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新疆塔里木拜城地区早白垩世舒善河组孢粉组合   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:1  
基于新疆塔里木盆地北部拜城卡普沙良河剖面下白垩统舒善河组发现的29属48种孢子花粉的研究,建立舒善河组自下而上的4个孢粉亚组合,分别为Classopollis-Cycadopites-Lygodioisporites-Biretisporites(CCLB)亚组合,Classopollis-Dicheiropollis-Schizaeoisporites-Klukisporites(CDSK)亚组合,Classopollis-Dicheiropollis-Par-visaccites-Lygodiumsporites(CDPL)亚组合和Classopollis-Dicheiropollis-Pinuspollenites-Impardecispora(CDPI)亚组合。舒善河组孢粉植物群以松柏类掌鳞杉科植物占优势以及真蕨类海金沙科的繁盛为主要特征。该孢粉植物群与欧洲、亚洲、美洲和澳大利亚早白垩世尼欧克姆期孢粉植物群可以对比。根据孢粉学证据,舒善河组的时代属于尼欧克姆期或欧特里夫期至巴列姆期。  相似文献   
Madtsoiids constitute a successful group of extinct snakes widely distributed across Gondwana and the European archipelago during Late Cretaceous times, surviving in reduced numbers to the Pleistocene. They are renowned for including some of the largest snakes that have ever crawled on earth, yet diverse small madtsoiids are also known. Uncovering the evolutionary trends that led these snakes into disparate body sizes has been hampered mainly by the lack of phylogenetic consensus and the paucity of taxa with novel combinations of features. Here we describe a new large madtsoiid snake based on isolated vertebrae from the La Colonia Formation (Maastrichtian–Danian) of Patagonia, Argentina. A comprehensive phylogenetic analysis recovers Madtsoiidae as a basal ophidian lineage and the new snake as sister to a clade of mostly big-to-gigantic taxa, providing insights into early stages and evolutionary trends towards madtsoiid gigantism.  相似文献   
A dinosaur tracksite in the Lower Jurassic Ziliujing Formation of Sichuan Province, China consists of a spectacular sub-vertical exposure, with multiple track-bearing levels and trackways showing parallel and bimodal orientations. Based on well-preserved material, the new ichnogenus and ichnospecies, Liujianpus shunan ichnogen. nov. ichnosp. nov. is erected to accommodate distinctive sauropodomorph trackways occurring in this assemblage. Liujianpus has a unique combination of features, some relating to the early Jurassic basal sauropodomorph (prosauropod in traditional usage) ichnogenus Otozoum, others to the sauropod ichnogenus Brontopodus. Despite such a mix of basal sauropodomorph- and sauropod-like features, the trackmaker of Liujianpus is likely a basal sauropodomorph. This identification is consistent with the occurrence of basal sauropodomorph skeletons from geographically and chronologically close localities. The other distinct morphotype from the tracksite is linked to a sauropod trackmaker. As such, the ichnofauna consisting of two distinct foot morphotypes reflects the diversity of sauropodomorph dinosaurs in the Early Jurassic of Asia.  相似文献   
