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The morphology, the general physiological characteristics, and the energy-yielding metabolism of an obligately anaerobic spirochete isolated from the colon of a swine were studied. Electron microscopy showed that the helical spirochetal cells possessed an outer sheath, a protoplasmic cylinder, and 4 periplasmic fibrils in a 2-4-2 arrangement. The spirochete grew in an atmosphere of N2 in prereduced media containing a carbohydrate, NaHCO3, rumen fluid, yeast extract, peptone, l-cysteine, and inorganic salts. The spirochete fermented carbohydrates and required substrate amounts of CO2 (HCO 3 - ) for growth. Amino acids were not fermented. Major fermentation products of cells growing with glucose as the substrate and in the presence of CO2 were acetate, formate, succinate, and lactate. Small amounts of 2,3-butanediol, pyruvate, and acetoin were also formed. Determinations of enzymatic activities in cell extracts, and of radioactivity in products formed by growing cells from [1-14C]glucose, indicated that this sugar was dissimilated to pyruvate via the Embden-Meyerhof pathway. The spirochetes used a coliform-type clastic reaction to metabolize pyruvate. Determinations of radioactivity in products formed from [14C]NaHCO3 indicated that CO2 was assimilated and used in succinate production. The guanine+cytosine content of the DNA was 36 mol%. This study indicates that this intestinal spirochete represents a new species of Treponema. It is proposed that the new species be named Treponema succinifaciens.Abbreviations cpm counts per minute - DTT dithiothreitol - EM Embden-Meyerhof - GC guanine plus cytosine - IgG immunoglobulin G - PC protoplasmic cylinder - PF periplasmic fibrils (axial fibrils) - OS outer sheath  相似文献   
Cytochromes c 3 of different strains of sulfatereducing bacteria have been purified and tested for their capacity to reduce colloidal sulfur to hydrogen sulfide. The results are in good agreement with the activities reported for the whole cells. Cytochrome c 3 is the sulfur reductase of some strains of sulfate-reducing bacteria such as Desulfovibrio desulfuricans Norway 4 and sulfate-reducing bacterium strain 9974 from which the sulfur reductase activity can be purified with the cytochrome c 3. In contrast, Desulfovibrio vulgaris Hildenborough cytochrome c 3 is inhibited by the product of the reaction namely hydrogen sulfide. Chloramphenicol has no effect on the sulfur reductase activity of D. desulfuricans Norway 4 when resting cells grown on lactate-sulfate medium are put in the presence of colloidal sulfur. This shows that the sulfur reductase activity is constitutive and corresponds to the fact that colloidal sulfur grown cells do not contain more cytochrome c 3 (or another sulfur reductase) than lactate-sulfate-grown cells.  相似文献   
Presence of extrachromosomal DNa in Rhodopseudomonas capsulata strain BH9 was shown by the appearance of a satellite band in a dye-buoyant density gradient. Radioactively labelled DNA was prepared from this satellite band and examined on a 5–20% sucrose gradient. Three radioactive peaks with sedimentation coefficients of 100 S, 94 S, and 58–64 S, respectively, were consistently observed. Analysis of these sedimentation coefficients suggested that there are two species of plasmid DNA with molecular sizes of 94×106 daltons (named pBH91) and 74×106 daltons (named pBH92). The 58–64 S peak is attributed to open circular molecules. DNAs from each peak of the sucrose gradient were examined by electronmicroscopy, and the results agree closely with those of the sucrose gradient analysis. Reassociation kinetics of the plasmid DNA was also followed. Addition of total DNA of strain BH9 increased the renaturation rate of the plasmid DNA. It was calculated from the magnitude of the increase that approximately 10% of the BH9 total DNA may hybridize with the plasmid sequences. DNA prepared from the gene transfer agent (GTA) produced by R. capsulata increases the renaturation rate of the plasmid to the same extent as total DNA isolated from the GTA producing strain, Y262.  相似文献   
Summary Alkaline phosphatase (AP) is secreted into the medium when the carboxy-terminal 25 amino acids are replaced by the 60 amino acid carboxy-terminal signal peptide (HlyAs) ofEscherichia coli haemolysin (HlyA). Secretion of the AP-HlyAs fusion protein is dependent on HlyB and HlyD but independent of SecA and SecY. The efficiency of secretion by HlyB/HlyD is decreased when AP carries its own N-terminal signal peptide. Translocation of this fusion protein into the periplasm is not observed even in the absence of HlyB/HlyD. The failure of the Sec export machinery to transport the latter protein into the periplasm seems to be due in part to the loss of the carboxy-terminal sequence of AP since even AP derivatives which do not carry the HlyA signal peptide but lack the 25 C-terminal amino acids of AP are localized in the membrane but not translocated into the periplasm.  相似文献   
