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Fitness consequences of helping behavior in the western bluebird   总被引:5,自引:4,他引:1  
We examined the fitness consequences of helping behavior inthe western bluebird (Sialia mexicana) at Hastings Reservationin Carmel Valley, California, USA, and tested hypotheses forhow helpers benefit from engaging in alloparental behavior.Both juvenile and adult western bluebirds occasionally helpat the nest During a 12 year period, all adult helpers and mostjuvenile helpers were male. Helpers usually fed at nests ofboth their parents and rarely helped when only one parent waspresent. The frequency of pairs with adult helpers was only7%, but nearly one-third of adult males helped among those withboth parents on the study area. At least 28% were breeders whosenests failed. The propensity to help appears to depend uponparental survival, male philopatry, and the breeding successof potential helpers. Feeding rates were not increased at nestswith juvenile helpers, apparendy because breeding males reducedtheir feeding rates. In contrast, adult helpers increased theoverall rates of food delivery to the nest in spite of a reductionin the number of feeding trips made by both male and femaleparents. Helpers did not derive any obvious direct fitness benefitsfrom helping, but they had greater indirect fitness than nonhelpersdue to increases in nestling growth rates and fledging successat their parents' nests. Helpers fledged fewer offspring intheir first nests than did nonhelpers, suggesting that theywere birds with reduced reproductive potential. Although wehave not yet measured the effect of extrapair fertilizationson the fitness benefits of helping, we calculated the differencein fitness between helpers and nonhelpers as a function of thepotential helper's paternity when breeding independently andhis father's paternity in the nest at which he might help. Inconjunction with constraints on breeding and indirect fitnessbenefits, we predict that relatedness of males to the youngin their own as well as their parents' nests will influencehelping behavior in western bluebirds.  相似文献   
Chick begging as a signal: are nestlings honest?   总被引:7,自引:3,他引:4  
Begging by dependent avian offspring is known to correlate withhunger level, and parents use this as a signal of brood demandto adjust their chick feeding behavior. While there is informationon how each chick adjusts its begging to its own condition,little is known of how chicks adjust to the state of their nestmates. In two experiments we manipulated the competitive environmentof individual European starling (Sturnus vulgaris) chicks byaltering the state of nest mates while holding the state oftarget chicks constant In the first experiment we placed thetarget chick's nest mates in neighboring nests with brood sizesof two, five, or eight chicks. Following the manipulation wereturned them to their own nests and recorded begging behavioron videotape. In the second experiment we separated a targetchick from its siblings and manipulated feeding level in thelaboratory. The siblings were fed at one of three levels; meanwhile,all the target chicks were fed at the intermediate level. Afterthe manipulation we placed the target chicks with their siblingsand recorded their begging in response to an artificial stimulus.In neither experiment was the begging effort of the unmanipulatedtarget chicks affected by the changes in begging behavior oftheir siblings. This result supports the view that begging isa reliable signal of individual chick state and does not involveresponses to the effort of nest mates.  相似文献   
Abstract: Calcium acts as a second messenger and can enter neurons through several types of calcium channel. We sought to determine whether the calcium-dependent mechanisms inducing c- fos expression are identical following activation, by appropriate drugs, of L-type voltage-sensitive calcium channels or NMDA and non-NMDA receptors or following inhibition of the GABAergic system. We used primary cortical neurons and OF1 mice, and the levels of c- fos protein and c- fos mRNA were detected after treatment with the drugs by means of immunocytochemistry and in situ hybridization. The calmodulin antagonist N -(6-aminohexyl)-5-chloro-1-naphthalenesulfonamide (W-7) abolished γ-hexachlorocyclohexane-, Bay K 8644-, pentylenetetrazole-, and kainic acid-induced increases in c- fos expression in cultured neurons. Conversely, W-7 did not affect either NMDA- or picrotoxinin-mediated increases in c- fos expression. In mice, the pattern of protooncogene expression displayed some differences compared with cultured neurons, depending on the treatment. W-7 administered before γ-hexachlorocyclohexane, Bay K 8644, or pentylenetetrazole blocked the expression of c- fos elicited by these compounds. However, W-7 was not able to abolish c- fos expression induced by picrotoxinin. In the animals treated with W-7 before kainic acid or NMDA administration, c- fos expression was inhibited in cerebral cortex, but it was still present in hippocampus. These results agree with the existence of diverse mechanisms transducing the calcium signals to the nucleus. Calmodulin may mediate neuronal responses depending on the route by which calcium enters the neuron, resulting in activation of different enzymes.  相似文献   
