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The internal organization of myofibers and connective tissues has important physiologic implications for muscle function and for naturalistic behavior. In this study of forelimb muscle morphology and primate locomotion, fiber architecture is examined in the intrinsic muscles of the shoulder (musculi deltoideus, infraspinatus, supraspinatus, subscapularis, teres major, and t. minor) and arm (m. coracobrachialis, biceps brachii, brachialis, and triceps brachii) in the semiterrestrial vervets (Chlorocebus aethiops) and arboreal red-tailed guenons (Cercopithecus ascanius). Wet weights and lengths of whole muscles, lengths of fasciculi and their associated proximal and distal tendons, and angles of pinnation were measured to estimate morphologic correlates of physiologic properties of individual muscles: force, velocity/excursion, energy expense, and relative isometric or isotonic contraction. Neither mean total-shoulder:total-arm ratios for muscle mass nor total reduced physiological cross-sectional area exhibited significant (P < 0.05) interspecific differences, thus emphasizing the importance of fine-tuning musculoskeletal analyses by the data collected here. The results generally support those previously published for quadriceps femoris and triceps surae of the hind limb in these species (Anapol and Barry [1996] Am. J. Phys. Anthropol. 99:429-447). The fiber architecture of the semiterrestrial vervets is largely suited for higher velocity while running on the ground. By contrast, the architectural configuration of red-tailed monkeys implies relatively isometric muscle contraction and passive storage of elastic strain energy for exploitation of the compliant canopy, where substrate components are situated beneath the sagittal plane of the animal. With respect to relative distribution of maximum potential force output among muscles of either shoulder or arm groups in these otherwise hind limb-dominated quadrupedal primates, statistically significant interspecific differences are best interpreted in light of braking, climbing, and, for vervets, the transition between ground and canopy.The interspecific differences shown here for the intrinsic muscles of the shoulder and arm underscore the significance of intramuscular morphology in reconciling structure and function with regard to locomotor behavior. Its analysis and interpretation lend support to consideration of "semiterrestrial" as a bona fide locomotor category uniquely different from what is practiced by dedicated arboreal and terrestrial quadrupeds that occasionally visit the habitat of one another. Data from a more committed terrestrial species would clarify this enigma.  相似文献   
Birth of 'human-specific' genes during primate evolution   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
Nahon JL 《Genetica》2003,118(2-3):193-208
Humans and other Anthropoids share very similar chromosome structure and genomic sequence as seen in the 98.5% homology at the DNA level between us and Great Apes. However, anatomical and behavioral traits distinguish Homo sapiens from his closest relatives. I review here several recent studies that address the issue by using different approaches: large-scale sequence comparison (first release) between human and chimpanzee, characterization of recent segmental duplications in the human genome and analysis of exemplary gene families. As a major breakthrough in the field, the heretical concept of human-specific genes has recently received some supporting data. In addition, specific chromosomal regions have been mapped that display all the features of gene nurseries and could have played a major role in gene innovation and speciation during primate evolution. A model is proposed that integrates all known molecular mechanisms that can create new genes in the human lineage.  相似文献   
Six different species of nonhuman primates housed at the CIRMF Primate Center, cynomolgus monkeys (Macaca fascicularis), rhesus monkeys (Macaca mulatta), mandrills (Mandrillus sphinx), vervets (Cercopithecus aethiops pygerythrus), chimpanzees (Pan troglodyte) and baboons (Papio hamadryas), were evaluated for their natural killer cell activity and for the ability of their peripheral blood mononuclear cells to proliferate in response to known mitogens (concanavalin A, phytohemagglutinin and staphylococcal enterotoxin A) and to react with a panel of mouse monoclonal antibodies directed against human leukocyte surface antigens. Basic information on normal immune functions in these primates is important because of their use as experimental animal models for the study of human diseases such as acquired immunodeficiency syndrome (AIDS), hepatitis, loiasis and malaria.  相似文献   
Surridge AK  Mundy NI 《Molecular ecology》2002,11(10):2157-2169
