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Summary Soil pH, NH 4 + and NO 3 concentrations in soil, and take-all root rot of winter wheat grown in the field were measured concurrently from sowing to anthesis in order to relate disease development to liming and N fertilization practices. Experimental variables included soil pH (5.5 and 6.0) and three N sources (NH4NO3, (NH4)2SO4, NH4Cl) banded with the seed at sowing in factorial combination with the same three N sources topdressed in the spring. Take-all severity was increased by increasing soil pH and by fertilization with NO 3 . Disease severity on crown roots increased exponentially following spring N fertilization and was affected more by soil pH and N-form than was severity on seminal roots. Grain yield ranged from 4.70 Mgha−1 with spring NH4NO3 at soil pH 6.0 to 7.65 Mgha−1 with spring NH4Cl at soil pH 5.5. Sixty-six percent of the variability in grain yield was explained by the number of take-all infected crown roots per tiller at anthesis. Oregon Agric. Exp. Stn. technical paper no. 7707.  相似文献   
不同居群野生早樱形态变异研究   总被引:6,自引:1,他引:6  
利用数量分类学手段对福建武夷山和江苏宝华山不同居群野生早樱形态特征进行了比较研究。通过对2大居群24项形态指标的分析,不论是聚类分析还是主成分分析,2大居群的各个个体均归并为2类,自然体现出不同居群野生早樱表型特征的较大差异。主成分分析显示,叶部特征的长度、宽度、叶基夹角等,以及花部特征的花萼筒、花冠幅、花序总梗等是造成不同居群野生早樱表型差异的主要因素,单因素方差分析也印证了这一结论。最后,建议在分类学关系上将福建武夷山野生早樱做为大叶早樱新变种处理。  相似文献   
贵州青岩油杉种群年龄结构和动态的研究   总被引:11,自引:4,他引:11  
研究了青岩油杉种群年龄结构的类型,动态规律及其与群落演替和环境之间的相互关系。结果表明,青岩油杉种群年龄结构有增长型,稳定型,始衰型和中衰型4类,存活曲线呈现凹型,凸型,间断型和散点型,随着群落的发育和演替,青岩油杉种群年龄结构的变化趋势为增长型→稳定型→衰退型→残留型。青岩油杉本身的生物生态学特性,群落内阔叶树的发展,地理隔离,人为干扰等是影响青岩油杉种群年龄结构及其动态变化的重要因素。  相似文献   
采用组织化学方法对六盘山鸡爪大黄根不同生长发育时期大黄多糖贮藏和分布进行定位观察分析,以明确大黄多糖在其根中的分布与累积特征.结果显示:六盘山鸡爪大黄根内大黄多糖的分布是多位点的,其中在根周皮的栓内层内不同程度地贮藏和积累有一定的数量,而在次生维管组织的薄壁细胞中大量积累,是其根内大黄多糖贮藏与分布的主要部位;韧皮薄壁细胞与木薄壁细胞相比,前者贮藏大黄多糖的时间较早,含量也较多,且大黄多糖的贮藏积累随根的生长发育进程呈逐渐累积的方式.结果表明,六盘山鸡爪大黄根的次生维管组织薄壁细胞是其大黄多糖贮藏和分布的主要组织,而且大黄多糖累积数量与其根的发育程度存在着一定的相关性.  相似文献   
张本能  欧善华   《广西植物》1985,(3):175-176
<正> 百山祖八角 新变种 Illicium jiadifengpi B. N. Chang var. baishanenze B. N, Chang et S. H.Ou, var. nov. A typo recedit segmentis perianthii 5—10 crassioribus, carnosulis, triangulis, ovato-triangttlis ad ellipticis, 4—11 mm longis, 4—7 mm latis. Zhejiang: Qingyuan Xian, baishanzu, alt, 1100 m, M. H. Wu 7601, baishanzu, alt, 1500m, M. H. Wu 7724(Typus in Herb. Inst. Bot. Guangxi conservatur)  相似文献   
菜心下胚轴原生质体培养和植株再生   总被引:6,自引:0,他引:6  
以萌发3—4 天(长约4 cm )的菜心(Brassica campestris var.parachinesis)无菌苗苍白下胚轴为材料,酶解分离原生质体。经纯化的原生质体,在含0.5 m g/LZT、0.5 m g/L2,4-D、1.0 m g/LNAA 和0.4 m ol/L葡萄糖的K8p 培养基中,进行微滴培养。在起始培养14—18小时,原生质体再生新的细胞壁。36 小时再生细胞开始第一次分裂。第三天分裂细胞频率可达35% 。培养第8—9 天,可见含8—16个细胞的小细胞团,植板率为15% —18% 。3 周后将发育成直径为2 m m 的白色小愈伤组织,转到含0.3 m g/L 2,4-D并用gelrite半固化的培养基上,增殖成4—5 m m 直径的愈伤组织。在MS+ 3.2(或1.6) m g/L BA+ 1.6(或0.8) m g/LZT+ 0.01 m g/L NAA+ 0.1 m g/LGA3 和0.2% 蔗糖的分化培养基上,获得芽的分化。切下约2 cm 长的芽苗,转移到含0.2 m g/LIAA 和2% 蔗糖的培养基上,生根形成完整植株  相似文献   
