated with diverse cellular activities (AAA+ proteins) termed Rubisco activases (Rcas). The mechanism of green-type Rca found in higher plants has proved elusive, in part because until recently higher-plant Rubiscos could not be expressed recombinantly. Identifying the interaction sites between Rubisco and Rca is critical to formulate mechanistic hypotheses. Toward that end here we purify and characterize a suite of 33 Arabidopsis Rubisco mutants for their ability to be activated by Rca. Mutation of 17 surface-exposed large subunit residues did not yield variants that were perturbed in their interaction with Rca. In contrast, we find that Rca activity is highly sensitive to truncations and mutations in the conserved N terminus of the Rubisco large subunit. Large subunits lacking residues 1–4 are functional Rubiscos but cannot be activated. Both T5A and T7A substitutions result in functional carboxylases that are poorly activated by Rca, indicating the side chains of these residues form a critical interaction with the chaperone. Many other AAA+ proteins function by threading macromolecules through a central pore of a disc-shaped hexamer. Our results are consistent with a model in which Rca transiently threads the Rubisco large subunit N terminus through the axial pore of the AAA+ hexamer.  相似文献   
The tenovins are a frequently studied class of compounds capable of inhibiting sirtuin activity, which is thought to result in increased acetylation and protection of the tumor suppressor p53 from degradation. However, as we and other laboratories have shown previously, certain tenovins are also capable of inhibiting autophagic flux, demonstrating the ability of these compounds to engage with more than one target. In this study, we present two additional mechanisms by which tenovins are able to activate p53 and kill tumor cells in culture. These mechanisms are the inhibition of a key enzyme of the de novo pyrimidine synthesis pathway, dihydroorotate dehydrogenase (DHODH), and the blockage of uridine transport into cells. These findings hold a 3-fold significance: first, we demonstrate that tenovins, and perhaps other compounds that activate p53, may activate p53 by more than one mechanism; second, that work previously conducted with certain tenovins as SirT1 inhibitors should additionally be viewed through the lens of DHODH inhibition as this is a major contributor to the mechanism of action of the most widely used tenovins; and finally, that small changes in the structure of a small molecule can lead to a dramatic change in the target profile of the molecule even when the phenotypic readout remains static.  相似文献   
Probabilistic Boolean networks (PBNs) are extensions of Boolean networks (BNs), and both have been widely used to model biological systems. In this paper, we study the long-range correlations of PBNs based on their corresponding Markov chains. PBN states are quantified by the deviation of their steady-state distributions. The results demonstrate that, compared with BNs, PBNs can exhibit these dynamics over a wider and higher noise range. In addition, the constituent BNs significantly impact the generation of 1/f dynamics of PBNs, and PBNs with homogeneous steady-state distributions tend to sustain the 1/f dynamics over a wider noise range.  相似文献   
A generalized version of the N-person volunteer's dilemma (NVD) Game has been suggested recently for illustrating the problem of N-person social dilemmas. Using standard replicator dynamics it can be shown that coexistence of cooperators and defectors is typical in this model. However, the question of how a rare mutant cooperator could invade a population of defectors is still open.  相似文献   
Interaction computing (IC) aims to map the properties of integrable low-dimensional non-linear dynamical systems to the discrete domain of finite-state automata in an attempt to reproduce in software the self-organizing and dynamically stable properties of sub-cellular biochemical systems. As the work reported in this paper is still at the early stages of theory development it focuses on the analysis of a particularly simple chemical oscillator, the Belousov–Zhabotinsky (BZ) reaction. After retracing the rationale for IC developed over the past several years from the physical, biological, mathematical, and computer science points of view, the paper presents an elementary discussion of the Krohn–Rhodes decomposition of finite-state automata, including the holonomy decomposition of a simple automaton, and of its interpretation as an abstract positional number system. The method is then applied to the analysis of the algebraic properties of discrete finite-state automata derived from a simplified Petri net model of the BZ reaction. In the simplest possible and symmetrical case the corresponding automaton is, not surprisingly, found to contain exclusively cyclic groups. In a second, asymmetrical case, the decomposition is much more complex and includes five different simple non-abelian groups whose potential relevance arises from their ability to encode functionally complete algebras. The possible computational relevance of these findings is discussed and possible conclusions are drawn.  相似文献   
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