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2007年3~5月,采用随机取样法对黄山短尾猴(Macaca thibetana)YA1群架桥行为进行研究。结果表明,不同时间段架桥行为发生次数存在极显著差异(t=3.912,df=10,P<0.01)。成年组雄性个体是主要发起者(Z=-2.1888,P<0.05)和接受者(Z=-2.5238,P<0.05),但同年龄组不同性别个体发起次数(Z=-1.755,P>0.05)无显著差异,接受次数(Z=-2.201,P<0.05)差异显著。架桥行为多采用雄性婴幼猴(Z=-2.437,P<0.05)(F=6.735,df=2,P<0.05)作为媒介,母亲序位影响婴幼猴在架桥中被使用的次数(Z=-3.724,P<0.01)。不同序位雄性(F=2.947,df=4,P<0.05)和雌性个体(F=5.320,df=4,P<0.05)架桥行为发起模式主要是第Ⅰ类。雌性个体选择具有亲缘关系的个体作为架桥媒介(Z=-2.490,P<0.05),但雄性个体对母系亲属后代无明显选择性(Z=-0.866,P>0.05)。短期研究表明,黄山短尾猴社群中的架桥行为主要采用第Ⅰ类模式;亲缘关系不一定是影响架桥行为媒介选择的主要因素;架桥行为具有缓解群体间竞争压力的作用。  相似文献   
Synthesis efforts that identify patterns of ecosystem response to a suite of warming manipulations can make important contributions to climate change science. However, cross‐study comparisons are impeded by the paucity of detailed analyses of how passive warming and other manipulations affect microclimate. Here we document the independent and combined effects of a common passive warming manipulation, open‐top chambers (OTCs), and a simulated widespread land use, clipping, on microclimate on the Tibetan Plateau. OTCs consistently elevated growing season averaged mean daily air temperature by 1.0–2.0°C, maximum daily air temperature by 2.1–7.3°C and the diurnal air temperature range by 1.9–6.5°C, with mixed effects on minimum daily air temperature, and mean daily soil temperature and moisture. These OTC effects on microclimate differ from reported effects of a common active warming method, infrared heating, which has more consistent effects on soil than on air temperature. There were significant interannual and intragrowing season differences in OTC effects on microclimate. For example, while OTCs had mixed effects on growing season averaged soil temperatures, OTCs consistently elevated soil temperature by approximately 1.0°C early in the growing season. Nonadditive interactions between OTCs and clipping were also present: OTCs in clipped plots generally elevated air and soil temperatures more than OTCs in nonclipped plots. Moreover, site factors dynamically interacted with microclimate and with the efficacy of the OTC manipulations. These findings highlight the need to understand differential microclimate effects between warming methods, within warming method across ecosystem sites, within warming method crossed with other treatments, and within sites over various timescales. Methods, sites and scales are potential explanatory variables and covariables in climate warming experiments. Consideration of this variability among and between experimental warming studies will lead to greater understanding and better prediction of ecosystem response to anthropogenic climate warming.  相似文献   
