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Plastidial degradation of transitory starch yields mainly maltose and glucose. Following the export into the cytosol, maltose acts as donor for a glucosyl transfer to cytosolic heteroglycans as mediated by a cytosolic transglucosidase (DPE2; EC and the second glucosyl residue is liberated as glucose. The cytosolic phosphorylase (Pho2/PHS2; EC also interacts with heteroglycans using the same intramolecular sites as DPE2. Thus, the two glucosyl transferases interconnect the cytosolic pools of glucose and glucose 1-phosphate. Due to the complex monosaccharide pattern, other heteroglycan-interacting proteins (HIPs) are expected to exist.Identification of those proteins was approached by using two types of affinity chromatography. Heteroglycans from leaves of Arabidopsis thaliana (Col-0) covalently bound to Sepharose served as ligands that were reacted with a complex mixture of buffer-soluble proteins from Arabidopsis leaves. Binding proteins were eluted by sodium chloride. For identification, SDS-PAGE, tryptic digestion and MALDI-TOF analyses were applied. A strongly interacting polypeptide (approximately 40 kDa; designated as HIP1.3) was observed as product of locus At1g09340. Arabidopsis mutants deficient in HIP1.3 were reduced in growth and contained heteroglycans displaying an altered monosaccharide pattern. Wild type plants express HIP1.3 most strongly in leaves. As revealed by immuno fluorescence, HIP1.3 is located in the cytosol of mesophyll cells but mostly associated with the cytosolic surface of the chloroplast envelope membranes. In an HIP1.3-deficient mutant the immunosignal was undetectable. Metabolic profiles from leaves of this mutant and wild type plants as well were determined by GC-MS. As compared to the wild type control, more than ten metabolites, such as ascorbic acid, fructose, fructose bisphosphate, glucose, glycine, were elevated in darkness but decreased in the light. Although the biochemical function of HIP1.3 has not yet been elucidated, it is likely to possess an important function in the central carbon metabolism of higher plants.  相似文献   
The Amyloid-β (Aβ) peptide is produced from the amyloid precursor protein (APP) by sequential proteolytic cleavage of APP first by β-secretase and then by γ-secretase. β-Site APP cleaving enzyme-1 (BACE-1) is the predominant enzyme involved in β-secretase processing of APP and is a primary therapeutic target for treatment of Alzheimer's disease. While inhibiting BACE-1 activity has obvious therapeutic advantages, BACE-1 also cleaves numerous other substrates with important physiological activity. Thus, blanket inhibition of BACE-1 function may have adverse side effects. We isolated a single chain variable fragment (scFv) from a human-based scFv yeast display library that selectively inhibits BACE-1 activity toward APP by binding the APP substrate at the proteolytic site. We selected the iBSEC1 scFv, since it recognizes the BACE-1 cleavage site on APP but does not bind the adjacent highly antigenic N-terminal of Aβ, and thus it will target APP but not soluble Aβ. When added to 7PA2 cells, a mammalian cell line that overexpresses APP, the iBSEC1 scFv binds APP on the cell surface, reduces toxicity induced by APP overexpression, and reduces both intracellular and extracellular Aβ levels by around 50%. Since the iBSEC1 scFv does not contain the antibody Fc region, this construct does not pose the risk of exacerbating inflammation in the brain as faced with full-length monoclonal antibodies for potential therapeutic applications.  相似文献   
Microbial communities are potential indicators for water quality as they respond rapidly to environmental changes. In the Whitsunday Islands, Australia, microbial biofilm communities from two offshore islands were compared to those from two inshore islands subjected to poor water quality. Biofilm community composition was characterized using three culture-independent molecular techniques. The clone libraries indicated high genetic diversity, with somewhat higher scores in the offshore sites (57%) compared to the inshore sites (41%). The majority of microbes in the biofilms were related to Alphaproteobacteria (39.8%), Gammaproteobacteria (14.1%), Bacteroidetes (13.2%), diatoms (8.3%) and Cyanobacteria (3.9%). Redundancy analysis (RDA) for the CARD-FISH data showed distinct microbial assemblages between offshore and inshore communities. Additionally, 5 out of 13 water quality parameters (DIN, Chla, POP, TSS and POC) explained a significant amount of variation in the microbial communities and high values of these were associated with inshore communities. Analysis of variance (ANOVA) indicated that Cyanobacteria (p = 0.01), Bacteroidetes (p = 0.04) and to some extent Alphaproteobacteria (p = 0.07), were significantly more abundant in the offshore biofilm communities. Principal Component Analysis (PCA) of DGGE data showed clear grouping of cyanobacterial communities into inshore and offshore communities. Reasons for community shifts in the bacterial lineages are currently not resolved. One possible causative factor may be that autotrophic primary producers are more dominant in offshore sites due to the higher light availability as well as the limitation by DIN. The trends found in this study are the bases for more detailed research on microbial indicator species for changes in water quality.  相似文献   
Dmrt1 has been suggested to play significant roles in sex determination and differentiation, but various expression patterns and cell types have been observed in the testis of vertebrates. Polyploid gibel carp, because of the multiple modes of unisexual gynogenesis and sexual reproduction, has become a unique case to explore the evolution of sex determination and differentiation. However, the sex-determination related genes in gibel carp have remained unknown. In this study, we identified and characterized 4 cDNAs of Dmrt1 genes. Subsequently, a polyclonal antibody specific to CagDMRT1 was prepared to examine its expression and distribution patterns at protein level. Significantly, both relative real-time PCR and Western blot detection confirmed predominant expression of CagDmrt1 in the adult testis of gibel carp. Moreover, the intensive expression of CagDMRT1 around spermatogenic cysts was revealed during spermatogenesis. And, following immunofluorescence co-localization of CagDMRT1 and CagVASA, a prominent CagDMRT1 expression in Sertoli cells and a mild CagDMRT1 expression in spermatogenic cells including spermatogonia and primary spermatocytes were clearly characterized. The CagDMRT1 signal in Sertoli cells is extensively distributed in both nuclei and cytoplasm, while the CagDMRT1 in spermatogonia and primary spermatocytes is mainly expressed in nuclei, and there is only the remained CagDMRT1 signal in the cytoplasm of secondary spermatocytes. These findings suggest that DMRT1 should be related to testis differentiation and spermatogenesis in gibel carp.  相似文献   
