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We studied the effect of four weeding regimes (weed free, one manual weeding, one manual weeding+atrazine, and a weedy check) on larval density and leaf defoliation in four pear millet genotypes by the larvae of Oriental armyworm, Mythimna separata. Data were also recorded on the extent of larval parasitism under different weeding regimes, and the parasitoids involved. The leaf damage and larval densities were lower in weed free plots as compared to the weedy plots. This was also reflected in grain yield, as maximum grain yield was recorded in weed-free plots as compared to the weedy plots. Seven parasitoids (Cotesia ruficrus, Metopius rufus, Sturmiopsis inferens, Palexorista solemnis, P. laxa, Carcelia sp., and the entomopathogenic nematode Neoplectana sp. were recorded from M. separata larvae, of which M. rufus, Carceliasp., and Neoplectanasp. were the most abundant. Parasitism by M. rufus was greater in plots with a weed cover and least in weed-free plots, while parasitsm by Carcelia sp. was lower in plots with one hand weeding than in weedy plots. Numerically, parasitism by Neopletana sp. was low in plots treated with atrazine, and maximum in plots weeded manually. Therefore, the minimum level of weeding, which does not affect the crop adversely should be undertaken to promote the biological control of M. separata in pearl millet.  相似文献   
由显微光度图像分析与细胞化学技术对不同实验材料和不同培养时期谷子胚性细胞系的谷氨酸脱氢酶(GDH)细胞类型分布表明:从单细胞群体水平(细胞类型分布)研究胚性细胞系可以比较准确地了解其所处的生理状态;胚性细胞系的细胞类型分布可以作为其是否适于原生质体培养的指标之一;细胞类型分布也适用于组织培养和原生质体培养一些问题的研究。  相似文献   
Abiotic stresses constitute a serious threats to the world food security as they cause significant economic losses in terms of reduction in crop productivity and also greatly limit the geographical locations where crops can be grown. Exposure to abiotic stress causes over-production of reactive oxygen species, leading to oxidative stress in plants. Induction of oxidative stress is primarily responsible for a variety of detrimental changes in the cellular physiology. However, plants have evolved intricate anti-oxidative defence machinery, for their survival under stress. Plant defence strategies for stress tolerance rely on the expression of anti-oxidative genes required for scavenging the toxic reactive oxygen species. Monodehydroascorbate reductase is one of the key anti-oxidant enzyme responsible for scavenging reactive oxygen species. In the present study, efforts have been made to understand the role of monodehydroascorbate reductase in finger millet under different abiotic stresses (drought, salt and UV radiation). The study establishes a differential link between mdar gene expression and enzyme activity under oxidative stress that is validated under different types of imposed stresses. Alteration in correlation between gene expression and enzyme activities under varying magnitude of oxidative stress is elucidated.  相似文献   
Field trials in which seed dressing with Apron Star 42 WS (metalaxyl-M) was tested on five pearl millet cultivars were laid at Gashua (Sahel) and Maiduguri (Sudan Savanna) for three wet seasons (1998–2000). Using the split-plot design, seed dressing and cultivars were tested in main- and sub-plots, respectively. Results showed that at each location and season, there was significantly high seedling emergence and grain yield but lower downy mildew incidence as a result of seed dressing with metalaxyl-M compared with check. Among the cultivars tested, SOSAT C-88 had significantly lower downy mildew incidence and the highest grain yield during the three seasons. Dressed with metalaxyl-M, other cultivars had lower downy mildew and higher grain yield than undressed check. It is therefore important that pearl millet should be dressed with metalaxyl as routine practice before cultivation in the arid area of Nigeria.  相似文献   
Hydroxyproline-rich glycoproteins (HRGPs) are important plant cell wall structural components, which are also involved in response to pathogen attack. In pearl millet, deposition and cross-linking of HRGPs in plant cell walls was shown to contribute to the formation of resistance barriers against the phytopathogenic oomycete Sclerospora graminicola. In the present study, the purification and characterization of HRGPs that accumulated in coleoptiles of pearl millet seedlings in response to S. graminicola inoculation has been carried out. Periodic acid Schiff's staining revealed that the purified protein was a glycoprotein. The protein to carbohydrate ratio was determined to be 95.5%:4.5% (w/w). Proline amounted for 20 mol% of the total amino acids as indicated by amino acid composition analysis. The isolated protein had a pI of 9.8 and was shown to be composed of subunits of 27, 17, and 14 kDa. Cross reactivity with the monoclonal antibody MAC 265 and the presence of the signature amino acid sequence, PVYK, strongly suggested to classify the purified glycoprotein as a member of the P/HRGPs class. In the presence of horseradish peroxidase and H2O2 the purified glycoprotein served as a substrate for oxidative cross-linking processes.  相似文献   