神经放电加周期分岔中由随机自共振引起一类新节律   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0  
当改变实验性神经起步点细胞外[Ca^2 ]时,放电节律表现出从周期1节律转换为周期4节律的加周期分岔序列。其中,周期n节律转换为周期n 1节律的过程中(n=1,2,3)存在一种新的具有交替特征的节律,该新节律为周期n簇与周期n 1簇放电的交替,并且周期n 1簇的时间间隔序列呈现出整数倍特征。确定性神经放电理论模型(chay模型)只能模拟周期n节律直接到周期n 1节律的加周期分岔序列;而随机chay模型可以模拟实验中的加周期分岔过程和新节律。进一步,新节律被确认是经随机自共振机制产生的。这不仅解释了实验现象,也将随机自共振的产生区间从以前认识到的Hopf分岔点附近扩大到加周期分岔点附近,同时扩大了噪声在神经放电和神经编码中起重要作用的参数区间。  相似文献   
本研究利用包含140个与猪肌肉生长和脂肪沉积密切相关基因的Oligo功能分类基因芯片检测了藏猪在2、4、6和8月龄间背最长肌中这些基因的表达量变化,并在2月龄时与脂肪型的太湖猪和瘦肉型的长白猪进行比较.ANOVA分析结果表明:2-8月龄间藏猪分别有10和 7个基因的表达差异达极显著(P<0.01)和显著水平(P<0.05);2月龄时藏猪体重极显著低于长白猪(P<0.01)和显著低于太湖猪(P<0.05),而藏猪肌纤维面积却为最大,但品种间差异未达显著水平(P>0.05);2月龄时3个品种间分别有15和13个基因的表达差异达极显著 (P<0.01)和显著水平(P<0.05).STEM聚类分析结果表明:直线下降和上升是藏猪在2 -8月龄间最具代表性的基因表达模式(P<0.01).另外,5个差异表达基因的荧光定量RT -PC R验证结果与基因芯片结果的Person相关系数平均高达0.856±0.109.提示:藏猪在2-8月龄间骨骼肌生长发育强度较肌内脂肪合成沉积占优势,2月龄时藏猪脂肪酸合成相关基因的表达水平较其他两品种低,而脂肪酸β氧化和肌纤维生长相关基因的表达水平较高,与其在高原独特的自然生态环境和全放牧散养的饲喂方式下长期形成的品种特性相符 [动物学报 54(3):442-452,2008].  相似文献   
记述的腕足动物化石标本采自青海格尔木市乌丽附近的开心岭煤矿(妈乌丽煤矿)乌丽群的下部,经研究认为,该化石群的腕足动物属种组合及生物相特征,可与华南苏皖南部、川东华蓥山的龙潭组,黔西的宣威组下部,以及藏东昌都一带的妥坝组等腕足化石群对比,属于华南晚二叠世早期(吴家坪期)海陆交互相含煤岩系的产的常见类群。讨论和纠正了英方关于该化石群的部分属种鉴定名称、时代结论,以及中国学者过去引证乌丽群化石资料与地层名称方面的错误,并就二叠纪质作用和地质历史的强烈影响,探讨了Waagenites与Tethyo-chonetes的地质地理分布。  相似文献   
 在青藏高原的西北部,喜马拉雅山、喀喇昆仑山和昆仑山汇聚成一个高大山系组。中国-巴基斯坦公路横跨这个山系组,沿线植被的组成及分布显示出极其明显的地域分异:西昆仑山和喀喇昆仑山以荒漠为主,西北喜马拉雅山以山地森林为主;西昆仑山前平原上是暖温带灌木、半灌木荒漠,西北喜马拉雅山前印度河平原上是亚热带稀树草原;山系组腹地谷坡明显较外部山坡干燥,西昆仑山东北坡有完整的山地草原和高山草甸带,以及断续的山地云杉(Picea)和刺柏(Juniperus)疏林灌丛,而西南坡山地荒漠海拔高达3600~4000 m,草原和草甸带  相似文献   
该研究利用植物制片技术,以中国青藏高原和内蒙古高原典型草地常见种或优势种植物的叶片为研究对象,通过比较分析叶片哑铃型气孔器和肾型气孔器的特征及其与环境因子的关系,揭示植物叶片两类气孔器对环境因子的响应策略。结果表明:(1)叶片哑铃型气孔器气孔指标的变异系数小于肾型气孔器。(2)叶片哑铃型气孔器气孔指标与环境气候指标的关系弱于肾型气孔器。(3)叶片哑铃型气孔器气孔特征与环境关系在叶片上下表面之间存在显著差异,而肾型气孔器气孔特征与环境因子的关系在叶片上下表面之间无显著差异。(4)叶片哑铃型气孔器的气孔特征与降水关系密切,而肾型气孔器气孔特征与温度关系密切。(5)同一种气孔器的气孔特征在两个地区(青藏高原和内蒙古高原)间存在显著差异。研究认为,肾型气孔器和哑铃型气孔器的气孔特征及其与环境之间的关系存在差异,在分析气孔特征时有必要将肾形与哑铃形保卫细胞形成的气孔器加以区分,该研究结果有助于进一步理解中国草地植物叶气孔特征对气候变化的响应与适应策略。  相似文献   
Theileriosis and ehrlichiosis are two important tick-borne diseases affecting cattle farming in China. However, limited information is available regarding prevalence and molecular characterization of Theileria annulata and Ehrlichia ruminantium in cattle in Xinjiang Uygur Autonomous Region (XUAR), northwestern China. In this study, a total of 176 blood samples of cattle from three rural areas of XUAR were collected in June 2017 and were tested by nested-PCR. A total of 34 (19.3%) samples were found to be infected with one or two pathogens. The overall prevalence rates of T. annulata and E. ruminantium were 