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Visible absorption and CD spectral and potentiometric studies on the His- and Tyr-containing ternary copper(II) complexes Cu(A)(L-B), where A refers to L-His, D-His, or L-Tyr and B to Lys, Tyr, Trp, Phe, Ala, Val, Arg, Glu, Asn, Gln, Ser, or Thr, were made to study ligand-ligand interactions in the complexes. While the CD spectral magnitudes in the d—d region are additive in the absence of side chain interactions and can be estimated from the magnitudes for the ternary systems involving DL-A or DL-B, deviation from the additivity was observed for Cu(L-His)(L-B) (B = LysH, Tyr, Trp, or Phe) and Cu(L-Tyr)(L-Trp). From the stability constants determined at 25 °C and I = 0.1 M (KNO3), the equilibrium constants, K, for the following hypothetical equilibria were calculated to be large (0.14–0.60) for formation of Cu(L-/D-His)(L-B)(B = Tyr or Trp) and Cu(D-His)(L-Phe) with Cu(en)(L-Ala) as standard: Cu(A)(L?Ala)+Cu(en)(L?b)?KCu(A)(L?B)+Cu(en)(L?Ala) The positive values indicate the stabilization due to the stacking between the imidazole ring of His and the aromatic side chain of L-B. Solvent dependence of the CD spectra for Cu(L-His)(L-LysH) and Cu(L-His) L-Trp) further supported the existence of the intramolecular electrostatic and hydrophobic interactions.  相似文献   
Summary Using the monotone dependence function (mdf) together with correlation coefficient it was found that the Ma-DNA content as well as total protein content are regularly, linearly, positively and strongly dependent in sister cells (proter-opisthe) ofChilodonella steini. Additionally it was shown that proter-opisthe ordering is irrelevant to Ma-DNA and protein contents.Analysis of sister cell generation times (TG) confirmed the existence of regular, linear, positive and strong codependence.The relations between Ma-DNA and total protein contents, between protein content and TG, and between Ma-DNA content and TG were also described. There is a weak, linear dependence between Ma-DNA and total protein contents. Relations of TG and Ma-DNA content or TG and total protein content are non-linear and not even monotone. Low and high levels of DNA or proteins are connected with long generation times.  相似文献   
Abstract. In controlled environments, the interactive effects of warm (16: 8°C, day: night) and cool (12: 4°C, day: night) temperatures and long (13.5 h) and short (10 h) photoperiods on the dehardening of seedlings of Pinus radiata D. Don were investigated. In another experiment, the effect of four photoperiods from 9 to 14 h was examined. In a third, dehardening at constant temperatures from 5 to 17°C was followed. There was no evidence for an interaction between photoperiod and temperature. Dehardening was temporarily delayed by photoperiods below about 10 h, but there was no other quantitative effect of photoperiod. At constant temperatures, the rate of dehardening was initially constant but declined as the minimum summer frost hardiness was reached. In the initial phase the rate of dehardening was a linear function of temperature, increasing from 0.05°C day−1 at 8°C to 0.30 °C day−1 at 17°C. Temperature controlled the loss of frost hardiness by regulating the rate of dehardening.  相似文献   
Synopsis Laboratory studies were conducted on 15 schools of blackchin shiners, Notropis heterodon, to determine if they altered their structure in response to changing environmental demands. The hypothesis tested was that fish schools should sacrifice a flat, hydrodynamically efficient structure in favour of an unobstructed visual field in the presence of a predator by staggering in the vertical plane. Ten schools were exposed for two weeks to a simple environment with only a current. For the next two-week period a predator was added. Five control schools were exposed to the simple environment for both two-week periods. Six of the ten treated schools increased their staggering in the vertical dimension as predicted while none of the control schools changed. This result was suggestive that hydrodynamic advantages were sacrificed. Respirometer experiments indicated these fish were capable of achieving some hydrodynamic benefits from schooling but these benefits may be a function of fish size.  相似文献   
