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The effects of salicylic acid (SA) (0.01, 0.1 and 1 mM) and cold on freezing tolerance (freezing injury and ice nucleation activity) were investigated in winter wheat (Triticum aestivum cv. Dogu-88) grown under control (20/18 °C for 15, 30 and 45-day) and cold (15/10 °C for 15-day, 10/5 °C for 30-day and 5/3 °C for 45-day) conditions. Cold acclimatisation caused a decrease of injury to leaf segments removed from the plants and subjected to freezing conditions. Exogenous SA also decreased freezing injury in the leaves grown under cold (15/10 °C) and control (15 and 30-day) conditions. Cold conditions (10/5 and 5/3 °C) caused an increase in ice nucleation activity by apoplastic proteins, which were isolated from the leaves. For the first time, it was shown that exogenous SA caused an increase in ice nucleation activity under cold (15/10 and 10/5 °C) and control conditions. These results show that salicylic acid can increase freezing tolerance in winter wheat leaves by affecting apoplastic proteins.  相似文献   
Iron is a potent oxidant that can lead to the formation of genotoxic lipid peroxides. Ascorbic acid, which enhances dietary iron absorption, has been suggested to enhance the oxidant effects of iron and to directly lead to the formation of lipid peroxides. The combined effects of dietary iron and ascorbic acid on genotoxicity were investigated by measuring the frequency of micronuclei in the bone marrow cells of C3H/He mice. In addition, liver iron concentration was measured in all treated groups. Three weeks old mice were fed diets for 3 weeks containing iron at 100 or 300 mg/kg diet in the form of FeSO4 that were supplemented either with or without ascorbic acid (15 g/kg diet). The results of the bone marrow micronucleus test revealed that the high iron diet resulted in an increased frequency of micronucleated polychromatic erythrocytes (MnPCEs) as compared to low iron. Ascorbic acid supplementation in the low iron diet did not show any effect on incidence of MnPCEs and protected against the increased frequency of MnPCEs induced by the high iron diet. However, liver iron concentration was significantly increased only in the high iron treated and ascorbic acid supplemented group as compared to all other groups. These results demonstrate that ascorbic acid protects against the clastogenic effects of iron.  相似文献   
The larvicidal activity of an experimental formulation of Bacillus thuringiensis israelensis (Bti) against Aedes aegypti larvae was evaluated under laboratory and simulated field conditions (SFC). Samples of technical powder (TP) were assayed to establish the LC50 and the potency of the product. The larvicidal activity of the TP and the tablet (T) were evaluated under SFC to assess the efficacy and the residual activity, measured against Ae. aegypti larvae. Either a T or 250 mg of TP were added to 50 L of water in plastic containers. Containers were exposed to sunlight or kept in the shade. Results showed a LC50 of 0.26 mg/L and a potency of 750 ITU/mg. In spite of differences in the toxicity amongst TP and T samples, all of them killed 98–100% of the larvae and the mortality remained high for six months, in the shade. The replacement of 20% or 60% of the water volume did not affect the activity of the product. Seasonal differences influenced the persistence of the product in containers exposed to sunlight. Both formulations showed an excellent performance, especially when kept in the shade. The Bti tablet evaluated in this study is potentially very useful in programs to control dengue vectors.  相似文献   