18.2% and 1.7%, respectively. Phylogenetic analyses revealed that the E. ruminantium isolates from XUAR were located in the same clade but diverged from the isolates from African countries using pCS20 gene while T. annulata isolates from XUAR revealed differences in the genotypes using Tams1 sequences. To our knowledge, this is the first report of E. ruminantium infection in cattle in China. It also provides the first genetic characterization of T. annulata in cattle in XUAR. The current findings are important for understanding the distribution of agents of theileriosis and ehrlichiosis and in designing measures for the prevention and control of tick-borne diseases in cattle, other animals, and humans.  相似文献   
A new species, Buxus pliosinica H.S. Huang, T. Su et Z.K. Zhou n. sp. (Buxaceae) is designated based on leaf architecture and cuticular features of five compressed fossil leaves from the Upper Pliocene Sanying Formation of Yunnan, SW China. Leaves of B. pliosinica are elliptic and small, with entire margin, retuse tip, intramarginal vein, and exmedially ramified tertiary veins. The leaves are hypostomatic with anomocytic stomatal apparatuses and giant stomata. Based on comparisons of leaf morphological and cuticular features, B. sempervirens Linnaeus is considered as the nearest living relative of B. pliosinica. Morphologically, these species share similar elliptic shape and size, cuneate base, retuse tip, similar ranges of petiole length, angles of 2° vein to midvein, and distance from the intramarginal vein to the margin. In terms of cuticular features, they are similar in type of stomatal apparatus, maximum length of giant stomata and range of stomatal length, but differ in the presence of indumentum. This discovery represents the first fossil record of Buxus from the SE margin of the Tibetan Plateau, and confirms the existence of Buxus in this region by the late Pliocene. Meanwhile, the newly described fossil species contributes to our understanding of the evolution of extant Buxus.  相似文献   
在川西高原松潘县二道海林区的东南坡、西北坡和扎日寺林区的东坡用零信号法建立4条云、冷杉树轮年表,通过年轮 气候响应分析、多因素方差分析等方法研究不同坡向树木生长对快速升温的响应差异.结果表明: 快速升温(1980年)后,东坡紫果云杉生长显著加速(0.011 a-1),而西北坡紫果云杉生长则显著降低(-0.006 a-1),东南坡紫果云杉和西北坡岷江冷杉生长降低,但不显著.随着快速升温,不同坡向云、冷杉径向生长与气候因子的关系均出现显著变化.快速升温后,生长季温度对东坡紫果云杉径向生长的促进作用显著增加,对东南坡和西北坡紫果云杉径向生长的抑制作用也显著增加,但生长季温度对西北坡岷江冷杉径向生长的影响在升温前后变化不明显.5月降水量对东坡紫果云杉径向生长由升温前的抑制作用变为升温后的显著促进作用,而对东南坡和西北坡紫果云杉径向生长的抑制作用显著增加,5月降水量对西北坡岷江冷杉径向生长的影响在升温前后变化不明显.树轮与帕尔默干旱指数响应分析表明,快速升温后,不同坡向的土壤湿度变化是造成树轮响应差异的重要原因.多因素方差分析表明,坡向与温度、降水的综合作用是影响紫果云杉径向生长的重要因素.因此,在模拟预测树木生长对气候变暖的响应动态时,应考虑不同坡向与温度、降水的综合作用.  相似文献   
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