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利用6044×01-35构建的重组自交系(RIL)群体为试验材料,对小麦粒重性状进行发育动态QTL分析。结果表明,在小麦花后子粒灌浆的7个不同时期,两个试验点共检测到16个与粒重性状相关的QTL。其中开花后20d检测到的单穗粒重QTL位于2A染色体上,解释率达12%,遗传效应超过10;两环境下控制千粒重QTL在7个时期均被检测到。花后的各个时期均能在Xgwm448-Xgpw7399标记区间定位到千粒重QTL。其中花后10d检测到1个千粒重QTL,位于2A染色体的Xgwm448-Xgpw7399标记区间,解释较大的表型变异,达到18%。Qtl8、Qtl13和Qtl14均定位在Xgwm448-Xgpw7399标记区间的同一位置,共同解释11%的表型变异。花后20d和花后25d均检测到1个QTL,位于2A染色体的Xgwm372-Xgwm95标记区间的不同位点,均能解释4%的表型变异。花后40d检测到1个QTL,位于1D染色体的Xwmc93-Xgpw2224标记区间,解释1%的表型变异。从连锁群的位置上看,控制千粒重的QTL主要集中在2A染色体的Xgwm448-Xgpw7399标记区间,这是一个控制千粒重QTL的富集区域,以期进行精细定位和图位克隆。  相似文献   
陈曦  张慧  王宇祥  王守志  程博涵  李辉 《遗传》2012,(10):102-109
为探讨鸡视网膜母细胞瘤基因1(Retinoblastoma1,RB1)多态性对体重性状的影响,文章以东北农业大学高、低脂双向选择品系肉鸡为实验材料,采用MALDI-TOF-MS、PCR-RFLP方法进行基因多态性检测和个体基因型分析,共获得27个SNP位点的基因型数据。采用滑动窗口法构建单倍型,进而利用单位点和单倍型分别与鸡体重性状进行关联分析。结合单位点和单倍型分析结果,确定了RB1基因上4个显著影响1周龄体重的SNP位点,2个显著影响1、3周龄体重的SNP位点。研究结果表明RB1基因是影响鸡早期体重性状的重要候选基因。  相似文献   
光周期对布氏田鼠和长爪沙鼠体重和能量代谢的影响   总被引:7,自引:6,他引:7  
本文测定了光周期对雄性布氏田鼠和长爪沙鼠的体重、基础代谢率和能量代谢的影响。动物从长光照(16L∶8D , LD) 转入短光照(8L∶16D , SD) 条件下驯化6 周(田鼠) 和7 周(沙鼠) 。结果显示: (1) 无论在LD还是SD 条件下, 两种动物的体重都趋于增加, 但反应程度不同也具有种间差异性。两种动物的体重对光周期的反应有时段性, 约14 d 前两种动物的体重增加迅速, 而后增加缓慢, 3 周左右趋于稳定。短光照条件下布氏田鼠和长爪沙鼠的体重分别增长了37 %和11 % , 均低于长光照组(分别为47 %和25 %) , 说明短光照条件下布氏田鼠和长爪沙鼠的体重增长较长光照缓慢; (2) 光照对两种动物的摄入能、消化能和可代谢能均没有显著影响,摄入能与体重的增长无关; (3) 光照对两种动物的基础代谢率无显著影响。这些结果表明: 布氏田鼠和长爪沙鼠在自然环境中, 可能以光周期作为一种信号, 当环境温度降低、食物质量变劣时, 采取降低体重以减少绝对能量需求的策略而适应环境。  相似文献   
The aim of this study was to develop a method for scoring osteochondrosis (OC) by using information from computed tomography (CT), as well as to estimate the heritability for OC scored by means of CT (OCwCT) of the medial and lateral condyles at the distal end of the humerus or the femur of the right and left leg and the sum of these scores (OCT). In addition, we were aiming at revealing the genetic relationship between OCwCT traits and growth in different periods (days from birth to 30 kg (D30), days from 30 to 50 kg (D30_50), days from 50 to 70 kg (D50_70), days from 70 to 90 kg (D70_90), days from 90 to 100 kg (D90_100) and days from birth to 100 kg (D100)). The OCwCT was assessed for 1449 boars, and growth data were collected for these 1449 boars and additional 3779 boars tested in the same time period. All boars were tested as part of the Norsvin Landrace boar test and in the same test station. Heritabilities for OCwCT on anatomical locations varied from 0.21 (s.e. = 0.08) on the medial condyle of the right humerus to 0.06 (s.e. = 0.06) on the lateral condyle of the left femur, whereas OCT exhibited the highest heritability (h2 = 0.31, s.e. = 0.09). Genetic correlations between OCT and OCwCT for the anatomical locations ranged from 0.94 (s.e. = 0.07) for OCT and OCwCT score for the medial condyle of the humerus right side to 0.26 (s.e. = 0.39) for OCT and the lateral condyle of the femur left side. Genetic correlations between D30 and OCT were medium high and unfavourable (rg = −0.74). As the boar gain weight, the relationship between growth rate – expressed as number of days spent growing from one interval to the next – and OCT decreased to 0.12 (s.e. = 0.19, i.e. not significantly different from zero) for the trait D90_100 kg. These changes of genetic correlation coefficients coincide with the maturing of the joint cartilage and skeletal structures. In this study, we demonstrate that CT could be used for selection against OC in breeding programmes in pigs and that the genetic correlations between growth periods and OC are decreasing over time.  相似文献   
The self-incompatibility (SI) system of a geophytic cactus (Echinopsis chamaecereus Friedrich & G. Rowley) was examined in a series of experiments. Pollination tests indicated that E. chamaecereus is an obligate outbreeding species with a functional SI system. Incompatible matings were characterized by stylar inhibition of pollen tube growth and lack of fruit set. Two S1 seedlings were recovered when plants of one clone were exposed to 42°C for 16 h and flowers were selfed immediately after incubation. The two S1 seedlings and the parental (S0) clone were crossed in a full diallel. Results were consistent with a one-locus, gametophytic SI system with two different S alleles. Disturbed segregation at isozyme locus Lap-1 was attributed to close linkage with the S locus (recombination frequency = 11±8%). This is the second report of close linkage between Lap-1 and S in the Cactaceae. Recevied: 1 February 2001 / Revision accepted: 13 March 2001  相似文献   
