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SASH1, a member of the SLY-family of signal adapter proteins, is a candidate tumor suppressor in breast and colon cancer. Reduced expression of SASH1 is correlated with aggressive tumor growth, metastasis formation, and inferior prognosis. However, the biological role of SASH1 remains largely unknown. To unravel the function of SASH1, we have analyzed the intracellular localization of endogenous SASH1, and have generated structural SASH1 mutants. SASH1 localized to the nucleus as well as to the cytoplasm in epithelial cells. In addition, SASH1 was enriched in lamellipodia and membrane ruffles, where it co-distributed with the actin cytoskeleton. Moreover, we demonstrate a novel interaction of SASH1 with the oncoprotein cortactin, a known regulator of actin polymerization in lamellipodia. Enhanced SASH1 expression significantly increased the content of filamentous actin, leading to the formation of cell protrusions and elongated cell shape. This activity was mapped to the central, evolutionarily conserved domain of SASH1. Furthermore, expression of SASH1 inhibited cell migration and lead to increased cell adhesion to fibronectin and laminin, whereas knock-down of endogenous SASH1 resulted in significantly reduced cell–matrix adhesion. Taken together, our findings unravel for the first time a mechanistic role for SASH1 in tumor formation by regulating the adhesive and migratory behaviour of cancer cells.  相似文献   
Vitamin D-binding protein (DBP), a multi-functional serum glycoprotein, has a triple-domain modular structure. Mutation of Trp145 (in Domain I) to Ser decreased 25-OH-D(3)-binding by 80%. Furthermore, recombinant Domain I (1-203) and Domain I + II (1-330) showed specific and strong binding for 25-OH-D(3), but Domain III (375-427) did not, suggesting that only Domains I and II might be required for vitamin D sterol-binding. Past studies have suggested that Domain III is independently capable of binding G-actin. We exploited this apparently independent ligand-binding property of DBP to purify DBP-actin complex from human serum and rabbit muscle actin by 25-OH-D(3) affinity chromatography. Competitive (3)H-25-OH-D(3) binding curves for native DBP and DBP-actin complex were almost identical, further suggesting that vitamin D sterol- and actin-binding activities by DBP might be largely independent of each other. Trypsin treatment of DBP produced a prominent 25 kDa band (Domain I, minus 5 amino acids in N-terminus), while actin was completely fragmented by such treatment. In contrast, tryptic digestion of purified DBP-actin complex showed two prominent bands, 52 (DBP, minus 5 amino acids in the N-terminus) and 34 kDa (actin, starting with amino acid position 69) indicating that DBP, particularly its Domains II and III were protected from trypsin cleavage upon actin-binding. Similarly, actin, except its N-terminus, was also protected from tryptic digestion when complexed with DBP. These results provided the basis for our studies to crystallize DBP-actin complex, which produced a 2.5 A crystal, primitive orthorhombic with unit cell dimensions a=80.2A, b=87.3A, and c=159.6A, P2(1)2(1)2(1) space group, V(m)=2.9. Soaking of crystals of actin-DBP in crystallization buffer containing various concentrations of 25-OH-D(3) resulted in cracking of the crystal, which was probably a reflection of a ligand-induced conformational change in the complex, disrupting crystal contacts. In conclusion, we have provided data to suggest that although binding of 25-OH-D(3) to DBP might result in discrete conformational changes in the holo-protein to influence actin-binding, these binding processes are largely independent of each other in solution.  相似文献   
In this study we describe a novel Rho small GTPase dependent pathway that elicits apoptotic responses controlled by actin reorganization in hormone-sensitive LNCaP- and hormone insensitive DU145-prostate cancer cells stimulated with membrane androgen receptor selective agonists. Using an albumin-conjugated steroid, testosterone-BSA, we now show significant induction of actin polymerization and apoptosis that can be reversed by actin disrupting agents in both cell lines. Testosterone-BSA triggered RhoA/B and Cdc42 activation in DU145 cells followed by stimulation of downstream effectors ROCK, LIMK2 and ADF/destrin. Furthermore, dominant-negative RhoA, RhoB or Cdc42 mutants or pharmacological inhibitors of ROCK inhibited both actin organization and apoptosis in DU145 cells. Activation of RhoA/B and ROCK was also implicated in membrane androgen receptor-dependent actin polymerization and apoptosis in LNCaP cells. Our findings suggest that Rho small GTPases are major membrane androgen receptor effectors controlling actin reorganization and apoptosis in prostate cancer cells.  相似文献   
