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A host race is a population that is partially reproductively isolated from other conspecific populations as a direct consequence of adaptation to a specific host. The initial step in host race formation is the establishment of genetically based polymorphisms in, for example, morphology, preference, or performance. In this study we investigated whether polymorphisms observed in Galerucella nymphaeae have a genetic component. Galerucella nymphaeae, the water lily leaf beetle, is a herbivore which feeds and oviposits on the plant hosts Nuphar lutea and Nymphaea alba (both Nymphaeaceae) and Rumex hydrolapathum and Polygonum amphibium (both Polygonaceae). A full reciprocal crossing scheme (16 crosses, each replicated 10 times) and subsequent transplantation of 1,001 egg clutches revealed a genetic basis for differences in body length and mandibular width. The heritability value of these traits, based on midparent-offspring regression, ranged between 0.53 and 0.83 for the different diets. Offspring from Nymphaeaceae parents were on average 12% larger and had on average 18% larger mandibles than offspring from Polygonaceae parents. Furthermore, highly significant correlations were found between feeding preference of the offspring and the feeding preference of their parents. Finally, two fitness components were measured: development time and survival. Development time was influenced by diet, survival both by cross type and diet, the latter of which suggest adaptation of the beetles. This suggestion is strengthened by a highly significant cross x diet interaction effect for development time as well as for survival, which is generally believed to indicate local adaptation. Although no absolute genetic incompatibility among putative host races was observed, survival of the between-host family offspring, on each diet separately, was lower than the survival of the within-host family offspring on that particular host. Survival of offspring of two Nymphaeaceae parents was about two times higher on Nymphaeaceae than on Polygonaceae, whereas survival of offspring of two Polygonaceae parents was 11 times higher on Polygonaceae than on Nymphaeaceae (based on untransformed data). Based on these results, we conclude that genetically determined polymorphisms in morphology and feeding preference exist in G. nymphaeae, resulting in differential performance. Furthermore, in each diet separately, offspring of between-host family crosses were less fit than offspring of within-host family crosses. These results support the hypothesis that within this species two host races can be distinguished.  相似文献   
Abstract. Galerucella nymphaeae L. , a chrysomelid that feeds on Lythrum spp., water lily and water chestnut, is closely related to two European species that were recently introduced into North America for biological control of L.salicaria , purple loosestrife. To develop a paradigm for continuously rearing these and other univoltine chrysomelids, we conducted field and laboratory studies on G. nymphaeae's development , reproduction and diapause.
A high incidence of reproduction without diapause occurred when fourth instars, pupae, and adults (held as pairs) experienced very long daylengths (LD18:6 h), i.e. longer than those G.nymphaeae encounters in nature. Under similar photoperiodic conditions, adults maintained in groups showed a significantly higher rate of reproductive diapause than those held as pairs. Females laid three to seven egg masses/week, and the size of egg masses varied between nine and nineteen eggs. During their reproductive lifetimes, individual females showed a highly significant propensity to lay a consistent number of eggs/egg mass.
After diapausing under short daylengths and low temperature (LD 10:14h, 5C), adults transferred to long days (LD 18:6h at 21C) had high rates of diapause termination and postdiapause oviposition. In contrast, those transferred to short daylengths (LD 10:14h at 21C) had low rates of reproduction.
Laboratory-derived heat-degree models accurately predicted egg and pupal, but not larval, development in the field. In nature, most females in the summer generation entered reproductive diapause without ovipositing; a small proportion of females that emerged relatively early (by mid June) oviposited before entering diapause. The overwintering population consists of adults from the first-generation and a small number from the second generation.  相似文献   
Are associational refuges species-specific?   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
The possible roles of plant quality (vigor) and natural enemies in the development of a localized out-break of the leaf beetle Galerucella lineola (Coleoptera: Chrysomelidae) in a stand of Salix cinerea were investigated. Caged and uncaged larvae on six bushes in the outbreak area were compared with caged and uncaged larvae on six bushes in an adjacent nonoutbreak area in terms of performance. In 1997, when the studies were performed, the natural density of the insect (beetles plus eggs) was six times higher in the outbreak area compared with the nonoutbreak area. Even though the vigor (measured as shoot length) of bushes in the outbreak was 72% higher than that of bushes in the nonoutbreak area, we found no difference between areas in the performance (survival, developmental time, pupal weight) of caged larvae or in the willingness of caged females to lay eggs. Among larvae exposed to natural enemies, the disappearance rate was significantly higher in the nonoutbreak area. The density of generalist predators was significantly higher in the nonoutbreak than in the outbreak area. We conclude that differences in plant quality, despite the observed difference in plant vigor, could not explain the observed difference in beetle density between areas. Lower predation pressure in the outbreak area could, however, not be excluded as a possible reason for the higher density of leaf beetles in this area. Received: October 18, 1999 / Accepted: February 4, 2000  相似文献   
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