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安徽珍稀濒危植物区系探讨   总被引:4,自引:1,他引:3  
孙叶根 《植物研究》2000,20(1):20-26
在深入调查的基础上,对安徽珍稀濒危植物区系组成和地理成分进行了详细的统计分析,探讨了该区系的组成特点及地理分布特征。结果表明,该区系属温带亚热带性植物区系,具有珍稀濒危物种丰富,古老、孑遗植物众多;地理成分复杂,区系联系广泛;过渡性质明显,温带亚热带成分占优;特有现象显著,华东区系特征典型等基本特征。在植物区系亲缘上,该区系隶属东亚植物区、中国-日本森林植物亚区、华东地区,与华中植物区系关系密切,受西南植物区系影响深刻。  相似文献   
Taylor DL  Bruns TD 《Molecular ecology》1999,8(11):1837-1850
We have investigated colonization strategies by comparing the abundance and frequency of ectomycorrhizal fungal species on roots in a mature Pinus muricata forest with those present as resistant propagules colonizing potted seedlings grown in the same soil samples. Thirty-seven fungal species were distinguished by internal transcribed spacer (ITS) restriction fragment length polymorphisms (RFLPs); most were identified to species level by sporocarp RFLP matches or to genus/family level by using sequence databases for the mitochondrial and nuclear large-subunit rRNA genes. The below-ground fungal community found in the mature forest contrasted markedly with the resistant propagule community, as only four species were found in both communities. The dominant species in the mature forest were members of the Russulaceae, Thelephorales and Amanitaceae. In contrast, the resistant propagule community was dominated by Rhizopogon species and by species of the Ascomycota. Only one species, Tomentella sublilacina (Thelephorales), was common in both communities. The spatial distribution of mycorrhizae on mature roots and propagules in the soil differed among the dominant species. For example, T. sublilacina mycorrhizae exhibited a unique bias toward the organic horizons, Russula brevipes mycorrhizae were denser and more clumped than those of other species and Cenococcum propagules were localized, whereas R. subcaerulescens propagules were evenly distributed. We suggest that species differences in resource preferences and colonization strategies, such as those documented here, contribute to the maintenance of species richness in the ectomycorrhizal community.  相似文献   
云南热带种子植物区系   总被引:25,自引:2,他引:25  
云南热带是指云南东南,南极西南的沿边热带地区,其地理范围在现今热带雨林及热带季雨林分布的区域。其种子植物区系有4915种,隶属于1447属和248科,基本上是热带北缘性质但同时明显表现出向亚热带过渡的特点。经分析,云南热带东西两侧的地理联系,替代现象、特有现象和区系起源和演化上有很大差异。其原因可能有不同地史背景。因此,将云南热带东西两侧划分古热带植物区中两个不同的植物区系地区是合理的,但其范围和  相似文献   
Aspalathus linearis (Burm. F) Dahlg., Fabaceae is cultivated by small- and large-scale commercial farmers of the Cederberg and Bokkeveld Plateau in the Cape Floristic Region of South Africa, for the production of an herbal beverage called ‘rooibos’ or ‘rooibos tea’. Small-scale farmers also harvest A. linearis from the wild and market the tea as an organic and fair-trade certified product. However, little is known about the apparent ecotypes of wild A. linearis. We hypothesized that 1) rooibos ecotypes are ecologically distinct (occurring in different plant communities defined by environmental variables); 2) rooibos ecotypes are functionally distinct due to variance in water use efficiency; and 3) rooibos ecotypes are associated with threatened vegetation types/species, making populations of wild rooibos ecotypes worthy of conservation. Ecotypes of wild rooibos were identified based on plant habit and local knowledge. Plant communities were classified using Twinspan, environmental factors were tested as predictors of ecotype distribution and water use efficiency of ecotypes growing across a rainfall gradient was determined from foliar natural abundance of 13C. Wild rooibos was not generally associated with endangered vegetation types but was associated with plant species having endangered status. Wild rooibos occurred in four plant communities and comprised five wild rooibos ecotypes: shrub, tree, upright, salignus and prostrate types. Although some ecotypes clearly