运用扫描电子显微镜对多花刺槐不同发育时期的花粉与柱头形态进行观察分析;采用人工控制授粉方法,将多花刺槐花粉分别与异株多花刺槐和刺槐优良无性系(‘鲁刺152’)授粉,并用苯胺蓝试剂染色法观察多花刺槐花粉管的萌发过程,分析其授粉亲和性,以探究多花刺槐自然结实率低的原因,为多花刺槐杂交育种提供理论依据。结果表明:(1)多花刺槐花粉粒大小平均为32.08μm×19.55μm(极轴长×赤道轴长),形状为长椭球形、略方,具3个萌发沟,花粉粒大小在开花当时(花朵旗瓣微微张开,花药开始散粉)达到最大(33.71μm×20.11μm),且形状饱满,此时为采粉的最佳时间。(2)柱头表面具粘液和凸起,开花前12h可授性最好,开花后48h柱头开始分解,可授性已很差;柱头的可授期从开花前24h至开花后24h,约为3d。(3)多花刺槐花粉在异株多花刺槐和‘鲁刺152’为母本的植株上均可萌发,并伸长至子房,但在前者的柱头上萌发较晚,伸长速度较慢,说明它们之间均具有亲和性,但与异株多花刺槐的亲和性较差。  相似文献   
在作者(郑儒永、陈桂清,1977)报道似钩状钩丝壳 Uncinula aduncoi-des Zheng & Chen 时,未能从苏联借到和它一样寄生在械属 Acer 上的另外一种钩丝壳柳氏钩丝壳 Uncinula ljubarskii Golov.进行对比研究,因而只能根据其作者(Golovin,1952,1960)两次报道该种时所发表的描述和绘图来加以比较,结果认为两者虽然比较接近,但仍然存在着足以区分为两个不同的种的形态差异:中国的菌的附属丝是向上渐粗的并在顶端钩状部分膨大,往往在基部有一个隔膜并有黄褐色的基部细胞;子囊无柄至近无柄;子囊孢子矩圆-卵形(长:宽=3:2)。苏联的菌的附属丝则是上下近等粗的,无隔膜;子囊有明显的柄;子囊孢子椭圆形(长:宽=2:1)。最近,Braun(1984)重新发表了研究柳氏钩丝壳的模式标本所写的描述。在他的描述中,除附属丝近等粗并且在顶端钩状部分不膨大外,其他方面均与我们的菌一致。根据这种情况,作者决定将似钩状钩丝壳降为柳氏钩丝壳的变种成为改级新组合似钩状柳氏钩丝壳 Uncinula ljubarskiiGolov vàr.aduncoides(Zheng & Chen)Zheng & Chen star.nov.。另外一种钩丝壳,枫香钩丝壳 Uncinula liquidambaris Zheng & Chen,作者(郑儒永、陈桂清,1978)在发表时所依据的标本都是一些很老的标本,子囊果上大部分的短型附属丝多已胶化不在,因而疏忽地把它当作了只有长型附属丝的钩丝壳属来发表。最近,由于有机会看到一份新采自福建的枫香白粉菌,发现除在同一个子囊果上可同时具有长、短两型的附属丝外,其他特征均与作者过去发表过的枫香钩丝壳一致,这才引起了我们的注意并促使我们对过去鉴定为枫香钩丝壳的所有标本重新进行镜检研究。结果表明,枫香上的菌是小钩丝壳属而不是钩丝壳属,因此应成为新组合枫香小钩丝壳 Undnuliella liquidambaris(Zheng& Chen)Zheng,Chen & Z.X.Chen comb.nov.。  相似文献   
Six different isolates of Ochlochaete Thwaites ex Harvey have been studied under identical culture conditions. All the isolates show open branching, a character previously ascribed specifically to O. hystrix Thwaites ex Harv. sensu stricto, and all form hairs on rounded cells in the central part of the thallus, a character hitherto attributed only to O. ferox Huber. Consequently, separation of these two entities on the species level is untenable. The plant described by Huber is referred to O. hystrix var. ferox (Huber) var. nov. The type material of Chaetobolus gibbus Rosenvinger is similar to one of the isolates studied and is included in O. hystrix. Quadriflagellate zoospores have been observed in all the isolates, and in one of them also biflagellate swarmers.  相似文献   
Allium tricoccumvar. burdickii is a rare species in Nova Scotia, growing in isolated populations. Genetic variation was investigated in three populations using cellulose acetate gel electrophoresis. The results showed that all 13 enzyme loci were polymorphic. An excess of heterozygotes was found in all populations. A total of 29 genotypes were detected in the populations. Very few genotypes were common to two populations and none to the three populations. Genetic diversity among populations was compared with geographic distance and previous work. The comparison of the genetic distance matrix to the geographic distance matrix indicated no relationship. F-statistics suggested that the populations are predominantly maintained through vegetative propagation. Occasional sexual reproduction and gene flow might occur in order to maintain high level of variation among populations. Environmental conditions could also influence population genetic structure as they occur in highly different habitats. Received November 13, 2000 Accepted February 26, 2001  相似文献   
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