Pearl millet (Pennisetum glaucum L. Br.) is the most important crop in India and Africa. Downy mildew disease of pearl millet caused by the oomycetous fungus Sclerospora graminicola (Sacc.) Schroet., is the major biological constraint in the production of pearl millet. Plasma membrane H+-ATPase is induced in resistant pearl millet against downy mildew pathogen. Sodium orthovanadate, an inhibitor of H+-ATPase, was used in this study to understand its effect on other known defence responses in pearl millet including H+-ATPase. Results suggest that vanadate down-regulates all defence responses tested, such as H+-ATPase (53 ± 5.0%), peroxidase (36 ± 5.6%), phenylalanine ammonia lyase (43 ± 4.5%), β-1,3 glucanase (25 ± 4.2%), lytic activity (32 ± 3.0%), hypersensitive response (57 ± 4.3%) and pathogen colonisation. These data indicate that the plasma membrane H+-ATPase may be a key step in the signaling pathway leading to defence activation in pearl millet against downy mildew disease.  相似文献   
Summary Pearl millet, Pennisetum americanum L. Leeke-napiergrass, Pennisetum purpureum Schum. amphiploids (2n=42) were crossed with pearl millet X Pennisetum squamulatum Fresen. interspecific hybrids (2n=41) to study the potential of germplasm transfer from wild Pennisetum species to pearl millet. These two interspecific hybrids were highly cross-compatible and more than two thousand trispecific progenies were produced from 17 double crosses. All doublecross hybrids were perennial and showed a wide range of morphological variations intermediate to both parents in vegetative and inflorescence characteristics. Some crosses resulted in sublethal progenies. Chromosomes paired mainly as bivalents (¯x15.88) or remained as univalents. At metaphase I, trivalents, quadrivalents, an occasional hexavalent and a high frequency of bivalents indicated some homeology among the genomes of the three species. Delayed separation of bivalents, unequal segregation of multivalents, lagging chromosomes, and chromatin bridges were observed at anaphase I. Although approximately 93% of the double-cross hybrids were male-sterile, pollen stainability in male-fertile plants ranged up to 94%. Seed set ranged from 0 to 37 seed per inflorescence in 71 plants under open-pollinated conditions. Apomictic embryo sac development was observed in double-cross progenies when crosses involved a pearl millet x P. squamulatum apomictic hybrid as pollen parent. These new double-cross hybrids may serve as bridging hybrids to transfer genes controlling apomixis and other plant characteristics from the wild Pennisetum species to pearl millet.  相似文献   
糜子(Panicum miliaceum)生育期短、水分利用率高、耐盐碱、耐虫害,是种植业结构调整中的重要作物。糜子富含淀粉、蛋白质、必需氨基酸、不饱和脂肪酸、维生素(烟酸、B族维生素和叶酸等)、矿物质(磷、钙、锌和铁)、膳食纤维和酚类物质等,是麸质过敏人群的理想食物(无谷蛋白食物)。此外,糜子还具有降血糖、消炎及预防心脑血管疾病等功效。因此,作为环境友好型和营养保健型谷物,糜子可成为未来我国应对隐性饥饿的智慧食物。该文从糜子外观、营养和加工品质的角度,总结糜子品质研究进展,旨在为糜子品质研究及加工利用提供参考。  相似文献   
Two linked genes, Adh1 and Adh2, specify three sets of ADH isozymes in pearl millet. Set I is a homodimer specified by Adh1, Set III is a homodimer specified by Adh2, and Set II is a heterodimer consisting of one ADH1 subunit and one ADH2 subunit. Dry seeds exhibit only Sets I and II. Anaerobic treatment of seeds greatly increases the activity of Sets I and II and causes the Set III isozymes to be expressed. In the investigation reported here, the ADH zymogram phenotypes of 112 inbred pearl millet lines were analyzed. Two kinds of naturally occurring ADH variant strains were observed: in the low-activity variant, Set II activity is low in the dry seed, and no Set III activity is present upon anaerobic treatment. In the high-activity variant, Set II activity is high and Set III isozymes are expressed in the dry seed. The mutation in the high-activity strain appears to affect the product of Adh2 and not the product of Adh1. Dominance tests show that the mutations in both types of variant strains act in cis. These observations and linkage tests indicate that the mutations are closely linked to or at the Adh2 locus.This work was supported by a PHS National Research Service Award Training Grant in Genetics to the Biology Department of the University of Oregon.  相似文献   
An efficient somatic embryogenesis and plant regeneration system was developed from shoot apex explants of finger millet, Eleusine coracana. Eight genotypes, CO 7, CO 9, CO 13, CO 14, GPU 26, GPU 28, GPU 45, and GPU 48, were assessed in this study. The maximum somatic embryogenic induction, at 98.6%, was obtained from explants cultured on Murashige and Skoog medium supplemented with 18.0 μM dichlorophenoxyacetic acid and 2.3 μM kinetin. The highest number of shoot induction (26) was observed after transfer of embryonic callus to regeneration medium supplemented with 4.5 μM thidiazuran and 4.6 μM kinetin. Significant differences were observed between genotypes for somatic embryogenesis and plant regeneration. GPU 45 gave the best response, while CO 7 was the least responsive under the culture conditions tested in this study. Regenerated plants were successfully rooted and grown to maturity after hardening in soil.  相似文献   
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