Hypokinesia (HK) (diminished movement) induces significant electrolyte changes, but little is known about the effect of periodic hypokinesia (PHK) on minerals. The aim of this study was to measure the effect of PHK and continuous hypokinesia (CHK) on urinary and serum electrolytes. Studies were done during a 30-d period of prehypokinesia (HK) and during 364 d of PHK and CHK periods. Thirty male athletes aged 24.6±7.7 yr were chosen as subjects. They were equally divided into three groups: unrestricted ambulatory control subjects (UACS), continuously hypokinetic subjects (CHKS), and periodically hypokinetic subjects (PHKS). The UACS group experienced no changes in the daily activities and regular training and they were maintained under an average running distance of 11.7 km/d. The CHKS group was limited to an average walking distance of 0.7 km/d; and the PHKS group was limited to an average walking distance of 0.7 and running distance of 11.7 km/d for 5 d and 2 d/wk, respectively, for a period of 364 d. Urinary and serum phosphate (P), calcium (Ca), sodium (Na) and potassium (K), serum intact parathyroid hormone (iPTH), calcitonin (CT), plasma renin activity (PRA) and aldosterone (PA) levels, food and water intakes, and physical characteristics were measured. Urinary P, Ca, Na, and K loss, serum Ca, P, Na, and K, and PRA and PA values increased significantly (p≤0.01), whereas serum iPTH and CT levels decreased significantly (p≤0.01) in the PHKS and CHKS groups when compared with the UACS group. However, significant (p≤0.01) differences were observed between PHKS and CHKS groups regarding urinary and serum electrolytes, serum and plasma hormones. Food and water intakes, body weight, body fat, and peak oxygen uptake decreased significantly (p ≤ 0.01) in the CHKS group when compared with PHKS and UACS groups. Food and fluid intakes, body fat, and body weight increased significantly (p≤0.01), whereas peak oxygen uptake remained significantly (p≤0.01) higher in the PHKS group when compared with the CHKS group. Serum and urinary minerals, serum hormones, food and fluid intakes, and physical characteristics did not change significantly (p>0.01) in the UACS group when compared with their baseline control values. It was shown that both PHK and CHK induce significant serum and urinary electrolyte changes. However, urinary and serum electrolyte changes were significantly (p≤0.01) greater during PHK than CHK. It was concluded that the greater the stability of muscular activity, the smaller the serum and urinary electrolyte changes during prolonged HK.  相似文献   
The egg laying pattern of the spotted stalk borer on sorghum and maize, Chilo partellus (Swinhoe) (Lepidoptera: Pyralidae) was studied during the first three nights of oviposition under laboratory conditions. More than 50% of both eggs and egg batches are laid during the first night of oviposition. Batch size decreases with time, whereas mean egg weight remains constant.Larger females lay both larger eggs and egg batches than smaller ones. They are also more fecund but it is only the second night of oviposition that contributes significantly to this difference.The reproductive effort decreases much with time. Allocation of reproductive reserves to early eggs seems more important than having eggs evenly distributed over time. Larger females use proportionally more resources to the production of late eggs. Large eggs are likely to contain more yolk which could be of importance for the ballooning behaviour of newly hatched larvae.
