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The allocation of energy to growth and reproduction, in relation to temperature and food availability, was investigated in laboratory experiments with the mosquitofish,Gambusia affinis. At constant temperature of 20, 25 and 30°C and ad libitum feeding, specific growth rates increased with increasing temperature at 1.7, 3.1 and 3.4% dry mass day−1, respectively. Growth rates in a cycling temperature regime (20–30°C, ) were faster than in a 25°C constant temperature. As temperature increased from 20 to 30°C, mean age at first reproduction decreased from 191 to 56 days and brood size and mass of offspring increased significantly. Interbrood interval was also temperature dependent; estimates at 25 and 30°C for females >1000 mg were 22.6 and 18.6 days, respectively. Interbrood interval could not be calculated at 20°C. Although fitness was highest at 30°C, females at 25°C invested a greater proportion of surplus energy (growth and reproduction) to reproduction (38%) than at 20 (17%) or 30°C (36%) during the 32-week study. Fish at cooler temperatures began reproduction at a smaller size. Where rations were controlled at low, medium, and ad libitum levels, somatic and gonadal growth increased with increasing temperatures and food availability. The proportion of energy invested in reproduction was highest at 25°C for each comparable ration level. Calculated energy budgets indicated that over the 10-week study, 17–22% of the food energy was invested in growth, 0–7% in reproduction, and 75–83% in respiration and excretory losses, depending on feeding and temperature conditions.  相似文献   
Previous reports have demonstrated that systemic injection of cholecystokinin (CCK) in rats produces dose-related decreases in food intake, increases in neurohypophyseal secretion of oxytocin (OT), and decreases in gastric emptying. The present studies determined whether systemic injection of bombesin (BBS), another peptide that potently reduces food intake in rats, had similar effects on OT secretion and gastric emptying. Although BBS produces a dose-dependent inhibition of food intake, even very high doses did not significantly affect plasma OT levels and only slightly decreased rates of gastric emptying. Consequently, despite their similar inhibitory effects on food intake, BBS does not appear to activate the same network of central nervous system pathways as does CCK in rats. However, parallel studies in monkeys demonstrated that systemic injection of BBS was effective in stimulating neurohypophyseal secretion of vasopressin rather than OT, in a pattern both qualitatively and quantitatively analogous to the effects of CCK in this species. Together with previous findings that BBS more potently inhibits gastric emptying in primates than in rats, these results therefore also suggest the presence of significant species differences in the central mechanisms by which BBS acts to reduce food intake.  相似文献   
Summary Although inter- and intraspecific variation in egg size among amphibians has been well documented, the relationship between egg size and fitness remains unclear. Recent attempts to correlate egg size intraspecifically with larval developmental patterns have been equivocal. In this study the development of larvae derived from large eggs and small eggs, from a single population in Maryland were compared under a range of food levels and larval population densities. Both food level and density had significant effects on the length of the larval period and size at metamorphosis. However, the response among larvae derived from different egg sizes was not additive. At low densities and high food levels, larvae from small eggs had longer larval periods and a larger size at metamorphosis than larvae derived from large eggs. In contrast, at high densities larvae from small eggs had longer developmental periods but were smaller at metamorphosis than larvae from large eggs. In addition, larvae from small eggs were more sensitive to density irrespective of food level. These results suggest that optimal egg size is correlated with environmental factors, which may explain the maintenance of both geographic and within population variation in egg size commonly observed in amphibians.  相似文献   
Influence of the food plants ofHeliothis armigera (Hb.) on the degree of parasitism by exotic parasiteCotesia kazak Telenga (Hymenoptera: Braconidae) was studied in cages in the laboratory on 7 food plants such as cotton (Gossypium hirsutum L.), tomato (Lycopersicon esculentum Mill), okra [Abelmoschus esculentus (L.) Moench], Dolichos (dolichos lablab L.), pigeonpea [Cajanus cajan (L.) Millsp.], Cowpea (Vigna unquiculata (L.) and chickpea (Cicer arietium L.). To determine the preference of the parasite 2 test methods were employed. In single plant choice test cotton was most preferred. Next in order of preference were tomato and okra. Dolichos, pigeonpea, cowpea and chickpea were least preferred. In multiple choice test, however, cotton and okra were preferred followed by tomato. Parasites were seen visiting these plants very frequently and high parasitism was recorded on these plants. Chick pea, pigeon pea, cowpea and Dolichos were the least preferred food plants. There appears to be some difference in fecundity as affected by some food plants. Exposure on okra, cotton and tomato resulted in higher cocoon production as compared to pigeonpea, Dolichos, cowpea and chickpea. There was, however, no difference in sex-ratio and longevity of the progeny as affected by food plants. This exotic parasite should be released first in crops such as cotton, okra and tomato on whichH. armigera is a very serious pest in India and elsewhere. Contribution No. 140/86 of the Indian institute of Horticultural Research, Bangalore-560 089  相似文献   