本文报道了甘肃省高台县马营河剖面下沟组上部轮藻化石5属6种、1相似种和1未定种:Clypeator jiuquanensis (S. Wang) L. Grambast, Aclistochara huihuibaoensis S. Wang, A. cf. huihuibaoensis S. Wang,Mesochara stipitata (S. Wang) Z. Wang, Mesochara crassistipitata Zhang et Meng, Peckisphaera paragranulifera(S. Wang) Fu et Lu, Sphaerochara valida (Z. W. Li) comb. nov. , Sphaerochara sp.。讨论相关种的国内外地层分布,将下沟组上部地质时代归为早白垩世巴雷姆期。  相似文献   
广西石灰岩季节性雨林分类的研究   总被引:6,自引:3,他引:6  
王献溥  李信贤 《植物研究》1998,18(4):428-460
广西北热带地区石灰岩山地占据相当大的面积,特别是桂西南一带,那里形成一种独特的石灰岩季节性雨林,与相邻的砂页岩或花岗岩山地季节性雨林镶嵌分布。本文主要论述它的分类系统和地理分布规律。  相似文献   
Tubers, culms, rhizomes, and leaves of Bolboschoenus cf. yagara (Ohwi) YC Yang et M Zhan were reported from the sediments of Zhangcun Formation, Late Pliocene in Shanxi Province, China. The fossil species possesses trigonous culms. And tubers are cordiform, spindle shaped, or round, and are covered by roots in internodes and often connected by rhizomes. This is the first convincing fossil record of Cyperaceae in China.  相似文献   
本文简述了江西乐平、瑞金早二叠世栖霞组Cystomichelinia和Protomichelinia的性质,与国内外有关的种进行了比较;通过分析这两属的内部构造说明它们之间的关系;根据珊瑚体的壁刺发育与否、床板生长密度、体径大小及体壁厚度等特征,拟立了该两属的种的鉴别表;描述了7种,其中4新种和1新亚种。  相似文献   
A first and detailed foraminiferal biostratigraphic work on the lower part of the Zongshan Formation (Limestone I and Calcareous Marl I sequence) in the Chaqiela section, Gamba, southern Tibet, allows the recognition of three latest Coniacian to middle Campanian planktic foraminiferal biozones: Dicarinella asymetrica Total Range Zone, Globotruncanita elevata Partial-Range Zone, and Contusotruncana plummerae Interval Zone. The base and top of the Santonian Stage in the Chaqiela section were placed at the lowest occurrence (LO) of Globotruncana linneiana and the highest occurrence (HO) of Dicarinella asymetrica, respectively. The deposition of the latest Coniacian to middle Campanian sediments of the lower Zongshan Formation in the Chaqiela section seems to have been continuous or at least without any major gap based on the planktic foraminiferal biozones and events.  相似文献   
浙江淳安县大坑坞剖面安吉组底部化石丰富,其中腕足动物组合属于BA3中上部,指示正常浅海底域环境。作者通过分析该层位腕足化石标本的围岩发现一个低分异度的几丁虫组合,包含3属4种,即Ancyrochitina sp.,Belonechitina cf.postrobusta sensu Butcher,Belonechitina sp.,Spinachitina verniersi。该组合具有强烈的奥陶-志留纪过渡色彩,其时代可定为奥陶纪末期至志留纪初期。这是首次在该地区获得奥陶-志留纪过渡地层的几丁虫,有助于开展国际奥陶-志留系界线精细划分对比研究。文中描述了Belonechinacf.postrobusta和Spinachiti-naverniersi。  相似文献   
甘肃兰州盆地咸水河组下段红色泥岩中的跳鼠化石   总被引:2,自引:4,他引:2  
兰州盆地咸水河组下段上部红色泥岩共产有4属8种跳鼠:Parasminthus  asiae-centralis, P. tangingoli. P. parvulus Parasmintus. sp. I, Parasmintus sp. II,黄河简齿鼠(新属、种)Litodonomys huangheensis gen.et sp.nov、,兰州异蹶鼠(新种)Heterosminthus lanzhouensis sp.nov.和Sinosminthus sp。Lilodonomys,huangheensis的主要特征是颊齿比例上较宽短,冠面结构较简单,脊较发育,下中脊短或无,下外脊直接由下原尖伸出。Hetersminthus lanzhouensis为Heterosminthus属的一较原始的种。它的臼齿的颊、舌侧主齿尖虽错位,但幅度还较小,M1/2具原小尖,但无原附尖,ml具发达的下中脊,下外脊折线形,下外中脊向前倾等。 兰州盆地下红泥岩所产跳鼠组合基本上与甘肃省党河流域Taben-buluk的一致。它们的时代可能大致相当,为晚渐新世。 本文用 PAUP3.1.1对早第三纪的各跳鼠属间的关系作了分析和讨论。 跳鼠在?  相似文献   
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