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Synopsis The fish community of a high mountain stream in Taiwan was studied from 1988 to 1990 in a 16 km section of Ta-chia river where a new dam is planned for construction. There were 16 species of fish belonging to 7 families; 15 genera were recorded. Six species are endemic to Taiwan. The dominant species wereZacco pachycephalus, Acrosscheileus paradoxus andRhinogobius brunneus. The composition of fish fauna was different between the eight study sites. Adjacent sites did not show a higher similarity than remote ones. AdultZ. pachycephalus andA. paradoxus showed seasonal aggregation behavior in the stream. At two distinct sites, Kukan and Tungmau, these two species had similar breeding and stock composition patterns with an intensified production period of juveniles from late autumn to early winter and a low, but continuous production period of juveniles in summer months. This information suggest that fishes in the river have special adaptations to the typhoon season in summer and benthic algal blooming in winter. The similarity of fish community and the independent breeding sites of endemic fishes in Kukan and Tungmau also suggest that these are important factors to consider for conservation when the flooding area of a high mountain dam is designed.  相似文献   
Phosphorus purification in buffer zones in cold climates   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0  
The retention of agricultural P by 10-m wide grass buffers (GBZ) and buffers under natural vegetation (VBZ) was studied for 10 years in southwestern Finland. The results were compared with those from 70-m long plots without buffers (NBZ). The GBZs were mowed but the VBZs were not managed. Surface waters were directed into a collector trench on each plot. Soil samples were taken from the buffers to determine easily soluble P by a Finnish method (0.5 M NH4-acetate–0.5 M acetic acid, pH 4.6) and by the Olsen method.The highest losses of all P fractions were measured in spring, when the buffer vegetation had not yet started to grow. The mean annual total phosphorus (TP) loss from the GBZ and VBZ plots (0.7 kg ha−1) was 40% lower than the TP loss from the NBZs (1.2 kg ha−1). However, the loss of molybdate-reactive P (RP) was 70% higher from the VBZs than from the other plots. The concentration of Olsen-P was high (55.9 mg l−1) on the soil surface, 0–2 cm, in the VBZs. The high loss of RP from the VBZs was most likely due to P leaching from the soil surface and decaying grass residue on the VBZs in spring.  相似文献   
Reliable and cost-effective indicators are needed to reduce uncertainty in ecological risk assessments of chemicals so that their long-term and evolutionary impacts in the dynamics of stressed biological communities can be accounted for.In the present study we investigate the suitability of genetic diversity as an indicator of ecological disturbance of freshwater ecosystems. For that, we selected three freshwater systems with well-known histories of metal contamination and three nearby reference sites located in Northern Portugal and the effects of metal contamination were assessed both in the levels of genetic diversity of the non-biting midge Chironomus riparius Meigen (at microsatellite markers) and in the diversity and composition of the benthic macroinvertebrate communities.Results showed a remarkable impoverishment in the abundance and diversity of macroinvertebrate communities of metal polluted sites in which most sensitive taxa were eliminated and replaced by more opportunistic ones belonging mainly to Oligochaeta and Diptera. In contrast, no evidence for pollution-induced genetic erosion was found in C. riparius populations in the studied area, with genetic diversity of the species being indeed higher in sites with impoverished macroinvertebrate communities and poor habitat quality.Our findings suggest that there are important limitations to the use of measures of genetic diversity of C. riparius per se to unravel ecological disturbance. Field studies aiming at quantifying pollutant-driven genetic erosion need to carefully consider the ecological and demographic aspects of potential target species.  相似文献   
Species that are dependant on, or adapted to, freshwater environments are found in almost all mammalian orders, and two orders, the Cetacea and the Sirenia, are strictly aquatic and include some freshwater-dependant species. Overall, the aquatic and freshwater-dependant species represent around 70 of the more than 1,200 living or recent genera of mammals, and occur in all continents except Antarctica. They include some of the most endangered species of mammals, and several have gone extinct or become critically endangered in recent decades. One of the main threats is habitat loss or degradation. This chapter provides an overview of the freshwater species within each order of mammals, their evolutionary history, their relations to humans and their conservation status. Electronic supplementary material The online version of this article (doi:) contains supplementary material, which is available to authorized users.  相似文献   
Human Biology     