Kubo producer-units (families and independent bachelors) could have been self-sufficient in the production of bananas but chose not to be. Nor did they seek self-sufficiency in the production of any combination of staple carbohydrate foods (bananas, tubers, sago flour) or, in the long term, strive for balance in the exchange of food with other producer-units. Despite the fact that bananas, which provided 50% of people's energy needs, were a delayed-return crop Kubo communities were very unstable. This instability and the failure to choose the option of self-sufficiency were connected and were mediated through intense intracommunity sharing that, ultimately, served to negotiate a concern with sorcery. The people grew bananas in the way they did, not out of environmental necessity, but to accommodate the crop to the needs of sharing and, thereby, facilitate community living.  相似文献   
Synopsis Changes in the daily appetite and weekly growth rates of individual adult minnows,Phoxinus phoxinus, on ad libitum rations were recorded before and after they had experienced 4 or 16 days of food restriction. Feeding levels during the restriction periods were either starvation or a maintenance ration. The latter was estimated from a previously determined regression model. Water temperature was 15°C and the photoperiod 9L15D in all experiments. The mean weight of fish used ranged from 1.06 to 2.15 g. The 4 day restriction had no detectable effects on appetite or growth. After the 16 day restriction, the minnows showed hyperphagia and had increased specific growth rates and growth efficiencies compared with control fish. The compensatory increases in appetite and growth were not sustained and within three weeks had declined to levels not significantly different from those of the control fish. At the end of the experiments, there were no significant differences between the mean weights or cumulative food consumption of the restricted and control groups. The results suggest that adult minnows regulate their appetite and growth rate in relation to their previous nutritional history.  相似文献   
The melanization response of Aedes trivittatus and the black-eyed Liverpool (LVP) and Rocke-feller (RKF) strains of Aedes aegypti against intrathoracically inoculated Brugia pahangi microfilariae (mff) that previously had penetrated LVP, RKF, or A. trivittatus midguts in vitro was assessed at 1, 3, and 5 days postinoculation (PI). LVP and RKF midgut-derived mff almost totally avoided the melanization response and developed normally in LVP strain A. aegypti, and although over 90% of these mff died by 5 days PI in RKF mosquitoes, the majority of these were not melanized. A. aegypti midgut-derived mff also were able to avoid the response of A. trivittatus in 33–43% of the cases. Penetration through A. trivittatus midguts, however, did not significantly affect the ability of mff to avoid the melanization response in any of the mosquitoes examined. Allogeneic and xenogeneic tissue inplants were accepted by all three mosquito species examined. Data presented support the hypothesis that mff avoid immune recognition in compatible mosquitoes by coating themselves with midgut material(s) during penetration of the midgut in their migration to the hemocoel.  相似文献   
Two groups ofAvahi laniger were studied in the Forêt de Analamozoatra near Perinet in the eastern rainforest of Madagascar from August to October 1984. Overlap between the home ranges of neighbouring groups ofA. laniger was minimal. Group size ranged from one to four individuals with a median group size of two. In four out of ten groups a baby was born between August and September.A. laniger were most active after dusk and before dawn. They had an extended resting period around midnight. Their diet consisted mostly of leaves from at least 17 different plant species. They also ate flowers. Fruit eating was recorded twice. Leaves eaten had high contents of protein and sugar but did not contain alkaloids. The concentration of condensed tannins did not differ between food items and non-food items. There was no indication of competition with other prosimians that might explain their nocturnality.  相似文献   
The present studies were undertaken to further assess the role of plasma beta-endorphin (beta-EP) in the hyperphagia induced by the glucose antimetabolite, 2-deoxy-D-glucose (2-DG). Plasma concentrations of immunoreactive beta-EP (ir-beta-EP) were measured at the end of the first hour of feeding in all animals treated with 400 mg/kg 2-DG. Previous studies had shown a consistent, positive association between 2-DG hyperphagia and plasma ir-beta-EP concentrations, but the present data revealed dissociations between hyperphagia and plasma ir-beta-EP. Dexamethasone administration blocked the 2-DG-induced rise in plasma ir-beta-EP, but had no effect on the 2-DG hyperphagia measured at 1 hour. Forced drinking of a 2% NaCl solution decreased 2-DG hyperphagia, but not the 2-DG induced rise in plasma ir-beta-EP. Thus, elevations in plasma ir-beta-EP are not necessary for the full expression of 2-DG-induced hyperphagia in dexamethasone-treated rats. Furthermore, decreased feeding responses to 2-DG could coexist with increased levels of plasma ir-beta-EP in NaCl-treated normal rats. Elevations in plasma ir-beta-EP do not appear to be the critical opiate link in 2-DG induced hyperphagia.  相似文献   
Synopsis Scaphirhynchus albus and S. platorynchus were studied in Missouri during 1978–1979 to assess their distribution and abundance, to obtain information on their life histories, and to identify existing or potential threats to their survival. S. platorynchus was collected in substantial numbers (4355 specimens) at all 12 sampling stations in the Missouri and Mississippi rivers, while only 11 S. albus were captured from 6 stations. Twelve specimens identified in the field as hybrids between the two species were captured from 4 stations. Morphometric and meristic comparisons of presumed hybrids with the parent species, using cluster and principal components analyses, demonstrated intermediacy of most specimens identified in the field as hybrids. Aquatic insects comprised most of the diet of S. platorynchus and S. albus, but S. albus and the hybrids had consumed considerable quantities of fish. S. albus grew more rapidly than S. platorynchus, while the growth of hybrids was intermediate. Hybridization appears to be a recent phenomenon, resulting from man-caused changes in the big-river environment. Hybridization may be a threat to survival of S. albus in the study streams.  相似文献   
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