Using sediment samples from the Solthörn tidal flat (southern North Sea, Germany), collected in bi‐weekly intervals from June to July 2012, a range of qualitative and quantitative screening methods for oomycete and chytrid pathogens infecting benthic diatoms were evaluated. Pre‐treatment of sediment samples using short ultrasound pulses and gradient centrifugation, in combination with CalcoFluor White, showed the best results in the visualization of both pathogen groups. The highest number of infected benthic diatoms was observed in mid July (5.8% of the total benthic diatom community). Most infections were caused by chytrids and, in a few cases, oomycetes (Lagenisma Drebes (host: Coscinodiscus radiatus Ehrenberg) and Ectrogella Zopf (hosts: Dimeregramma minor in Pritchard and Gyrosigma peisonis). Among the chytrids, sporangium morphology indicated the presence of five different morphotypes, infecting mainly epipelic taxa of the orders Naviculales (e.g., Navicula digitoradiata) and Achnanthales (e.g., Achnanthes brevipes Agardh). The presence of multiple pathogens in several epipelic diatom taxa suggests a significant role for fungal parasitism in affecting microphytobenthic diatom succession.  相似文献   
We have studied submicrosecond and microsecond rotational motions within the contractile protein myosin by observing the time-resolved anisotropy of both absorption and emission from the long-lived triplet state of eosin-5-iodoacetamide covalently bound to a specific site on the myosin head. These results, reporting anisotropy data up to 50 microseconds after excitation, extend by two orders of magnitude the time range of data on time-resolved site-specific probe motion in myosin. Optical and enzymatic analyses of the labeled myosin and its chymotryptic digests show that more than 95% of the probe is specifically attached to sulfhydryl-1 (SH1) on the myosin head. In a solution of labeled subfragment-1 (S-1) at 4 degrees C, absorption anisotropy at 0.1 microseconds after a laser pulse is about 0.27. This anisotropy decays exponentially with a rotational correlation time of 210 ns, in good agreement with the theoretical prediction for end-over-end tumbling of S-1, and with times determined previously by fluorescence and electron paramagnetic resonance. In aqueous glycerol solutions, this correlation time is proportional to viscosity/temperature in the microsecond time range. Furthermore, binding to actin greatly restricts probe motion. Thus the bound eosin is a reliable probe of myosin-head rotational motion in the submicrosecond and microsecond time ranges. Our submicrosecond data for myosin monomers (correlation time 400 ns) also agree with previous results using other techniques, but we also detect a previously unresolvable slower decay component (correlation time 2.6 microseconds), indicating that the faster motions are restricted in amplitude. This restriction is not consistent with the commonly accepted free-swivel model of S-1 attachment in myosin. In synthetic thick filaments of myosin, both fast (700 ns) and slow (5 microseconds) components of anisotropy decay are observed. In contrast to the data for monomers, the anisotropy of filaments has a substantial residual component (26% of the initial anisotropy) that does not decay to zero even at times as long as 50 microseconds, implying significant restriction in overall rotational amplitude. This result is consistent with motion restricted to a cone half-angle of about 50 degrees. The combined results are consistent with a model in which myosin has two principal sites of segmental flexibility, one giving rise to submicrosecond motions (possibly corresponding to the junction between S-1 and S-2) and the other giving rise to microsecond motions (possibly corresponding to the junction between S-2 and light meromyosin).(ABSTRACT TRUNCATED AT 400 WORDS)  相似文献   
The cation channel TRPA1 functions as a chemosensory protein and is directly activated by a number of noxious inhalants. A pulmonary expression of TRPA1 has been described in sensory nerve endings and its stimulation leads to the acceleration of inflammatory responses in the lung. Whereas the function of TRPA1 in neuronal cells is well defined, only few reports exist suggesting a role in epithelial cells. The aim of the present study was therefore (1) to evaluate the expression of TRPA1 in pulmonary epithelial cell lines, (2) to characterize TRPA1-promoted signaling in these cells, and (3) to study the extra-neuronal expression of this channel in lung tissue sections. Our results revealed that the widely used alveolar type II cell line A549 expresses TRPA1 at the mRNA and protein level. Furthermore, stimulating A549 cells with known TRPA1 activators (i.e., allyl isothiocyanate) led to an increase in intracellular calcium levels, which was sensitive to the TRPA1 blocker ruthenium red. Investigating TRPA1 coupled downstream signaling cascades it was found that TRPA1 activation elicited a stimulation of ERK1/2 whereas other MAP kinases were not affected. Finally, using epithelial as well as neuronal markers in immunohistochemical approaches, a non-neuronal TRPA1 protein expression was detected in distal parts of the porcine lung epithelium, which was also found examining human lung sections. TRPA1-positive staining co-localized with both epithelial and neuronal markers underlining the observed epithelial expression pattern. Our findings of a functional expression of TRPA1 in pulmonary epithelial cells provide causal evidence for a non-neuronal TRPA1-mediated control of inflammatory responses elicited upon TRPA1-mediated registration of toxic inhalants in vivo.  相似文献   
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