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The shoot growth of compatible ( Prunus persica L. Batsch cv. Springtime grafted on Prunus cerasifera L. Ehrh cv. Myrobolan P2032) and incompatible ( Prunus persica L. Batsch cv. Springtime grafted on Prunus cerasifera L. Ehrh cv. Myrobolan P18) peach/plum grafts was observed over a period of 100 days after grafting under controlled conditions. Leaf and root activities were determined by studying carbon assimilation and partitioning, leaf mineral contents and water relations. Shoot length and leaf number were not significantly affected in the incompatible combination during the first 55 days after grafting, but then, shoot growth rate was significantly reduced. Final total dry weights of the shoot were similar in both graft combinations. The incompatible combination did not show any water stress. Soluble sugar and starch contents increased in the leaves of the incompatible combination, accounting for about 36% of the increase of leaf dry weight per unit area. Photosynthesis was affected by the compatibility of the grafts. Leaf nitrogen content (% dry weight) fell in the incompatible graft combination 65 days after grafting. However, nitrogen content on an area basis was not affected. The possibility of nitrogen stress is discussed.  相似文献   
Wolbachia are maternally inherited endosymbiotic bacteria found within many insect species. Aedes mosquitoes experimentally infected with Wolbachia are being released into the field for Aedes‐borne disease control. These Wolbachia infections induce cytoplasmic incompatibility which is used to suppress populations through incompatible matings or replace populations through the reproductive advantage provided by this mechanism. However, the presence of naturally occurring Wolbachia in target populations could interfere with both population replacement and suppression programs depending on the compatibility patterns between strains. Aedes aegypti were thought to not harbor Wolbachia naturally but several recent studies have detected Wolbachia in natural populations of this mosquito. We therefore review the evidence for natural Wolbachia infections in A. aegypti to date and discuss limitations of these studies. We draw on research from other mosquito species to outline the potential implications of natural Wolbachia infections in A. aegypti for disease control. To validate previous reports, we obtained a laboratory population of A. aegypti from New Mexico, USA, that harbors a natural Wolbachia infection, and we conducted field surveys in Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia, where a natural Wolbachia infection has also been reported. However, we were unable to detect Wolbachia in both the laboratory and field populations. Because the presence of naturally occurring Wolbachia in A. aegypti could have profound implications for Wolbachia‐based disease control programs, it is important to continue to accurately assess the Wolbachia status of target Aedes populations.  相似文献   
Intracellular bacteria of the genus Wolbachia (alpha Proteobacteria) induce cytoplasmic incompatibility (CI) in many arthropod species, including spider mites, but not all Wolbachia cause CI. In spider mites CI becomes apparent by a reduced egg hatchability and a lower daughter:son ratio: CI in haplodiploid organisms in general was expected to produce all-male offspring or a male-biased sex ratio without any death of eggs. In a previous study of Japanese populations of Tetranychus urticae, two out of three green-form populations tested were infected with non-CI Wolbachia strains, whereas none of six red-form populations harbored Wolbachia. As the survey of Wolbachia infection in T. urticae is still fragmentary in Japan, we checked Wolbachia infection in thirty green-form populations and 29 red-form populations collected from a wide range of Japanese islands. For Wolbachia-infected populations, we tested the effects of Wolbachia on the reproductive traits and determined the phylogenetic relationships of the different strains of Wolbachia. All but one green-form populations were infected with Wolbachia and all strains belonged to the subgroup Ori when the wsp gene was used to determine the phylogenetic relationships of different strains of Wolbachia. Six out of 29 red-form populations harbored Wolbachia and the infected strains belonged to the subgroups Ori and Bugs. Twenty-four of 29 infected green-form populations and five of six infected red-form populations induced CI among the hosts. Thus, CI-Wolbachia strains are widespread in Japan, and no geographical trend was observed in the CI-Wolbachia. Although three red-form populations harbored other intracellular bacteria Cardinium, they did not affect host reproduction.  相似文献   
Post-mating, prefertilization inbreeding avoidance (PPIA) is well established in plants but not in animals. Support for animal PPIA comes from sperm competition studies showing success of a male's gametes declining with his relatedness to the multiply mated female; however, such studies confound female-male and male-male interaction. To avoid this problem, we investigated offspring productivity of singly mated Drosophila melanogaster females using flies from four different genetic backgrounds. Our experiments established that intrapopulation crosses using highly related parents (within-strain) were significantly less productive than intrapopulation crosses using unrelated individuals from the same population (between-strain). Furthermore, we showed that these effects were not due to inbreeding depression. The average decrease in offspring productivity of within-strain crosses relative to between-strain crosses was 18.3% [nonlaboratory populations: Zimbabwe 20.3%, Riverside 11.4%, neither of which showed inbreeding depression; and temperature-adapted laboratory populations, uncorrected (corrected) for nonsignificant inbreeding depression: 18 degrees C, 26.5% (24.2%) and 29 degrees C, 20.1% (9.5%)]. The significant reduction of within-cross productivity demonstrates PPIA in the absence of multiple mating.  相似文献   
