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氨基酰化酶(N-acylamino-acidamidohydrolase或acylaseⅠ,EC3.5.1.14)是专一水解N-酰基化L-氨基酸的蛋白酶.从水稻黄化苗得到的抽提液,经过硫酸铵分级沉淀、丙酮分级沉淀和阴离子交换层析三个步骤,纯化得到了该酶,比活达到100U/mg蛋白,在无还原剂存在的SDS-聚丙烯酰胺凝胶电泳上显单一条带,分子量为40kD.而凝胶层析分析表明活性分子的分子量约90kD,因此可推测它的活性分子由两个亚基通过非共价键作用组合而成.进一步研究此酶的性质,在所测的五种乙酰化氨基酸中,最适底物为N-乙酰-L-甲硫氨酸.该酶的最适温度为50℃,最适pH为7.0~8.0.Co2+和Zn2+能增强酶活性,但烷基化试剂对酶活性没有影响,表明酶活性中心不含活化的巯基或羟基基因  相似文献   
This report describes a unique cation exchange high-performance liquidchromatography capable of separating more than 40 frequently encountered human hemoglobins and variants within 12 min. Some of these variants are unresolvable by the conventional electrophoretic methods and would thus lead to an incorrect diagnosis of hemoglobinpathy. The method provides high sensitivity, superior resolution and accurate quantitation of hemoglobin concentrations. It can also be fully automated thus make it an ideal methodology for the diagnosis of hemoglobin disorders in a routine clinical laboratory.  相似文献   
本文报导用气相色谱法测定人白蛋白制品中辛酸钠含量。样品用正庚酸作内标,经酸化、氯仿抽提、浓缩后,通过HP-INNOWax柱,以氢火焰检测器测定。本法色谱峰形好,平均回收率及变异系数分别为98.54%、1.39%。测定线性范围在107μg/0.25ml~720μg/0.25ml。最小检测限为7.410μg。实验操作简便,样品及溶剂用量少,可作为人白蛋白制品中辛酸钠含量的检测方法。  相似文献   
Interrenal-like tissue in male African catfish is localized in paired organs, situated retroperitoneally anterior of the kidney. Histological and enzyme-histochemical (3-hydroxysteroid dehydrogenase) reactions were carried out on sections of these organs in order to localize steroid-producing cells. In vitro incubations were carried out to determine the steroidogenic capacity of the interrenal-like tissue. Twenty-one steroids could be identified and quantified in the incubation medium, by means of gas chromatography followed by mass spectrometry. Cortisol, 5-and 5-androstanedione and androstenedione together comprised about 80% of the total steroid content. In a previous study, twenty testicular steroids were detected in plasma after castration. In the present investigation we have shown that most of these steroids can be produced by the interrenal-like tissue, which thus can be considered as an extra-testicular source of gonadal steroids.  相似文献   
The photosynthetic rates and various components of photosynthesis including ribulose-1,5-bisphosphate carboxylase (Rubisco; EC, chlorophyll (Chl), cytochrome (Cyt) f, and coupling factor 1 (CF1) contents, and sucrose-phosphate synthase (SPS; EC activity were examined in young, fully expanded leaves of rice (Oryza sativa L.) grown hydroponically under two irradiances, namely, 1000 and 350 μmol quanta · m−2 · s−1, at three N concentrations. The light-saturated rate of photosynthesis measured at 1800 μmol · m−2 · s−1 was almost the same for a given leaf N content irrespective of growth irradiance. Similarly, Rubisco content and SPS activity were not different for the same leaf N content between irradiance treatments. In contrast, Chl content was significantly greater in the plants grown at 350 μmol · m−2 · s−1, whereas Cyt f and CF1 contents tended to be slightly smaller. However, these changes were not substantial, as shown by the fact that the light-limited rate of photosynthesis measured at 350 μmol · m−2 · s−1 was the same or only a little higher in the plants grown at 350 μmol · m−2 · s−1 and that CO2-saturated photosynthesis did not differ between irradiance treatments. These results indicate that growth-irradiance-dependent changes in N partitioning in a leaf were far from optimal with respect to N-use efficiency of photosynthesis. In spite of the difference in growth irradiance, the relative growth rate of the whole plant did not differ between the treatments because there was an increase in the leaf area ratio in the low-irradiance-grown plants. This increase was associated with the preferential N-investment in leaf blades and the extremely low accumulation of starch and sucrose in leaf blades and sheaths, allowing a more efficient use of the fixed carbon. Thus, morphogenic responses at the whole-plant level may be more important for plants as an adaptation strategy to light environments than a response of N partitioning at the level of a single leaf. Received: 23 February 1997 / Accepted: 8 May 1997  相似文献   
Clarkia breweri (Onagraceae) is the only species known in its genus to produce strong floral fragrance and to be pollinated by moths. We used gas chromatography-mass spectrometry (GC-MS) to identify 12 abundant compounds in the floral headspace from two inbred lines ofC. breweri. These volatiles are derived from two biochemical pathways, one producing acyclic monoterpenes and their oxides, the other leading from phenylalanine to benzoate and its derivatives. Linalool and linalool oxide (pyran form) were the most abundant monoterpenoids, while linalool oxide (furan form) was present at lower concentrations. Of the aromatic compounds detected, benzyl acetate was most abundant, whereas benzyl benzoate, eugenol, methyl salicylate, and vanillin were present as minor constituents in all floral samples. The two inbredC. breweri lines differed for the presence of the additional benzenoid compounds isoeugenol, methyleugenol, methylisoeugenol, and veratraldehyde. We also analyzed floral headspace fromC. concinna, the likely progenitor ofC. breweri, whose flowers are odorless to the human nose. Ten volatiles (mostly terpenoids) were detected at low concentrations, but only when headspace was collected from 20 or more flowers at a time. Trans--ocimene was the most abundant floral compound identified from this species. Our data are consistent with the hypothesized recent evolution of floral scent production and moth pollination inC. breweri.  相似文献   