Many New World (NW) primates possess a remarkable polymorphism in an X-linked locus, which encodes for the visual pigments (opsins) used for colour vision. Females that are heterozygous for opsin alleles of different spectral sensitivity at this locus have trichromatic colour vision, whereas homozygous females and males are dichromatic, with poor colour discrimination in the red-green range. Here we describe an extensive survey of allelic variation in both exons and introns at this locus within and among species of the Callitrichines (marmosets and tamarins). All five genera of Callitrichines have the X-linked polymorphism, and only the three functional allelic classes described previously (with maximum wavelength sensitivities at about 543 nm, 556 nm and 563 nm) were found among the 16 species and 233 or more X-chromosomes sampled. In spite of the homogenizing effects of gene conversion, phylogenetic analyses provide direct evidence for trans-specific evolution of alleles over time periods of at least 5-6 million years, and up to 14 million years (estimated from independent phylogenies). These conclusions are supported by the distribution of insertions and deletions in introns. The maintenance of polymorphism over these time periods requires an adaptive explanation, which must involve a heterozygote advantage for trichromats. The lack of detection of alleles that are recombinant for spectral sensitivity suggests that such alleles are suboptimal. The two main hypotheses for the selective advantage of trichromacy in primates are frugivory for ripe fruits and folivory for young leaves. The latter can be discounted in Callitrichines, as they are not folivorous.  相似文献   
Spontaneous amyloidosis occurs in many nonhuman primate species but remains difficult to diagnose and treat. Nonhuman primates continue to offer promise as animal models in which to study amyloidosis in humans. Amyloidosis was not diagnosed clinically but was found histologically in four male and 36 female baboons. The baboons averaged 18 years of age at death (range, 7-28 years). Clinical signs, if present, were hyperglycemia and cachexia. Blood glucose values were elevated in 12 of 30 baboons with available clinical pathology data. Four baboons had been clinically diagnosed as diabetic and three were treated with insulin. Amyloid was found in the islets of Langerhans of the pancreas in 40 baboons; 35 baboons had amyloid only in the islets of Langerhans. Amyloid was found in nonislet tissue of baboons as follows: five, nonislet pancreas; four, intestine and adrenal; three, kidney; two, prostate and spleen; and one each, lymph node, liver, gall bladder, stomach, tongue, urinary bladder, and salivary gland. Sections of paraffin-embedded tissues were evaluated for amyloid with hematoxylin and eosin (HE) and congo red (CR) staining, and using immunohistochemistry for human islet amyloid polypeptide (IAPP), calcitonin gene-related peptide (CGRP), glucagon, pancreatic polypeptide (PP), somatostatin (SS), and porcine insulin. Islet amyloid was positive with HE in 40 baboons, with CR in 39 baboons, and with IAPP and CGRP in 35 baboons. IAPP and CGRP only stained islet amyloid. PP, SS, glucagon, and porcine insulin did not stain amyloid. Islet amyloidosis in the baboon appears to be difficult to diagnose clinically, age-related, and similar to islet amyloidosis in other species. The baboon may be a good model for the study of islet amyloidosis in humans.  相似文献   
The taxonomic affinities of the Eppelsheim femur, known as Paidopithex, have been unclear for more than a century. Over the years, due to similarities with Pliopithecus, some authors have considered it a large pliopithecid, while others refer to it as Dryopithecus. The issue could not be resolved, because no definitive Dryopithecus femora were available. With the discovery of the Dryopithecus laietanus skeleton from Can Llobateres (CLl 18800), it has become possible to test the attribution of the Eppelsheim femur to Dryopithecus on the basis of direct morphological and metrical comparisons. By means of allometric techniques, we show that the Eppelsheim and D. laietanus femora fit different hindlimb morphologies with regard to relative length and relative head/neck size, with Paidopithex significantly differing from Dryopithecus, but more closely resembling Pliopithecus. Paidopithex also differs from Dryopithecus in other important aspects, such as its lower neck/shaft angle, lack of elevation of the femoral head above the greater trochanter, more posteriorly oriented lesser trochanter, and proximal shaft diameter thicker anteroposteriorly than mediolaterally. In these features, Paidopithex most closely resembles Pliopithecus in spite of differences in body mass (ca. 22 kg vs. ca. 10 kg, respectively). These features suggest that Paidopithex used a primitive locomotor pattern associated with arboreal quadrupedalism, instead of the more derived pattern displayed by Dryopithecus. Currently available evidence confirms that the attribution of Paidopithex to Dryopithecus can be rejected. Paidopithex could be a large and otherwise unknown pliopithecid, but the possibility cannot be ruled out that it represents a third kind of catarrhine.  相似文献   
