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Summary A novel mutant of Escherichia coli, named cfcA1, was isolated from a temperature-sensitive dnaB42 strain, and found to have the following characteristics. Division arrest and lethality induced by inhibition of DNA replication was reduced and delayed in the cfcA1 dnaB42 strain, as compared with the parental dnaB42 strain. Two types of inhibition of division induced by the addition of nalidixic acid or hydroxyurea were suppressed by the cfcA1 mutation. Under permissive conditions for DNA replication, the colony forming ability of cfcA1 cells was significantly reduced as compared with that of cfc + cells; conversely the division rate of cfcA1 cells was higher than that of cfc + cells. The cfcA1 mutation partially restored division arrest induced in the thermosensitive ftsZ84 mutant at the restrictive temperature and suppresed the UV sensitivity of the lon mutation. The mutation was mapped at 79.2 min on the E. coli chromosome. Taking these properties into account, it is hypothesized that the cfcA gene is involved in determining the frequency of cell division per round of DNA replication by interacting with the FtsZ protein which is essential for cell division.  相似文献   
A long-term suspension culture ofBrachycome dichromosomatica (2n = 4) was induced from a cotyledon-derived callus. Subcultures were obtained every week up to three years. The bulk of the cultures displayed a stable diploid karyotype, while one cell line evolved with 2n = 5 chromosomes in the 86th reinoculation. No further chromosomal change occurred also in that cell line. It is assumed that the fifth chromosome is the expression of a trisomy 2.The chromatin ultrastructure was of the species-specific chromomeric type in the wild-type line, while the trisomic line displayed more condensed chromatin, what probably indicates a rather inactive state of the extra-chromosome.Brachycome dichromosomatica is suggested to represent an ideal species to follow-up karyotype stability and/or variation in cell culture.As a former student W. N. dedicates this paper in gratitude and admiration to Prof. DrElisabeth Tschermak-Woess on the occasion of her 70th birthday. Prof.Woess with her scientific work has stimulated in an unique manner the study of nuclear structures in plants, of endopolyploidy and polytene chromosomes, and has thus established the basis for the rapidly increasing research in these fields.  相似文献   
Summary We have isolated Saccharomyces cerevisiae mutants, smp, showing stable maintenance of plasmid pSRI, a Zygosaccharomyces rouxii plasmid. The smp mutants were recessive and were classified into at least three different complementation groups. The three mutants also showed increased stability of YRp plasmids and the mutations are additive for plasmid stability. One mutation, smp1, confers a respiration-deficient (rho 0) phenotype and several Rho mutants independently isolated by ethidium bromide treatment of the same yeast strain also showed increased stabilities of pSR1 and YRp plasmids. The wild-type S. cerevisiae cells showed a strongly biased distribution of pSR1 molecules as well as YRp plasmids to the mother cells at mitosis, while the smpf mutant did not show this bias. Another mutation, smp3, at a locus linked to ade2 on chromosome XV, confers temperature-sensitive growth. The SMP3 gene encodes a 59.9 kDa hydrophobic protein and disruption of the gene is lethal.  相似文献   
Summary Tn21-related transposons are widespread among bacteria and carry various resistance determinants at preferential sites, hs1 and hs2. In an in vivo integrative recombination assay it was demonstrated that these hot spots direct the integration of aminoglycoside resistance genes like aadB from Klebsiella pneumoniae and aacAI from Serratia marcescens, in a recA background. The maximum required recognition sequence which must be present in both the donor and recipient plasmids is 5 CTAAAACAAAGTTA 3 (hs2). The double-site-specific recombination occurred with a frequency of 10–5–10–6. The resulting structures include not only replicon fusion products but also more complex structures carrying two copies of the donor plasmid or simply the donor gene flanked by hs elements. hs1 and hs2 are thought to act as recognition sites for a trans-acting site-specific recombinase. By the use of Tn21 deletion derivatives, it has been shown that the recombinase is not encoded by Tn21. This new integrative recombination system is involved in the acquisition of new genes by Tn21-related transposons and their spread among bacterial populations.  相似文献   
Summary The dnaQ (mutD) gene product which encodes the -subunit of the DNA polymerase III holoenzyme has a central role in controlling the fidelity of DNA replication because both mutD5 and dnaQ49 mutations severely decrease the 3–5 exonucleolytic editing capacity.It is shown in this paper that more than 95% of all anaQ49-induced base pair substitutions are transversions of the types G:C-T:A and A:T-T:A. Not only is this unusual mutational specificity precisely that observed recently for a number of potent carcinogens such as benzo(a) pyrene diolepoxide (BPDE) and aflatoxin B1 (AFB1), which are dependent on the SOS system to mutagenize bacteria, but it is also seen for the constitutively expressed SOS mutator activity in E. coli tif-1 strains as well as for the SOS mutator activity mediated gap filling of apurinic sites. Because the G:C-T:A and A:T-T:A transversions can either result from the insertion of an adenine across from apurinic sites or arise due to the incorporation of syn-adenine opposite a purine base, we postulate that the DNA polymerase III holoenzyme also has a reduced discrimination ability in a dnaQ49 background.The introduction of a lexA (Ind-) allele, which prevents the expression of SOS functions, led to a significant reduction in the dnaQ49-caused mutator effect.Both, the mutational specificity observed and the partial lexA + dependence of the mutator effect provoke a reanalysis of the hypothesis that the DNA polymerase III holoenzyme can be converted into the postulated but until now unidentified SOS polymerase.  相似文献   
Alfalfa weevils (Hypera postica (Gyllenhal)) with vestigial hind wings were discovered in a population from Wageningen, the Netherlands, and two populations from the United States—an eastern weevil strain from Beltsville, Maryland and an Egyptian weevil strain from Atascadero, California. Such a mutant was absent from 23 other populations surveyed in the United States—three from eastern, seven from western, and 13 from Egyptian weevil strains. This mutation is due to a dominant autosomal gene with normal-wing individuals as recessive. The mutant gene can be transferred from eastern weevil to the western weevil strain. The short-wing trait may be useful for genetic manipulation to control the alfalfa weevil.