Summary The following histological methods, previously proved to be useful in selective light microscopic detection of endocrine cells, were applied to the cat gastrointestinal mucosa: for the identification of biogenic amines, diazonium, ammoniacal silver and xanthydrol methods; for granules identification, methyl green-red acid dyes, toluidine blue, HCl-basic dye, lead-haematoxylin, phosphotungstic haematein and argyrophil methods. Results were compared with those of an extensive electron microscopic investigation.Five types of endocrine cells were identified in the gastric mucosa. Three types were found in the pyloric mucosa: the previously described 5-hydroxytryptamine-producing enterochromaffin cell, the gastrin producing G cell and a cell with an unknown function, labelled in this paper the X cell. Four types were found in the fundic mucosa: enterochromaffin cells (rarely observed), enterochromaffin-like cells secreting a 5-hydroxyindole but showing some ultrastructural and staining differences from true enterochromaffin cells (numerously present), A-like cells (few), resembling A cells of the pancreatic islets, and X cells, resembling those in the pyloric mucosa.In the intestinal mucosa, at least three endocrine cell types were distinguished in its duodenal part: enterochromaffin cells and two types of polypeptide-producing cells — some with smaller granules (S cells) and others with larger granules (L cells). Only two types were found in the mucosa of terminal ileum: enterochromaffin cells and numerously-occurring cells with large granules resembling in part duodenal L cells. The possibility of a relationship between S and L cells and the production respectively of the intestinal hormones secretin and cholecystokinin-pancreozymin was discussed.This investigation was supported by a grant N. 115/1139/0/4715 of the Italian Consiglio Nazionale delle Ricerche.  相似文献   
Aerobic and anaerobic metabolism in Entamoeba histolytica   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
Respiration by Entamoeba histolylica is confirmed. A doubling of the rate of oxygen uptake was observed upon the addition of d-glucose to cells in which the glycogen reserve had been partially depleted. In cells metabolizing endogenous substrates the rate of oxygen uptake was not influenced by sodium cyanide or sodium succinate. It was slightly depressed when d-mannose was the added sugar. The end products, CO2, ethanol, and acetate accounted for essentially all of the glucose carbon utilized in both aerobic and anaerobic experiments. The radioactivity from uniformly labelled 14C-glucose was found in these products. Three times as much ethanol as acetate was produced in the anaerobic experiments and in the aerobic experiments this ratio was approximately reversed.  相似文献   
Summary The orifice between the two chambers of the gas bladder in Argentina silus is surrounded by a sphincter muscle. Gas analyses of the gas bladder contents of fish from 400 meters depth give 0–1% carbon dioxide and 9–72% oxygen. Micro-retia mirabilia form a countercurrent vascular system, and the arterial component has peripherally a sphincter mechanism. The function of the glandular layer of the anterior chamber remains uncertain, but the structure indicates secretion into blood capillaries. The lining epithelium of the anterior chamber may secrete some substance into blood or directly into the lumen, which may be involved in a secretory mechanism. This conclusion is not supported by our histochemical tests. The posterior chamber has no micro-retia and the blood vessels have a different origin from those of the anterior chamber. The blood vessels form a plexus of capillaries or sinuses in contact with the flat lining epithelium, thus allowing gases to pass freely by diffusion. — The muscular layers of both chambers are innervated by catecholamine-containing nerve fibres.The investigation was supported by grants from the Swedish Natural Research Council (No. 99-35) and by the Faculty of Mathematics and Science, University of Lund.  相似文献   
We have studied the role of ethylene in accelerating the lytic formation of gas spaces (aerenchyma) in the cortex of adventitious roots of maize (Zea mays L.) growing in poorly aerated conditions. Such roots had previously been shown to contain increased concentrations of ethylene. Ten day-old maize plants bearing seminal roots and one whorl of emerging adventitious roots were grown in nutrient solution bubbled with air, ethylene in air (0.1 to 5.0 l l–1), or allowed to become oxygen-deficient in nonaerated (but not completely anaerobic) solution. Additions of 0.1 l l–1 ethylene or more promoted the formation of aerenchyma, with lysis of up to 47% of the cortical cells. The effects of non-aeration were similar to those of exogenous ethylene. When silver ions, an ethylene antagonist, were present at low, non-toxic concentrations (circa 0.6 M), aerenchyma formation was prevented in ethylene treated roots and in those exposed to oxygen deficiency. Silver ions also blocked the inhibiting effect of exogenous ethylene on root extension. By contrast, the suppression of aerenchyma formation by silver ions under oxygendeficient conditions was associated with a retardation of root extension, indicating the importance of aerenchyma for root growth in poorly aerated media. Rates of production of ethylene by excised roots were stimulated by a previous non-aeration treatment. The effectiveness of Ag+ in inhibiting equally the action on cortical cells of exogenous ethylene and of non-aeration, supports the view that gas space (aerenchyma) formation in adventitious roots adpted to oxygendeficient environments is mediated by increased concentrations of endogenous ethylene. The possibility that extra ethylene could arise from increased biosynthesis of a precursor in root tissues with a restricted oxygen supply is discussed.  相似文献   
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