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Alternate partial root zone irrigation (APRI) is a new water-saving irrigation technique. It can reduce irrigation water and transpiration without reduction in crop yield, thus increase water and nutrient use efficiency. Understanding of soil moisture distribution and dynamic under the alternate partial root zone drip irrigation (APDI) can help to develop the efficient irrigation schemes. In this paper, a two-dimensional (2D) root water uptake model was proposed based on soil water dynamic and root distribution of grape vine, and a function of soil evaporation related to soil water content was defined under the APDI. Then the soil water dynamic model of APDI (APRI-model) was developed based on the 2D root water uptake model and soil evaporation function combined with average measured soil moisture content at 0–10 cm soil layer. Soil water dynamic in APDI was respectively simulated by Hydrus-2D model and APRI-model. The simulated soil water contents by two models were compared with the measured value. The results showed that the values of root-mean-square-error (RMSE) range from 0.01 to 0.022 cm3/cm3 for APRI-model, and from 0.012 to 0.031 cm3/cm3 for Hydrus-2D model. The average relative error between the simulated and measured soil water content is about 10% for APRI-model, and from 11% to 29% for Hydrus-2D model, indicating that two models perform well in simulating soil moisture dynamic under the APDI, but the APRI-model is more suitable for modeling the soil water dynamic in the arid region with greater soil evaporation and uneven root distribution.  相似文献   
The analysis of 12 microsatellite loci in 16 native populations of Salmo trutta from Duero basin evidenced a strong genetic differentiation in accordance with the existence of two divergent Atlantic mtDNA lineages, Atlantic (AT) and Duero (DU). These lineages were observed spatially segregated mainly in the Lower-course and in the inner part of the basin. Unlike previous isozyme information, microsatellite data suggested a more downstream location of the sharpest genetic divergence in Duero basin and a more complex structure in the inward area. Putative hybrid populations evidenced higher Hardy–Weinberg and gametic disequilibria than pure ones (Pisuerga, Lower-course), not explained by mixture due to differential immigration pattern across the basin. Hybridization indexes suggested a bimodal pattern of hybridization and a higher weight of Pisuerga region in the genetic composition of hybrid samples in accordance with mtDNA data. The results suggested a limited introgression between AT and DU lineages. Taking into account the time of divergence between both lineages, selection and/or genetic incompatibility appeared necessary to explain the genetic structure observed and the ancient location of DU lineage restricted to this area.  相似文献   
BACKGROUND AND AIMS: Despite the recent enormous increase in the number of studies on polyploid species, no studies to date have explored the population dynamics of these taxa. It is thus not known whether the commonly reported differences in single life-history traits between taxa of different ploidy levels result in differences in population dynamics. METHODS: This study explores differences in single life-history traits and in the complete life cycle between populations of different ploidy levels and compares these differences with differences observed between different habitat types and years. Diploid and hexaploid populations of a perennial herb, Aster amellus, are used as the study system. Transition matrix models were used to describe the dynamics of the populations, and population growth rates, elasticity values and life-table response experiments were used to compare the dynamics between populations and years. KEY RESULTS: The results indicate that between-year variation in population dynamics is much larger than variation between different ploidy levels and different habitat conditions. Significant differences exist, however, in the structure of the transition matrices, indicating that the dynamics of the different ploidy levels are different. Strong differences in probability of extinction of local populations were also found, with hexaploid populations having higher probability than diploid populations, indicating strong potential differences in persistence of these populations. CONCLUSIONS: This is the first study on complete population dynamics of plants of different ploidy levels. This knowledge will help to understand the ability of new ploidy levels to spread into new areas and persist there, and the interactions of different ploidy levels in secondary contact zones. This knowledge will also contribute to understanding of interactions of different ploidy levels with other plant species or other interacting organisms such as pollinators or herbivores.  相似文献   
基于资源与环境保护的煤炭开发功能区划   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
耿海清 《生态学杂志》2007,26(5):732-736
以往的煤炭开发规划,均未充分考虑发展循环经济和加强生态保护等因素,不利于统筹安排区域层次上的环境保护工作.本文在综合分析区域生态状况、区位条件和经济发展水平等因素的基础上,以资源和环境保护为出发点,将全国的煤炭资源富集区划分为重点开发区、适度开发区和限制开发区3种功能区.结合自然地理条件和生态特征,进一步划分为黄土高原丘陵沟壑区、平原矿粮复合区、云贵山地丘陵区、西北荒漠草原区和蒙东森林草原、草甸草原区等5种典型类型区,针对不同的分区,分别提出了相应的环境保护对策.  相似文献   
米草属引入中国海岸带的利弊分析   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
张秀玲 《生态学杂志》2007,26(11):1878-1883
1963年以来,中国先后从国外引进3种米草。实践证明,大米草和互花米草是盐渍土壤植物群落形成的先锋植物,适应于中国海岸带自然环境,生长发育正常,具有明显的促淤造陆和保护海岸等生态功能,并具有显著的经济效益.大米草和互花米草在南方海岸繁殖过快是近岸水体富营养化的结果,但并未对环境、动植物种群和人类构成侵害,其在北方海岸未发生异常现象,故应客观地评估米草的功与过。本文从利弊2个方面对中国海岸滩涂引入米草进行了分析。  相似文献   
