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美国鲥鱼对我国淡水生态系统的潜在入侵风险   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
近年来美国鲥鱼已被引入到我国的上海和广东等地进行水产养殖。本实验报道了在纯淡水人工养殖条件下美国鲥鱼的繁殖和生长情况。人工养殖鲥鱼的生长速度接近美国北卡罗莱纳州沿岸野生鲥鱼的生长速度,而高于特拉华河野生鲥鱼的生长速度;人工养殖的2龄鲥鱼既可以在养殖池中自然产卵,也可以通过注射激素人工诱导产卵,其平均受精率、孵化率和仔鱼17天内的存活率分别约15%、75%和54%。这一结果表明,尽管鲥鱼是在海水中进行繁殖的洄游性鱼类,但在生长环境适宜的淡水条件下同样可以正常生长,并达到性成熟和繁育后代,有可能在适宜的淡水水体中形成自我维持的种群。结合本实验结果和美国鲥鱼的其他生物学特性,本文认为美国鲥鱼在我国天然水体生态系统中具有潜在的入侵性。  相似文献   
Examples of parallel evolution of phenotypic traits have been repeatedly demonstrated in threespine sticklebacks (Gasterosteus aculeatus) across their global distribution. Using these as a model, we performed a targeted genome scan--focusing on physiologically important genes potentially related to freshwater adaptation--to identify genetic signatures of parallel physiological evolution on a global scale. To this end, 50 microsatellite loci, including 26 loci within or close to (<6 kb) physiologically important genes, were screened in paired marine and freshwater populations from six locations across the Northern Hemisphere. Signatures of directional selection were detected in 24 loci, including 17 physiologically important genes, in at least one location. Although no loci showed consistent signatures of selection in all divergent population pairs, several outliers were common in multiple locations. In particular, seven physiologically important genes, as well as reference ectodysplasin gene (EDA), showed signatures of selection in three or more locations. Hence, although these results give some evidence for consistent parallel molecular evolution in response to freshwater colonization, they suggest that different evolutionary pathways may underlie physiological adaptation to freshwater habitats within the global distribution of the threespine stickleback.  相似文献   
Lakeshore marshes around Liangzi Lake, in the middle reach of the Yangtze River, China, experience annual changes of water level of c. 1.5 m. During the drawdown period, the vegetation is structured by helophytes and emergents; during the rainy season when the dams are closed (June–September) the marshes are flooded and their vegetation rapidly changes to be come dominated by submerged, floating-leaved and tall emergent species. The species composition and abundance of both the marsh seed bank and the vegetative propagule bank were compared with those of the drawdown and flooded vegetation types. These data provided a test of the predictive power of van der Valk's model of northern temperate seasonal vegetation change in a subtropical, freshwater wetland with cyclic vegetational change. The abundant species were detected in the propagule bank. The seed bank was found to determine the species richness of both types of the vegetation, whereas the vegetative propagule bank consisted of the dominants of the drawdown vegetation. Water depth conditions, and the composition of seed and vegetative propagules banks together determine the structure of the standing vegetation during drawdown and flooding. van der Valk's succession model was found to predict the seasonal vegetation change reasonably well. The Chi-square test showed no significant difference between predicted vegetation and actual vegetation in both drawdown and flooding periods.  相似文献   
The effect of toxic and of filamentous blue-green algae on feeding and population growth of the rotifer Brachionus rubens was investigated in laboratory experiments. A toxic strain of Microcystis aeruginosa was ingested, but rotifers cultured with Microcystis died faster than nonfed controls. The rigid filaments of Cylindrospermopsis raciborskii were not ingested, reduced the ingestion of simultaneously offered algae, and depressed population growth rates. The soft filaments of Anabaena flos-aquae were ingested at a moderate rate, did not reduce ingestion of other algae, and were used as an additional food in population growth experiments.  相似文献   
Thirty five species of rotifers were found in the psammon of three lakes of differing pH in open water. The largest number of rotifer species and their highest abundance was found in lake Rekowskie which had a slightly acid to neutral water pH. The lowest quantity and the number of rotifers species were observed in the lake with lowest pH. The results suggest that pH is one of the most important factors affecting the number and diversity of psammic rotifers in these lakes.  相似文献   
