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The isolated upper marginal zone from the initial stage ofCynops gastrulation is not yet determined to form the dorsal axis mesoderm: notochord and muscle. In this experiment, we will indicate where the dorsal mesoderm-inducing activity is localized in the very early gastrula, and what is an important event for specification of the dorsal axis mesoderm during gastrulation. Recombination experiments showed that dorsal mesoderm-inducing activity was localized definitively in the endodermal epithelium (EE) of the lower marginal zone, with a dorso-ventral gradient; and the EE itself differentiated into endodermal tissues, mainly pharyngeal endoderm. Nevertheless, when dorsal EE alone was transplanted into the ventral region, a secondary axis with dorsal mesoderm was barely formed. However, when dorsal EE was transplanted with the bottle cells which by themselves were incapable of mesoderm induction, a second axis with well-developed dorsal mesoderm was observed. When the animal half with the lower marginal zone was rotated 180° and recombined with the vegetal half, most of the rotated embryos formed only one dorsal axis at the primary blastopore side. The present results suggest that there are at least two essential processes in dorsal axis formation: mesoderm induction of the upper marginal zone by endodermal epithelium of the lower marginal zone, and dorsalization of the upper dorsal marginal zone evoked during involution.  相似文献   
Based on microhistological analyses of faecal material, we compared the early dry season diets of greater one-horned rhinoceros Rhinoceros unicornis, swamp deer Cervus duvauceli and hog deer Axis porcinus, which inhabit the same alluvial grassland habitat complex in lowland Nepal. Their diets were quite similar, both at the forage category level and within subcategories of graminoids and woody plants. Early successional tall grasses, especially Saccharum spontaneum, were the dominant food of all three species, underlining the key role of the threatened alluvial floodplains in large mammal conservation in South Asia. The two deer species ate significantly more graminoids (>66.5%) than did rhino (45.5%), and although they did not differ in proportions of graminoids, swamp deer ate significantly more late successional tall grasses (Narenga porphyrocoma and Themeda spp.) and short grasses (mainly Imperata cylindrica) than hog deer. The two deer consumed almost equal proportions of woody browse (ca. 10%), significantly less than that of rhino (33.0%). The prediction of the Jarman–Bell hypothesis, that large-bodied herbivores are less selective and subsist on lower quality graminoids than smaller ruminants, was not supported by the data. Based on this and previous studies in the same area we propose a conceptual model where the larger megaherbivores (rhino and elephant Elephas maximus) facilitate the smaller swamp deer and hog deer during the monsoonal growing season, while the smaller and more selective deer species outcompete the larger during the dry season when food is more limited. Owing to the all-year sprouting ability of S. spontaneum, facilitation may occur also in the dry season with low numbers of megaherbivores, thus accentuating competitive exclusion at higher deer densities.  相似文献   
Retinoic acid has been linked to pattern formation in the vertebrate anteroposterior axis. This report describes the spatial and temporal distributions of both endogenous retinoic acid and retinoic acid synthase activity along the anteroposterior axis of neurulating zebrafish embryos, as detected by a transient transgenic assay and by a zymography bioassay. Both retinoic acid levels and synthase activity were found to be highest in anterior regions of the trunk at all of the stages which were analysed. The drug disulfiram inhibited retinoic acid synthase activity in the zebrafish trunk both in vitro and in vivo, and reduced retinoic acid levels in vivo. Disulfiram treatment of neurulating embryos resulted in larvae with hypertrophic wavy notochords, shortened spinal cords and deformed pectoral fins. The results support the hypothesis that retinoic acid plays a role in the coordination of axial patterning at the developing node/zone of involution, as well as in the subsequent development of anterior trunk structures such as the fins.  相似文献   