Self-incompatibility has been studied extensively at the molecular level in Solanaceae, Rosaceae and Scrophulariaceae, all of which exhibit gametophytic self-incompatibility controlled by a single polymorphic locus containing at least two linked genes, i.e., the S-RNase gene and the pollen-expressed SFB/SLF (S-haplotype-specific F-box/S-locus F-box) gene. However, the SFB gene in Japanese plum (Prunus salicina Lindl.) has not yet been identified. We determined eight novel sequences homologous to the SFB genes of other Prunus species and named these sequences PsSFB. The gene structure of the SFB genes and the characteristic domains in deduced amino acid sequences were conserved. Three sequences from 410 to 2,800 bp of the intergenic region between the PsSFB sequences and the S-RNase alleles were obtained. The eight identified PsSFB sequences showed S-haplotype-specific polymorphism, with 74–83% amino acid identity. These alleles were exclusively expressed in the pollen. These results suggest that the PsSFB alleles are the pollen S-determinants of GSI in Japanese plum. Nucleotide sequence data reported are available in the NCBI database under the accession numbers DQ849084–DQ849090 and DQ849118.  相似文献   
According to the current, widely accepted paradigm, the evolutionary transition from hermaphroditism toward separate sexes occurs in two successive steps: an initial, intermediate step in which unisexual individuals, male or female, sterility mutants coexist with hermaphrodites and a final step that definitively establishes dioecy. Two nonexclusive processes can drive this transition: inbreeding avoidance and reallocation of resources from one sexual function to the other. Here, we report results of controlled crosses between males and hermaphrodites in Phillyrea angustifolia, an androdioecious species with two mutually intercompatible, but intraincompatible groups of hermaphrodites. We observed different segregation patterns that can be explained by: (1) epistatic interactions between two unlinked diallelic loci, determining sex and mating compatibility, and (2) a mutation with pleiotropic effects: female sterility, full compatibility of males with both hermaphrodite incompatibility groups, and complete male‐biased sex‐ratio distortion in one of the two groups. Modeling shows that these mechanisms can explain the high frequency of males in populations of P. angustifolia and can promote the maintenance of androdioecy without requiring inbreeding depression or resource reallocation. We thus argue that segregation distortion establishes the right conditions for the evolution of cryptic dioecy and potentially initiates the evolution toward separate sexes.  相似文献   
Neem or the Margosa tree, Azadirachta indica (Meliaceae), is a versatile tree species common in arid zones. We investigated the reproductive biology of Neem, including phenology, floral biology, pollination ecology and the breeding system, in three natural populations in northern India. Phenological observations established that trees within a population flowered synchronously, but populations varied in the time of onset of flowering; a few trees flowered twice a year. An inflorescence bears ~ 91 bisexual, white and sweet‐scented flowers. The stigma consists of a non‐receptive apical region and a subjacent rim of receptive surface; papillae on the two regions differ in their morphology and function. The occurrence of natural pollination both by wind and insects indicates ambophily. Insect pollinators were predominantly represented by Hymenoptera and Lepidoptera; Apis spp. were the most effective pollinators. Although the occurrence of incomplete dichogamy and a pollen : ovule ratio of ~ 627 indicates the possibility of autogamy, supplemental pollinations clearly established that the trees were 100% self‐incompatible and incompatibility is regulated at the gametophytic level. Natural fruit set was low (~ 5%) and hand cross‐pollinations increased the fruit set to ~ 19%. Our study demonstrated that natural fruit set in Neem is possibly limited by insufficient amounts of xenogamous pollination and resources.  相似文献   
Understanding the molecular basis of how new species arise is a central question and prime challenge in evolutionary biology and includes understanding how genomes diversify. Eukaryotic cells possess an integrated compartmentalized genetic system of endosymbiotic ancestry. The cellular subgenomes in nucleus, mitochondria and plastids communicate in a complex way and co-evolve. The application of hybrid and cybrid technologies, most notably those involving interspecific exchanges of plastid and nuclear genomes, has uncovered a multitude of species-specific nucleo-organelle interactions. Such interactions can result in plastome-genome incompatibilities, which can phenotypically often be recognized as hybrid bleaching, hybrid variegation or disturbance of the sexual phase. The plastid genome, because of its relatively low number of genes, can serve as a valuable tool to investigate the origin of these incompatibilities. In this article, we review progress on understanding how plastome-genome co-evolution contributes to speciation. We genetically classify incompatible phenotypes into four categories. We also summarize genetic, physiological and environmental influence and other possible selection forces acting on plastid-nuclear co-evolution and compare taxa providing molecular access to the underlying loci. It appears that plastome-genome incompatibility can establish hybridization barriers, comparable to the Dobzhansky-Muller model of speciation processes. Evidence suggests that the plastid-mediated hybridization barriers associated with hybrid bleaching primarily arise through modification of components in regulatory networks, rather than of complex, multisubunit structures themselves that are frequent targets.  相似文献   
The advent of efficient whole genome sequencing and the large molecular and genetic toolbox available for studies in Saccharomyces cerevisiae and related species have allowed unprecedented analysis of big issues such as: what causes reproductive isolation and eventual speciation? The species complex encompassing S. cerevisiae and relatives consists of six species and several naturally occurring hybrids, which have nearly collinear genomes. They fit the biological species definition of within species fertility and between species sterility. There are examples of chromosome rearrangements and of genetic incompatibilities between species of the complex, which contribute to reproductive isolation but these are not universally present. In addition, simple sequence divergence has been shown to cause reproductive isolation via the action of the mismatch repair system. Although all three of these mechanisms contribute to extant reproductive isolation, which if any, drive the speciation process is still an open question. Population genomic surveys of whole genome sequences reveal introgressions and horizontal gene transfers between species, indicating that the species barriers are not complete. This gene flow between species, although infrequent, brings into question the nature of yeast species.  相似文献   
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