The vertical distribution of zooplankton rotifers in the open waters of Laguna El Tigre was investigated. Rotifers showed a relatively uniform distribution throughout the water column. This pattern of distribution was maintained during the year and did not show variations in relation to hydrologic phases of inundation and isolation of the lake. Diel vertical migration of rotifers from the limnetic and the littoral area was investigated too. In littoral area rotifers exhibited a reverse migration, whereas in the limnetic the movements were less conspicuous. Horizontal migration was observed too, and there were interactions between horizontal and vertical distribution. Predation and competition offer a possible explanation.  相似文献   
Suitable reservoirs and monitoring methods are needed to manage scarce water supplies in dry countries. We assessed here the impact on aquatic macroinvertebrates of the only dam on the Eerste River, which runs through the heart of a biodiversity hotspot, the Cape Floristic Region, South Africa. The dam and associated activities, were the only forms of disturbance in this otherwise pristine area. We sampled over 20,000 macroinvertebrate individuals and illustrated some categorical effects of the impoundment and its effects on macroinvertebrate assemblages. Macroinvertebrate species diversity below the dam was only half of that in the pristine catchment area above the dam. Furthermore, Ephemeroptera, Plecoptera and Trichoptera diversity and abundance dropped to almost zero as a result of the impoundment. In contrast, the abundance of the Diptera family Chironomidae increased substantially below the dam. These changes in macroinvertebrate diversity mirrored those recorded in biologically less diverse areas, but are of major concern in this biodiversity hotspot with its rich endemic fauna. We conclude that such an impoundment, while important for human welfare, results in a high price being paid in terms of loss of local biodiversity.  相似文献   
Methods for obtaining an Axenic culture of Habrotrocha Rosa Donner 1949   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0  
A culture of the bacterivorous rotifer H. rosa was separated from other Eucaryota in activated sludge and then purified by passages from most representatives of the bacterial microflora. A fully axenic culture was finally obtained by use of a lysing buffer and certain antibiotics.  相似文献   
This review brings together information on mosquitoes, the diseases they transmit and the wetlands that provide habitats for the immature stages (eggs and larvae). Wetland values are mentioned, though the main literature on this does not generally overlap the mosquito issue. Mosquito management is overviewed to include: the use of larvicides, source reduction in intertidal wetlands and management in freshwater systems. There is not a great deal of information on mosquitoes and freshwater systems, except for constructed wetlands and they are considered separately. We then consider restoration mainly in the context of wetlands that have been the subject of habitat modification for mosquito control. Land use and climate change, as they affect mosquitoes and the diseases they transmit, are also reviewed, as this will affect wetlands via management activities. Finally the review addresses the critical issue of balancing health, both human and environmental, in an adaptive framework. It concludes that there is a need to ensure that both mosquito and wetland management communicate and integrate to sustain wetland and human health.  相似文献   
1. Zooplankton exist in environments where food availability varies greatly over time, and success depends in part on the ability to store resources when food is abundant and to conserve them when food is scarce. This paper reports on interspecific differences in the size of stored reserves, and in respiration rate during food deprivation, of four species of planktonic rotifers.
2. The size of reserves varied from 42 to 71% of initial (well-fed) body mass. Interspecific differences in reserve size explained some of the previously observed differences in starvation time.
3. The initial response of respiration rate to food deprivation was quite variable between species. Brachionus calyciflorus was the only species to conserve energy by decreasing respiration rate in response to food deprivation. In contrast, the respiration rate of starved Asplanchna priodonta increased, while that of A. silvestrii and Synchaeta pectinata did not change, during food deprivation.
4. Theory predicts that temporal variation in resource level may facilitate the coexistence of competing species. This theory depends upon trade-offs between traits that confer competitive success in different environments. Although rotifers show a trade-off between competitive ability and maximum population growth rate, we found no evidence for trade-offs between either of those two traits and the size of reserves.  相似文献   
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