To compare physiological and developmental differences between two cogeneric species that differ by seasonal vs. aseasonal breeding, values for morphological measurements, testicular volume, serum testosterone, estradiol, and dehydroepiandrosterone-sulfate levels were obtained from 53 rhesus during the early breeding season, as well as 41 pig-tailed macaque males maintained at the Tulane Primate Center. The two species exhibited similar body size, testosterone, and estradiol levels, but differed substantially in testicular volume (3.00 +/- 1.7 vs. 1.72 +/- 1.3 cc), abdominal skinfold measures (15.7 +/- 9.2 vs. 9.0 +/- 7.7 mm), and DHEA-S levels (18.0 +/- 11.7 vs. 7.6 +/- 5.4 microg/dl). Significant interaction effects for species by age group were found for weight, tricep circumference, length, and estradiol level. In addition, length was more closely related to testicular volume among rhesus compared to pig-tailed macaques, suggesting different developmental patterns between the species. Predictors of hormonal levels differed between the two species. In the rhesus, estradiol levels were related to testicular volume and testosterone levels while there were no anthropometric predictors of testosterone or DHEA-S. For the pig-tailed macaques, testicular volume was related to tricep circumference, testosterone to triceps skinfold and testicular volume, and estradiol to weight. It is argued that rhesus have larger testes for body size and more abdominal fat deposits during the early breeding season relative to pig-tailed macaques reflecting the increased demands of sperm competition in a seasonally breeding species. Hormonal differences associated with the difference in breeding system appear to be primarily related to adrenal rather than testicular activity.  相似文献   
We have evaluated the molecular evolution of the chemokine receptor CCR5 in primates. The chemokine receptor CCR5 serves as a major co-receptor for human immunodeficiency virus/simian immunodeficiency virus (HIV/SIV) infection. Knowledge of evolution of the CCR5 molecule and selection on the CCR5 gene may shed light on its functional role. The comparison of differences between intraspecific polymorphisms and interspecific fixed substitutions provides useful information regarding modes of selection during the course of evolution. There is marked polymorphism in the CCR5 gene sequence within different primate species, whereas sequence divergence between different species is small. By using contingency tests, we compared synonymous (SS) and nonsynonymous (NS) CCR5 mutations occurring within and between a broad range of primates. Our results demonstrate that CCR5 evolution did not follow expectations of strict neutrality at the level of the whole gene. The proportion of NS to SS at the intraspecific level was significantly higher than that observed at the interspecific level. These results suggest that most CCR5 NS polymorphisms are slightly deleterious. However, at domains more closely correlated with its known biological functions, there was no obvious evidence to support deviation from neutrality.  相似文献   
The new world primate Aotus sp. has been recommended by the World Health Organization as a model for evaluation of malaria vaccine candidates, given its susceptibility to experimental infection with the human malaria parasites Plasmodium falciparum and P. vivax. The present study examined the in vitro proliferative response of peripheral blood mononuclear cells (PBMCs) isolated from Aotus monkeys, utilizing a wide range of mitogens. Results presented herein demonstrate that the in vitro proliferative response of PBMCs from the Aotus sp. is quite variable from monkey to monkey for each of the mitogens assessed. PBMCs from the Aotus monkey exhibited a delayed kinetic proliferative response and, particularly, a different sensitivity to proliferation in response to various concentrations of Phytohemagglutinin-P and favin lectins, the phorbol ester Phorbol myristate acetate and the calcium ionophore ionomycin. Altogether, our findings are consistent with the conclusion that the in vitro proliferative response of PBMCs from the Aotus differ in their activation requirements compared with PBMCs from humans.  相似文献   
The opportunity to study the effects of a powerful hurricane on monkey populations, diet, and behavior via pre- and post-hurricane data was presented when hurricane Iris virtually destroyed the forest along Monkey River in southern Belize on October 8, 2001, including a 52-ha area where black howlers have been subjects since 1999. Before the hurricane, 8 social groups, averaging 6.37 members, had been stable in both group composition and range for q 2 years. The hurricane, which levelled much of the forest, resulted in the complete loss of the forest canopy. The trees that remained standing lost most or all branches and were 100% defoliated. The monkey population in the study area was reduced by 42% and survivers experienced a period of extended social disorganization involving transient individuals, high numbers of solitary monkeys, and small fragmentary social groups. The period of disorganization lasted 12 weeks, after which the number of solitaries reduced and stability of the large groups increased. Within the study area, 5 social groups have been more or less stable since ca. week 15; however, home ranges had yet to stabilize at week 35. The social and ranging effects are similar to what has been described for translocated primates. Post-hurricane diet was limited to fruit and leaves remaining in the deadfall for the first 2 weeks and to new leaves and leaf buds for many weeks after that. Normal fruit consumption in April and May was prevented by the failure of surviving trees to produce fruit. With the loss of forest canopy there has been increased use of low foliage and ground travel, and with the reduction in population density there has been a reduction in vocalization frequency.  相似文献   
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