Abstract: Biosynthetic pulse-chase analyses have previously demonstrated that the prohormone convertase PC2 is first synthesized as a precursor pro-PC2 and that zymogen activation to PC2 occurs following the slow exit of pro-PC2 from the endoplasmic reticulum (ER) and its concentration within the trans-Golgi network (TGN). The endocrine and neural protein 7B2 is first synthesized as a nonglycosylated precursor (pro-7B2), which is cleaved within the TGN by a furin-like ubiquitous convertase at the RRKRR155S site to generate 7B2. In this report, we demonstrate that within the ER, pro-7B2 binds pro-PC2 but not any of the other convertases furin, PC1, PACE4, or PC5. This specific binding is Ca2+ dependent and does not require an N-glycosylated pro-PC2. Mutagenesis of the RRKRRS sequence demonstrated that the intact hexapeptide is critical for this binding, because the latter was abolished by mutations of the RR152 and greatly diminished by mutations of either the R151 or S156 residues of pro-7B2. Once the complex is formed in the ER, it is then transported to the TGN where furin or a furin-like convertase cleaves both precursors, even when present as a complex. We also provide evidence that following zymogen cleavage, 7B2 remains bound to PC2, suggesting the presence of at least one other Ca2+-dependent binding site within the 7B2 sequence. Coexpression of 7B2 and PC2, although resulting in an elevation of the level of pro-PC2, did not eliminate the processing of pro-PC2 to PC2. Accordingly, cellular coexpression of 7B2 together with PC2 and proopiomelanocortin only marginally diminished the ability of PC2 to cleave proopiomelanocortin into β-endorphin in constitutive cells and had no effect in regulated cells. These results suggest that in vivo pro-7B2 is a specific PC2-binding protein that only transiently inhibits the processing of pro-PC2 until it reaches the TGN.  相似文献   
Alterations of receptor-G-protein-regulated adenylyl cyclase activity have been suggested to represent an important alteration leading to contractile dysfunction in the failing human heart. Recent experiments suggest that the 1-adrenoceptor(1AR) density and mRNA levels are reduced, while 2-adrenoceptors and stimulatory G-proteins are unchanged (mRNA and protein level). Functional assays demonstrated that the catalyst of the adenylyl cyclase is not different between failing and nonfailing myocardium. Inhibitory G-proteins are increased (pertussis toxin substrates, protein and mRNA) and correlate to the reduced inotropic effects of -adrenoceptor agonists and of CAMP-PDE inhibitors. Gi-coupled m-cholinoceptors and A1-adrenergic receptors are unchanged in density and affinity. Stimulation of these receptors resulted in an unchanged antiadrenergic effect on force of contraction. In conclusion, a downregulation of 1-AR and an increase of Gi have been observed as signal transduction alteration in failing human myocardium. These alterations are due to alterations of gene expression in the failing heart and are related to a defective regulation of force of contraction in heart failure.  相似文献   
Transglutaminase catalyzes the intermolecular cross-linking of peptides between Gln and Lys residues, forming an -(-glutamyl) lysine bond. Amyloid -peptide, a major constituent of the deposits in Alzheimer disease, contains Lys16, Lys28, and Gln15 which may act as substrates of transglutaminase. Transglutaminase treatment of amyloid -peptide (1–28) and amyloid -peptide (1–40) yielded cross-linked oligomers. Transglutaminase-treated A retarded neurite extension of PC12 cells, and rat cultured neurons of hippocampus and septum, brain areas severely affected by Alzheimer disease, and subsequently caused cell death, whereas the transglutaminase-untreated counterparts did not show harmful effects. The transglutaminase-catalyzed oligomers of amyloid -peptide and their neurotoxicity may be involved in two characteristics in Alzheimer disease, neuronal degeneration and formation of the insoluble deposits.Abbreviations: AD – Alzheimer disease, A – amyloid -peptide, DMEM – Dulbecco's modified Eagle's medium, DMEM/F–12–1:1 mixture of DMEM and Ham's F–12 medium, FCS – fetal calf serum, HS – horse serum, PAGE – polyacrylamide gel electrophoresis, MTT – 3-(4,5-dimethylthiazol–2-yl)–2,5-diphenyltetrazolium bromide, NGF – nerve growth factor, TGase – transglutaminase.  相似文献   