Résumé Des H. postica aux ailes postérieures vestigiales ont été découverts dans une population de Wageningen (Pays Bas) et deux des USA—une lignée orientale de Beltsville (Maryland) et une lignée de H. brunneipennis d'Atascadero (Californie). Ce mutant était absent de 23 autres populations examinées aux USA: 3 de l'est, 7 de l'ouest et 13 de H. brunneipennis. Cette mutation est due à un gène dominant antosomal avec aile normale comme récessif. Le gêne mutant peut être transféré des lignées orientales aux lignées occidentales. Le caractère aile courte peut être pratique pour les manipulations génétiques destinées à maîtriser les populations d'H. postica.
R. S. Poethig  I. M. Sussex 《Planta》1985,165(2):170-184
The cellular parameters of leaf development in tobacco (Nicotiana tabacum L.) have been characterized using clonal analysis, an approach that provides unequivocal evidence of cell lineage. Our results indicate that the tobacco leaf arises from a group of around 100 cells in the shoot apical meristem. Each of these cells contributes to a unique longitudinal section of the axis and transverse section of the lamina. This pattern of cell lincage indicates that primordial cells contribute more or less equally to the growth of the axis, in contrast to the more traditional view of leaf development in which the leaf is pictured as arising from a group of apical initials. Clones induced prior to the initiation of the lamina demonstrate that the subepidermal layer of the lamina arises from at least six files of cells. Submarginal cells usually divide with their spindles parallel to the margin, and therefore contribute relatively little to the transverse expansion of the lamina. During the expansion of the lamina the orientation and frequency of cell division are highly regulated, as is the duration of meristematic growth. Initially, cell division is polarized so as to produce lineages that are at an oblique angle to the midrib; later cell division is in alternating perpendicular planes. The distribution of clones generated by irradiation at various stages of development indicates that cell division ceases at the tip of the leaf when the leaf is about one tenth its final size, and then ceases in progressively more basal regions of the lamina. Variation in the mutation frequency within the lamina reflects variation in the frequency of mitosis. Prior to the mergence of the leaf the frequency of mutation is maximal near the tip of the leaf and extremely low at its base; after emergence, the frequency of mutation increases at the base of the leaf. In any given region of the lamina the frequency of mutation is highest in interveinal regions, and is relatively low near the margin. Thus, both the orientation and frequency of cell division at the leaf margin indicate that this region plays a minor role in the growth of the lamina.Abbreviation MF mutation frequency  相似文献   
Salmonella typhimurium and Drosophila melanogaster were exposed to continuous wave (CW) 2.45-GHz electromagnetic radiation, pulsed 3.10-GHz electromagnetic radiation, CW 27.12-MHz magnetic fields, or CW 27.12-MHz electric fields (only Drosophila). The temperatures of the treated sample and the nonexposed control sample were kept constant. The temperature difference between exposed and control samples was less than +/- 0.3 degrees C. Ames' assays were made on bacteria that had been exposed to microwaves (SAR 60-130 W/kg) or RF fields (SAR up to 20 W/kg) when growing exponentially in nutrient broth. Survival and number of induced revertants to histidine prototrophy were determined by common plating techniques on rich and minimal agar plates. The Drosophila test consisted of a sensitive somatic system where the mutagenicity was measured by means of mutations in a gene-controlling eye pigmentation. In none of these test systems did microwave or radiofrequency fields induce an elevated mutation frequency. However, a significantly higher concentration of cells was found in the bacterial cultures exposed to the 27-MHz magnetic field or 2.45-GHz CW and 3.10-GHz pulsed microwave radiation.  相似文献   
Summary We have obtained a revised estimate of the pattern of point mutation by considering more pseudogene sequences. Compared with our previous estimate, it agrees better with expectations based on the double-strand structure of DNA. The revised pattern, like the previous one, indicates that mutation occurs nonrandomly among the four nucleotides. In particular, the proportion of transitional mutations (59%) is almost twice as high as the value (33%) expected under random mutation. The same high proportion of transitions is observed in synonymous substitutions in genes. The proportion of transitional changes observed among electrophoretic variants of human hemoglobin is about the same as that predicted by the revised pattern of mutation. We also show that nonrandom mutation increases, by about 15%, the proportion of synonymous mutations due to single-nucleotide changes in the codon table, and increases, from 10% to 50%, the rate of synonymous mutation in the seven genes studied. However, nonrandom mutation reduces (by about 10%) the proportion of polar changes among nonsynonymous mutations in a gene. As far as single-nucleotide changes (in the codon table) are concerned, nonrandom mutation only slightly favors relatively conservative amino acid interchanges, and has virtually no effect on the proportions of radical changes and nonsense mutations.  相似文献   
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