Hypoxoside is a norlignan diglucoside present in the corms of African potato, Hypoxis hemerocallidea, used as a popular African traditional medicine for its nutritional and immune boosting properties. A specific analytical method employing capillary zone electrophoresis has been developed and validated for the quantitative determination of this analyte. Sulfafurazole was used as internal standard, and electrophoretic separation of both analytes could be achieved within 12 min. Linearity of the method was established within the range 5-60 microg/mL and provided a high degree of accuracy (100 +/- 3%). The recovery of the method was found to be 100 +/- 5% and the RSDs of the intra- and inter-day precision were better than 5.19 and 2.52%, respectively. The limits of detection and quantification were calculated to be 0.5 and 2 microg/mL, respectively. The described method was used for the analysis and quality control of two commercially available products containing African potato. The method can also be used to determine product stability since it could separate the hypoxoside peak from its degraded products obtained from degradation studies.  相似文献   
The effects of different land use types on nutrient and chemical run-off have been widely researched, but the total effect of change in land use on the aquatic species community is not well-known. For this study we researched the effect of land use change on the vascular plant communities in lakes. The study was conducted with aerial photographs and GIS-techniques in the countryside of central Finland. We compared the change in vascular plant species community structure with the change in land use around 25 lakes, between the years 1933–1934 and 1996. The change in land use was analyzed in two different riparian zones. We found several indications of links between changes in land use and aquatic vascular plant species. According to our data a decrease in agricultural land use, in particular fields and meadows, appears to influence species turnover and increases the number of new vascular plant species. When the changes in fields and meadows were added together and compared to the change in species turnover, the correlation was even more evident. Changes in land use types in a zone 0–100 m from the lake shoreline correlated with a change in vascular plant species more often than changes in a larger, adjacent zone, 100–400 m from the shore. This indicates that changes in the few hundred meters nearest the lake have the most elemental consequences for aquatic vascular plant species, giving an indication of the breadth of the protection zones needed between freshwaters and agricultural lands.  相似文献   
Seasonal dynamics in fish assemblage structure, comprising postlarval to early adult stages, in the surf zone on an exposed sandy beach on the Kashimanada coast were studied over a 2-year period. A total of 32 species and two higher group taxa were found. In terms of abundance, Salangichthys ishikawae, Mugil cephalus cephalus, Plecoglossus altivelis altivelis, and Engraulis japonicus were the four most dominant species. The results of cluster analysis and canonical correspondence analysis using 12 dominant species in terms of abundance revealed that water temperature and wind factor (wind speed × wind direction) had significant independent associations on species occurrence patterns for 11 species; that is, occurrence of 11 species was significantly related to water temperature and occurrence of 7 species was related to wind factor. Two species (S. ishikawae and P. altivelis altivelis) showed clear monthly increases in size, consequently suggesting their use of the surf zone as a nursery area. In contrast, M. cephalus cephalus and E. japonicus showed few increases in standard length, indicating their use of the surf zone only in their postlarval and/or juvenile stage. It is suggested that numerous fish species use the surf zone as shelter and/or a nursery area, even in the harsh conditions of an exposed sandy beach with great wave action.  相似文献   
Although processes leading up to the point of synapse formation are fairly well understood, the precise sequence of events in which the membranes of two separate cells “lock in” to form a mature synaptic junctional complex is poorly understood. A careful study of the molecules operating at the synapse indicates that their roles are more multifarious than once imagined. In this review we posit that the synapse is a functional organelle with poorly defined boundaries and a complex biochemistry. The role of adhesion molecules, including the integration of their signaling and adhesive properties in the context of synaptic activity is discussed. Special issue dedicated to Anthony Campagnoni  相似文献   
We conducted 239.5 h and 3,494 km of cetacean surveys in the Amundsen and Bellingshausen seas, from 15 February to 31 March 1994; most of the area, the large portion of which was ice covered, had never before nor has it since been surveyed for cetaceans, even to the date when this paper was prepared (2006). Logistic regression and an information-theoretic approach related the occurrence of Antarctic minke whales Balaenoptera bonaerensis (the most abundant species) to whether we were in open- or pack-ice-covered pelagic or neritic waters, in or out of the marginal ice zone (MIZ), and north or south of the Antarctic Circumpolar Current southern boundary. Other variables included date and distance to the MIZ and shelfbreak front. Statistical analysis showed that the probability of sighting a minke, as well as killer whale—but not the case for an index to whale density—was related to the proximity of coastal polynyas in early autumn, switching offshore to the MIZ once waters within the pack began to freeze persistently later in the season. Probability of detection was higher with distance into the MIZ. Supporting these findings, the density index was strongly related to ice concentration in an inverse relationship. The strong relationship to polynyas and the MIZ indicate that sea-ice divergence altered by decadal or longer-term climate change, as described in the recent literature, could well affect any apparent, long-term trends evident in this species' abundance if surveyed only in open or near-to-ice waters. We speculate on how the minke whale's pagophilic nature (1) could have been encouraged by large-scale industrial whaling and by competition with species more characteristic of open waters and the outer MIZ, and (2) may have protected the population somewhat during industrial whaling resulting in the much greater abundance of this species now compared to other targeted species.  相似文献   
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