Introgressive hybridization occurs when closely related taxa overlap in distribution and is often associated with historically isolated populations coming into contact as a result of anthropogenic disturbance. There is evolutionary and conservation interest in detecting hybridization to determine its implications on future species composition, especially for threatened and recovering taxa such as subantarctic (Arctocephalus tropicalis) and Antarctic (A. gazella) fur seals, which were driven to the brink of extinction by human exploitation. Hybridization between these species has been reported at two locations and they breed sympatrically at a third site, Iles Crozet. While hybrid individuals have previously been identified based on phenotype, individuals can be difficult to classify based on these characteristics alone. Genotypic hybrid identification has been successful in several species, including fur seals. In this study we conducted an assignment test using microsatellite data to identify hybrids and to measure the frequency of hybridization at Iles Crozet. Samples were collected from 372 individuals and screened with 6 polymorphic microsatellite markers. MtDNA genotypes were also determined for individuals identified as hybrids or backcrosses based on microsatellite genotype. Phenotype, microsatellite and mtDNA genotype were then compared in order to identify hybrids. The results indicate that 1% of the population have hybrid genotypes and at a minimum, 2.4% of the population are backcrossed to parental species. We found that the two species are genetically distinct from one another and given the low rate of hybridization it is unlikely that they will fuse. These results suggest that there is a mechanism for species recognition that acts as a barrier to hybridization. It therefore seems unlikely that fur seals are threatened by significant introgression. Further investigation of fur seal mating systems would provide valuable insight into the mechanisms governing hybridization and species recognition in mate choice.  相似文献   
八种药剂防治槐豆木虱药效试验   总被引:4,自引:2,他引:4  
选用8种药剂,对槐豆木虱Cyamophila willieti Wu进行室内毒力测定和田间药效试验。结果表明:2%阿维菌素EC6000倍液、1%苦参碱SL2000倍液防治效果在98%以上,且不污染环境,对天敌昆虫杀伤力较小,适合大面积推广防治。  相似文献   
This study’s objective was to estimate the permeability of barriers to badger immigration during the Irish Four Area project. These barriers were at the boundaries of removal areas, where there was proactive culling of badgers. Data from the last 3 years of the study were used. Each length of barrier was allocated a space within the removal area. These were further sub-divided into spaces of 0–2, 2–5 km and sometimes of more than 5 km from the edge of the removal area. It is assumed that all, or some, of the badgers caught within these spaces came across the barriers. The barriers were one of the following: external buffers, sea, rivers and political boundaries. The total lengths of the barriers in all areas were: external buffer 128.5 km; sea 70.9 km; river 78.6 km; political 32.2 km. We assume three scenarios: (1) all badgers caught in the final 3 years were immigrants, (2) 75% were immigrants or (3) 50% were immigrants. We test these scenarios using chi-square tests, applying internal buffers of 1 km to counter movements of badgers across zones. Using this approach and multivariate analysis, we found that the permeability of barrier types varied, with sea and external buffers being the most effective barriers. The combined capture data are further examined by the sex ratio in each range, and then the sex ratio in total. Equal numbers of males and females were found, but the source populations were probably predominantly female. If badger management options are to achieve maximum benefits, then the field effectiveness of such barriers needs to be understood.  相似文献   