生长在不同季节的菠萝叶膜脂脂肪酸的配比存在着明显差异;随着大气温度的下降,18:1含量显著减少,18:2和18:3含量增加。不同品种均表现出一致的变化趋势。致害低温破坏了膜脂,使较不抗寒品种的16:0含量增加,18:2和18:3含量减少;较抗寒品种这种变化则较不显著。适当低温锻炼能改变膜脂脂肪酸的代谢过程,16:0和18:1含量减少,18:3含量增加。当处于更低温度时,除了16:0和18:1继续减少外,有一部分18:2也脱饱和而转变为18:3。因之明显地增加了膜脂中18:3的含量和脂肪酸的不饱和度,从而有利于抗寒性的提高。而品种间的抗寒性差异亦是在此低温期间表现出来。  相似文献   
A direct radioimmunoassay for measuring urinary 20-hydroxyprogesterone cross-reactivity to monitor and assess luteal function and detect pregnancy in the lion-tailed macaque (Macaca silenus) is described. Urine samples were collected daily during ten nonconceptive and five conceptive ovarian cycles of five dult female lion-tailed macaques. Urine was analyzed for concentrations of 20α-hydroxypro-gesterone cross-reactivity, estrone conjugates, and creatinine. The strength of the luteal phase in normal nonconceptive cycles (n = 8) is characterized by a maximum sevenfold increase (day 9) in mean 20α-hydroxyprogesterone cross-reactivity over follicular phase levels; the duration, by a 13-day sustained elevation of mean 20α-hydroxyprogesterone cross-reactivity levels. Pregnancy is detectable from 20α-hydroxyprogesterone cross-reactivity values approximately 20 days after the periovulatory estrone conjugate peak (n = 4). Apparent anovulation (n = 1), extended follicular phase (n = 1), and early abortion (n = 1) also are detectable using 20α-hydroxyprogesterone cross-reactivity measurements.  相似文献   
Correlations in the baker map and the tent map as examples of one-dimensional, fully developed chaos are considered. It is shown, utilizing symbolic dynamical systems derived from these maps, that the vanishing second-order correlation function is not sufficient to guarantee uncorrelatedness. Importance of the higher-order, especially third-order, correlation functions is emphasized for chaotic systems. In search of the quantities that grasp correlational behaviors as a whole in chaotic systems, it is proposed to use the fixed-separation correlation integral, which is a modified quantity of the usual correlation integral devised to calculate the fractal dimension of strange attractors, for these maps. It is shown that the new quantity contains all the even-number orders of autocorrelation function that are commonly considered.  相似文献   
Analyses of human mortality data classified according to cause of death frequently are based on competing risk theory. In particular, the times to death for different causes often are assumed to be independent. In this paper, a competing risk model with a weaker assumption of conditional independence of the times to death, given an assumed stochastic covariate process, is developed and applied to cause specific mortality data from the Framingham Heart Study. The results generated under this conditional independence model are compared with analogous results under the standard marginal independence model. Under the assumption that this conditional independence model is valid, the comparison suggests that the standard model overestimates by 4% the effect on life expectancy at age 30 due to the hypothetical elimination of cancer and by 7% the effect for cardiovascular/cerebrovascular disease. By age 80 the overestimates were 11% for cancer and 16% for heart disease. These results suggest the importance of avoiding the marginal independence assumption when appropriate data are available — especially when focusing on mortality at advanced ages.  相似文献   
Abstract Three proteins from Halobacterium marismortui , malate dehydrogenase (hMDH), glutamate dehydrogenase (hGDH) and ferredoxin (hFD) were purified and characterized with respect to their molecular masses, amino acid composition and, for hFD only, primary structure. Striking features of halophilic proteins are: the high excess of acidic over basic residues; acidic clusters in the sequence. Low-salt concentration causes inactivation and changes in structural parameters of hMDH and hGDH. Reactivation of hMDH involves long-lived stable intermediates. The salt concentration optimum of enzymic activity is independent of salt nature. The high capacity of halophilic proteins to retain water and salt is due to unique molecular properties, studied by physico-chemical techniques.  相似文献   
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