This paper describes the setting up of a nature trail for educational purposes. It discusses the aims, methods of use, and possible evaluation techniques for such a trail. Some probable developments of the ‘trail’ concept at Hartsholme are reviewed. Examples are given of both school-based and leisure-learning activities.  相似文献   
Until recently acanthoecid choanoflagellates have been described only from marine and brackish waters. Here I describe a distinct, strictly freshwater acanthoecid species from Samoa based on its morphology, ecology and molecular biological data (partial Small Subunit rDNA). The lorica of the species is characterised by two extensions at the posterior chamber which are used for attachment to the substratum. The posterior chamber is constructed of irregularly arranged costae. The anterior chamber consists of four transverse costal rings and 14–18 longitudinal costae. Despite its sturdy appearance, the lorica was extremely sensitive to water turbulence and movements of the water. The species showed a salinity tolerance of 0.5 practical salinity units with reduced growth rates and a temperature tolerance range of 20–34 °C. According to the morphology, phylogenetic analysis, and autecology of the species it was classified as a member of the genus Stephanoeca.  相似文献   
Barbara J. Downes 《Oecologia》1995,102(4):501-510
Variation in recruitment rates of parasites to hosts possibly contributes significantly to fluctuations in parasite numbers, yet is almost never measured directly in the field. I measured the variation in recruitment rates of three species of parasitic mites living in two species of freshwater mussels over several spatial and temporal scales. I also examined separately the effect of spatial dispersion of hosts on mite recruitment. Uninfected hosts of both species were placed out each month, for a period of a month, for 2 years at one site and 12 months at another. Mussels of both species were collected simultaneously each month so that abundance of recruiting mites could be compared to mean abundances of mites in hosts at that time. To test the effect of host dispersion on recruitment rates, mussels were set out in clumped and regular patterns in a separate experiment. Overall, recruitment rates were often high but also varied substantially between sites, seasons, years and months. The likely impacts differed between mite species with one probably affected strongly by recruitment variation, while abundances of the other two were not. Populations of the latter two species are probably regulated by intraspecific competition for mates and egg-laying sites. Sampling data are often used to estimate recruitment rates but the latter should be measured, if possible, by exposing uninfected hosts for a known period of time. This direct method reveals patterns of recruitment that cannot be deduced from sampling data. The lack of information on recruitment variation represents a major gap in our knowledge of parasite populations.  相似文献   
The Pampean region, an extensive area of South America is continuously impacted by agricultural activities and the pesticides related to them like chlorpyrifos and glyphosate. Both pesticides have been registered in freshwater bodies of the region. One of the most abundant and widely distributed fish species in Pampean streams is Cnesterodon decemmaculatus, which have to cope with this altered scenario.In the present study the toxicity of Clorfox® and Roundup Max®, the commercial formulations of chlorpyrifos and glyphosate, respectively, and their mixture where evaluated using a set of biomarkers at different biological organization levels in fish exposed to relevant environmentally pesticides concentrations. Somatic indexes such as the condition factor (K), and the hepato-somatic index (HSI), the locomotor activity through the distance traveled and the average speed, the enzymatic activities of acetylcholinesterase (AChE) in brain and muscle, catalase (CAT) in muscle and liver, glutathione-S-transferase (GST) in brain, liver, muscle and gills, aspartate amino-transferase (AST), alanine amino-transferase (ALT), AST/ALT ratio and alkaline phosphatase (ALP) in liver were measured on C. decemmaculatus. Adult females were exposed during 6 weeks to the following concentrations: 0.0084 μl/l and 0.00084 μl/l of Clorfox (CF), 0.2 and 2 mg/l of Roundup Max (RM) and all the combinations of these concentrations. The CF exposure caused a decrease in the condition factor and in the locomotor activity parameters and induced an increase brain AChE, liver CAT activity and AST/ALT ratio. On the other hand, the exposure to RM produced a decrease in liver GST, AST/ALT ratio and ALP activity. Finally, some pesticide combinations decrease general condition and liver GST activities, and increase brain GST and liver ALP activities. Different responses in biomarkers were observed in mixtures treatments, reflecting the complex interactions between these toxics and suggesting a suppressive action of RM on CF effects.Since the concentrations we tested are environmentally relevant and the overall fish health condition was affected, the presence of these pesticides in freshwater systems could impose a risk for populations by causing deleterious effects on C. decemmaculatus in Pampean region.  相似文献   
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