Three strains of new mesophilic homoacetogenic bacteria were enriched and isolated from sewage sludge and from marine sediment samples with methoxyacetate as sole organic substrate in a carbonate-buffered medium under anoxic conditions. Two freshwater isolates were motile, Gram-positive, non-sporeforming rods. The marine strain was an immotile, Gram-positive rod with a slime capsula. All strains utilized only the methyl residue of methoxyacetate and released glycolic acid. They also fermented methyl groups of methoxylated aromatic compounds and of betaine to acetate with growth yields of 6–10 g dry matter per mol methyl group. H2/CO2, formate, methanol, hexamethylene tetramine, as well as fructose, numerous organic acids, glycerol, ethylene glycol, and glycol ethers were fermented to acetate as well. High activities of carbon monoxide dehydrogenase (0.4–2.2 U x mg protein–1) were detected in all three isolates. The guanine-plus-cytosine-content of the DNA of the freshwater isolates was 42.7 and 44.4 mol %, with the marine isolate it was 47.7 mol %. The freshwater strains were assigned to the genus Acetobacterium as new strains of the species A. carbinolicum. One freshwater isolate, strain KoMac1, was deposited with the Deutsche Sammlung von Mikroorganismen GmbH, Braunschweig, under the number DSM 5193.  相似文献   
Two thermophilic bacteria, which are capable of growing on starch at 60-70 degrees C under anaerobic conditions, were isolated from a sugar refinery in Uelzen and from Solar lake in Israel. On the basis of their physiological characteristics they were identified as Clostridium thermohydrosulfuricum Uel 1 and C. thermohydrosulfuricum Sol 1, respectively. The product pattern of glucose polymer hydrolysis showed that both strains secreted enzymes that possess amylolytic and pullulytic activities. The major product formed was maltose. In addition, alpha-glucosidase activity could be detected in the supernatants of Uel 1 strain. Compared to most anaerobes investigated these isolates secreted extremely high concentrations of pullulanases in batch culture. Up to 85% of the total enzyme synthesized was detected in the culture fluid. Unlike the pullulanases of type I, which can only attack the alpha-1,6-glycosidic linkages, the pullulanases of both clostridial strains were also capable of hydrolyzing alpha-1,4-linkages. The enzyme system of both bacteria was found to be highly thermoactive; optimal activity was detected at pH 5.0 and 85 degrees C. Even at 95 degrees C and without the addition of metal ions still 15% to 25% of enzymatic activity was detectable.  相似文献   
Millions of metric tons of African desert dust blow across the Atlantic Ocean each year, blanketing the Caribbean and southeastern United States. Previous work in the Caribbean has shown that atmospheric samples collected during dust events contain living microbes, including plant and opportunistic human pathogens. To better understand the potential downwind public health and ecosystem effects of the dust microbes, it is important to characterize the source population. We describe 19 genera of bacteria and 3 genera of fungi isolated from air samples collected in Mali, a known source region for dust storms, and over which large dust storms travel.  相似文献   
Characteristics and occurrence of cytochrome c-552 from an aerobic photosynthetic bacterium, Roseobacter denitrificans, were described.Relative molecular mass of the cytrochrome was 13.5 kDa on sodium dodecyl sulfate-polyacrylamide gel electrophoresis (SDS-PAGE) and 15,000 by gel filtration. This cytochrome was a acidic protein having a pI of 5.6 and Em was +215 mV at pH 7.0. Absorption peaks were at 278, 408 and 524 nm in the oxidized form and 416, 523 and 552 nm in the reduced form.Amino acid composition and N-terminal amino acid sequence of cytochrome c-552 determined for 24 residues had low similarities to those of cytochrome c-551 of this bacterium, which is homologous to cytochrome c 2, although the physico-chemical properties of these two cytochromes were similar to each other.Cytochrome c-552 was maximally synthesized in the light under aerobic conditions but not in the dark. The synthesis also occurred in the presence of alternative acceptors such as trimethylamine N-oxide (TMAO) and nitrate under anaerobic conditions. Our results suggest that cytochrome c-552 is involved in TMAO respiration and denitrification in R. denitrificans, although the effect of light remains to be solved.Abbreviations Em Midpoint redox potential - PAGE Polyacrylamide ge electrophoresis - SDS-PAGE Sodium dodecyl sulfate polyacrylamide gel electrophoresis - TMAO Trimethylamine N-oxide  相似文献   
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