Résumé La ponte de C. partellus Swinhoe a été étudiée au laboratoire pendant les trois premières nuits de la ponte. Plus de 50% des ooplaques et des oefs ont été pondus pendant la première nuit. La taille des ooplaques diminue avec le temps, tandis que le poids moyen des oeufs reste constant.Les grosses femelles pondent des ooplaques et des oeufs plus grands que les petites. Elles sont aussi plus fécondes, mais c'est seulement à la seconde nuit de ponte qu'est due cette différence.Le reproduction diminue beaucoup avec le temps. L'affectation aux premiers oeufs des réserves utilizées pour la reprodution semble plus importante que l'émission d'oeufs régulièrement répartis dans le temps. Les grosses femelles utilisent proportionnellement plus de ressources à la production d'oeufstardifs. Les gros oeufs contiennent vraisemblablement plus de vitellus que pourrait être nécessaire pour le comportement aérostatique des chenilles néonates.
Alfalfa (Medicago sativa L.) growth and nodulation in acid soil is reduced because the plant and its bacterial symbiontRhizobium meliloti cannot tolerate acid, aluminum-rich soil. A study was conducted to determine if a relatively acid-tolerant alfalfa germplasm combined with a relatively acid-tolerantR. meliloti strain could overcome these limitations. In a light room study, an acid-tolerant alfalfa germplasm inoculated with a more acid-tolerantR. meliloti strain produced greater top growth, nodule number and weight, and acetylene reduction values in an unlimed soil (pH 4.6) than the same germplasm inoculated with a relatively acid-sensitiveR. meliloti strain or an acid-sensitive germplasm inoculated with either a relatively acid-tolerant or acid-sensitiveR. meliloti strain.  相似文献   
为了研究来自不同麦区的61份同名小麦地方品种小红芒和6份小红芒麦的遗传演变趋势,对与6个产量相关的农艺性状和高分子量麦谷蛋白亚基(high molecular weight glutenin subunits,HMW-GS)组成的变异进行了分析.结果表明,无论是在形态学水平还是蛋白质水平,小红芒和小红芒麦均存在丰富的遗传变异.在形态学水平上,供试材料的变异系数在株高、稳长、有效分蘖数、小穗数、穗粒数和千粒重等农艺性状上的变化范围分别为0.03~0.11、0.06~0.22、0.20~0.65、0.04~0.18、0.14~0.44和0.05~0.29.通过形态学数据计算小红芒和小红芒麦品种内多样性指数和品种间多样性指数,发现前者(0.804)占总多样性指数(0.842)的95.5%,而后者仅占4.5%,可见形态学变异主要来源于品种内而非品种闻,说明这些同名材料是由一个品种演变而来.在HMW-GS组成上,共发现了20种亚基组合类型,其中null,7+8,2+12和null,7+8,2+102种亚基组合出现的频率最高,分别为64.48%和20.00%.比较不同麦区种植的小红芒和小红芒麦的遗传多样性水平,发现无论是在形态学水平还是在蛋白质水平,春麦区材料的遗传多样性均普遍高于冬麦区,并且来自西北春麦区和北部春麦区的材料不仅遗传多样性较高,而且变异来源丰富,其中来自西北春麦区的甘肃天祝一带材料多样性最高,且其所处地理位置便于农作物的传播,故甘肃天祝地区有可能是小红芒的最初种植地点,然后再引种到其他种植区.  相似文献   
The application of the synthetic auxin 3,5,6-trichloro-2-piridyloxyacetic acid (3,5,6-TPA) isopropyl ester at the onset of cell enlargement stage, significantly thinned fruitlets in ‘Clausellina’ Satsuma mandarin. The magnitude of the response was related to the concentration applied, increasing the percentage of abscised fruit with higher concentrations, which was up to 70% at 25 mg l−1. The magnitude of the response also depended on the organ subject to treatment, abscission being greater when applied to the leaves rather than to fruit. Results suggest that a photosynthetic disorder was responsible for a reduction in fruit growth rate, triggering abscission mechanisms producing ethylene and abscission.  相似文献   
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