Home areas of hosts are, in effect the gardens in which parasite populations grow. The parasites flourish in response to the kind and amount of host activity modified, of course, by the habitat, and become microcommunities supported by their host and its artifacts. When scatter diagrams of points at which hosts have been observed are divided by median major and minor axes, and when the resulting four quarters, designated A, B, C, D, corresponding to concentration of points in the quarters, the relative concentration usually is: A>B>C>D. The concentration of observed points also is generally greatest nearest the major axis and frequently, but not always, near the median center. Nests of hosts, hence nest-parasites, appear generally to be near the center. For the host examined in detail here, the New Guinea coarse-haired rat, most Leptotrombidium deliensis appear to have been acquired in the AB sector of the host's home areas but a greater diversity of chiggers is acquired in the CD sector. It is postulated that, if L. akamushi had been present, it would have occurred in the CD sector where, though the observed concentration of host activity was least, the mixed grassforb and shrub habitat would have been more suitable than in the AB sector. Gahrliepia pingue, C. ewingi, Schoengastia blestowei and S. schueffneri, appear also to be more abundant in the CD sector than in the AB sector. The chiggers themselves have home clusters, or lairs, and adjacent areas of activity (home areas) somewhat resembling those of the hosts.  相似文献   
The architecture of the shoot branching system in Poaceae defines the growth forms within this family. The specific characteristics of the main axis as well as the disposition and characteristics of the lateral shoots determine the main structural variations found among species. In this work, we discuss the set of parameters to be taken into account in describing the vegetative structure of Poaceae in order to achieve a full diagnosis of the system and to thoroughly assess and interpret its variations.  相似文献   
The formation of an anterior-posterior (AP) gradient of microtubules in Drosophila oocytes is essential for specification of the AP axis. Proper microtubule organization in the oocyte requires the function of serine/threonine kinase Par-1. The N1S isoform of Par-1 is enriched at the posterior cortex of the oocyte from stage 7 of oogenesis. Here we report that posterior restriction of Par-1 (N1S) kinase activity is critical for microtubule AP gradient formation. Egg chambers with excessive and ectopic Par-1 (N1S) kinase activity in the germline cells display phenotypes similar to those of egg chambers treated with the microtubule-depolymerizing drug colcemid: depolymerization of microtubules in the oocyte and disruption of oocyte nucleus localization. A phosphorylation target of Par-1, the microtubule-associated protein Tau, is also involved in oocyte polarity formation, and overexpression of Tau alleviates the phenotypes caused by ectopic Par-1 (N1S) kinase activity, suggesting that Par-1 regulates oocyte polarity at least partly through Tau. Our findings reveal that maintaining proper levels of Par-1 at correct position in the oocyte is key to oocyte polarity formation and that the conserved role of Par-1 and Tau is crucial for the establishment of an AP gradient of microtubules and for AP axis specification.  相似文献   
Summary Blastomeres of two-cell, four-cell, and eight-cell embryos of Hydractinia echinata were injected with horseradish-peroxidase (HRP) or fluorescein isothiocyanate (FITC)-dextran. The fate of the descendants of the injected blastomeres was followed until the planula larva had developed. The results obtained after HRP or FITC-dextran injection were essentially the same. Blastomeres are equivalent up to the four-cell stage, i.e. half-blastomeres produce half of the ectoderm of the planula larva and quarter-blastomeres give rise to one quarter of the larval ectoderm. During normal embryogenesis, the larval anterior-posterior axis corresponds to the animal-vegetal axis of the zygote. Thus, the labelled areas of larvae consisting of the progeny of injected half or quarter blastomeres normally stretch along the larval anterior-posterior axis. Normally, material giving rise to anterior or posterior larval parts, respectively, is separated at the third cleavage. Irrespective of the type of experiment, the progeny of injected blastomeres always contributed to endoderm formation, i.e. in larvae resulting from injected embryos the endoderm was more or less uniformly labelled. Application of vital stains locally to the exterior of zygotes and following these markers through first and second cleavage, produced evidence that in the vast majority of cases, the second cleavage is meridional. Offprint requests to: A. Schlawny  相似文献   
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