 The analogy between H-bonded nucleobase pairs and their metalated analogues is extended to the hemiprotonated pair of 7,9-dimethylguanine (7,9-DimeG) and the Watson-Crick and reversed Watson-Crick pair between 7,9-dimethylguaninium (7,9-DimeGH+) and 1-methylcytosine (1-MeC). The crystal structure analyses of two model compounds, trans–[Pt(CH3NH2)2(7,9-DimeG-N1)2](NO3)2 (1) and trans–[Pt(NH3)2(1-MeC-N3)(7, 9-DimeG-N1)](PF6)2· 2.5 H2O (3a) are reported. Pt binding is through N1 of 7,9-DimeG and N3 of 1-MeC. In solution, 3a exists in a mixture with Watson-Crick and reversed Watson-Crick arrangements of the two bases, depending on solvent, concentration and anions. Received: 16 October 1996 / Accepted: 27 January 1997  相似文献   
The Escherichia coli -galactosidase gene is frequently used as a reporter gene in transgenic studies because its activity can be easily detected at the cellular level. Here we report a procedure for monitoring -galactosidase activity directly in tissue sections, which involves the use of a mixture of ethanol and poly-ethylene-glycol as a fixative (Kryofix) and a special paraffin characterized by a lower fusion point of 42 °C. After embedding and cutting, the sections are stained by the chromogenic substrate 5-bromo-4-chloro-3-indoyl--d galactopyranoside (X-Gal). This procedure allows both the retention of a high level of -galactosidase activity and the preservation of good tissue morphology. Furthermore, it can be combined with immunohistochemical methods to detect other cellular components without compromising reporter gene detection  相似文献   
The effects of the calmodulin antagonists W-7 and trifluoperazine have been measured on the Ca2+-activated potassium channel in the membrane surrounding protoplasmic drops expressed from internodal cells of charophyte plants. The large-conductance (170 pS), voltage- and Ca2+-dependent gating, and prominent conductance substrate of this channel shows a strong kinetic resemblance to those of the Maxi-K channel from animal cells. This is the first study of the action of calmodulin antagonists which measures their effects on the most populated substates as well as the closed and main open states of Maxi-K channels. The substate analysis provides new evidence for different modes of action of- and different bindings sites for these calmodulin antagonists. Neither antagonist produces the simple closure of the channel reported previously as its effect on the Maxi-K channel, though both do induce flicker-block, reducing the mean current to near zero at high concentrations following an inverted Michaelis-Menten curve. W-7 reduces residence time in the fully open state, thus raising, in the same proportions, the probabilities of finding the channel in the closed state or a pre-existing substate. Its binding to the channel is voltage- and calcium-dependent. In contrast, trifluoperazine reduces residence in the open state and promotes an apparently new substate which overlaps the closed state at −50 mV but is distinguishable from it at voltages more negative than −100 mV. This substate may represent times that trifluoperazine is bound to the channel. Both antagonists have effects clearly distinguishable from that of withdrawing calcium from the channel, which does not affect open state residence time but increases closed state residence time. Thus neither antagonist reverses the activating effect of Ca2−. This is good kinetic evidence against the view that the channel is activated by Ca2+-calmodulin and that the effect of a calmodulin antagonist is to reverse this process by making Ca2−-calmodulin less available. Received: 26 August 1996/Revised: 7 October 1996  相似文献   
When the F1-ATPase from the thermophilic bacterium, PS3, was inactivated by 90% with 7-chloro-4-nitro[14C]benzofurazan ([14C]Nbf-Cl) at pH 7.3 and then gel-filtered, 1.25 mols of [14C]Nbf-O-Tyr and less than 0.1 mol of Nbf-N-Lys were formed per mol of enzyme. After adjusting the pH of the gel-filtered, modified enzyme to 9.0 and incubating it for 14 hrs. at 23 degrees C to promote O----N migration, 0.68 mol of Nbf-N-Lys were formed per mol of enzyme while about 16% of the original activity reappeared. Isolation of the subunits after the O----N migration showed that 90% of the incorporated 14C was present in the beta subunit, which contained 0.21 mols of [14C]Nbf-N-Lys per mol. A tryptic peptide which contained the majority of the 14C incorporated into the beta subunit was isolated and subjected to automatic amino acid sequence analysis contained 38 residues. The amino acid sequence immediately around the lysine residue labeled with [14C]Nbf-, K*, was found to be: ...I-G-L-F-G-G-A-G-V-G-K*-T-V-L-I-G... .  相似文献   
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