VDAC forms the major pathway for metabolites across the mitochondrial outer membrane. The regulation of the gating of VDAC channels is an effective way to control the flow of metabolites into and out of mitochondria. Here we present evidence that actin can modulate the gating process of Neurospora crassa VDAC reconstituted into membranes made with phosphatidylcholine. An actin concentration as low as 50 nm caused the VDAC-mediated membrane conductance to drop by as much as 85% at elevated membrane potentials. Actin's effect could be quickly reversed by adding pronase to digest the protein. α-Actin, from mammalian muscle, has a stronger effect than β- and γ-actin from human platelets. The monomeric form of actin, G-actin, is effective. Stabilization of the fibrous form, F-actin, with the mushroom toxin, phalloidin, blocks the effect of actin on VDAC, indicating that F-actin might be ineffective. Cytochalasin B did not interfere with the ability of actin to favor VDAC closure. DNase-I did effectively block actin's effect on VDAC, and VDAC decreased actin's inhibitory effect on DNase-I activity, indicating that N. crassa VDAC competes with DNase-I for the same binding site on actin. The actin-VDAC interaction might be a mechanism by which actin regulates energy metabolism. Received: 28 August 2000/Revised: 1 December 2000  相似文献   
In the monomeric actin crystal structure, the positions of a highly organized network of waters are clearly visible within the active site. However, the recently proposed models of filamentous actin (F-actin) did not extend to including these waters. Since the water network is important for ATP hydrolysis, information about water position is critical to understanding the increased rate of catalysis upon filament formation. Here, we show that waters in the active site are essential for intersubdomain rotational flexibility and that they organize the active-site structure. Including the crystal structure waters during simulation setup allows us to observe distinct changes in the active-site structure upon the flattening of the actin subunit, as proposed in the Oda model for F-actin. We identify changes in both protein position and water position relative to the phosphate tail that suggest a mechanism for accelerating the rate of nucleotide hydrolysis in F-actin by stabilizing charge on the β-phosphate and by facilitating deprotonation of catalytic water.  相似文献   
Insulin receptor (IR) signaling provides a trophic signal for transformed retinal neurons in culture, and we recently reported that deletion of IR from rod photoreceptors resulted in stress-induced photoreceptor degeneration. Retinal insulin receptor has a high basal level autophosphorylation compared to liver and the reasons for higher autophosphorylation are not known. In the current study we report a novel finding that cytoplasmic actin associates with and activates the retinal IR in vivo. Similar to insulin, actin also induced autophosphorylation at tyrosines 1158, 1162 and 1163 in the catalytic loop of IR. Our studies also suggest that globular actin activates the retinal IR more effectively than does filamentous actin. Retinal IR kinase activity has been shown to decrease in hyperglycemia and we found a decreased binding of actin to the IR under hyperglycemia. This is the first study which demonstrates that cytoplasmic actin regulates autophosphorylation of the retinal IR.  相似文献   
Toxoplasma gondii ADF (TgADF) belongs to a functional subtype characterized by strong G-actin sequestering activity and low F-actin severing activity. Among the characterized ADF/cofilin proteins, TgADF has the shortest length and is missing a C-terminal helix implicated in F-actin binding. In order to understand its characteristic properties, we have determined the solution structure of TgADF and studied its backbone dynamics from 15N-relaxation measurements. TgADF has conserved ADF/cofilin fold consisting of a central mixed β-sheet comprised of six β-strands that are partially surrounded by three α-helices and a C-terminal helical turn. The high G-actin sequestering activity of TgADF relies on highly structurally and dynamically optimized interactions between G-actin and G-actin binding surface of TgADF. The equilibrium dissociation constant for TgADF and rabbit muscle G-actin was 23.81 nM, as measured by ITC, which reflects very strong affinity of TgADF and G-actin interactions. The F-actin binding site of TgADF is partially formed, with a shortened F-loop that does not project out of the ellipsoid structure and a C-terminal helical turn in place of the C-terminal helix α4. Yet, it is more rigid than the F-actin binding site of Leishmania donovani cofilin. Experimental observations and structural features do not support the interaction of PIP2 with TgADF, and PIP2 does not affect the interaction of TgADF with G-actin. Overall, this study suggests that conformational flexibility of G-actin binding sites enhances the affinity of TgADF for G-actin, while conformational rigidity of F-actin binding sites of conventional ADF/cofilins is necessary for stable binding to F-actin.  相似文献   
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