宫颈上皮内病变与HPV相关   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
目的了解辽宁省妇女生殖道人乳头瘤病毒(Human Papillomavirus,HPV)感染情况,研究辽宁省妇女宫颈上皮内病变与HPV感染的相关性。方法回顾性分析600例行核酸分子快速导流杂交基因芯片技术(Hybri Max)检测的患者,该600例患者均行薄层液基细胞学技术(Liguid-based cytologic teset,LCT)检查,有127例患者行病理活检,结合3种方法研究HPV感染与宫颈病变的相关性。结果导流杂交HPV-DNA检测结果与LCT结果相结合,600例患者中,感染HPV的阳性率分别为正常32%(92/288),Asc-us42%(87/208),LSIL53%(40/75),HSIL86%(19/22),癌100%(7/7)。导流杂交HPV-DNA检测结果与病理活检结果相结合,感染HPV的阳性率分别为:正常或慢性炎症36.17%(17/47),CINⅠ66.67%(36/54),CINⅡ-Ⅲ84.21%(16/19),癌100%(7/7),HPV感染阳性率随宫颈病变程度加重而明显升高。细胞学与组织学病理诊断符合率分别为LSIL72%(54/75),HSIL86.36%(19/22),SCC100%(7/7)。不同年龄阶段妇女感染HPV的阳性率依次为20-29岁46.76%(65/139),30-39岁43.41%(79/182),40-9岁40.48%(71/174),50-59岁38.16%(29/76),60-69岁37.50%(6/16),70岁76.92%(10/13)。600例患者HPV感染总阳性率为40.83%(245/600),在HPV21种亚型中,有19种亚型均被检测出,感染率最高的是HPV16 35.51%(87/245),其它常见型别依次为HPV58,HPV6,HPV53,HPV18,HPV31,HPV52和cp8304。此外还发现高危型HPV16的感染率:正常或慢性炎症35.29%(6/17)CINⅠ33.33%(12/36),CINⅡ-Ⅲ56.25%(9/16),癌85.71%(6/7),其感染率阳性率在各种程度的宫颈病变中占很大比重,也随宫颈病变的严重程度而增高,进一步论证了HPV16的高危性。结论辽宁省妇女HPV感染的主要亚型是HPV16,HPV58及HPV6.无论是与细胞学检测结果相结合还是与病理活检结果相结合,HPV感染阳性率均随宫颈病变程度的加重而增高。提示宫颈病变的防治重点应放在预防及治疗HPV感染。  相似文献   
临床分离肠球菌的耐药性研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
目的了解近3年来粤东地区临床分离的肠球菌的耐药特征,为预防耐万古霉素肠球菌(VRE)的产生和控制VRE播散提供理论依据和实验基础。方法收集临床分离的215株肠球菌,细菌鉴定及药敏试验采用VITEK-60全自动细菌鉴定仪。结果215株肠球菌中,尿标本中分离肠球菌75株(35%);痰液中分离出34株(16%)。粪肠球菌141株(65.5%),屎肠球菌74株(34.5%)。粪肠球菌对万古霉素、呋喃妥因、青霉素G和莫西沙星的敏感率较高,70%~100%;对红霉素和四环素的敏感性较差,11%~33%。屎肠球菌对万古霉素敏感性较好为100%,四环素为62%;而对呋喃妥因、高链霉素、青霉素和左氧氟沙星等敏感性较差(5%~47%)。未检出耐万古霉素肠球菌。结论粤东地区近3年来未发现耐万古霉素肠球菌。肠球菌对各种常见抗生素敏感程度呈下降趋势。屎肠球菌较粪肠球菌耐药性更高。应根据细菌学培养结果合理用药,减少耐药菌株的发生率。  相似文献   
Batai (Falcataria moluccana) is a valuable tree species for forest plantations in Malaysia and Indonesia. Since 1993, a gall rust disease has caused severe damage to all growth stages, from seedlings in the nursery to mature trees in the field. To identify the fungus causing gall rust disease on F. moluccana in Malaysia and Indonesia, study of the mode of infection and changes in the anatomy of infected cells were carried out in the anatomy laboratory. The disease in Malaysia and Indonesia is caused by Uromycladium tepperianum. The fungus produces three longitudinally ridged teliospores on each head, with spores measuring 13–20 μm wide and 17–28 μm long. The fungus is microcyclic, completing its entire life cycle on F. moluccana. This study confirmed that the teliospores themselves cannot infect the host. Under favorable conditions, about 10 h after inoculation, teliospores germinate to produce basidiospores that form penetration pegs about 6 h later, and it is this peg which penetrates the host cells directly through the epidermis. Pycnia, recognized as small brown pustules, break through the epidermis about 7 days after inoculation.  相似文献   
Ng  HoiMan  Zhang  Teng  Wang  Guoliang  Kan  SiMeng  Ma  Guoyi  Li  Zhe  Chen  Chang  Wang  Dandan  Wong  MengIn  Wong  ChioHang  Ni  Jinliang  Zhang  Xiaohua Douglas 《中国病毒学》2021,36(5):1144-1153
Virologica Sinica - Influenza is one of the major respiratory diseases in humans. Macau is a tourist city with high density of population and special population mobility. The study on the...  相似文献   
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