co-occurred, evidence is provided for habitat preference between the ecotypes: Prostrate and upright ecotypes occurred at higher elevations (> 400-600 m). Shrub ecotypes occurred at lower rainfall sites (< 200 mm p.a.) and the salignus ecotype occurred at higher rainfall sites (> 500 mm p.a.). Foliar 13C indicated greater water use efficiencies by ecotypes in relatively drier areas. The extent to which this is a plastic or inherent response requires further investigation. Considering that wild rooibos ecotypes differ both ecologically and possibly also functionally and genetically, it is concluded that populations of wild rooibos ecotypes should be considered as distinct and worthy of conservation. This distinctness should be considered when farmers apply for both harvesting and ploughing rights on land with wild rooibos ecotypes.  相似文献   
对陕西境内木本种子植物区系属一级的热带地理成分进行了研究,全省木本种子植物区系中的热带地理成分共包括泛热带成分、热带亚洲和热带美洲间断成分、旧世界热带成分、热带亚洲至热带大洋洲成分、热带亚洲至热带非洲成分及热带亚洲成分6种类型,共95属,归属于53科。在各种热带地理成分中,陕西木本植物区系与泛热带成分联系最为密切,各类热带地理成分主要分布于陕西秦岭以南地区。从科、属、种的分布区格局以及木本热带区系成分的群落学作用等方面分析,陕西植物区系具有明显的温带性质,同时,区系也呈现一定的热带—温带过渡性特点。  相似文献   
选取北京松山国家级自然保护区开展兰科植物多样性调查和分析,评估其保护现状。松山共有兰科植物12属18种,其中北方盔花兰为北京新记录种。在生活型方面,以地生兰为主,计14种(77.78%),腐生兰4种(22.22%);在分布区类型方面,属的区系成分以北温带分布为主(6属,5000%),兼有旧世界温带分布(3属,25.00%)、世界分布(2属,16.67%)和旧世界热带分布(1属,8.33%);种的区系成分以东亚分布为主(9种,50.00%),兼有旧世界温带分布(5种,27.78%)和北温带分布(4种,22.22%)。松山兰科植物集中分布于北沟和小海坨山。通过综合分析松山兰科植物保护现状,提出生境评估、种群动态监测、建立迁地保护资源圃和加大宣传等都是切实加强兰科植物保护工作的可行措施。  相似文献   
 We examined patterns of cpDNA RFLP variability using 21 restriction endonucleases in 21 populations of Androcymbium that represent 12 endemic species distributed in the winter rainfall areas of South Africa to explore the diversification of the genus in its area of maximum species diversity. Our results are supportive of a diversification landscape characterized by continued opportunistic short-range invasion, naturalization, and rapid speciation, in which the selective action of the different environments where Androcymbium species occur determined their colonization success and subsequent short-range geographic expansion. The historical presence of fire, the constraint imposed by the low concentration of nutrients throughout southwestern South Africa and the different reproductive capabilities of Androcymbium species have also likely stimulated species' diversification. Our divergence time estimates bolster the view that speciation of South African Androcymbium initiated in the late Eocene, intensified in the Oligocene and proceeded more sporadically during the Miocene. These chronological estimates also substantiate the previous hypothesis that most lineages of Androcymbium in South Africa are much more ancient than their North African relatives, whose diversification began in the late Miocene-early Pliocene. Received July 25, 2001 Accepted December 6, 2001  相似文献   
Linear transects were used to examine the spatial structure of the vegetation in a clearing in a Quercus cerris wood in Central Italy. A grassland-margin-shrubland-woodland gradient was identified.Multivariate classification and ordination methods and pattern diversity analysis were used to detect both floristic variation and spatial organization. One of the transects shows a clear gradient of variation as a function of space, crossing the floristically and structurally most heterogeneous part of the clearing. For the detailed analysis of this transect a sectorization is achieved. Each sector is characterized according to its floristic types and to the internal spatial organization.The pieces of information derived from the different analyses were concordant. In particular, the validity of the floristic types in the qualification of the different forms of spatial organization is confirmed.  相似文献   
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